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Lisa, Beautiful Blond Wife, Mother

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A beautiful blond latent black loving wife and mother.
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"Mr Objo, please, you mustn't, Ooooh don't," Lisa Carter almost squealed. Her pleas went unheard, unheeded and ignored. Two hands had encircled her waist, cupped her firm heavy breasts, left hand to right, right hand to left. The fingers had sought and found two wonderfully, hard, large, and extremely sensitive and receptive nipples, and they were now causing havoc in Lisa's superb and beautiful body.

Large thick lips snagged her supine neck, teeth nipped her flesh, hot breath assailed her. His body was now up to hers all the way and she could feel the hard bones cock pressing into her ass. Lisa gave in, there was nothing she could do. She had brought this assault on her person all by herself.

The first time she had met him at a works function that she had attended with her husband, was the first time she had been enraptured, not just with him, but the blackness of him. She had never been in the company of a black man. His skin amazed her, she had seen films and photos of black men before, but this was her first time in the presence of such a man, and it had thrown her off balance.

Lisa had met him three or four times since, and each time she had gone inexplicably went weak at the knees. Her body tightened, her nipples crackled like tinder in a hot fire, and she creamed within her luscious silky pussy. He excited her for a reason she could not understand or reckon with.

As a beautiful housewife, a mother of two small children, a varied sex life, with her husband only! She knew all about 'black on blonde' but until now she had never connected the dots. Her statuesque 5ft 8" long legged body and soft angelic face were a magnet for all men. But Lisa had never strayed, and nor would she, until that is she had started to get to know Mr Objo, her husband's boss. She had actually fantasised about him two nights ago.

He was coming to dinner at their house on the Friday night, her husband was on the up within the firm, Mr Objo was department head so both knew the value of being 'nice' to the boss. Lisa and her husband were making love when suddenly, an image of a naked Mr Objo filled her mind. She saw him on top of her and he was screwing her out of her mind. Lisa had a massive and excruciating climax that bent her in half, she threw her husband off her. He of course, was extremely proud that he had made this happen, and was very happy with himself.

Lisa limped into the bathroom, and managed not to fall down, the climax she had had was still gripping her and racing around her body screaming in triumph. And the image of Mr Objo was still fixed solidly into her vibrant mind. She stood there holding on to the sink, her body was whizzing around in turmoil. Lisa couldn't stop herself, she had no option but to finger herself, she wanted to recreate the climax, she needed to.

She soon had the second half of what her mind had begun, and Lisa sank to her knees as her body refused to hold her up when she came. She knelt there, her lovely blond head bowed as in defeat, shaking uncontrollably, her orgasm still beating her. Her come slid down her thighs and onto the linoleum floor. After some time she rose, picked up a cloth and cleaned not only herself up, but her come off the floor too.

Lisa washed her face, checked how she looked in the mirror, the reflection told its own tale. She was looking at a woman who had not cum that hard for a long time. The orgasm had shattered her completely. And it was all caused by an unasked for unsought image of Mt Objo, her husband's boss, banging her to within an inch of her life.

She had to think, and think hard about this, why? She wondered, "what has caused this, I have never even seen it, sought it, thought it, or even asked for it, so why?" They were questions she could not aswer nor understand. She steadied herself, put her shoulders back and returned to her bed. Thankfully Brian, her husband had gone to sleep, but with what looked like, a smirk on his face.

Lisa lay in bed and turned away from him, her fingers made their way back to her pussy and they treated her to another huge orgasm, but she managed to control herself and keep still. Eventually sleep overcame her, but the image of Mr Objo on top of her, she could still see his very dark brown eyes locked on to her silver blue ones, it never left her.

In the morning Lisa went through the usual routine of getting her husband off to work, taking her children to school, doing the shopping, getting home, and busying herself with house work. But try as she might, she could not remove the image of Mr Objo's big handsome black face above her, his flat nose almost touching hers, he was that close. Lisa had a walking climax at her kitchen table. "What the heck is wrong with me, why has this happened, what is it?" she asked herself, she had no answer, there wasn't one.

Lisa repeatedly, throughout the day brought herself to orgasm on the back of what had happed the previous night. And the more climaxes she had, the more she liked it. And more and more scenarios of being made love to by a black man filled her mind. She actually started imaginining herself being seduced helplessly, taken, and fucked, force fucked even, made to submit, cave in to demands made.

She made love to her husband that night like a mad woman, he was as happy as he could be. This was not like Lisa but he liked it, he liked it a lot. For her part, Lisa's mind was not truly on her husband, it was on a powerful, strong, unforgiving black man. It wasn't really Mr Objo she was witnessing, but it was his face she saw as she flattened her husband completely.

Friday came, the routine was adhered to as it always was. A very happy husband went to work, but ignorant of his wife's scattered thoughts. He reminded Lisa that tonight, his boss was invited to dinner. She had asked him if he knew of any favourite dishes, or foods. She thought that she would enhance her husband's future if she catered for Mr Objo and not particularly themselves.

He had no idea, Lisa looked in books to see if there were any ideas for whom she had in mind, there were none. Then Lisa had an idea, why not tell her husband at work to ask him. She dialled his number and got a lady who said he was out on business and asked if she could help at all. Lisa asked if Mr Objo was there, he was, and could she be put through for a quick chat.

"Hello," his masculine voice boomed in her ear. Lisa's knees went weak immediately. She recovered, but she was on edge, tingling, partly with fear, and partly with excitement, because she could see that face of his in her mind as she spoke. "Mr Objo, I hope you don't mind me calling, its Brian Carters wife Lisa," "Ah," he said, "the beautiful wife of my main man, how are you Lisa. What can I do you for?" His play on words didn't quite register with her spiralling mind. The face, body and woman, sprang into his head, he was already in lust with her, and given half the chance, he thought, "I fucking well would too!"

"Mr Objo," Lisa began. "Call me Stanley, Lisa," he said. Lisa was nonplussed though she never knew why. "Yes, Mr Ob... Stanley," she breathed, Lisa's voice lowered all by itself, it became husky, breathless even. "I was wondering," she half gasped, "is there anything special you would like me to add or do for dinner tonight for you?"

"Yes," he said evenly, "Oysters, I like oysters, they are the food of love and they give me joy, hope, and strength." Lisa's jaw nearly hit the floor. She stammered, whatever it was she had been expecting, it had not been this. "I hope you like them too Lisa," he whispered deeply into her ear, "if you do, I just know we will get along famously."

"Yes sir," she mumbled, "I will have them on the menu for you, us, sir." "Thank you Lisa, I will see you at seven, may I ask you something?" "Yes Mr Ob...Stanley, anything." Lisa replied, her heart was in her mouth. "That little black dress you wore two weeks ago, would you mind wearing it again, just for me. It can be our little secret?" Lisa was knocked out, she also never realised that he was doing his level best to prime her, Stanley Objo had his own agenda too. "Yes alright, I will, but I have to prepare and serve dinner first, then I will put it on for afters, will that suffice Mr Ob.... Stanley?" "Afters Lisa," he breathed heavily down the phone, "that sounds good to me, I'll see you at seven." The phone went dead in Lisa's hand.

She made a special visit and bought some fresh oysters, and asked the best way to serve them, the man told her what to do, and also with a big twinkle in his eyes. Later she received a call from her husband, he obviously never knew of the conversation that had taken place between Lisa and his boss. He only mentioned that tonight was also going to be a working dinner, so asked that she didn't appear too bored. Lisa told him she would be at her very best. And she intended to be too, her very very best.

Lisa found herself on her bed with her fingers deep within her crevice, once more coming to an almighty orgasm, and in her mind was Mr Objo's handsome face again. She could still not reconcile why she was behaving like she was. There was no chance of her ever doing what she was thinking, or imagining. It was a trick her mind was playing on her.

She prepared dinner, showered and changed into a silk blouse and skirt, her little black dress hung on a hanger for later. Her hairdresser called and did her hair, she piled her long golden locks into a perfect mess on her beautiful head, silky curls hanging here and there. She did her face, and Lisa looked like she always did when she meant it, fabulous, so utterly sexily beautiful. Mr Objo was going to get knocked for six! She said in her head. Lisa's silver blue eyes sparkled, her full lips painted a pastel shade, her eyes perfect, a silver necklace around her neck, high heels and Lisa was ready to Kill!

Her husband came racing in at 6.30, Lisa had parked the children with his mom and dad who lived nearby. He apologised for being late then stopped dead in his tracks, he had never seen his wife looking quite the way she was tonight. There was something different about his wife, though he could not say what it was. She appeared dynamic, vital, alive, energetic, electric, he couldn't even guess, but he was more than impressed.

He threw his brief case on the chair and shot away to get ready. Lisa's smooth as glass shaven pussy throbbed, it buzzed and thrilled, her nipples cracked and tickled. Her husband came down and said, "Do you know Lisa, I think the last two nights in bed has changed you, we'll have to keep doing it. I like this new you, whomever the new you is."

She set him to work after refusing his kiss, she didn't want to be retouching her make up. Her husband got his brief case and set up a lot of paper and documents on the side table. He was ready for business. The door bell rang and he dashed to open the door, behind him was a nervous very fidgety Lisa. "Good evening Stanley," Brian said enthusiastically.

He stood aside and Lisa stared at him, his face was the face in her mind, it was an exact replica, her knees tweaked. "Lisa, great to see you again," he told her, his eyes fixed on hers. She felt as if he had bolted them in. He took her hand, bent and kissed it, then brought her into a nice hug. Lisa nearly burst into flames, he felt so hot, or was it her?

Lisa actually not only let him hug her so closely, she also folded her body to his, if they had been stood in each other's shoes she would not have been any more up front and personal as she was now. Her brazenness stunned her, she felt her face colour right up. She stood back and turned away so neither man could see her shock.

Lisa hurriedly led them into the dining room, she sat them down and served drinks, she was the epitome of the perfect hostess. She fussed and clucked like a mother hen and all the time she could feel Mt Objo's eyes on her, he was eating her, and Lisa got hotter and hotter, now she knew, it was him. It wasn't a figment of her imagination, it was him. He was making her feel sexual, wanton, brazen, although she held herself in check. She felt sexy and aroused, hot and bothered, up in the air, she didn't know where she was. She tried to avoid his eyes but failed time after time.

Her husband was in his element, he had his boss's full attention, or thought he had, but his boss's attention was on his wife. He chatted and answered Brian like he was the only person in the world. But it was Lisa who was the centre of his attention and she knew it. She thanked the Lord that she would not be alone with him in the same room. Lisa knew that if she was, he would make an approach and her answer would be... no answer.

Then what she didn't want to happen did, even though she never recognised it straight away. She heard them both say, "Where is the Bingham file?" They looked at each other. "I thought you had it Brian?" "I did," he said, "and when I had updated it I put it on your desk so you could run your eye over it Stanley."

"Shit," his boss muttered, "I never picked it up, it must still be lying there. Well that put this evening on the back burner, we can't update our new takeover strategy without it. I might as well go home!" Lisa saw her husband's face crumple, this was the last thing he wanted, or needed.

"Can I go for it, I can be there and back in an hour and a half?" she offered not realising what she was saying. Lisa had just signed her own seduction warrant to her husband's black boss. "Absolutely not Lisa," Mr Objo said, "it will have to wait, no matter how important this is. I'm not having you driving into the night for something that was in Brian's remit!"

"I'll go," Brian said, I can cut that hour and a half down to about an hour and ten minutes, I know the shortcuts," he yelped. He had no intention of spoiling this night, and before either Lisa or Mr Objo could protest he was on his way. Lisa smiled and started clearing the dishes and table. Mr Objo helped her.

Lisa was absolutely aware now that she was alone with her husband's boss in her own home and she fired up. She could feel the heat in the room rise, her lips quivered, they filled with blood, her heart raced, her nipples jolted to oak like hardness, her stomach twisted, her nether regions readied for unknown action. She wiped her brow, she was perspiring.

She also prayed that the hour or so would pass, and she would feel safe from herself. If there was one person in the world right now, that she did not trust, it was her. She made an excuse and left for the kitchen. In her mind was the thought that Mr Objo knew, that he sensed her distress, he felt her warmth.

Lisa could not see herself as he was, and had, been seeing her, he did know. But he wasn't absolutely 100% certain that he was affecting her equilibrium the way he was. Mr Objo was well enough alert to women, and women that were turned on by their own needs. He had decided that trying was worth a rebuke, but a rebuke that would not reach her husband's ears.

Lisa was in the kitchen, as the evening had wore on she had become more and more fascinated with him, but most all, apart from the fact that he really was physically a big strong man. She guessed in his forties, it was the sheer blackness of him that encapsulated her. His skin, as much of it as she could define shone off him. He glistened with obvious health and vitality.

Her thought made her shudder, was it excitement, was it the illicitness of her unhitherto lewd thoughts, not that she had had any. Lisa could not see or understand why she skittered when she was near him, Mr Objo had brushed her hand and arm a couple of times in the dining room as she fussed around them. She felt herself burn up when he had.

He wandered in quietly, she had her back to him and was seemingly busy, but he could see that she was just going through the motions of being busy. "Yes," he thought, maybe, just maybe. No time for the faint hearted Stanley," he said to himself. Lisa saw him in her peripheral vision but carried on, she pretended not to notice him.

Lisa was aware he was there, it was a reason she ignored and didn't know why. He approached her, slipped his arms around her from behind, crossed them, safely took her ample firm breasts, hefted then softly, and immediately found her nipples between thumb and forefinger.

They were rock hard, and they were big, that was his first thought, they were huge. He squeezed and rolled them. Lisa was already in the throes of her own seduction, she had led herself to this and there would be no going back. His fingers, and her nipples shut her resistance, if there were any, down. "Mr Objo, please, you mustn't, Ooooh don't," Lisa begged. He ignored her plea, he knew already she was there for him. He leaned forward a little, he kissed her neck, then nipped her flesh with his teeth, he breathed hot breath over her. He pressed himself gently up against her and he felt her sag in his arms.

He knew he had her, she had no fight in her, she wanted this even if she never knew it. Lisa Carter was a closet unknowing black skin convert, and she was going to be his. The beautiful blond wife and mother without saying so, gave herself to him, no ifs and buts. She wanted him, she wanted this, she needed it. Mr Objo's hard cock was nestling determinedly in the crack of her ass and he moved it side to side, Lisa moaned and her head dropped.

Without waiting Stanley dropped his arms and raised her dress, fingers gripped and tore away her panties bringing more pleas from the evidently subservient beautiful blond wife. Lisa didn't know what she was pleading for. She leaned forward on the counter, her arms spread wide, and her skirt came up. Then he was forcing his cock into her wet, slippy, and silky pussy, Stanley was all the way in, in a heartbeat.

There was no finesse from him, he either would fuck her or he wouldn't, if he didn't get it, he would go home and nothing lost. Nothing lost except a classic, black on beautiful blond wife fuck, and a regret that he had missed out. But it had gone his way, Lisa had given in to some urge, some distant necessity to be rutted by a powerful black male from the continent.

"Oh, Oh Oh Mr Objo Oh Oh God, Hmmmm, Arggggh Oh Yes, Oh no, oh please, Oh Mr Objo Ooooooh, Urggggh." Lisa flopped flat on the counter top, her lovely contorted face turned sideways, her eyes flashed this way and that as she grimaced and floundered to the all conquering cock now deep in her husband's hitherto faithful pussy. And then her husband's boss fucked her. His cock was big, it was hard, it curved upward like a magnificent oak bough, and it filled her, she felt her insides spread to accommodate him, she welcomed the pain and the intrusion.

The climax that destroyed her hit Lisa with all the force of a runaway train, his cock was at the epicentre of her being. She could feel the rounded head savouring her as it forced her to cum once more. Everything that Lisa, the unchallenged loving wife and mother was, was making her push back at her tormentor, her shining knight in black armour. Her ass tipped up, it was asking to be drilled, her pussy was the price for his taking of her, no one had ever done this to Lisa. There was redemption, she had never wanted more than what she was being made to accept and submit to.

Her husband's boss gave her everything he had, he had rarely had this kind of opportunity, if ever, of making love to a woman as Lisa Carter was. She enthralled him, her very beauty, urged him on to greater and greater things. Lisa didn't know the effect she had had on him, she only knew the effect he had had on her.

Lisa could see nothing but the black cock in her, she knew it was there, she rejoiced in the fact. She knew it shouldn't be, but the sensation of knowing it was there, the knowledge what it, and he was doing to her filled her with more effervescence, delight, desirability, arousal, which kept growing to greater and greater heights than she had ever known.

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