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Little One

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Celeste is enslaved and taken to a monster - her Master.
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The night was cold, as any winter night usually was. Snowflakes drifted down lazily from the heavens. On this bitter evening Celeste and her two older sisters slept soundly in their shared room; warm under heavy animal skins.

"I have debts to pay too, old man," a gruff voice growled in annoyance.

"Yes, yes. I understand. I just need a few more days! My wife is late in being back from collecting the silver we owe you, she should be back any time." A loud crashing noise tore through the quiet night, awakening the sisters. Celeste comforted Alexis, the middle child, as she whimpered.

"I don't have a few days! I need the silver now!" The roar was so loud Celeste thought the dwelling would shake.

This man, unknown to her family except her father, had come to their dwelling for the past three nights, demanding the silver her father owed. Each night had gone roughly the same, but tonight the desperation in the mans voice betrayed how badly he really needed the silver.

"Please, all I have is a few copper pennies. I need them to buy Alexis' medicine tomorrow. I will get you what I owe; I just need a little more time," Father sounded meek and defeated.

Celeste knew how much Alexis' illness was affecting her family. Nobody knew what was wrong with her and so they had given her different medicines and herbs trying to find a cure. None had worked, but a pain medication was necessary to allow Alexis to sleep during the night. The cost of that medication was putting her father in debt. In all likelihood Alexis would soon die. Celeste wiped away a tear that slid silently down her cheek. She was heartsick to know her sister wasn't going to get better.

Another crash sent Celeste flying to her feet. Before she could even form a thought she rushed toward the crashing sound. She arrived in the kitchen to see her father sprawled on the ground clutching his nose, which was gushing blood. An imposing man stood over him, clearly going for a second strike.

"No!" Her scream sounded pathetic after the man's roar, but she cast her body protectively over her father's nonetheless. "Please, leave him be!"

"Who are you? Alexis?" He grunted, running his gaze up and down Celeste's body, only covered by a thin night dress.

"N-no, sir. I am the youngest daughter, Celeste."

His crude, calculating eyes made her nervous. "You're a pretty little thing aren't you? A virgin no doubt."

Celeste's mouth popped open in shock. "Of' course," she gasped. "It's only proper seeing as I'm not married."

The man grunted and shoved her aside. In one fluid motion he grabbed her father by the front of his shirt and hauled him up, slamming him against the wall. Celeste saw the man's muscles bulge, straining against the fabric containing them.

"Lucky for you, old man, you have quite the beautiful daughter. Had I known you had this gem before, we could have skipped all this nonsense about silver pieces. I release you from your debt, paid for by the enslavement of your daughter."

"Y-you can't have Celeste. She's my daughter, not something to be bartered!"

"Calm down. I find this a rather appealing alternative. I was going to run you through with my knife and take anything of worth, but now I feel recompensed and will leave you to live another day. Your choice."

"I can't let you have her. My family would be devastated!"

" If you die who would pay for your daughters medicine? She would die an agonizing death. My way will at least ensure both are comfortable. Don't be a fool, accept my generous offer before I change my mind."

"I'll go," Celeste's voice rang true, masking how she felt on the inside. She would do this without complaint to save her father's life. Was it really so high a price? She didn't think so. A small smile twitched across the man's face. The only comparison Celeste could make to that look was a wolf's triumph when it had caught it's prey. She shivered.

"You don't know what you're saying," her father grabbed her by her shoulders, shaking them a little, "go back to bed right away!"

"She's not going back to bed, she's coming with me," the man's voice broke for no argument.

"It's okay, Father. Really. Tell Mother I love her. Take care of Alexis, she needs you. I love you." Celeste shook as she hugged her father goodbye. She was comforted to feel him shaking too, she didn't want him to feel hers. She saw defeat in his eyes.

"Come on." Celeste jumped as the man's iron grip locked around her arm. He dragged her from the dwelling, not allowing any change of clothes or goodbyes. Outside he mounted a huge black stallion. She saw it only as a menacing creature, there to take her away from all she knew and into enslavement. She was already shivering from the cold when the man reached down and hauled her up onto his lap. Despite her despise for the man she huddled into his warmth. She heard his low chuckle, making her regret the need for his heat.

"Hold on!" That was the only warning she got before he bellowed out a loud 'hah!' and spurred the horse onward. With a speed that surprised Celeste the horse lurched forward into a ground eating gallop. A small squeal escaped her lips and she clung to the stranger in fright. They rode on in silence; the pace too fast and reckless for conversation.

They rode for what felt like hours before the man finally stopped for a rest. By that time Celeste was cold to the bone and as sore as she had ever been. Never being accustomed to riding, she was sure she would have bruises on her inner thighs. Her night dress was not designed to retain body heat, she was loathe to leave the man's lap due to the fact. It was clear, though, that it wasn't her decision to make when he helped her down off the horse. He followed swiftly, shaking out his muscles and stretching his back.

"What's your name?" Celeste ventured softly, not wanting to refer to him as 'the man' anymore.

He quirked a brow at her curiosity before relying curtly, "Haemon."

"Well, Haemon. Would you be so kind as to tell me what you will do with me now that you've enslaved me?" His eyes narrowed at her tone.

 "I am going to give you to a man to settle my debt with him. Whatever happens to you after is no concern of mine." Celeste swallowed and nodded, she tried not to dwell on the fact that he had hesitated before saying 'man'. Just who would her new master be... or what?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It took Celeste and Haemon five days hard ride to arrive in a town near where her new Master lived. Celeste shivered, but not from the cold; Haemon had purchased a simple grey wool dress for her when they passed through the first town. She shivered because of the unknown. Haemon had told her that only a days ride separated the town from the master's land. Only a days ride from her imprisonment...

Her stomach churned into knots. She worried that he would not like her and send her away. She worried that he would be a cruel being and hit her. It seemed all she did these last five days was worry. Why would this new Master want her anyhow? She knew she wasn't anything special. She had no special talent. Her looks were fair; from her mother's noble side. Her mother had married for love and in that had been disowned to live the simple life she did now. But disownment could not prevent her mother from carrying on her genes. Celeste had her mother's cascade of waist length golden, honey hair complemented with bright blue eyes. Her slender, but curvy, figure was wrapped in silken, creamy, blemish-less skin that showed no sign of hard labor. She was shorter than most, but proportionate to the rest of her body. In her town she was considered beautiful. Celeste didn't take that much into account; her town was small and the diversity even smaller. Her looks were different from the usual dark haired, dark eyed people that lived there, like her father and sisters. She was different, that was all.

Haemon and Celeste had spoken very little on their journey. The farther along they got the grumpier and more skittish Haemon got. In the town Haemon purchased a room at an inn, just one since he wouldn't allow Celeste the chance for escape. She wouldn't have left anyway. He would know where to find her.

"Go wash up. You can see the layer of grime on you from the traveling. I want you looking presentable tomorrow. Don't want him downplaying your worth." Celeste nodded, jumping to the task. She was glad she would be clean again, even if it was for her master. She did indeed have the look of a traveler. Her hair was dull and flat, dust coated throughout it. The dress she wore showed signs that it was not meant for the abuse it took during the ride. She was very glad she would look like herself again.

When she finished she was surprised at how much better she felt, just being clean. She walked back out to the sleeping chambers to discover Haemon gone. This was not unusual, he often left for the night at the previous inns they had stayed at. At the third inn Celeste had wandered down out of her room only to be scolded by a grumpy man standing guard at the front door, no doubt Haemon had paid him to make sure she didn't leave. Celeste curled under the thick animal skins but she remained awake throughout the entire night. Her stomach knots only got worse as the night progressed.

Haemon stumbled into the room just as dawn was approaching. He usually came back to the room drunk, his stumbling did not affect Celeste in the least. Even when she thought he would sleep it off he was still able to mount up and ride the rest of the day. He must have a high tolerance to the drink. He gathered his supplies quickly and was ready to leave in minutes.

"Come on you, your master is waiting." His sinister voice chilled Celeste to the bone.

When the sun was at it's highest Haemon maneuvered his horse off of the endless road and onto a small path that was otherwise unseen to the naked eye. That is if you weren't looking for it. Haemon, however, seemed to know this path well even though it looked as if nobody had traveled it in quite some time. It was so overgrown Celeste got whacked in the face by more than a few unruly branches. She wondered if it was obscured purposely. They rode on for most the rest of the day.

"When will we be on the Master's land?" Celeste was curious, seeing as the sun was sinking lower in the sky and they were supposed to be arriving soon.

"We've been on it for a good part of the day. Since we left the main road, I'd thought you knew." Celeste shook her head, bewildered at the vast amount of land her new master owned.

When dusk finally came around Celeste began seeing light filter through the trees directly in front of her. This must be it, the masters house. When his enormous fortress came into full view Celeste gasped in astonishment. Being from a small town the enormity of his home was imposing and foreign. The biggest dwelling she'd seen on her journey here wasn't even a fraction of what this place was. The glass windows, Celeste was not accustomed to the luxury of glass, reflected soft candle light from within the structure. The stone work alone must have cost a fortune. She could only imagine what was contained inside.

"You just going to sit there gaping or what?" Haemon brought her back to reality, he sounded annoyed and impatient. Worse so than any other time on their journey.

"Sorry," Celeste mumbled jumping down from the horse. Haemon led the stallion to a stable off to the side, even it was grand. When he came back he cradled a small package wrapped in brown paper tied with a piece of twine.

"Go on back in the stables and put that on, make yourself presentable," Haemon growled, thrusting the package into her arms.

Celeste slipped the simple, silken, white dress over her head, reveling in the feel of the fabric against her skin. It had a an elegant cut to it, it was most definitely the most expensive item she had ever even touched.

"Oh, Haemon! Thank yo--"

"It's not for you, you daft girl. It's to set your price higher," Haemon interrupted her with a sneer.

"Right, of' course." Celeste swallowed and looked at the ground. What was she thinking? He would never have boughthera dress. It was only for appearances. She should get used to that.

The doors opened easily as Haemon led Celeste in by the tight grip he had on her arm, as though he still feared she might make a run for it. The foyer they were greeted in was so beautiful it took Celeste's breath away. She wanted to marvel at the magnificent marble art forever. Haemon yanked on her arm, making her stumble. Obviously he wasn't as enraptured as Celeste with the beauty of the place.

"Sit here. And don't you move a muscle." Haemon shoved her onto an intricately carved bench made of marble before disappearing through another doorway.

Celeste heard muted conversation from the door. She chewed her bottom lip in deep thought, her brow bunched. After a few moments curiosity got the better of her and she slipped silently off the bench and approached the door, placing an ear at it's crack.

"No time in wasting either of our time, especially mine. Get on with it Haemon." Celeste shivered when she heard the deep rumble of her Master's voice. He sounded positively massive!

"Of' course not," Haemon agreed, "I've brought what we agreed on. The 20 gold pieces, 50 silver, and 100 copper."

"Good, good. I was running low on the smaller change. Bastards in town claim they can't even break a silver!" The voice sounded exasperated and annoyed. Why? She didn't think it was that big an issue. He had all that money! And no doubt more. "Will that be all?" Celeste liked the sound of his voice and found herself inexplicably drawn to it. She had to count to ten to refrain from throwing open the door.

"Sir? I've also brought something a little extra. It's worth the rest of the amount I owe you. It would buy me out of my debt. Worth much greater than I paid..." Celeste frowned from her position crouched next to the door. Was he talking about her? Greater than he'd paid? He cheated her father? Celeste's blood boiled.

"Well? What is it?" The silence after the master had spoken those words frightened Celeste. Were they whispering? Why had they stopped talking? She strained closer, pressing her whole body up against the door. Her ears started ringing from the strain. Suddenly, her unanswered questions were answered when the great doors swung open. Celeste tried to balance herself on the balls of her feet but to no avail. She tumbled into the room in the most unladylike fashion and ended up sprawled all over Haemon's feet. Glancing up in embarrassment Celeste began to apologize but the words dried in her throat when she caught a glimpse of his face. Never had she seen him so angry. Celeste presumed it was because they were in the presence of the Master.

With the speed of a striking snake Haemon grabbed Celeste in an iron grip and forced her to her feet. With a snarl he cocked his hand back and she flinched, preparing for the blow. She stood there with her eyes squinted tight, head turned away, and a grimace already plastered across her face but the strike didn't come. A low menacing growl had her eyes fluttering open in shock and confusion.

"Leave Haemon. Your debt is paid. I never want to see you on my land again!" The booming voice came from the creature beside her who had the hand Haemon had meant to hit her with crushed in his own. She could hear bones crunching. The beast released the hand with a shove that sent Haemon to the floor, his face white with terror. He jumped and ran as fast as Celeste had ever seen anybody run.

The creature then turned toward her. Celeste's eyes widened when she got a full view of the Master. He stood still, like a statue, and let her take her fill. He stood a little over eight feet tall, she presumed. He towered over her short 5 foot two inches.

His skin was what caught Celeste's attention the most. Skin wasn't even the accurate word, scales was more like it. His scales were alternating colors of blue, silver, cream, and ebony and they gleamed as if coated in oil. They traveled along his body no bigger than the size of a walnut but became so tiny as to hardly be scales at all around his face, neck, nipples, and though it was covered she also presumed his groin would be covered in the tiny scales as well. His chest was bare, giving Celeste a full view of his muscles traveling under his scales every time his shifted. He looked powerful.

The next noticeable thing was his horns. They were a deep onyx that reflected candlelight in a way that made them more defined and gave them the appearance of glass. The points were sharp and strong, able to impale about anything. Silver hair surrounded the horns and fell down to a little past his ears. He only looked a little older than she did... Maybe 25 years of age, but he had a timeless look that made her second guess his age.

She scrutinized his face the longest. It was the most human looking part of his body. He had a nice, square, angular jaw that screamed male. Two ivory fangs indented his lower lip in an almost erotic way. Celeste blushed and continued her appraisal. His eyes were where she concluded her study but they captured her gaze and seemed to refuse her ever escaping. She was lost in his eyes for what felt like hours. They looked like the sky on a stormy morning at sea. Grey and blue fighting for dominance in their fiery depths.

A voice told Celeste that she should be afraid. She, after all,hadheard stories from her childhood about such monsters and the one that stood before her. But she was unafraid.She remained locked in his gaze, not even wishing to be released. Wariness and knowing reflected out of his and she felt honored at being able to experience how open his emotions were to her.

"If you're quite finished?" He rumbled, still not moving.

"S-sorry, you're just a lot to take in." Celeste blushed furiously. Had that just come out of her mouth? "Forgive me! That was rather rude." When she finished speaking shock and curiosity danced across his face.

"You're not running or screaming. At first I thought you were frozen terror." He eyed her still uncertain.

"No, sir. I was merely studying you. You're different than anything I've ever seen before. I was curious."

"As are you. Different I mean. Most women and on occasion men who I've encountered can't even speak in my presence let alone hold up a conversation. Too many rumors and stories, makes them afraid of me. Are you not afraid?"

"To be honest, I'm terrified. But your expressions belie any of the stories. If you wished to harm me you wouldn't have stopped Haemon. If you wished to eat me you would have done so already instead of humoring me."

"Perhaps I just like to play with my food." Celeste's mouth popped open and he chuckled. She jumped two steps back when he strode towards her and squeaked when he grasped her chin in a firm but gentle grip. "Don't worry, Little One, I mean you no harm." His face was mere inches away from hers and his scent washed over her, making her sigh. He smelled of the woods, fresh and earthy with a hint of crisp ocean underlining the whole experience. He smelledwild.Celeste found herself inhaling his heady aroma ardently. He rumpled in pleasure at her obvious attraction to his musk.

"Nobody's brought me a woman for quite some time. Too disappointing, them being so afraid and all… Doesn't make them very good company. You're intriguing though. Quite a surprise, Haemon bringing you." He stood there still gazing into her eyes. He shifted his gaze to take the rest of her in and released her chin. He folded his arms and walked around her in circle.

"You're very young though. Tell me, how did you end up with the likes of Haemon?"

"My father owed him silver. He said he would take me to settle my fathers debt or he would kill him. It's obvious what I choose."


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