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Lisa and Cindi, Sisters, Lovers

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Sisters make love with each other.
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It was in the middle of the spring semester of my sophomore year at the university when I got a call on my cell from my mother. Mom asked me, "Lisa, when do you plan on coming home again?" Mom sounded a little bit nervous or apprehensive but, I didn't know just what was going on.

"Mom, spring break starts next week and I plan to come home for that week to visit with you, Dad and Cindi. I'll be leaving here this Friday afternoon after my last class of the day. I'll have this weekend and all of next week to visit with you, Dad and Cindi." Then, I asked her, "Is everything Ok, Mom?"

She responded, "Everything is Ok but, I want you to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with Cindi."

"Ok, I can do that but, what's the matter with Cindi, is something wrong, Mom?"

"Lisa, Cindi was dumped by her boyfriend earlier this week and she has been moping around the house ever since that happened, Dear. She won't hardly talk to me or even leave her bedroom."

"Mom, I plan to be home at the end of this week probably late Friday afternoon or sometime into the early evening by the time I get there. I hope to be home before dark, Mom, and hopefully by supper time."

"Ok, Honey, I'll expect to see you then and we'll be happy to have you home again when you get here, Sweetheart. Then you can try to talk to Cindi and cheer her up and help get her over her problems with her boyfriend. Be very careful with your driving on your way home, Sweetheart."

Cindi is my younger sister who is 18 years old and she is in her senior year in high school. She is a good student who makes really good grades but, she is a little high strung. I guess that is a pretty good description of me, too, and probably even our mother as well. As sisters that are only about a year and a half apart in age. We have always been pretty close to one another and I have always been able to talk to Cindi and get her over her problems. That is what our Mom is relying on me to do when I get home on Friday afternoon.

Our mother is still a beautiful woman for being nearly 45 years old. She has maintained her great shape over the years since she gave birth to me and Cindi. She has maintained her hour glass figure and our Dad says that she turns every man's head when he takes her out to a football or basketball game or they go out to a restaurant to eat. Our mother is as sweet, gentle and loving as any mother could ever be to her family and to others as well. Cindi and I both love her beyond words and we would do almost anything for her since we love her so much and we know that she loves us just as much.

Cindi and I both resemble our mother very closely in that we both have her light brown hair that just touches our shoulders and frames our face, with light brown eyes that pretty match our hair color. We are both 5 Ft.-4 in. tall about 110 pounds and have the same hour glass figure that our mother has with our 36B-24-36 shape. As one can imagine our great shape and our pretty looks attracts a lot of boys. Cindi and I look so much alike, many people think that we may be twins when they first meet us. Neither one of us has ever had any trouble attracting boys in high school. And I have had lots of dates during my time at the university, too.

However, if Cindi's boyfriend dumped her I can understand what she is going through. I went through that same thing during my senior year in high school and I moped around the house for a couple of weeks until I finally realized that life is too short to moan over one fricken, self centered boy with a stiffie between his thighs. There are a whole lot of other boys out there that are willing to treat a girl well and not give them a hard time and then dump them if you know what I mean. I guess it all comes down to why he dumped Cindi in the first place and how he did it.

Friday afternoon came and I packed up the stuff that I was going to take home with me for the week, loaded it into my car and headed home for a week of fun and relaxation, some of Mom's good home cooking and NO classes.

Mom met me at the front door as I came into the house; she threw her arms around me and said, "Hi Honey, we are really happy to have you safe at home here with us from school." She squeezed me so tightly I thought that I could not breathe as we warmly kissed each other's cheeks. Mom continued to hug me and kiss my cheek. It was really good to come home to see and hug my beautiful loving Mother and get some of her love for me. That is the way she has always treated me and I know that she always treats Cindi the same way, too. I have no idea of how she treats Daddy when they are in their bedroom. But, if Cindi and I can believe our ears they treat each other very lovingly.

As we released our hugs, I looked around for Cindi and she was not in the living room with us. I asked Mom, "Where's Cindi, Mom? Is she here or is she out with her friends somewhere?"

She replied, "No, Honey, she is in her bedroom lying on her bed and moping like she has done since her boyfriend dumped her last weekend. Would you go in there, Honey, and talk with her and see if you can get her to cheer up and get her to be a little more normal and cheerful and bubbly like she usually is?"

"Sure, Mom, I'll try and see what I can do for her and for you, too." as I sat my suitcase down and started to head down the hall for Cindi's bedroom.

Then Mom hugged me and kissed me on the cheek again and said, "Thank you, Honey I haven't been able to do anything with her all week." I walked down the hallway to the bedroom that we share and lightly tapped on the door. There was no answer to my knock so I quietly opened the door to find Cindi lying on her bed, her eyes were shut and her headphones clamped over her ears. Her eyes were red like she had been crying. She was listening to music and she could not hear me knock on her door or even hear me as the door creaked when I opened it and entered the room. I walked over beside her bed and gently brushed her cheek with the palm of my hand so that I did not startle her. Cindi slowly opened her eyes, took her headphones off, jumped up off the bed and hugged me very tightly.

I kissed her on the cheek and said, "Hi, ya, Sis, I am happy to come home to see you. Mom tells me that you have had a rough time the last week or so."

She squeaked softly, kissed me on the cheek and said, "Oh, Lisa! I am so happy to see you and have you home, too." as the tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. She went on to tell me, "Sis, we have so much to talk about. My boyfriend dumped me last weekend and I am just sick to death about it."

I said to her, "Yeah, Cindi, Mom told me something about that on the phone earlier this week. Hey, Baby, you remember that happened to me in my senior year, too, and I went through the same downer that you're going through right now. And Mom was beside herself about me just like she is with you, right now." I pulled her tighter to me and could feel her 36B breasts pressed tightly against mine and I kissed her passionately on her lips. We used to kiss each other on the lips like that when we were both kids in grade and high school. But, this time it felt a little differently as if it was an electric tingle that shot through me down my spine and settled into my wet pussy.

Cindi shuddered a little and I think that it shot through her, too, as I felt a little shiver go through her body when I was holding her so closely in my arms. It made me think that she may just have had a very small orgasm. I reached around in front of her and gently squeezed her left tittie like we used to do occasionally when we were both still in high school. She reached in front of me and gently squeezed my left tittie in return. We both smiled and giggled and then kissed each other on the lips again. In five minutes her mood had brightened up considerably. God, I really love my little sister and her warm body and her beautiful, soft titties.

Looking into her in the eyes I said, "Who loves you, Hon? That has to be as good as or better than anything your boyfriend could do for you. At least you know that it is coming from someone who really does love you, Baby. Besides, life is too short to spend it moping around about someone who thought that little of you than to dump you like that. Now, come on and tell me what happened between you two 'lovers'." as I really stressed the word lovers kind of mockingly.

Cindi started by saying, "Oh, Lisa, you always know how to get to me and make things all better. I have really missed you not being here with me to talk to you and have you hold me when we have problems like this. You know that I love Mom very much but you also know there are things that I can't ever tell her that I can tell you."

I said, "Ok, Sis, I know that but, tell me what happened between you and the dork that dumped you."

Then Cindi said, "Well, Sis, we went to the movies last weekend and afterwards we drove up to 'Lovers Point' to see the city lights. When we got there he put his arm around my shoulders, pulled me closer and started kissing me. As he was kissing me he squeezed both of my boobs and I was slow in telling him not to do that probably because it felt so good and I liked it, too."

Then, I asked, "Ok, Hon, what did he do then?"

She replied, "Before I could say anything he put his hand up under my skirt and began cupping and squeezing my pussy through my panties and saying 'I have something that I want to put in here.' I told him no, that I was not going to let him do that. Then he said it again as he continued to feel of my pussy that was beginning to get my panties wet. I continued to tell him, no, and he asked why not. I told him that I was not going to let him screw me and get me pregnant. He got all pissed off and he told me that he did not want anything more to do with me if that was my attitude."

"He drove me home and opened the door and told me to get the hell out of the car. I don't want to see you again. I have not heard anything more from him since that happened. You know that I could not tell Mom about him feeling me up like that. She would have told Dad and then there would be hell to pay and he probably would not let me go out with anyone after that until I got to the university with you."

"Sis, you were right to do what you did because he would have screwed you and that probably would have been the last time that you would have seen or heard from him again anyway. I know that it is hard to take but, you are a lot better off without that kind of a fricken guy anyhow. I went through the same thing when I was a senior in high school. I thought that it was the end of the world but, it wasn't and I'm still here and better off because there are a whole lot of other guys that won't treat you that way. You deserve to have better than that, Sis. Most guys may want to squeeze your titties and feel up your pussy but, they won't dump you because you won't put out for them."

She looked me in the eyes and I told her, "Now, cheer up and let's get out to the kitchen where Mom is cooking supper and tell her we have talked it out and you have put all of this mess behind you, Ok?"

Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes, she kissed me sweetly and said, "Lisa, you are so sweet to me and I don't know what I would do without you and Mom. I love both of you so much and I know that she has been awfully worried about me but I just couldn't help it."

"I love you and Mom very much, too, Cindi, and I'm glad I can talk with you and cheer you up like this. We can talk further about this in here in bed tonight if you want to. And, Cindi, you know I have been worried about you, too, Princess, since Mom called me about your problem while I was still at school. So wipe your eyes and let's go out to the kitchen talk to Mom and help her with fixing supper." Again, I kissed her on the lips and gently squeezed her left boob like I did before and she gently squeezed my left boob in return. That sent another shiver down both of our spines that entered each of our wet pussies like a jolt of high voltage electricity.

We both walked out to the kitchen with Cindi holding my hand and Daddy had already gotten home from work and was helping Mom complete the preparation of our supper. When we got there they had just set the table and we were ready to sit down to eat. We all sat down for our supper and Daddy said to Cindi, "Well, Princess, we are all glad that you have rejoined the land of the living."

Then Mom said, "Oh, honey, don't be so hard on her. You know that she has just been through a rough week and Lisa has worked her magic with her as she has always done in the past with her when she has been upset."

Daddy replied, "Ok, Princess, I am sorry about that but, we are all glad that Lisa has cheered you up and that you are feeling better now."

Cindi responded, "Thank you, Mom and Dad. Lisa and I have talked and she persuaded me that I was not doing myself or the rest of us any good lying there in my bedroom moping about all of this." With that we finished our meal, Cindi and I cleaned up the kitchen and we joined Mom and Dad in the living room to watch some TV with Daddy reading the evening news paper as he usually does.

After the late evening news and weather, Mom and Dad went to bed while Cindi and I stayed up and continued to watch a late movie on TV. About an hour after Mom and Dad went to bed the muffled sounds of their love making had ended. Cindi and I looked at each other and we both snickered a little bit and we knew that they would both soon be asleep. Then I thought to myself, "It's just about time for me to try and see if I can make love with Cindi, too. I just hope that we don't get as loud as Mom and Dad were."

Cindi and I talked while we watched the movie and after the movie we both went to our bedroom to change into our pajamas and get ready for bed. It turned the both of us on to see each other get out of our clothes and get ready to put our pajamas on. Cindi with her cute shape looked really good without her clothes and when she put on her baby doll top she really turned me on by how cute she looked in her pajama top. I could feel my passion for her building in my lower tummy and the wetness gathering in my pussy and between my thighs.

When I got my pajamas on I turned out the light, crawled into bed and Cindi looked over at me in the dim light of the nightlight and asked me if she could get into bed with me and snuggle with me so we could talk quietly without having to talk loudly across the bedroom between our two beds. I told her "Yeah; sure, Baby, we used to do that a lot when we were little girls as you crawled into bed a lot with me and laid down beside me and held each other in our arms."

We used to put our arms around each other and hold each other talking and giggling until we went to sleep. Tonight I put my arm around her and she just cooed to me and told me, "I love you holding me like you used to do when we were both little girls sleeping together in your bed, Lisa." I reached down and felt of her hip and found that she had taken her panties off but, she had not put her pajama bottoms on. I didn't know why but, I thought it was probably on purpose. That immediately began to increase the wetness in my pussy.

I pulled her tightly to me, kissed her cheek and neck and quietly asked her, "Are you still feeling better after our little talk this afternoon, Sweetie?" Cindi whispered back, "Yeah, Sis, you've made me feel much better and it made me love you more for being so sweet, gentle and so kind to me tonight."

Then I quietly said to her, "Sis, I have had a lot of boys feel up my titties and my pussy. It always feels good to have a boy feel up my titties and my pussy but, I would never let any of them fuck me even as much as I wanted to have them fuck me and I am still a virgin. I still have my hymen and I intend to still be a virgin when I get married. I think that you probably feel that way, too, don't you?"

Cindi just nodded her head yes and said, "I still have my hymen, too, Lisa."

"Let me see, Honey." as I reached down between her thighs and very carefully stuck my middle finger between her pussy lips and into her pussy opening. When my finger slowly slipped into her pussy to about the second knuckle I found that she indeed still have her hymen. When I felt her hymen her breathing became a little shallow and it quickened somewhat. "Ok, Sweetie, I'm glad to see that you still do have your hymen."

After I pulled my finger out of her pussy Cindi turned her head toward me, kissed me on the lips and whispered to me, "Lisa, when you put your finger in my pussy made my heart race and I really loved you doing that for me and it made me love you even more, Sis. Can I feel of your pussy just like you just did for me, Sweetheart?"

"Yes, you can, Baby. I was hoping that you would want to do that for me, too."

Cindi slid her hand between my thighs, opened my pussy, carefully and gently put her finger in my pussy and felt of my hymen. She rolled up next to me and kissed me while she slid her finger inside my pussy. I put one hand on her shoulder and the other behind her head and held her tightly while she was kissing me with her finger inside my pussy. My heart began to race and my breathing became somewhat fast and labored, too, as she was very gently sliding her finger inside me. "I loved having your finger inside my pussy, too, Cindi. You made my heart race, too, Baby, and you made it hard for me to breathe."

I continued, "I loved putting my finger inside your pussy, Honey. However, I have had a couple of girls feel up my titties and my pussy and that has always felt really good to me, too. I have felt those girls up in return and the really good and beautiful thing about that is that we don't have to worry about either one of us getting pregnant even if they stick their finger or their tongue inside my pussy." Then I asked her if, "Have you ever been felt up by another girl or have you ever felt up another girl, Cindi? Would you like for me to feel you up so you can see how it feels?"

Cindi replied, "No, the only girl that has ever felt my titties or my pussy is you, Lisa, and the only girl's titties or pussy that I have ever felt has been yours just now, Lisa. But, if you have had that done for you and you liked it then I think that I would like to try it, too, and I will probably like it, too. Especially, if it feels as good as it did when you just felt of my pussy a little bit ago and stuck your finger inside of my pussy, Sis. I really liked you putting your finger inside my pussy."

With that, I slowly slid my hand up underneath her baby doll pajama top and gently put my warm, delicate hand on her sweet, soft bare boobs and I reached across and felt and her other bare boob gently squeezing both of them. I heard her take a deep breath and she cooed softly to me when I put my warm hand on her soft boobs. Then I asked her, "Did that felt good to you, Sweetie?"

"Oh, yeah it did Sis! I didn't want you to stop. I did not know that it could feel so good when you caressed and gently squeezed my boobs, Sis."

"Did that make you tingle between your thighs and in you pussy, too, Sis?"

She just took another deep breath, nodded her head and very quietly whispered, "Yes, it did, Sis." as I continued to gently squeeze and fondle both of her soft titties. She squirmed, closer to me and kissed me very affectionately.

Cindi then softly cooed to me again that my hand on her boobs felt really good as she wiggled her bare body up close to my lower tummy. I kissed her softly and sweetly on her cheek and her neck and then I moved down and kissed each of her firm young titties and sucked on each of her erect nipples. She gasped when I kissed and sucked on her nipples. Moving my hand down between her legs I cupped her pussy as she instinctively spread her thighs for my hand. I gently cupped and fondled her hot wet pussy with my soft hand. She took another quick deep breath, trembled a little bit and turned her head to me and kissed me sweetly on my lips again. I continued to fondle and softly caress her pussy as she started to slightly tremble and shake.

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