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Lisa's Guilt Ch. 01

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A woman wishes a tortured life for her very huge mistake!
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/07/2015
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This story is a work of fiction. Thank you for taking the time to read this submission and is a sequential story. It starts out in Chapter 1, so start there in order to figure out what's going on. Votes and feedback are appreciated. Enjoy!


Lisa's Guilt - Chapter 1, Needing Assistance

Lisa lowered her coffee cup carefully back into the matching saucer. This restaurant was specifically selected by Lisa for its location. She looked across the table to Janet, and after swallowing, realized that the time had come. Lisa was about to reveal her deepest and most secret desires to her best friend. Lisa had spent many a sleepless night lately thinking about if she should open up and ask Janet the really big question? How would her best friend Janet accept her proposal? How should she respond to anything Janet would say or ask? What if Janet simply refused, then walk away asking Lisa never to talk to her again? Or would Janet believe the lie she was going to bestow upon her best friend?

Janet had arrived at Lisa's table right on time, and despite several attempts at trying to start their usual chatty repertoire, Lisa had little to say as her eyes wandered aimlessly.

"You're unusually quiet today!" Janet stated, making it both a statement and a question.

Lisa lowered her head, then raised it again to look directly into Janet's eyes with a heartfelt longing.

"I need to talk, but not here. Can we go to the park across the street"? Lisa asked. Janet, with both a concerned and inquisitive look, calmly but quickly responded "Certainly"!

They split the check as normal, and Janet followed Lisa out the door. Down the sidewalk a short distance, then crossed the street to City Square Park. Picking out a park bench in more or less a secluded area away from the bushes and trees, Lisa took Janet's right hand into both of hers and began talking.

"Jan; before I go on and ask you to do something for me, I guess it would be best if I explained something first. You see, my grandmother was French, and during World War II, she worked with the resistance. They did all kinds of things to mess up Nazi troop and supply movements, and communications too. She even killed German soldiers when she and her group could. Well, one day she was caught and brought to a Gestapo prison where she was asked the names of other conspirators. Being a very stubborn woman, she refused to answer them... Of course she was tortured beyond belief. She still wouldn't talk, so the tortures went on constantly for over three months before the prison was finally liberated by the Allies."

Janet listened intently as the story unfolded to her, and kind of, in the back of her mind, was trying to figure out what this had to do with Lisa. Even while they shared an apartment for several years when they both first arrived in Atlanta, Lisa rarely talked about her past, and definitely never spoke of her family. Perhaps this story was going to explain some things, so she continued to remain silent while Lisa continued.

"Now, Grandmother never wanted to talk about it, but Grandpa did tell me some things about what happened. He told me about the scares she has from when they first stripped her and hung her by iron wrist manacles for three full days, That's why she always wore long sleeved dresses. She was never given any food or water. Only her their urine to drink while they constantly whipped and branded her with hot irons. And after that, she was keep completely naked in a closet sized bare concrete cell, with only a sharp edged gravel floor to stand, kneel, sit, or lay down on the entire time. He said that they offered her clothes, a soft bed, decent food, and even a pail to piss and shit in, if she would only just name any other members of the underground. She wouldn't, so besides the torture of just the cell alone, they subjected her to all kinds of hideous tortures, some lasting for days. She never told them anything. Anyways, that is what I wanted to talk to you about."

Janet cocked her head as her expression changed to one of confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, but really didn't know what to ask Lisa what this had to do with her when Lisa placed a finger over Janet's lips.

"Jan; please listen to what I have to say before you respond!" she said softly. "I don't think I'm crazy; but then again maybe I am. After Grandpa told me all this stuff, I've really admired my Grandmother for how tuff she was, and, well, I've always wondered if it ran in the family, and if I could be just as tuff as grandmother."

Janet was again about to speak just as Lisa tightened her loving hold of Janet's hands.

"We've known each other for over 5 years now, ever since we worked together as sales clerks in the department store... God, the hundreds of lunches we had together, then the parties, and then the honor of having me as head bridesmaid at your wedding last year. It was then that I realized just how close we had really become".

As small tears began to show in Lisa's eyes, Janet took Lisa into her arms, not caring about any public response, saying "let it out girl... what is it?". Lisa took a deep breath, swallowed, then continued.

"Well, like I said before, I've always wondered if I could take the abuse that Grandma took, and, well, hummmm,... Would you mind... Just as a test I mean... Well, tying me up and torturing me for a couple days?"

Pausing, feeling like she had just severed her relationship with Janet, Lisa waited with a concerned 'did I do something wrong' expression for an answer.

"Ummm... Well, I don't know? What did you have in mind?" Then, after a moment's pause, continued. "Can you explain to me what you want?"

Lisa again couldn't again look into Janet's eyes as she stuttered and stammered simply saying a bunch of "ahhh's" and "ummm's".

"You know what I think we need Lisa is a margarita or three! What do you say? And I know that place over there has a nice open back patio!"

Lisa quickly nodded her head in agreement , so off to the lounge they went like two school girls. In minutes they were sitting outside again, margarita's in hand, under a table shadowed by a huge pink and white pinstriped umbrella away from the few others there.

"So tell me about what you have in mind. You know I've never done anything like what I think you have in mind... And you know that I wouldn't really want to hurt you!" Janet flatly started.

"Not yet... wait until this is about empty" Lisa motioned with her glass and a smile. So they talked about when they both just arrived in town, Lisa 18 and Janet 23. Each had decided to leave home and start their own life, so to speak, and both ended up here. Hired only days apart by a local big retailer, they met, became good friends, and eventually ended up sharing an apartment together to save money. There was nothing sexual between them, though both were 5' 6, slim and sexy, and busy enough fighting off the wolf's. Lisa was now 23, and Jan was 28 and married. Also, fortunately Janet seemed at ease talking, so they still must be the best of friends. Janet was the only one Lisa could ever really have a girl to girl talk with. So starting on their third margarita, Lisa finally began to explain to Janet what she would like to be done to her.

Lisa said she'd like to be totally suspended by her hands for two full days, completely nude, and not given any food or water during the entire time. She would be whipped again and again on the same areas of her body; not enough to draw blood, but at least good enough to cause her a great deal of pain and plenty of welts. Also, she would like to endure any other tortures that Jan could think of to do to her. Then, at the end of the two days, she is let down, tied into a hogtie position, then left to sleep off her soreness until the next morning.

Janet was speechless, just staring at Lisa. She wasn't really sure that she had heard correctly, and was about to confirm what she heard. when Lisa continued.

"And I was thinking, well actually hoping, that while Ron is gone on one of those long business trips, that I might be able to come over and have you do that to me one weekend. And your garage would also be perfect for being suspended since the ceiling has open rafters, making it easy to suspend me from."

Janet remained wide eyed and speechless for almost a full minute staring at Lisa. Lisa remained silent also, allowing her potential torturer to analyze what she had just heard. Finally Janet did inquire about her concern about using just rope to hang her by her wrists for two full days. Lisa bashfully said she had gotten some leather cuffs at a kinky store in town, and had tested them in the apartment. By hanging herself from the closet door, she found they didn't pinch off her blood circulation too bad or cut her. Janet responded with a bewildered look, then Lisa went on to explain that she had tried to do this at home to herself, but always after five or so hours, she always chickened out and got back up on the stool she had used. And that it was for this reason, that she needed Janet to insure she would be left hanging for the full two days.

Janet also asked about the difference in time; with her desiring only two days while her grandmother was left for three. Again Janet's expression changed to a brief expression of awe as Lisa explained she would like heavy weights added to her ankles to increase the stress on her arms to make up for the lost day.

As they finished off their third margarita, Janet agreed to perform the ordeal to Lisa, but would end it if she felt any great harm would come out of it, And also, Lisa would have to provide almost everything needed, including an instruction sheet to follow. She, with a half smile on her face, cuddled as close to Janet as she could in public, and hugging her tightly, thanked her for not calling her crazy, or weird, or something like that. But in her heart, as they finished their fourth and final margarita, Lisa knew that she had lied to her best and most beloved friend; another reason she should suffer without question all the pain applied to her.

When they finished their drinks Janet confirmed that she would call ahead of time when her husband Ron was going away on business. Lisa and Janet left smiling after another hug. Lisa for knowing that she was really going to experience something she always wanted to, and Janet for seeing Lisa so happy and at ease again. Also, she had seen men and women hanging by the arms in some pictures and movies but had never given a lot of thought to it. Now, picturing her best friend naked and hanging in the garage became somewhat interesting to her. She hadn't said to Lisa's face that she thought Lisa was a little crazy for wanting to do this. Then again, she didn't feel that this was very weird for wanting to see how this worked out. After all, it was Lisa who wanted to endure the pain. She was just assisting!

Lisa was smiling in the knowledge that she was going to have to endure a lot of pain. In fact, a great deal of pain, and for a long time. It was just what she deserved, and needed to endure. Perhaps it would help to lessen the immense quilt she carried inside her every second of every day. Her punishment, as she saw it, was to stay alive and always in great torment.

It was only a week before Lisa got a phone call from Janet on Wednesday saying Ron would be leaving next Sunday morning for Tokyo and not be back until Friday of the next week. Of course Janet asked if Lisa still wanted to go through with this 'test'? Lisa, both in anticipation and dread, said she could come to the house on Friday after work, probably around five thirty. Janet agreed.

She had talked with Janet several times on the telephone since that 'margarita inspired request' of hers, and was pleased how Janet became more involved in planning as Lisa got into more detail of how she wanted to be tortured. Janet seemed to be accepting her request with increased interest. She even stated she had a broken wooden broom handle for spreading the legs, and duct tape to fasten the ankle ropes so they couldn't slide inward. She even suggested that she had two bowling balls that she and Ron had that would work as good weights for the ankles. Both weighed about twenty three pounds. And that the bowling ball bag handles would easily slide onto the broom handle ends. Lisa became more relaxed about having Janet help her achieve a maximum level of pain.

As she hung up the phone, Lisa tried to go over in her mind what she had packed away in her overnight case for the event. Just to be on the safe side, she went to physically check once again its contents. As she walked, her feet again stung from the small gravel covering the entire inside bottom of her flat shoes that she wore almost twenty four hours a day. She recalled how she had first spread a good thick glue on the inside of the shoe, then sprinkled semi sharp aquarium gravel over the glue, pressing it in. It hurt like hell all the time she had them on, and much worse when she walked in them. That was what she deserved.

As she sat down, her overly tight crotch rope bit painfully into her clit and pinched pussy lips. She simply continued on her present task, knowing she should probably remove the rope two days before going to Janet's so the rope and rub marks would be gone by the time she is hanging suspended in front of Janet. Or, perhaps, even remove it three days before then. The marks might take a while to fade since she also wore this truss all day, every day. Even when she met with Janet to first discuss this ordeal. The pain was a reminder that, though aroused constantly by its rubbing, she wasn't going to allow herself an orgasm since she had last masturbated at age 14. Sexual pleasure for her was not something she would ever allow herself to enjoy again.

Opening the lid on the overnight case, she unfolded and read the 'instruction sheet' she had written for Janet to follow for the umpteenth time.

1. Please be sure the ropes holding me up are tied good and tight to the workbench so I don't sag to the floor while I'm suspended.

2. The ankles should be spread as wide as possible, but room enough for bowling bag handles.

3. The rope tied to my hair braid through my crotch and pussy has to be kept tight enough to keep my head from falling to my chest should I pass out so I can breath. If this rope interferes with giving my back getting a good whipping, untie it, then replace it when done.

4. If I pass out, don't worry! Don't let me down! Just let me endure all the time,

5. While you are awake, once each hour, on the hour, give me 5 hard lashes each on my back, butt, stomach, and breasts. Alternate between a thin and wide belt, or use what you wish.

6. The rope to my hair should be unhooked from my crotch rope while whipping me so my whole back and butt can be easily whipped.

7. Alternate between using a thin and thick belt when whipping me. And please whip me to really hurt me. I would like this to be as real as possible. Whip me hard.

8. Alternating applying the nipple clamps each hour, On for an hour, then off for an hour. If they are to put on for an hour, whip my breasts first, then put them on. Before going to bed, leave them on the entire night.

10. No food or water. (only your urine if you decide to do that). My grandmother was only given the Nazi's piss to drink.

9. Let my own pee accumulate on the pads under me, if you don't mind the smell that is. Then before I'm let down sprinkle lots of rice over the pads.

11. After being let down, clip my wrist and ankle cuffs together behind my back. Tie the rope from my hair to my ankle cuffs, making it tight.

12. Leave me laying on the rice covered pads, hogtied and nude, until 8 o'clock Monday morning.

13. If I ask to be let down, don't do it! Just give me an additional hard whipping or torture for asking!

14. I grant you complete access to me body. You are allowed to do anything you wish to me, causing as much pain to me as you can. Remember that you are to make me talk. To get my secrets from me. Show no mercy. I ask this of you, and the harder you are on me, the more I will love you for it!!

Well, there it was. All cut and dried; at least for the basics. She secretly wished she could add more of her dreamed tortures, but figured she shouldn't press her luck. After all, it was nice enough for Janet to even agree to doing something this bazaar to her, much less add in other extreme positions and instruments. She hadn't told Janet yet about her wish to be given Janet's urine to drink. She wasn't going to push it if Janet refused.

She set the instruction down and took out the four two inch wide leather cuffs with D-rings for her wrists and ankles. Rubbing the leather softly between her fingers, she thought of just how much agony she was soon to experience while held captive and hanging in their embrace. Her entire body naked and exposed to not only the pain while suspended by just her wrists, but also the tortures she had written down along with what Janet might come up with. She did dread what amount of pain she was going to have to endure, but was ready to endure this, and more.

Two medium sized alligator clips lay on their sides like sharks showing off their gleaming sharp teeth. She picked one up and abided by her decision to include them in her ordeal as she squeezed it open and closed. Her firm size 'A' boobs were already going to get the worst lasting torture of their life! But so was her whole body. Oh Hell! The more pain, the better. She had told Janet about the nipple clips, but didn't express how sharp the teeth were. She had seen them in a store years ago. She knew immediately how much pain they would induce if applied to any part of the body. Oh God they hurt! She had put them on for several hours at the most. But to have them on her nipples for an entire night! It would be impossible to get to sleep with that pain. Sleeping with her stony shoes on and tight crotch rope was all she had ever done. But new ordeals was what she needed to accept. What she deserved.

Ten 10 foot square dog training mats came next. Absorbent mating on one side, and plastic on the other. As discussed with Janet, if Janet couldn't stand the smell of a dirtied mat, she could replace it with a clean one. Lisa hoped she could, so after her suspension, she would be left lying in her own smelly waste.

Next she withdrew from the case the four long lengths of rough hemp rope, and one shorter one for her hair to crotch tie. She would braid her mid-back length of hair the night before her ordeal. She took out the two belts she had chosen to be used as whips. The wide one was thick, heavy, and long. The thin one was also heavy for its size, and it too, should sting like hell if wielded with any type of force. They were selected by her at the thrift store right after the talk with Janet. She hoped that Janet had the willingness to lay them onto her skin with all her might.

Lastly came the two 3 foot lengths of chain and snap rings for throwing over the rafters. They should work out nicely to thread the wrist ropes through.

Lisa repacked her overnight case, minus one alligator clip, and settled back into the sofa to watch TV until about ten. She contemplated digging out the other clip from the case, eventually choosing to wait until she was tied up and not have any control over its application, or removal. She wished her ordeal could begin now, but knew eventually the little more than a weeks time would pass so she could get what she deserved. She went to bed leaving just one of those wonderfully vicious alligator clips on. After all, she did need to get at least a little sleep to perform well enough so as not to lose her job.

(to be continued)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You are hiding the why to string us along. Sometimes that works and sometimes not. It this case it was very distracting. Given what she is asking is not common or simple (not to mention potentially injurious, opening her friend up for charges), I could not get past the whywhywhy loop in my head. What is this uber guilt? Why must her ordeal be so punishing. You have aroused my curiosity, but nothing else, yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

To placid. Not worth the time and effort, even for the set-up of the scene

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

GREAT!!!! Please continue-possibly in the end making her a slave to the couple to do everything for them.

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