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Lisa's Guilt Ch. 05

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Decisions Made.
4.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/07/2015
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This story is a work of fiction. Thank you for taking the time to read this submission and is a sequential story. It starts out in Chapter 1, so start there in order to figure out what's going on. Votes and feedback are appreciated. Enjoy!

And for those Sherlock Homes or detectives types reading this story, Lisa's big crime will be exposed in the next chapter. It's just about done, then needs proof reading, so it won't be too long a wait. Please be patient...And I would like to hear from the few who made the right guess about why Lisa thinks she deserves such punishment. Think about what could accidentally happen in your life to feel the need to be punished for the rest of your life?


Lisa's Guilt - Chapter 5, Decision Made

After Janet read several more moderately long stories, while fingering herself of course, she glanced at the clock. Oh God! It was almost 5:30. She knew Lisa had been left like she was for well over three hours. Wiping herself, she walked quickly into the garage. Lisa hung moaning but motionless. Moving around to her front, Janet was shocked to see how much her breasts had been stretched down. The strong alligator clips had held on, but with a deadly grip. Some blood was visible around each clip, although really not too much. However, her tit's had been stretched out to more than twice their original length. In one context, Janet felt a new flow of her own juices as she focused on Lisa's tortured breasts. But at the same time became very concerned about Lisa's welfare. Stepping away, it was time to see how Lisa felt about her condition.

"Lisa... Are you ready to give me any names now?"

Her answer was slow to come, however it was not what Janet expected. It was a very low and stressed 'No'.

Undecided what to do for a minute, Janet came to abide to Lisa's wishes by picking up the thin whip. Proceeding to begin whipping Lisa's already fully welted ass, she then proceed to whip first the left side of her back, then her right. She had it to do it this way because the had not removed the hair rope tied to Lisa's waist rope. And almost all the time there were on half hearted moans coming from Lisa, but near the end of the back whipping, they stopped. Moving to her front, Janet laid a very welt making lash on Lisa's belly. But there was no reaction! No moan. Janet set the whip down, then moved the stool to stand and be next to Lisa's face.

Calling out her name, Lisa did not respond. Janet then took her face in her hands and shook it slightly. There was still no reaction. Then noticing Lisa's shallow breathing, used a finger to pull open one of Lisa's closed eyelids to find her eyeball rolled back! Okay... Time to end this torture "test'. 'She's had enough, wishes or not!'

Janet jumped to the floor and moved to undo the tit torture first. After untying one string at a time, she slowly removed the tension, then very slowly opened the alligator clip encasing slightly more than the nipple. Lisa must have been out cold since she displayed no reaction to the release of each clip. Next came the hair rope release, and untying it from her hair. As suspected, Lisa's head remained laid back as it was. Janet was really getting worried about Lisa's condition now!!

Carefully she removed the bowling balls off the broom handle ends, then untied the ankles. She was careful to hold each leg as it became free so she could slowly lower it to hang naturally free below Lisa's torso. After both legs were done, Janet went to the rope ties to let Lisa down, then decided to do one more thing first. She rolled up the urine soaked mat and simply tossed it aside for now. Grabbing a handful of new mats, she spread then out so Lisa wouldn't end up laying on the could concrete floor. Then returning to the tied off suspension ropes, carefully and slowly let Lisa down until her legs were well folded up under her. Tying off the ropes again, Janet wanted to insure Lisa would not end up in a clump. After taking the short time to gently bring Lisa's legs straight out in front of her, she went back to lowering Lisa to the floor. Janet quickly ran to her side, sat down, and took her head in her arms. With great relief, Janet saw Lisa's eye's open ever so slightly.

"Are you all right?"

In a very weak manor, Lisa could only turn her head slightly towards the source of Janet's voice, and while moving her mouth like speaking except no sound emerged, she then simply gave a weak nod of her head.

"Wait here. I'll get you a glass of water." Janet said as she gently placed Lisa's head on the floor and half ran towards the kitchen. Returning with the water, she again sat down to raise Lisa's head to let her take a few gulps.

"Are your sure you're all right?" Janet asked again taking Lisa's head back onto her lap.

This time Lisa was able to get herself to weakly let out a "Yes".

"Good, then I'll help you to the bedroom." Janet said softly as she began to try moving her arms under Lisa to help her up.

With the movement of her body and beginning to moan came "Wait. Wait." Lisa murmured. "Pleaseeeee, don't move me for awhile.".

"Okay... I understand." Janet confirmed. "I'll get a blanket and pillow so you can rest awhile... And is there else I could get you?"

Lisa, slow to reply to anything, tried to form a smile as best as she could before saying very softly "No... Nothing else."

In a very few minutes Janet returned and helped Lisa raise her head to rest on the pillow before covering Lisa with a soft warm blanket. Hearing a weak 'Thank You' from Lisa, Without questioning her decision, Janet sat down next to Lisa's head, gently stroking Lisa's face and left arm. Janet had admired the pain Lisa had endured while she was being tortured, so taking care of her afterwards seemed automatic. As Janet continued to try and comfort her tortured friend in silence, she had many things to think about. Lisa's endurance was unbelievable. She could not imagine herself taking all of what Lisa went through, but perhaps just a little. She began to wonder about how it would feel, And in the stories she read, those women enjoyed being tied up for a period, then even abused more. And in most stories, enhanced their orgasm. Although in a few stories the woman was denied orgasm for days, as well as much longer times. Besides physical torture, this was a sexual torture. Was there really something to this? Mixed in with her last night's dream, this kept her busy for over an hour when Lisa slowly raised her arm to grasp Janet's stroking arm.

"Jan... I think I would like another drink of water, then try to move to a bed. The cold from the floor is really hurting me on my whipped back. And you were to hogtie me until Monday morning."

Lisa's request was still very weak, but in a more clear manner. Janet was glad to hear Lisa speak more clearly, and immediately handed Lisa the still half full glass. Janet was surprised that Lisa took the glass by herself this time, although she moved her arm very slowly in order to drink it all before handing it back. During that time Janet also first noted how cold her butt was. But that didn't matter right now. She had to explain a few things to Lisa, hoping she would understand. Moving her arms to hug Lisa, she tried to explain.

"Lisa,,,,, I have to tell you that it is not Sunday night, and I an not going to hogtie you. It's only late Saturday afternoon, and I took you down because I thing you were going into a state of shock coma, or something. And I care too much about you... Please understand my concern,,,, Besides, you were severely tortured for a full day, yet refused to be let down! So understand that I do respect your wishes, but I care more about your well being."

Lisa, now able to move a little more, twisted her head to look at Jan with eye's slightly more than half open. Grasping Janet's left arm again, expressed in disperse.

"You mean it's not Sunday night?"

"No... It's late Saturday afternoon. But you were in bad shape... I had to let you down."

Lisa remained silent for a minute, disappointed she hadn't made it to her goal. But even with all of her body aching, wanted to put back up to finish her final day.

"Put me back up... Please Jan... I need it..."

"No. No way! You reached your limit, And so did I... I'm not going to kill you... Don't you understand that! A short time ago I was almost on the verge of calling 911! You were really on the verge of something really bad! So I'm ending this right now! Perhaps we can continue this later, but for right now it's over. It's done... So don't ask me to do anything more to you today. Understand?"

Lisa had to finally accept that her punishment was over for today. But to be honest to herself, she had never had been no where near in as much pain as what she was right now. It seemed every inch of her skin from below her neck to mid-way down her thigh's was raw and burning/. Although right behind her exterior body pain was the internal pain level in her shoulders, then her neck, back, and limb's. And even laying on her back right now was terribly painful. So coming around as she was from her ordeal, thought she would ask Jan to sleep here tonight.

"No. No way!" Jan commanded. "Eventually I'm taking you in the house for a shower or sponge bath. You smell terrible Janet chuckled in an attempt to ease Lisa's craving to continue. "Then off into the guest bed for you" Janet continued. "You need warmth and rest, or else your going to get sick. So don't push me Lisa. Please... Or I'm never help you do anything like this again. And from what you said, you do want to do something like this again. So just do as I say and we'll stay close friends."

Lisa, hearing Jan very clearly, first thought she had given away her secret. Yes, she did wish Jan to put her through the same thing as she had went through, or hopefully even worst. But did she disclose her secret? Well, not really she finally figured. Jan didn't need to know why she wanted these things done to her. And Jan just stated that if she did what Jan told her to do today, more or less, that Jan would torture her again some time. This was too good of an offer to turn down. So being able to turn more towards Janet, and giving her only a slight hug because of her pain, softly voiced her agreement.

"Yes Jan. You are right. That would be best for me. But if you could let me rest for a few minute's more, that would help I think." Lisa said slowly and softly, Then wanting to thank Jan for all she had done so far, opened her eye lid's much more for a minute.

"Jan... Your naked on the top!"

"Yes... Yes I am. And on my bottom too. So what? Didn't you notice me naked when I was whipping you a few times?" Janet replied a little jokingly.

"Well... No. I don't recall it... But at the time I was a little distracted I guess." Lisa tried to giggle.

"I bet you were!" Janet had to laugh at first, then turned serious. "I hope I didn't whip you too hard... I mean, that's what you said you wanted."

"On no... Not at all. You did real good. And thank you Jan, so much, for all that you've done for me up until now. I really appreciate it." Lisa said sincerely while trying to hug Janet's right leg more tightly.

"Oh, you know your welcome. And I must admit I sort of enjoyed whipping you... But don't tell anyone else that! I don't want that to get around, just as I'm sure you don't want me to tell about you. Right?"

"You know I won't tell anyone about that. Remember, we're sisters, and we keep our secrets.

I wouldn't tell anyone even if they tortured me." Lisa said without thinking.

"I already know that!" Janet responded while laughing out loud. Then going into an inquisitive mode followed with "But I can't say that about me. I didn't know how I would hold up under torture like what I just put you through. I mean... Like being strung up. Whipped. Nipple torture. You know... Stuff like that."

"Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't think anybody is going to torture just to find out that you liked to whip me.?" Lisa said while ending with a weak smile.

"No, I guess not!" Janet giggled. "But do you think you are ready for me to help you to the shower in the guest bathroom?"

"Wait just a minute, if we can please. Let me try to flex my joints a bit to see how they work."

With Janet's understanding approval, Lisa tried to fold her legs up. It was able to move them more than a bit, hurting like hell. Then flexing her fingers wasn't too bad, although they were still numb. It was her elbows and shoulder's that really hurt. She pointed that out to Jan.

"If you don't mind, can we stay here about half an hour more so I can work on getting a little more movement in my limbs? I think that extra weight really did a job on me. I'll work on moving my limbs while I lay here. Is that okay with you Jan?"

"Of course it is, if it will help you walk better... And I think my cold butt can take it. But what about your back and butt? Isn't the cold floor getting to you?" Janet casually asked.

"Oh no! Not at all. In fact it actually feels good. If you don't know it, by back and butt feel like they're on fire, and the cold feels good. And why don't you go and come back later for me... Or at least get something to sit on if you want to stay?"

"I thought about that, but I want to stay with you awhile in case you need me. And besides, after what you willingly endured, I think I should be able to endure a cold butt for another half hour. Shouldn't I?" Janet kind of giggled.

"Well, I guess if you want to stay with me, that's very loving of you. But I don't want you to suffer just because of me."

"No, no. That's alright! It will be kind of interesting to see if I can take the pain. As it really shouldn't be that bad with that pad under me... and you. I mean, it's not like being on the bare concrete floor!" Janet said like she had experienced that.

"Oh yes... That is hard to endure for a long time." Lisa said with a meaning.

"What do you mean? Did you have to sit or something on a concrete floor with bare skin for awhile?" Janet asked confused.

"Ah... Yes... But it sounded like you did!?" Lisa inquired.

"No I haven't... I never had a reason to. But how about you? Where you being punished or something?"

If only Jan knew, but Lisa decided to tell it like it was just another 'test'.

"No, not punished. I just wanted to try something out. So one night at midnight I went to the basement in my apartment building and went to the farthest corner from the stairs. I left the lights off so no one would know someone was down there. And if anyone came down, the lights would come on, and I could dress. With just my flashlight, I took off my t-shirt and shorts. I was completely naked. I set my alarm for 6:00 am, laid face down on the floor, then turned off my flashlight. Then moving out my arms and legs so I was spread-eagled, I spent the whole 6 hours like that without moving. I was kind of proud of that, and would like to try doing it longer sometime. It was quit an experience."

"I'm sure it was an experience... But wasn't it cold? Didn't it hurt?" Janet asked while understanding what she did, but was wondering why. But during Lisa's answering, figured it out.

"Oh God it hurt! My boobs, lower chest and stomach hurt bad within a short time after I laid down. I had to force myself not to move, and I didn't. It was a true relief when the alarm went off so I could finally get up. And I should add that it was complete dark, so I couldn't see what time it was."

"Then you did that to see how cold your grandmother got when she was held naked in her furniture less cell. Right?" Janet expressed like she was winning a prize for giving the correct answer.

"Exactly!" Lisa replied, glad that Jan connected her ordeal to her story.

"Hummm... That sounds interesting. A whole six hours without moving?" Janet said in a weakly inquisitive tone, her mind stirring a bit.

"Yea. It wasn't that bad a first. The cold penetration into your skin just gets worst the longer you stay like that." Lisa explained like an expert.

"I'm going to tell you what! I'm going to try it for 30 minutes! Let's see if I can handle doing that on just my bare butt. Don't you think it might turn out interesting." Janet said decisively as she raised her butt so as to pull the mat out from under her. Then sitting back down emitting an "Uooooo... That's cold." as she turned to smile at Lisa.

Lisa, slightly struck speechless watching Janet do what she did, not able to say anything for a bit except to finally return the smile.

"You don't have to do that, you know... I mean just because I did." Lisa finally said.

"I know, but I just want to try it. Like you doing your test's, I just doing mine right now... I never tried anything like this before. And to tell you what, I'm going to remain without moving too. No rocking or raising off my ass for even a second. Let's see how I can endure, shall we? But tell me, how does it feel to be hung by your wrists, whipping, and all the other things? "

Lisa didn't know that Janet had begun reading those bondage/torture stories, so was more than curious why she would want to hear about such things. But be it as it may, she began explaining in detail all the mental and physical feelings she got from her torture's. Janet asked a lot of questions, which also seemed strange, but answered them as best she could. The discussion was extensive, and very intimate at times. So when Lisa finally finished about one subject, asked Jan if the time was up yet. Janet, really not knowing how much time had passed because there was no clock, thought their talk had lasted must longer than thirty minutes.

"Oh, I don't know Lisa. But I would like to a little bit more if your up to it? was Janet's reply. She was not only learning things, but it was turning her on too. Being careful not to touch herself, she only hoped Lisa wouldn't notice the increasing wet spot on the floor from her leaking cunt. Maybe she could kick a mat over it when she stood up. Besides, she found she was really getting horny from a really cold butt!

"Yea, I'm still okay for awhile more... And even feeling better. But Jan, how about your butt? How is it?"

"It's my ass during this test, and oh God, does it hurt. I mean it hurts bad! But I'd still like to see if I can take it a while longer while we talk some more. Call it my big test if you like." Janet giggled.

"Okay. It's your ass!" Lisa was finally able to really laugh out loud with Janet, although weakly.

So they talked some time longer when Janet gently removed Lisa's hand from leg to get in a kneeling position. Emitting a strong "Ohhhhhhh", Janet even leaned forward to be on her hands and knees. She was silent, but with being side by side and facing opposite ways, Lisa could see the two ovals of cold, red skin adoring Jan's 'ass'. And with Jan's head handing down, and between Janet's hanging boobs, could made out the pain in her facial expressions. The other surprise to Lisa was the wetness dripping from Jan's pussy. Who would have thought that?

"Do you think I made it an hour, Lisa?" Janet asked in now a slightly strained voice.

"I'm not sure how long you sat there, but it was a long time. And I must add that I never felt you move your... ass... the whole time. At least I think so. My hand is still half numb you know."

"No I didn't move it at all... And it took a lot of willpower not to... Just like you said. But I do think we should try to move you into the house. Give me a few minutes for the pain to go away, then we'll get going."

"Ah Jan... I hate to tell you this..." Lisa was giggling. "But I didn't tell you that pain from being cold just doesn't just 'go away' that fast. And matter of fact, I think your going to have a sore butt... I mean ass, for a few days."

"Do you really think it will?" Janet asked in a slight concerned tone.


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