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Locked Out

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At Satomi's dorm, I meet Takuya & Hiro. Get locked out naked.
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At the end of my sophomore year, two of our friends, Futoshi and Kenta, left Oceanview, and moved to Los Angeles. After they left, things got a lot quieter. I guess they were really more my then-boyfriend Ryosuke's friends than mine, but all the same, I was sad to see them go. I guess part of it was that Futoshi had been sweet to my best friend, Satomi, so she was kind of bummed about them leaving. She looks kind of cute even when she is moping with her puppy dog eyes and duckbill lips, but I wanted her to be happy.

In order to cheer her up, I started going down to visit her at her dorm. School was out, so the regular students were gone, and new people had moved in. A lot of them were Mexicans here to study English, but there were Japanese people too, some Chinese and even a few Europeans. Actually, it was kind of exciting seeing all these new faces. I was working near there, so I kept dropping by, getting to know the newcomers. They'd just arrived in the States, so we tried to help them find their way around, the way people did for me when I first arrived.

Because I was working on campus, Satomi invited me to come sleep over in her dorm room. The first night, I met two European girls staying just down the hall. One girl from France, Natasha, used to work as a nurse, but now she was engaged to an American guy. She was really nice, so beautiful, blonde and proud of her country. The other girl was Sarah. She was from Italy. She was young, maybe 18 or so, tall and slender and really beautiful too. I was surprised because both of them could speak English so well.

A few days later, I dropped by the dorm again. Satomi and I were sitting around in her room when these two young Japanese guys showed up.

"Excuse me. Excuse me, Miss Satomi," the taller one said. He was wearing old-fashioned horn-rimmed glasses, but actually he and his friend were both kind of cute. The tall boy spoke with this faint smile on his lips in a strong Kansai accent that sounded so funny. "Ah! You have a visitor," he exclaimed as soon as he saw me.

"Who's this?" I asked. Satomi tilted her head to the side almost as if she didn't want to say.

"Takuya and Hiro from Osaka," she finally revealed.

"Actually, I'm from Kobe," the shorter one, Hiro, said sticking out his hand to shake mine. I felt really weird shaking hands with a Japanese guy, but they were both trying so hard to act 'American.' I was having trouble keeping a straight face.

"And you are...?" Takuya asked, looking at me.

"Emi, Emi Tsuruta from Tokyo," I giggled. They really were so funny. The four of us ended up going out for lunch together. At first, I thought they might be trying to hit on us, but it turned out they were really young, fresh out of high school, and were feeling a bit lost, living away from home for the first time. It reminded me a lot of how I felt when I came here to Oceanview. Everything seemed so strange and wondrous back then. They kept staring up at the buildings or saying things like "the sky is so big in America." They were very friendly, but they treated Satomi and I more like big sisters than potential girlfriends. Satomi didn't seem to mind, but I definitely wasn't used to be treated like an 'older' woman. I was only 21 for heaven's sake. Still, we soon became friends, and hung around together.

I started spending more and more time at Satomi's dorm, getting to know Sarah, Natasha, Takuya, Hiro and them. Sarah and Natasha swam, so I invited them to come with me to the pools on campus. They both turned out to be pretty good swimmers. Sarah especially would dive into the pool so gracefully, and swim really fast with her long arms. I was so glad to find people to come swimming with me.

One morning, I woke up in Satomi's room. Satomi had already gone off to breakfast, but I could hear her other dorm mates rattling around. I wanted to have a shower, so I took off my p.j.'s, wrapped a towel around myself, and cautiously peeked out her door. No one seemed to be out in the hall, so I quickly ran across to the bathroom, took off my towel, and hung it on the hook just outside the shower. It felt so weird to be naked in the public area of the dorm, but exhilarating too.

One strange thing about this dorm is all the bathrooms are co-ed. I guess it used to be a male dorm, but even after they let girls in, they didn't build more washrooms, but just made the ones they had co-ed. You'd be there doing your make up or whatever, and a guy would walk in. It was so weird. In Japan, I think almost all washrooms are just for women or just for men.

Anyway, while I was showering naked, I heard guys coming this way. I got all panicky, wondering what to do. I hadn't brought any clothes with me just the towel. I stood there quiet, while two of them came right in, standing just a few feet from where I was.

"Who's that girl staying with Satomi?" I heard one ask.

"Oh yeah, I've seen her around before. I think her name is Emi."

Hey! That's me! Curious, I pushed the shower curtain aside, and peeked out trying to see if I knew them. I got so nervous though that I slipped, and almost fell.

"Kya!" I squealed. The guys went silent. They knew I was here. They could probably see my bare feet under the bottom of the curtain. I turned off the shower, and stuck my hand out trying to find my towel. I got it off the hook, but all tense, I ended up dropping it on the floor.

"Are you OK, Miss?" one of the guys asked, clearly talking to me. I was so frightened I didn't answer at first. I knew they must be watching. I squatted down, and felt around outside for the towel.

"Oh, here. Let me get that for you." This guy came right into the shower area, and picked up my towel. "Here you go," he said, his voice wavering a bit. I stood back up, and pushed open the curtain a crack. Both of them were staring straight at me, so I covered my breasts with one arm, and quickly took the towel from the guy who was holding it out. I pushed the curtain back shut, and hurried to towel off. It was so weird being naked with these guys right here.

"You're Emi, aren't you?"

A shiver ran up my spine. How did he know my name?

"We met at the toga party a while back," he explained. I vaguely remembered him. I met a lot of people that night. I guess he might have been one of the guys I danced with. I toweled off as quickly as I could. I felt so tense, and then I heard someone else come in.

"Good morning!" one of the boys said.

"Morning." It was a girl's voice. "Um, do you guys think you could... uh... leave? I want to take a shower." I finally recognized the voice as Sarah's. I was so glad.

"Uh, yeah, OK," the guys said, slowly backing away. I waited until I was sure they were gone, and then finally opened the curtain.

"Emi? What are you doing here?" Sarah exclaimed.

"Me? I was just taking a shower when those guys came in. Thanks by the way for chasing them off."

"Yeah, no problem," she nodded, taking off her towel. Sarah had a deep tan except for where her bikini bottoms must have been. There was something strangely erotic about how white the area around her pussy was compared to the dark brown of her legs and tummy. It must have been quite a revealing bikini. Even her breasts seemed tanned. I kept staring at her, fascinated, but she didn't seem embarrassed at all. She could be a model.

"Where did you get that tan?" I asked, curious.

"Oh, in Italy before I left."

"Do you sunbathe topless?" I asked gesturing towards her breasts.

"Yeah. Oh, I guess people don't do that here," she smiled.

"There's a nude beach just at the back of the campus down the cliffs."


"Do you want to go?" I asked. I'd heard that Europeans are more relaxed about nudity than people here in the States.

"Um. Well, I don't know. What's it like?"

"It's kind of small, but the water is nice and warm. I've only been once or twice, and there weren't many people there."

"Yeah, well, maybe some time."

It didn't sound like she was so interested, but at least she wasn't against the idea. Maybe I can get Satomi and Natasha to come with us. That would be fun.

A few weeks passed without much happening. Then one day, I dropped by at the dorm, and found Satomi studying up in her room. No one else seemed to be around, and it was too nice a day out to be inside, so I convinced her to come down, and sunbathe with me in the quad. We laid out a big blanket on the grass, lay down, and relaxed. Satomi had some test coming up that she had to study for, so she brought her books. I told her about Sarah, and our plan to go to the nude beach.

Soon, we heard the bells of an ice cream truck. I was getting hungry, so we ran over, bought some soft ice cream cones, and then came back, and sat on the grass. Before long, Takuya and Hiro showed up.

"Yo! Emi. Satomi."

"Aren't you guys supposed to be in class?" Satomi asked, ever the spoilsport.

"Aw, they're doing something stupid today," Hiro scoffed. "We decided to skip off."

I moved back to make space for them to sit on the blanket. They started telling us about their courses. It reminded me of when I first arrived. Satomi kept on reading, but every once in a while, she'd look up, and laugh at one of their jokes. When I finished my ice cream, I lay down on my back with my knees up. Suddenly, Takuya and Hiro stopped talking. Wondering why, I looked up only to find them staring at my bare thighs.

That day, it was pretty hot out, so I was just wearing a pair of cream safari shorts and a white tank top. I suddenly realized that I probably hadn't pulled on any panties that morning. Sometimes I go without in the summer. Usually no one can tell, but these particular shorts have a cuff that runs about an inch down each leg. The cuffs are pretty wide, so I could feel the breeze, tickling my pussy.

The way the two of them were staring, they must be able to see something. Takuya tilted his head this way and that, trying to get a better look up my shorts. I began to worry that maybe he could see my pussy.

I lifted my head, and looked at Takuya. They turned away, but it was obvious that they'd been staring at my crotch. I sat up, trying to pull the cuffs of my shorts down, but my hello kitty was tingling away. Satomi was oblivious. I wonder what I should do. Should I say something? I didn't really have a good explanation for why I wasn't wearing panties. Or maybe I should just ignore them, and act normal. That's what Ryosuke always tells me to do if someone catches me in an embarrassing state.

I spread my legs, and looked down, trying to judge how much of my privates they could see. There were a few strands of pubic hair sticking out. I don't think they could see my pussy lips though. I lay back down, but they just went back to staring. Takuya and Hiro were only 18, so maybe they hadn't seen that many girls naked before. They had gone quiet, trying not to set me off I guess.

I did feel embarrassed of course. Honestly, I hadn't meant to flash them. I was probably blushing, but I didn't want to make a fuss. It was kind of my fault for not wearing panties in the first place. I lay back, and sighed.

Takuya and Hiro were trying to pretend like they weren't staring, but you could tell that they were. Every time I shifted my butt, their eyes would zero in. They had this look of anticipation on their faces. Maybe, they couldn't see my pussy after all.

There were other people walking by, so I had to sit up. I shifted into a rakuza pose (indian style?), bringing the soles of my feet together kind of like in yoga. Takuya blinked, shocked that I would spread my legs.

Satomi had finally noticed, and signaled for me to cover up. I lifted my knees, and tried to hide my pussy behind my ankles. I think Satomi was upset that Hiro seemed so interested in me. Hiro did have a goofy grin on his face. Just to be funny, I kicked his arm out from under him making him fall on his face. That made him angry though, so as soon as he got up, he came after me. I tried to back away, but Satomi was behind me blocking from moving back. Soon, Hiro climbed up on top of me. He sat on my stomach, and held my hands, pinning me to the ground.

I tried to push him off, but he was surprisingly strong for a guy so small. Satomi was no help, confused as to why he'd jumped on me.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I felt Takuya grab my knees, pulling them apart. Afraid of what they might do, I bucked, trying to push Hiro off of me, but he pressed down on me refusing to budge. The next thing I knew, I felt Takuya's fingers on the crotch of my shorts, pulling them aside. Can you believe it? He was taking advantage of my being pinned to peek at my pussy.

"Let go! Get off!" I cried, even more frantic. Takuya didn't touch my pussy at first, but he felt like he was brushing against my pubic hair, driving me crazy. Despite myself, I was getting all excited. There were other people in the courtyard, and I began to worry that they would see my pussy too. I felt so humiliated. Here I was unable to move with Takuya playing with my pussy.

Luckily, Satomi had finally found her feet, and dragged Hiro off of me. Takuya had started probing for my clitoris, getting me all excited, but I was just so shocked. Even if I liked him say, this was no place to teach him how to finger bang me. I struggled to sit up, and Takuya finally let go of my shorts.

I glared at Takuya, furious. Takuya backed up, and knelt down, bowing his forehead to the ground.

"My sincerest apologies! There is no excuse. Please forgive me."

My heart was pounding in my chest, but his apology did seem sincere. He was a lot bolder than most guys, but I guess it was partly my fault. I should have put on some panties this morning before coming here. I should be more careful.

Anyway, it was getting near time for me to go to work. I stood up, and brushed myself off. Takuya and Hiro continued to stare at me, wide-eyed. I was just so annoyed most of all at myself for getting caught like that. I had to go though, so I ended up rushing off without saying much.

That night I saw Ryosuke. Talking to him helped me calm down. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal really. So they'd seen my pussy. So what? It's not the end of the world, I kept telling myself.

Then one day, not long after that, Satomi told me one of her friends was coming from Japan, so she was going to Los Angeles for a few days. I asked her if I could stay in her room, while she was gone, and she said sure, and gave me a key. The main reason I asked was just so I'd be closer to work, but Sarah and Natasha would be there too, so I could hang with them. I went with Satomi to the train station, and saw her off.

That night when I got back to Satomi's room, it was so hot. She was way up on the fourth floor—the warmest part of the building. It was too hot to wear pajamas, so I ended up sleeping in the nude.

The next morning, I woke up, and I was so thirsty. It was something like 5:50 a.m., and it sounded like no one else was up. I probably should have put some clothes on, but I was kind of excited, out here on my own for once. I took a chance, dashing across the hall to the washroom in my bare scuddy. It was early, so I don't think anyone was up. I quickly took a slurp of water, and then dashed back to the room. When I got back though, I was surprised to find the door shut. Maybe the wind blew it closed. I yanked on the door handle, but it wouldn't open. It has one of those auto-locks! Here I was stark naked in the hall, but Satomi's key was back inside the room!

I was so freaked out. This is horrible. I looked down between my breasts at my pussy smoothing down my pubic hair, wondering what to do.

I finally went over, and rapped lightly on Sarah's door. There was no answer. C'mon, Sarah! Wake up! I tried knocking a bit louder, but if I make too much noise, I might wake up the boys. Takuya and Hiro live on that same hallway.

"Sarah," I whispered. "Sarah, it's me, Emi!" No answer, so I went down to Natasha's door, and rapped on it. I couldn't understand why neither of them were answering. I guess they must be sound sleepers. I was running out of time though. Soon everyone would wake up. I couldn't let them find me out here naked. I had to do something fast.

I eventually decided to make a run for the porter's office. They had keys there, and hopefully, he would recognize me, and lend me a key for Satomi's room. It would be embarrassing to show up there naked, but in my panicked state, I couldn't think of what else I could do.

As I padded through the carpeted halls in my bare feet, I heard an alarm clock go off, and heard signs of movement from behind some of the doors. I was so nervous I was shivering! I ran to the center of the building, but when I got to that stairwell, I suddenly realized it had windows looking out over the main street. I glanced down at my fluffy black bush and tits. This was no state to be seen in. Rather than risk it, I ran back to the side of the building. The breeze on my naked skin was really bracing, reminding me of how naked I was. I quickly ran down the stairs, and then cautiously peeked out into the first floor hall. It sounded pretty quiet. I stepped out, and scampered down the hall to the office.

When I got there though, the door was locked. What time do the clerks come in? 8? 9? Now what am I going to do? I can't just stand out here naked waiting for them. Another more serious problem was I was starting to get very excited. Here I was right at the front entrance buck naked. My whole body was shaking now from the excitement.

I was about to run back upstairs when just down the hall, a guy came out of his room. I'd tried so hard to stay out of sight, but he just showed up out of nowhere. I was still out in the middle of the hallway, so he noticed me right away. He looked pretty shocked to see me naked. I turned, and ran as quick as I could, but I'm pretty sure he saw my bare bottom for sure, and probably my pussy and breasts too. I must have looked quite the sight, all blushing, excited and out of breath.

I made it into the main stairwell, but now what do I do? I didn't want to walk past the windows, but I couldn't go back out into the hall with him right there. He might even be coming this way. I cautiously tiptoed up the stairs to the second floor, getting more and more excited. I could see all these cars driving by out front. I hope they don't notice me.

When I got to the second floor, I peered out down the hall. No one seemed to be there, so I dashed all the way down to the side of the building again away from the windows. Once I made it to the fourth floor, I banged away on Sarah's door begging her to wake up. She finally answered.

"What on earth...? What are you doing?" she gasped on seeing me naked.

"I locked myself out," I rushed to explain.

"Where are your clothes?"

"They're in Satomi's room."

She finally let me into her room, and I told her what had happened. Sarah thought it was so funny that I'd gone across to the washroom naked. I didn't feel much like laughing at the time, but I guess I was pretty lucky. That guy on the first floor saw me, but neither of us knew who he was.

Sarah eventually dug me out a robe to wear while we waited for the porter to come. The porter gave me a strange look, but Sarah backed me up, and eventually, he agreed to let me into Satomi's room. I promised to be more careful.

Anyway, a couple of days later, Satomi came back. I couldn't bring myself to tell her about my adventures, and Sarah—bless her heart—didn't mention them either. Satomi would have a bird I'm sure if she found out.

A few other things happened that I want to tell you about, but I guess I'll save them for next time. Hope you are enjoying your summer.

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staceyshackletonstaceyshackletonover 4 years ago

Thanks for the story, I enjoy your style of writing. Looking forward to reading more.

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