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Lisa's Guilt Ch. 06

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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/07/2015
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This story is a work of fiction. Thank you for taking the time to read this submission and is a sequential story. It starts out in Chapter 1, so start there in order to figure out what's going on. Votes and feedback are appreciated. Enjoy!

Okay folks. Here is what some of you have been asking for. Why did Lisa want to suffer? I hope you find this chapter worth the wait. And for those who were enjoying a mystery style BDSM story for a change, telling me so by your comments, Thank You.


Lisa's Guilt - Chapter 6, Disclosure

Janet ended up in the bathroom sitting on the toilet seat. She had wiped herself dry, finally facing some facts about herself that this last day had brought out. The facts were there. They were undeniable. Torturing Lisa was not only just sexually exciting her, but worst yet, she was now in lusting to make love with her best friend. She imagined Lisa's nude body enduring the suffering in the bondage and torture stories she had just read. So okay! The proof of her love juices streaming from her cunt during the past events was real. All of this she had to accept from the evidence, but there was one thing she was unsure of.

That was when she decided to try that mini-experiment in the garage by sitting on that cold concrete floor for as long as she could. She wasn't sure about being a person like Lisa where accepting unrelenting pain was normal. However, But even though her butt still hurt from the cold, she didn't mind it. And also disturbing was the pain in her butt felt good. It actually was just a little stimulating. How can this be? She never liked pain before, at least she thought so. But right now she liked it. Is that why she made a puddle on the floor while she was torturing herself? Was the pain actually sexually stimulating? Did she produce all those love juices because of the pain? Or was it because she was next to a blanket covered but naked and still suffering Lisa next to her. The concept of enjoying pain seemed absurd to her. She was not ready to accept this fact like she had come to accept all the others facts.

So with her mind more comfortable with her new discoveries, and saw that it wasn't quite 10:00, decided to stay up a while. She quietly peeked in to check on Lisa. Finding her fast asleep, wondered what to do. She thought of trying to sit on the garage floor for two hours, but junked that idea immediately. Why not spend some more time reading stories. Being still naked, she refolded the towel to sit on a dry area and began searching more story titles. Her eye's couldn't believe what positions some of these women were put in and left overnight. Or some of the restraining devices or tortures done to them. She read at the top of each story about it being entirely fictional, but she figured many descriptions given were actually possible.

Another thing she discovered more and more were the titles of Master and Mistress. And catching her attention the most was the submissive. The one who did what she was told, and suffering any torments or tortures bestowed upon them, mostly without question. This is what Janet got into the most. While reading a story, she couldn't wait to where the woman was to be bound and tortured. From the stories description, she would try to picture how the woman were bound. The most interesting tortures she found were persons put in a bodily stained position. Strung up on tip-toe, straining not to hand by the wrists. Or left all night hanging by the wrists. Or left standing on tie-toe with a rope digging into one's pussy. When she read about a woman held severely arched backwards with pussy ropes holding her in position for quit awhile. This really created a gust of juices flowing into the towel below her. The same thing happened when she read about the woman who mounted a wooden pony of her own free will.

The whippings also interested her, but mostly the women would be taken down right afterwards. She wondered why not leave them strung up for a few hours, or a whole day! If they're supposed to be tortured, then torture them. Looking at the clock to see it was nearly 1:00, she shut down the computer. Washing her crotch, she slipped on heavy cotton panties. Checking in on Lisa showed no change, so she snuggled herself into her wonderfully comfy bed. She was horny of course, but the day's events had caught up with her so she was too tired to use her toy. She easily fell into a deep sleep.

As the alarm went off at 7 again, she got up and bath roomed. She tossed her already soaked panties in the clothes hamper. Going through panties like crazy, she decided to be crude by staying nude and just carry a towel with her. So only putting on a robe, she put down the towel on a chair in the kitchen to enjoy her coffee raising her robe in the back before she sat. She had peeked in on Lisa, who was still asleep, and ended up making some toast with jam. More awake now, she went to the living room to watch the news and weather. As far as all the dreams she had last night, she knew why her panties were so wet. But what she dreamed was more than she could comprehend. So deciding to ignore them, she was going to make this a normal day. When Lisa got up, she would made breakfast for her, then sit and chat as they had done so many times before,

After an hour or so, Janet thought it would be nice to put Lisa's clothes in the guest bedroom for her when she got u. She went into the garage. She put all of Lisa's things in a pile on the workbench, but was missing her shoes. Her dress and underwear were there, but where were her shoes? Looking all around, she finally found them pushed a good ways under the workbench.

Pulling them out, she froze in astonishment. She saw glued to the inside soles small pebbles from heel to toe. She felt the roughness of the pebbles. They weren't sharp, but definitely would be a torture to walk in, or even stand, for sure. Why would Lisa, or anyone, walk around with tortured feet all day. Every day! Janet knew this was what she was doing as the shoes and pebbles definitely were quit worn. There was no doubt Lisa was torturing herself each and every day. But what did this have to do with her grandmother? Something wasn't right here! After always being honest to each other, she felt that somehow she was being used. She put everything else where it was and left carrying the shoes. She now had some very perplexing questions for Lisa.

Janet returned to the living room, hiding the shoes under a newspaper. Sitting down on her towel with her book, it looked like she was reading. But why didn't she turn any pages. Her mind was trying to figure out how yesterday and the shoes were connected. She thought she clearly remembered the story she heard from Lisa about her grandmother. She didn't remember anything about shoes! And even if Lisa left that out, her grandmother was only a prisoner for three months. Those shoes had a lot more wear than that! In this case, 2 and 2 didn't add up to 4!! Finally, when a good show about accent temples in India came on the TV, she set down the book. Just before the show ended at noon, Lisa appeared holding on to the corner wall.

Gaining more stability, she strolled into the living room nude, looking and acting half asleep. Her front was covered with red strips and welts. Janet knew her backside looked just as abused; if not worse. Janet rose quickly, grabbed her by the hand, and guided her to the bathroom. Lisa ended up squatting over the toilet for a good reason. Lisa's butt was beat red. Janet stayed with her in case she needed help, but today didn't shower with her. She did help Lisa dry off after showering, which flared up Janet's heat that began burning in her since seeing Lisa nude again. Being the perfect host however, she should offer Lisa some cloth's,

"Would you like me to find some cloth's for you?" Janet offered graciously.

"It is only Saturday, isn't it?" Lisa answered after a pause.

"Ahhhh, No... Its Sunday early afternoon. Why? Were you thinking that maybe you should let your soreness go down before you wear anything so not to scrap your sores? Or would you like to continue your suffering by me finding you a nice rough shirt?" Janet said all so quickly as not to allow Lisa to answer. Although she did think she may have went a bit too far about continuing her suffering, but in the stories, she had read about masochism and masochist's.

"No, that's all right. I'll just remain nude for now if you really don't mind." Lisa said while trying to hide her inquisitiveness why Jan should ask such a question. Was she still playing her Nazi role part?

"That's fine with me. And I bet your starving, so let's go to the kitchen and I'll whip some stuff up. There's still hot coffee left, so pour yourself a cup. There's also juice in the refrigerator. It'll only take a few minutes to cook up some scrambled egg's and toast."

"That sound's just great, Jan. And is there anything I can help you with?"

"No. No. It's no problem. Just get some coffee or juice if you want, then just sit down at the table. Your food will be ready in a few minutes." Janet purposely answered knowing it would be extremely painful for her. So as Janet was easily preparing the food, saw Lisa get a bottle of juice before going to stand next to the table and wait quietly. This gave Janet time to think of things to say when the food was ready. So turning to set the plate down next to Lisa along with silverware, it was time to question Lisa some more.

"Oh... I'm sorry I mentioned the chair. Are you going to eat standing up, or I suppose you could kneel down. And since you still might be too tired to stand up much longer, it wouldn't bother me if you did kneel down. I'm sure that would made it easier to eat. I'll get you another bottle of juice if you like?"

"Thank you. That would be nice," Lisa replied as she got down on her knees. Janet got another bottle of juice, knowing she must be thirsty from her ordeal, then got another cup of coffee for herself.. Putting a dish towel down on a chair next to Lisa, Janet sat down as she casually raised the back of her robe. She started a casual conversation about yesterday's tortures and what pain Lisa was in today while her plate. That's when Janet decided to find out what Lisa was really trying to pull on her.

"I want to talk to you more about this torture thing you just had me put you through. Now I want you to be truthful Lisa. I don't think you've been completely honest with me about this! And we've always been honest to each other. Right!!" Janet spouted in a commanding tone and gesture as she stared right into Lisa's eye's.

"Yes I have... and... And... believe me, I have been honest with you." Lisa said, her lips beginning to tremble.

"Your stammering Lisa. I know you for god's sake. Your lying about something. Now tell me!"

Lisa lowered her head, trying to hide her shame, and remained silent.

"OK Lisa, if you haven't lied to me, then don't lie to me now about how long you've been wearing those doctored up shoes of yours."

Lisa's head shot straight up, looking at Janet in a state of shock before stammering again..

"Ohhh... Those. Ahhhhh... I've only been wearing those for just a few days now. You see, after our talk I..."

"There you go again. Lying again! You just stay as you are!" Janet said as she jumped in interrupting Lisa, then stood. Marching to the living room, she picked up the shoes and slammed them down in front of Lisa.

"There they are! And do you think I'm blind! I've looked at those shoes! They sure as hell have been worn for more than two days! I would think at least six months or more! So when are you going to be honest with me... like in the old days when we only had each other to trust."

That did it. Lisa broke down, throwing her head on the table into her waiting hands, openly sobbing violently for a few minutes. Janet held firm, standing erect beside the kneeling woman. She was not going to console Lisa until she heard the truth.

Lisa finally lifted her head to stare straight into Janet's eyes as tears flowed down both cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Jan... I'm so really sorry...But, but I just can't tell you... I can't!..." dropping her head back into her hands to again sob strongly.

Janet, now realizing that this really must be a deep, dark secret, knelt down beside her. She embraced Lisa with a passionate loving hug, pulling her head onto her shoulder. Lisa continued to cry her heart out as Janet stroked her hair.. Then gently raising Lisa's head using her fingers carefully positioned under Lisa's chin, started wiping the tears from Lisa's checks as they continued to reappear.

"Do you remember Lisa, when we first arrived here in Atlanta. Alone and afraid in a big city. Wondering what the next day held in store for us? And when we both happened to luck out by finally getting a job at the same store, and then becoming good friends? Do you?" Janet asked soothingly. Getting a weak, yet positive nod, Janet continued.

"Remember when we decided to share an apartment, and came to trust, confide, and truly care for each other like sisters?"

"Well, my dear, sweet, Lisa... We still are sister's, unless you continue to use and insult me by telling lie's. You know I'm ready to help you, laugh with you, party with you, and when needed, even cry with you. So tell me what's making my sister want to suffer so much. You know I won't think any more or less of you, whatever it is."

Suddenly, Lisa lunged her whole body sideways, wrapping her arms around Janet's neck. Pulling their heads and chests tightly together with all her strength she had remaining, Lisa hugged Janet so tightly they both had to stress their lungs to breathe.

"Oh Jan... How could I have been so stupid as to lie to you?" she questioned herself in a stammering and embarrassed voice.

"It's alright dear... Just settle down first, then we'll talk about it. OK?"

Wiping her tear drenched cheeks, Lisa gave her complying 'Yes', and remained embraced for many minutes as her crying subsided. Finally building up enough courage to tell Janet the truth, she indicated she felt she was ready. Janet rose and took Lisa to the living room. Janet sat down on the towel of the sofa, but with a burning red butt, and feeling very guilty, Lisa knelt down in front of her.

"Now tell what the trouble is. Why all this torture stuff you want done to you? And tell me the truth... NO lying, right?"

"OK... But promise you'll at least still be my friend afterwards. Please!"

"You know that you are my little sister that I never had. We are true sisters in my mind, and I hope it's the same in yours also. So please be truthful with me so we can remain sisters. This is necessary for us to maintain our relationship. So tell me what is happening here that you need me to help you, but without any lies. Okay?"

"OK then... Well, I guess I should start with..."

Lisa went on to explain that back in her small home town, which she didn't name, she and her younger brother Bobby were always together. Unlike other families, where brother and sister always fight, they got together very well. They played games together, helped each other with schoolwork, and just generally, always got along. Mom and dad loved both us dearly, and often bragged to others all over town how we both were such ideal children. Then one day, two days before Christmas, both mom and dad both wanted to do some list minute shopping for us, Just before leaving, they explicitly told us not to go near the pond since the ice wasn't thick enough for skating yet. Well, not soon after, Bobby keep pestering me about wanting to go ice skating. He promised that he would stay near the edge where the ice would be thickest. Being that I was oldest, 14 at the time, and Bobby only eight, he knew he needed my approval. Finally giving in, I told him to start out to the pond. I would be right behind him. Well, one thing lead to another, and pretty soon it must have been about 10 minutes or so before I got bundled up and went to the pond.

When I got there, I looked all around for Bobby. I then noticed a bunch of broken ice about twenty feet from the shore. Quickly running to it, and almost sliding in myself, I desperately scanned the murky water for any signs of Bobby. In hysterics, I ran back to the house, called the police, and ran back to the pond. Well, it wasn't long before there were dozens of police and fire department rescue people there. Some were probing the water with poles while the rest searched the surrounding area. By the time my mom and dad arrived, all hope had been given up on finding him alive/ We returned to the house in complete misery and despair. Very few words were said to me for the two days it took the cold water divers to recover his body, and after that, even less conversation. It had taken two days, almost to the hour, before I saw his cold stiff body, with frozen outstretched arms trying to grasp for my help.

That was Christmas day, and ever since then, no one in town talked to me, much less even associate with me. Even my parents only spoke to me only when it was necessary. Everyone in town blamed his death on me, including my parents. Ant that included myself. The news paper called it a tragic accident, but it wasn't! I should have said "NO' when he wanted to go, or at least told him to stay put until we could leave together. And worst yet, whenever I see children playing or getting presents, pictures of Bobby flood my mind. He is no longer alive to enjoy the games, the playgrounds, the receiving of presents on Christmas and birthdays. The rest of my life in that town was utter misery, but that was the way it was. I deserved it!

I contemplated suicide many times over, but eventually convinced myself that would be taking the easy way out. I should be punished in the first degree, deserving the mental and physical abuse for killing Bobby. So there I stayed, all through high school, never going out of the house except when necessary.

During my junior and senior years of high school, I increased the need to experience more physical pain. Nights, after my parents went to bed, I started standing in front of an open window naked during winter as long as I could stand it. During the summer, I would sit down in the empty bath tub, keeping my hands by my sides after turning on only the hot water, silently enduring the pain as the tub filled. I would kneel down with my bare knees on hard cover books or atop my wooden dresser until I just couldn't stand the pain any more. I would get up, walk around my room once, then kneel right back down again. I would weave an arm or leg in-between the metal bars on my bed frame, then twist my body until the shoulder or hip was in utter agony, and try to sleep. I never wanted to break an arm or leg. That wouldn't allow me to repeat the same torture the next night. And when my parents were gone, I would go to the basement and hang myself from my wrists or hair. When I turned 18 and graduated from high school, I knew it would be best for me to leave home. I wrote a note to my parents, explaining my guilt to them as best I could, and left for Atlanta. The rest you pretty much know she finally finished explaining.

Janet listened intently as Lisa told her story, having to comfort Lisa several times by resting her head on her upper legs. Many times she broke out to sob before continuing. Only after finishing telling Janet the whole story did Lisa look up at Janet.

"I'm can't say how sorry I am sorry for lying to you. Are we still at least friends...I hope... please!" Lisa pleaded.

"Oh, my tortured Lisa. My dear tortured Lisa. I really don't know what to say except we are still friends... And still sisters... And if you don't mind the pain you will endure from your body, you can come on the sofa and lay your head on my lap. I would like that. How about you?" Janet said seriously to help console Lisa, disregarding how much pain Lisa would bare to lay on the sofa. She left it up to Lisa if she wanted to come up to be cuddled.

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