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Little Packages Ch. 08

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On their 1st anniversary Daddy and Kitten return to NYC.
20.7k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/27/2021
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This took longer than expected and for regular readers my apologies. Sometimes the words come out easy, sometimes you have to drag them out. The latter is what happened here, although I hope what was dragged out is still fun.

Due to a much-needed and long overdue vacation (I have both shots and being careful, I promise), there may be a delay in Chapter 9. I'm bringing something to write on so I'll get some done, I just can't promise 20,000 words in four weeks. Look for Chapter 9 close to the end of August.

Thank you for reading, as always. And if you can spare a kind word or a kind vote after reading and it's to your liking, that's always appreciated.




I looked at the two pieces of luggage I had, and then the mountain of crap I had to fit into those two pieces of luggage and made a sound that was partway between a sigh and a snarl.

On this particular Monday evening, the spectators for this display in frustration and masochism all had different reactions. Gillian ignored me as she was focused on her computer and trying to get some classwork done. Soo-Ah was agitated because she wanted to help, but I told her I was fine an hour ago.

Things had managed to get less packed during that hour.

The third person sighed, looked up from his phone and gave me one of his patented "Are you being a silly little girl?" looks. Daddy was right; I was a silly little girl, but I was also a stubborn one. I hated having to pack in an organized way. Normally I tossed clothes in a suitcase. Daddy was horrified how I packed for our trip to Florida, but I got everything home, so obviously I knew what I was doing. When I went to New York last year I travelled by bus and had more space. I also had fewer and simpler costumes.

But this was different. I was bringing regular clothes and trying to fit bits and pieces of weirdly shaped cosplay into the suitcase. I was packing six costumes that had corsets, a sword, a lightsaber, vegan leather, boots, multiple capes, and other odds and ends. Daddy considered six costumes over four days lunacy, but he'd given up arguing with me on it.

"Let Soo help," he said from the living room, not looking up from his phone.

"I'm fine," I said in a voice that indicated that I was not, in fact, fine. I could see Soo hovering at the edge of the door, desperately wanting to help.

"There are limits to even what your stubbornness can accomplish," he said, which produced a snort from Gillian. "You need a fresh set of eyes. Let her have a crack at it and we'll go get some food for everyone."

That got Soo and Gillian's attention. Everyone has been so wrapped up in the drama of watching me pack that supper hour had slipped past.

"Thai food?" Gillian asked hopefully.

Daddy laughed. "Sure, I assume you have a spot?"

Soo ran to get her phone and offered to call since they knew our order. My drama worked up everyone's appetite.

I stared at the rubble and idly kicked a boot. I was frustrated, but I knew some of that was hunger at this point. Plus, I hated having Soo bailing me out, but if there was something she was bad at, I hadn't found it in the last six weeks. However, she was so incredibly nice it was impossible to resent her for it.

"Coming, Kitten?" Daddy asked. He already had his jacket and shoes on and was leaning on his cane waiting for me. I sighed, stomped over to the door, rammed my feet into some flats, and threw on a coat. I was getting ready to march out the door when Daddy gave me a look that indicated I was being an ungrateful brat. I lowered my head and turned around.

"Soo? Seriously, thank you."

"No worries. Food will make us even," she said, smiling and heading towards my disaster area.

"Better," he said as the door closed behind us. I felt mortified I behaved so poorly.

We left the apartment and headed towards the elevator. This place was a lot nicer than our apartment last year. It wasn't a luxury condo or anything, but it was safer, there was less vermin, and Daddy enjoyed the elevator as didn't have to walk up a bunch of stairs.

The walls were thin, so we heard everything the neighbours were doing, but that was a small price to pay. It's also why God invented noise-cancelling headphones.

We were walking outside in the cool October air. The leaves had turned and there was a satisfying crunch as we walked. It was about a 10-minute walk to the restaurant, so it was a good time to clear my head. Daddy had a firm grip on my hand. It didn't hurt, but he was also letting me know that we were walking and he was in charge.

"I'm ok, Daddy," I said in a small voice.

"You sure?"

I nodded. His grip on my hand relaxed a bit. I pulled it away and then wrapped myself around his arm. He kissed the top of my head.

"Sorry I'm being brattier than normal," I said.

"New York is supposed to be fun, Kitten. I thought you'd be excited to go to a con, get to see some of the city, and celebrate our anniversary. But you've been...."

"Stressed?" I added.

He nodded. "Are you ok? Seriously?"

"I am, it's just a lot going on. I mean, I knew things were going to ramp up in the second year, but they've piled on faster than I thought," I said.

"But you're managing ok? Is there anything I can do?"

Such a good Daddy.

"Just keep being you. I'd be out of my mind without you at this point," I said.

After our usual weekend together he came up to Montreal to spend a few days with me before our New York trip. There was no worry about upsetting the roommates; Gillian and Soo both loved him and were angling for an invite back to our...well, his, house. The woods, sauna and jacuzzi were major selling points. After Soo's latest rescue it was going to be hard to say no to them staying for a few days during mid-term break.

Daddy was meeting me after class tomorrow and from there we were going straight to the airport so we could have all Wednesday before the con to see some of the city. He had everything planned including "a show" Wednesday evening, although he wasn't telling me which one. I was one spoiled little girl, but he liked doing it.

"I just feel a little bad seeing you stressed out," he said, snapping me back to reality.

I rolled my eyes. "Daddy, this is 100% self-inflicted. It's not like this comic con snuck up on me."

It hadn't but last month I realized I hated how all my costumes looked on me. Courtesy of Daddy trying to turn me into a cow last summer, I put on weight. I wasn't going to tell him it was a problem because I know he worries. Plus, I think he likes the extra weight on me, which was a whole other thing I wasn't going to deal with right now.

But it was a big deal to me because none of my costumes fit right anymore. I'm normally tiny and wearing tight-fitting costumes. Now everything was too snug or bulged in the wrong places. It was maddening.

This led to some frantic redesigning over the last six weeks. Altering some of the older costumes, making new ones, and dealing with everything that had gone on since the start of school, meant I'd been very stressed. Also, because I was taking most of the week off school, I let some of my profs know. Since I was going to a comic con in New York, which has lots of TV and movie people in attendance, most were cool with it. But they wanted to see what I was wearing, and then offered suggestions. That meant more work.

So a lot was happening. I love my Daddy, but because he's also a fixer he wants to help. But this is school and I have to get through it. I love being his little girl, and I would try and get as much of that time as I could. But for the rest of the time, and for the times when he wasn't around, I was going to have to learn how to deal with things.

That included learning to pack properly.

"Ok, well, I'm here to help," he said.

"Of course you are, Daddy," I said, and stopped. He looked at me puzzled for a second and then I leaned up on my toes and kissed him. Being short could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I never got tired of getting on my toes to kiss him. It was a small Little moment that made me happy.

"You're a good girl, Kitten," he said. "Don't forget that, no matter how hard school gets."

That at least put a smile on my face.

We eventually got back to the apartment with a ton of food and when I walked in I discovered two packed suitcases next to the door. I looked stunned for a moment and then saw Gillian and Soo recording the moment on their phones. I reached down and lifted one of the bags; it wasn't empty.

"Not filled with rocks, we promise," Gillian said.

Daddy squeezed by, glanced at the bags, glanced at me, and then looked at Gillian and Soo and cracked up.

"Well, I can't say you didn't earn this," he said, placing the food on the table.

I was still poking at the bags.

"Do not open them," Daddy said, knowing where this was going. "Walk around your room and if you see anything not packed, we'll throw it in mine. But do not open them and start pulling things out to see if Soo remembered to pack a shoe or something."

"How?" I finally asked. "We were gone less than 30 minutes."

Soo beamed and Gillian gave her a hug and a kiss. I didn't understand how the relationship worked when I first met Soo but watching them together, it was unquestionable that it did. Gillian was spending less time online and was less bitchy. Soo absorbed praise and kindness like she was a thirsty camel. She never spoke about it, but I had the feeling that her parents were not the most receptive towards her being gay.

"My girl has some serious skills," Gillian said.

I didn't want to insult Soo by doing a doublecheck of my room in front of her so I sat at the table and started opening up takeout bags.

"Seriously, Soo. You're a lifesaver. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Kit."

Well, that was one less thing to worry about. Maybe I could finally start to relax and get ready for my weekend in New York.


Later that night that idea was out the window. I was tossing in bed and couldn't sleep because my brain was spinning: Was I nuts for skipping this much school time when everything was piling on? Did Soo remember to pack my belt that I needed to go with that outfit? Was Daddy getting pissed off with how I'd been behaving lately?

I flipped onto my side and glanced at my phone. It was two in the morning. I hated my brain sometimes.

Then I felt Daddy shift in the bed. Unlike his house, I had a Queen-sized bed, so it was a tighter fit and easier to wake up the other person. I was about to apologize when I felt his arm slide underneath my body and he gently laid his hand around my throat. His other hand went and began stroking my nipples.

"Shhhh, little girl," he said in a soft voice.

The move had the simultaneous effect of slowing down my brain and igniting the rest of my body.

"Daddy," I whispered urgently, "They'll hear..."

Gillian, Soo and I worked out an arrangement when it came to sex. Because the walls were so thin it was easy to hear everything. I was gone three nights of the week, which left them lots of time to fuck when I wasn't around. The other four days were "In Case of Emergency" days; you could fuck, but only if things were desperate.

Daddy and I had only done it once here; Gillian and Soo about a half dozen times, so they owed me a few emergencies. Still, I was nervous because I was loud and said....things.

"Be a good girl and listen to your Daddy," he whispered in my ear, and that took care of any resistance I might have had left. I was a good girl. I was going to obey my Daddy.

I was naked except for a simple collar around my throat. He kept playing with my nipples and I could feel my pussy liquify. I started shifting my hips, partly to get him to move his hand downwards, partly so I could feel his hard cock rub against my ass.

"I know you're stressed and worried, little girl," he said quietly, but firmly in my ear. His hand began to slide down from my breasts and ran across my stomach. "But you need to remember I will always take care of you."

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered.

"Your Daddy loves you very much, little girl," he said, his hand hovering over where I needed it. I whimpered.


"Are you going to be a good little girl and do what you're told?" he asked.

At that point, I would have promised to bring him back rocks from the moon, but it worked. My brain wasn't spinning. I was freefalling into my little space.

"I'm my Daddy's good little girl. I always do what I'm told," I said.

"Yes you do," he said. Then his fingers dance across my clit, while at the same time his hand slid up from my throat and covered my mouth.

It wasn't perfect containing my scream, but his hand muffled it a bit. Maybe Gillian and Soo were still asleep.

His hand went back to my throat. He was more concerned about making sure I knew who was in charge than keeping me quiet. Once I realized that I let go of the last of my embarrassment. Daddy was going to make me cum, and people were going to know.

The combination of his hand on my throat and fingers on my clit did wonders. The stress and anxiety vanished. I was an obedient little girl.

"Daddee," I whined, feeling the orgasm getting closer and closer.

"Do you want to cum, Kitten?" he said.

"Please let me cum, Daddy. I need it," I said.

I could feel his fingers pause for a moment, and then I had the horrible thought that he was going to tease me when he did a quick flicking motion with his fingers and I went off.

I dimly recalled turning my head at the last minute to scream into the bed and hearing Daddy chuckle.

After a few minutes, my brain came back to reality a bit. I was aware of three things: Daddy's hand idly playing with my nipples, a rock-hard cock wedged into my ass, and that I was still horny.

"Was that enough or do you need more, little girl," he whispered and then nipped my ear.

I lifted one of my legs, shifted my hips so that his cock slipped between my thighs, and then reached down and grabbed it and placed it right at the entrance of my pussy.

"I'm a horny little slut, Daddy. I always need more," I said. And then wiggled my hips, giving his cock a tease.

Daddy did a quick shift so that his cock was sliding into my pussy and I let out a loud moan. We hadn't fucked like this much, on our sides with him behind me. I guess this was supposed to be quieter as the bed wouldn't make much noise, but I was nicely compensating for the bed.

"Oh, Daddy, just like that. Fuck your little girl," I said.

It was amazing feeling of his body pressing behind me, his hairy chest rubbing against my back. He directed one of my hands towards my pussy, so that as we moved his cock in and out of me, I could play with my clit. He then moved up and stroked and pulled on my nipples. His remaining hand tightened and relaxed around my throat.

It was overwhelming. I was flooded with sensations and my brain melted further. I knew I was talking to him but had no idea what I was saying. It was babble.

"Oh, I'm your good little girl, Daddy. Fuck me, please fuck me. Never stop fucking me. Oh God, I love your cock so much...."

"Are you going to obey your Daddy from now on?" he said and squeezed around my throat a little harder.

"Uh-huh. I'm a good girl," I said, and squeezed his cock with my pussy. He groaned and I giggled. I could feel him move his cock back and forth with more urgency. He was close and so was I.

"You want your Daddy's cum, Kitten?"

"Give me everything, Daddy," I cried out. He pushed into me with one last hard thrust and came with a groan. I gasped and came right behind him, a rush of endorphins and heat blasting through my body.

A couple of minutes later, after we both could breathe normally again, he moved to pull away from me. I grabbed his arm and made him hold me longer.

"I love you so much," I finally managed to get out. My brain was all over the place, but unlike before it was only happy, blissful thoughts.

"I can guess why," he said as he flexed his semi-hard cock which was still inside me. I groaned.

"No," I managed to finally get out. "You know how to take care of me and you do it without once making me feel bad. It's just...I don't deserve it sometimes, I think and...."

"Shhhhh," he said, kissing my shoulder and gently running a finger across my lips. "I love you, you love me and we'll both do anything to take care of the other. It's no more complicated than that."

I smiled. Even if he couldn't see it, I knew he felt it.

"Such a good Daddy," I said, and I could feel myself shutting down and drifting off. He slowly untangled himself from me, and this time I was too tired to complain.

"Such a good little girl," was the last thing I heard him say before drifting off.


A day and a half later I'm sitting in a diner watching Daddy eat his breakfast with a smile on my face. It's not like I'd never watched him eat before, but he was just so happy outlining what we were going to do today. It was an insane schedule he had set out, and even he admitted that we might not get to do all of it, but he wanted to try and cram in as much as we could.

"Well, first we'll head to MOMA. We're not going to be able to see all of it, but we can see some of the cool things they have there," he said, chewing around some of the bacon. "Then we'll walk to Central Park and find a place nearby to get some lunch. Then we can head down to Macy's, which you should see if nothing else...."

"Daddy..." I tried to interrupt.

"If we have time, maybe run down to Union Square, because there's normally something weird or cool happening down there. I'd like to try the Empire State Building, but that's probably too much to squeeze in. Then back to the hotel to change, catch our show this evening, some supper and then back to our room. How does that sound?"

I laughed.

"Daddy, are you trying to kill me before we ever set foot into the con? Because that's a whole lot of running around on our first day here."

He at least looked a little embarrassed about it.

"I love this city. I moved near Kingston because it is an easy trip to visit New York if I wanted. Of course, then I found myself with this huge distraction on my hands..."

"Thanks," I said, frowning a bit as I held a piece of pancake on my fork. Daddy had gone with a big breakfast. I was going to go with something lighter, but they had blueberry pancakes and I'm only human.

"Massively cute distraction on my hands," he said, correcting himself.

"I'll let you get away with it," I said. Honestly, his enthusiasm was too cute.

"I love the energy of the city. There's always something amazing and interesting to do. I know we can only see a fraction of it today, and it's probably madness to try and see as much as I have planned, but I love the place and I hope you will too."

"You know I'd be just as happy wandering around the city with you looking at things you love to see, right? I love that you want to do this for me, but I'm already in New York, going to a comic con, and I'm with you. I'm already having a really good week," I said, trying to remind him that not everything has to be perfect.

"Duly noted. It's not unlike a comic con; plan lots and anticipate to get to do half of it," he said.


"And if we don't make it to the show this evening, it'll be perfectly fine. All part of the New York adventure," he said, trying to hide the smirk.

I sighed and lowered my head.

"Are you going to tell me what show we're going to see?" I asked for the 500th time.

He glanced at his watch. "Plenty of time for you to know that."

For the past six weeks, after he told me he had tickets to see a Broadway show but refused to tell me which one. I'd been going back and forth between loving him for getting me tickets to my first Broadway show and wanting to kill him for not telling me which one. When I argued I needed to know what I should wear, he told me a nice black dress, stocking and some heels was all that was needed.

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