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Lonesome Moon Pt. 04

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Saoirse finally confronts the beast.
10.1k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 02/24/2020
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My name is Saoirse Lennon, and I am a werewolf. At least, I will be soon. I got bitten by one a few nights ago, bitten and thrown through the wall of my woodshed, and I was pretty fucked up after that attack, but now...things are happening to me, and almost none of them good.

Sure, I can eat myself out now, and licking my own privates was fun, but that guilty pleasure doesn't make up for the murderous change that's bound to happen every time the full moon rises, and it will happen. According to Daniel, I'm showing all of the signs of the curse, so it's only a matter of time before I sprout fur and pop claws...That'll be fun...Oh, I am so fucked.

And speaking of fucked, twice now I've had the beast that attacked me come into my home and ravish me, fuck the ever living bejeezus out of me, and the only thing I can think of, the only conclusion I can come to on that is...I'm its bitch now.

Let me explain. My dad and I moved out to Lonesome Moon over two months ago. I've been kind of a lazy, worthless piece of crap for a long time now, about seven years, ever since my mom died when I was fifteen. I've been into the drugs, the booze, and the boys since I was sixteen, so this little move out into the middle of bumfuck nowhere was my dad's way of passive-aggressively telling me to straighten up.

Lonesome Moon is the nearby town, but that town's over forty minutes away from this little cabin, and this little cabin is out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere; there's nothing out here but snow and pine trees. Dad's gone for the week on a house flipping project, and he left me here to watch over things, and...that's not gone well. Not at all.

But let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a twenty-two-year-old white girl of Irish descent, and my name is Irish, so it's pronounced 'Ser-Sha'. I'm five-eight, one hundred and thirty-seven pounds, and I have brown eyes and long, curly brown hair that falls down to my shoulders. I have nice C-cup breasts, beautiful pink nipples, and a good-looking ass, and...Goddamn. I've been naked about ninety-percent of the time since Dad's been gone. What the fuck?

This is all so fucked up. After the initial attack three nights ago, four if you count tonight, I've been going through changes, and I've had really weird dreams with strange urges on top of that. I was always kind of a hedonist, but...this lycanthropy business has made it even more difficult for me to control my impulses. I mean, I fucked the hell out of Daniel the very same morning he introduced himself, and I've been pussy-whipping him ever since that first fun encounter.

Now Daniel Christianson, a hottie. He's six foot, has short black hair and blue eyes, very, very cute, with all-natural muscle and a ...grrrrowwwlll...a thick, six-and-a-half inch long circumcised cock that I love to have in my mouth and pussy. Mmmm hmmm. He is delicious...Is it wrong that I feel like eating him sometimes? He is just so tasty...I'm pretty sure that urge is wrong...Ugh.

Daniel's dad is a veterinarian, but his dad is also a 'hunter', one of those people that hunts monsters. Daniel's made sure that I understand that...if his dad finds out I've been bitten...that man is going to kill me. That's why Daniel's been dealing with his mom lately, setting things up so that his dad doesn't shoot me with a silver bullet or something.

Daniel came around the morning after my attack, and I was pretty fucked up when he showed up, so he took care of me, stitched me up and bandaged my wound, and watched over me when I was in a monster-induced coma. He saved my life again when I woke up outside in the forest, naked, afraid, and in danger of freezing to death. Daniel's a decent guy, though he did stick me with a needle that first day I met him, put me into a drugged-out coma for a few hours, but I already punished him for that, so...I've let bygones be bygones.

Still, this creature that bit's come by every night, walked right into the cabin and had its way with me twice now. When I was fucked up and out of it the second night of the full moon, I had a dream that it had come in and stood over my bed, but...I'm pretty sure now that wasn't a dream. This thing has marked me as its bitch, and I've...I've stupidly given into it. I want it to come in...I want it to fuck me like a bitch, so I've let it.

So that's my current problem. I like Daniel, and I like him a lot, but...the wild and unnatural part of me, the part that's turning into a monster, wants the beast instead. Ooooh...I really don't know what to do about that. The rational me wants Daniel, and the hedonist me wants the creature, so...fuck. Here I am, and I have no idea what to do.

I groaned as I pushed up from the wood floor of my living room. It was still night, the full moon's silver light was still casting over everything in here, the front door was still open, and I was still buck naked, werewolf cum leaking from my open fucked pussy. The creature had just come in and ravished me yet again, and I let it. I didn't even try to fight back. I just straight up enjoyed that unholy union.

My nethers hurt a little as I walked to the front door and stared out into the moonlit snow. I was getting used to this beast coming in, or maybe it was part of my 'condition', but my privates didn't hurt as much as they had after last night's fucking. Was it wrong that I wanted this? Ooooh, I am just...I am so fucked.

I took a sniff and breathed in the heavy scent of the creature's piss upon my front step. It had marked its territory, so I drew in its scent, a wild, heavy, unnatural aroma that spoke to something untamed in my soul. I pissed a line of yellow out into the snow on my front step in response to its marking, and then I shut the door, locking it behind me.

I'd say this was getting out of hand, but this got out of hand a long time ago. Dad would be back in three days, and he was sure to notice some 'changes' going on with me. I'd say my frequent nudity and exhibitionism was a dead giveaway.

I thought about the creature, thought about its power and presence, and this made me let forth a low growl from somewhere within my throat. I stretched, arms over my head, and I heard and felt my bones crack a little as I did so. I could still see everything so clearly within the cabin, a soft silver sheen lining everything around me, as if my eyes were picking up every tiny speck of light possible.

I felt energized, pumped full of adrenaline, and I knew something was off, so I made my way to the back of the cabin to the bathroom, intent on looking in the bathroom mirror.

I felt strange, wild and wired, so I covered my eyes as I flipped on the bathroom light. It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the blinding glare, but after they did, I gave myself an inspection in the mirror, and...whoa.

I looked like me, but pumped, muscular, my physique filled out as if I'd been lifting weights for a long time. I still had my long curly brown hair, but I was covered in brown fur, the same color as my hair, and I could tell that my skin had turned that same color of brown. I had sharp fangs instead of canines, and my eyes were that rich golden color, and...whoa...I was taller, too, by at least four inches; I was at least six-feet-tall now.

"Fuuuuuck..." I growled.

Even my voice was a low growl...Wow...I was...holy shit. I'd changed, but not like the creature, not all the way, yet. I was still me inside, but I definitely felt wired, hyper, like on meth but without having actually smoked it.

My biggest surprise were my breasts. Those two symbols of womanhood were bigger now, no longer C-cups, but double D's, and this excited me as well. Maybe that's why the creature's dick was so big, because everything about you grew when you changed, and...good God. I was fucking hot, even as this furry she-bitch. Apparently, getting fucked by this thing tonight did something more than just give me an incredible orgasm. It did a lot more than just that.

I felt so pumped that I wanted to run, just run, just pick up my feet and run. I felt bursting with energy, and I growled from deep within my throat, because I also felt like hitting something, smashing something to bits. It was weird to have this...this...fury inside me. I don't know how to accurately describe it. It's like you're angry, but not angry at any particular thing, just feeling nuts, like you need to beat on something to release your bottled steam.

I made my way back to the kitchen, made my way to the back door, flung open that door to feel the winter chill of the outdoors, and pissed a yellow line in the snow, marking those steps.

I walked out into the moonlit snow, my bare and furry feet crunching into that packed, crystallized powder, and I closed the door behind me. This fur acted like a winter coat, and I didn't feel the cold sink into me like I had earlier in the day when I had awakened from sleep, naked, out in the forest. Besides, this wired and wild fury inside me filled me with a heat of its own, made me ignore the cold through sheer rage and lust.

I sniffed the air around me, breathed in that frigid chill until I picked up a scent, the scent of my primal lover, the beast that had done this to me.

I raised my head and howled, a long and pining sound in the moonlit dark, one that I instinctually knew was a mating call, and my call was answered by a deeper, more guttural and ringing howl from out of the trees south of the cabin, south of the woodshed.

I took to running toward the source of that howl, and my hands reached down to have me lope on all fours, standing to run, then lope, then run, and I somehow picked up speed this way, all the while sprinting toward my unnatural lover's estimated location.

The howl in the distance rang out again, and I answered it, called back to it as I sped through the trees toward my preferred destination, that destination beneath my wild lover's fearsome loins. I wanted him like my human self wanted Daniel, but I was not human right now. No, the beast inside me drove me toward the beast of the outside, and I wished to be filled by his long, thick, sable cock once more.

I could see perfectly well in the moonlit dark of the coniferous wood, a light sheen of silver covering everything around me, a silver glow that reflected off of everything, allowing my golden eyes to see in the dark as well as I could see in daylight. I had no trouble whatsoever finding my ferocious lover by scent and call, just as I had no trouble seeing my new lover with my new golden eyes in the thick of the southern wood.

It...He...for he was male, and I saw him as more than a monster now...He was crouched over the carcass of a mature doe. I cautiously approached him, and his bloodstained muzzle turned toward me, his large black nose sniffing the air as his golden eyes stared into mine. He growled, a long and low rumble, and I growled in return, crouching down into a threatening position, because a bestial urge had come upon me, one I could not resist. This was a battle for control, and that primal part of my soul forced me into that fight, though I did not want this.

He rushed me as I jumped at him in return, and we collided in mid-air. As strong as I felt, as strong as my new physique was in muscle and fury, and as wild and untamed that this power was, this power coursing through my veins, hitting that wall of muscle and rage changed my mind in a hurry. His massive, sable jaws clamped around my throat, and I was thrown upwards and over his back, slung around through the air like a toy, and then to the ground, hitting the packed snow with a nasty slamming and sliding of my furry body on my fur-coated back.

I rolled over, ass in the air, and squealed out a series of high-pitched whines from this loss, afraid that my ferocious new lover was going to kill me, but he did not close those bloody jaws down on my throat, no. His massive, black clawed hands picked me up by my muscular, brown-furred waist, and he thrust his ten-inch long, thick, ebon-skinned cock into my pussy, plunging deep into me to where I barked out a sharp protest.

My protesting did not last long. My pussy creamed over his massive penis, and he humped into me and over my back as he had done mere minutes before. He pounded into me, thumping my fur-covered bottom with his black-furred crotch, and I took it, enjoying every inch of him once more.

"Ah...Ah...Ah...Ahg!" I whined as I was mercilessly fucked by his giant dick. "Ung...Mmnn...Mnnng...Mmmnnn..."

He picked me up by the waist and ran me forward, and I was forced to run while he was still inside me. We skipped a few feet forward to plow back into the packed snow, frozen grass, and ice-encrusted twigs. He pumped into me harder, my fur-covered face mashing down into the packed crystal, and his cock felt like it was digging into my belly, pummeling my cervix like a pneumatic hammer. My pussy creamed all over his massive dong, my ivory love juice sliding down his two big, ebon balls to drip into the snow beneath us.

He picked me up and ran me forward again, right into the nearest pine tree. I hugged the coarse bark of that tree, my muscular arms wrapping around it, and my breasts, once C-cups, now bigger double D's from the animal change, rubbed against that pine bark. My once pink nipples, now brown like the color of my hair, rubbed against that bark as well, lancing further pain through my sensitive chest area. I yelped in pain from this, but he fucked me even harder, pounding into me without mercy against that tree.

This was insane, wild and unholy, and I loved every second of it, painful as it happened to be.

He picked me up as he nipped into my shoulder, and that hurt, but his fangs did not draw blood. I yelped as he threw me down into the snow again, and he nipped along my shoulders and neck, pinching but not drawing blood. This was an exercise of his control over me, and he was quite skilled at it, because his monstrous dong continued to pound into me the entire time I was being savaged in this way.

"Aaaaahg!...Unnnh...Ahhhgg...Uuuuung..." I cried out from this violation. "Nnng...Ack...Ung..."

He bit down into my right shoulder, pinching that shoulder but, once again, shy of actually wounding me. He then proceeded to clamp his jaws around the back of my fur-covered neck, clamp them down in such a way that my spine was locked, and I was paralyzed in his powerful grasp.

"Unnngg...Ahhhh!" I cried. "Oooooooh..."

My voice was a low growl, but I was still half-human, so my female tone was audible, even in this form. My sounds of bitch pain drove my unnatural lover into a wild heat, and he drilled into me with that monstrous sable cock, the glans spreading me wider round than a golf ball, hammering my pussy until I exploded in an equally monstrous orgasm.

"Ah...Ah...Ung...Ah...Ah..." I barked out. "Ah...Ah...Ung...Ah...Ahg...AHG...AH...OOOOOOOOOWOOOOOO!"

My pussy sprayed him as I came, sprayed him with cum and that opaque juice that shot from my pee hole, and I howled, this time a ringing, reverberating howl, that howl at its full, unholy strength.

He raised his massive black head and howled as he came in union with my cum-spraying pussy, that great wolf's head visible within the circle of the white moon above us, as if he had been drawn into a still painting for Halloween. He thrust hard into me once, twice, then three times, squirting that burning hot semen into me, filling my belly with that liquid heat.

Ooooh, it felt so good. I wanted him to fill me with his unholy, unnatural, primal seed. I needed it, and feeling that liquid heat inside me as my own juices sprayed out of turned that key. I wanted this now. I wanted the beast inside me, both figuratively and literally.

He pulled out of me, slid out all ten inches of his monstrous dong, and ooooh, I felt all ten inches of it. Fuuuuck. You have no idea what that feels like, or maybe you do, I don't know, but it caused me to lift my fur-covered ass in the air and whine like the subdued, thoroughly pussy-fucked bitch I was. His cock came out with a loud POP, and my pussy squirted out his semen as if on command, a spurting of alabaster liquid in a squirt, squirt, squirt, a reflex of having so much monster-cum inside me. I felt every one of those contractions in my ravaged, cream-soaked cunt, and this caused my golden eyes to roll up into the whites as my tongue lolled from my mouth, loll out in six-inches of saliva dripping ecstasy.

Hoollly shit. Never felt anything like that before.

He loped back over to his kill, his bloody deer carcass, his huge swinging cock still dripping semen and some of my own juices. He bent down and gorged himself on the kill, turned his great black head to stare at me with those golden eyes, his jaws still chewing, his fangs crunching into flesh and bone, blood dripping from his maw, and then he went back to feeding, biting into his kill once more, disinterested in me.

Typical man. Eat, fuck, eat, and probably sleep. Sounds about right.

I took my leave of him and made my way back to the cabin. I was not lost in direction this time; I could smell my own markings, my urine I'd marked the cabin doors with. I made my way back to the cabin via my scent, went in through the kitchen door, and made my way into the living room.

I was bone tired, and I felt beat up. The beast had really done a number on me this time, throwing me around, nipping at me, pounding into my bare, furry butt. He'd fucked the hell out of me, too, and I was actually sore now. Ugh...I was going to feel this tomorrow. My pussy was a stretched out, hammered, cum-soaked mess.

I laid down on the cabin floor of the living room, curled up, and closed my eyes. I needed that rest, anyway.


I dreamed of the moon, and the woman within it. She had silver eyes with no pupils, and long silver hair, and the moon was her chariot, driven by a long train of silver wolves. I sat, naked and tiny beside her, peering over the edge of the great chariot to view the passing world below.

Snow covered houses and pine trees were below us, and I looked up to the giant woman who drove the moon, and I was only half her size in height. She smiled down at me with those silver eyes, brushing my hair from my cheek with her huge fingers, and I knew that I was her favorite, and that she had not had one in a long time.

I smiled back at her. I felt warm inside, happy, accepted, like I was meant to be here, meant to be in her chariot since the day I was born. It was as if I was being rewarded for being a hedonist, rewarded for being my worthless and lazy self.

But I wasn't worthless. I just enjoyed life, wanted to enjoy it to its fullest, feel and experience everything, and the lady who drove the moon saw this, and she took me in, gave me a place in her chariot. I felt special for once...loved.

She placed her large right index finger on my forehead, and I felt a heat burn into my skin as her fingertip shone with a silver aura. She had placed the power of the moon within me, given me an ability the others did not have, the ability to command the beast inside, and so I gladly and gratefully accepted it, happy yet again that I was special to her, that I was chosen to be her favorite.


I awoke to the sounds of boots on wood floor. I rolled over, grunting, stiff from sleeping on the floor in the nude, and I looked up to see Daniel, still his hot and fuckable self.

He had on his tan winter coat, his dark blue jeans, his hide-leather gloves and tan outdoor work boots, same getup he'd worn every day since I'd seen him...Did he ever change outfits? What the hell? Did he at least wash his clothes?...Of course, I was one to talk, considering my 'outfit' lately had just consisted of my birthday suit. Ah, well. It was easier to fuck that way.

I was back to being my normal human and sexy me, no fur or fangs or bigger boobs...Ugh...I would have liked to have kept that last one...Ah, well. Easy come, easy go.

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