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Lonesome Moon Pt. 05

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Saoirse resolves things, but Megan enters the scene.
12.2k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 02/24/2020
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(Author's Note: I put in an introductory part to any series I write so that anyone who hasn't been reading the former parts of the series can catch up to speed. However, if you've already been reading this series, you can skip the intro by heading down to the first page break, which looks like this: *****. Thank you for reading, and enjoy! LQ).

You have got to be fucking kidding me. You've got to be fucking kidding me, right? So it was Daniel who bit me? It was Daniel who came into the house each night and fucked me like a little bitch, fucked me like a bitch out in the snow, just downright fucked me over? So I'm a werewolf now because of Daniel? Fuuuuck.

My name is Saoirse Lennon. My dad moved us out to Lonesome Moon as a passive-aggressive way of keeping me in line. I've been into the drugs, the booze, and the boys since I was sixteen, a year after my mom died. Now I'm twenty-two, and I haven't changed at all since I was sixteen...until now. Little did my dad know that Lonesome Moon had a resident werewolf, and now that werewolf has spread his curse to me.

I'm a twenty-two-year-old white girl of Irish descent, and my name is pronounced 'Ser-Sha', if you didn't know. I'm five-eight, weigh one hundred and thirty-eight pounds, have C-cup breasts with beautiful pink nipples, and I have a nice ass, an ass that boys like to get handsy with. I have long, curly brown hair that falls to my shoulders with brown eyes to match, and overall, I could catch my fair share of boys, but I never felt like eating them before, as in actually eating them, you know, like steak.

Fucking Daniel. Daniel Christianson, whom I clearly did not know at all, I only thought I did, is my closest neighbor at twelve miles away through snow and pine trees, because that's all that's out here in our little section of bumfuck nowhere. The nearest town, Lonesome Moon, is forty minutes away through heavy, snowbound coniferous forest, so...that made me an easy target for the local werewolf. Go figure.

Daniel stands six-foot with all-natural muscle, and he has short black hair, ocean-blue eyes, and a thick, succulent, circumcised cock that I've been...uhh...'exercising' quite a bit lately...Wait...How fucking old is he, anyway? He looks a little older than me, so I've assumed that he's about twenty-three, twenty-four. I really have no idea. I'll have to ask him...if I don't throttle him first.

To make a long story short, my dad went into town five nights ago for a house-flipping project, so I've been here at the cabin watching over things while he's gone. All I wanted to do was smoke weed, drink whiskey, masturbate, watch movies, and dick around on the Net, you know, normal stuff. That went to hell on the first night of the full moon. I got bitten by a werewolf on night one, I was in a fucking coma from the attack all through night two, I met Daniel and fucked him twice on day three, I got fucked by the werewolf in my own bed on night three, I fucked Daniel on day four, got fucked twice by the werewolf on night four, fucked Daniel yet again on day five, and got fucked one more time by the werewolf on night five, the last night of the full moon.

People who say they have no fucks to give...have never lived my life, because apparently, I had eight fucks to give. They were fantastic fucks, though, so it's not like I'm complaining about the actual sex. It's the bite plus the lycanthropy that I'm complaining about.

Let me explain why I'm upset. Daniel's dad is a veterinarian, but he's also a 'hunter', one of those people that hunts monsters. I was under the assumption that Daniel was also a 'hunter', because he knew things that only one of those 'hunters' would know. He stole a magical bracelet from his dad, a shackle of sorts, and this thing works on lycanthropes, immobilizes them with some kind of hidden power that neither I nor Daniel understands. Daniel wanted to use that shackle on me during the fifth moon, because the fifth moon is the strongest in the cycle of the werewolf, but I had a plan, so I ended up using the shackle on my werewolf lover instead. Turns out that werewolf...was Daniel all along.

I feel like the world's biggest idiot. I should have known it was Daniel. The clues were there all along, but I stupidly ignored them. Daniel was never here when the werewolf showed up, and Daniel showed up the very next day after my attack. Not to mention that the werewolf had black fur and black skin, the same color as Daniel's hair. That's significant, because my skin and fur changed to the color of my hair when I 'wolfed out'.

Now that I think about it, Daniel must have had a key to the house, as well. I know I locked the kitchen door the night I was bitten, I could've sworn I did, but he walked right in the next morning, right before I passed out. His folks did own the place before us, so it figures he would have a key. God, I feel so stupid. He was playing me all along!

Now it's the morning of day six, and I've woken up naked next to my captured werewolf lover, right here in the middle of the cabin living room, but...lo and bestial 'lover' happened to be my human lover all along...I should have seen this coming. I am a fucking idiot.

So yeah...that happened.


Okay. It was time to see who in the hell this creature was. I turned my head to investigate the shackled and sleeping nude male next to me, and...

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screeched in sudden rage.

Son of a bitch. That son of a motherfucking bitch.

It was Daniel.

His eyelids fluttered open as he stared up at me with those ocean-blue eyes. Me? It's a good thing I knew what color his eyes were, because all I could see was red.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled down at him.

"Sao...irse..." said Daniel in weak reply.

"You did this to me!" I shrieked. "How could you do this to me!"

"Uuuuhhh..." groaned Daniel.

"Answer me!" I cried. "I said, answer me, GODDAMMIT!"

He stared up at me and let forth a piteous whine. It was like a 'nnnnngggnnng' sound, and my brain finally put two and two together.

"Oh, right," I huffed out. "That stupid shackle."

Shit. I didn't know what to do about that shackle. Daniel couldn't move at all as long as it was on him, and only he had the key. However, my dilemma was solved a moment later.

"" groaned Daniel.

"Here?" I asked. "Here in the cabin, here?"

"Yesss..." hissed Daniel.

This was good news. If the key was here, then I could unlock that shackle, properly chew him out, and then punish him for this bullshit. I wanted him at full steam for the hammer I was going to drop on him, and if you're wondering, that punishment will probably involve his balls in some way...Goddamn him!

"Where?" I asked. "Where is it?"

"Pil...low..." grunted Daniel.

"Pillow?" I asked. "What pillow?...My pillow? On my bed?"

"Yesss..." hissed Daniel.

I trotted to my room, flung open my bedroom door, and rushed to my bed. I picked up my pillow, and there was the key, in the folds of my bedsheet. I snatched up that plain iron key and made my way back to Daniel's prone, immobile form.

I held the key up in front of his face so that his blue eyes could properly see it, just like he'd done to me the day before.

"You see this!" I spat at him. "I'm going to unlock that shackle with this, and then you'd better start explaining, and it had better be a good one...Honestly, though...I should cut off your balls and feed them to you...Fucking...Ooooh!...You...You are in such deep shit...Never piss off an Irish girl, Danny boy. Fucking idiot."

I knelt down next to him and sat my bare butt upon the floor. I lifted up his left leg and swiveled the shackle around so that the lock was where I could get at it. I pushed in the key, turned it, and the shackle popped open a second later. I pulled it from him and tossed it aside, its heavy weight landing on the wood floor with a loud thump. Daniel groaned and sat up a moment later.

"Saoirse..." he started to say.

I cut him off before he could finish that sentence.

"You bastard!" I yelled.

I slapped him across his left cheek with my right hand, and then my pent-up rage got the better of me, and I was smacking at him with both hands a second later. He held up both arms to fend me off, but I was hot under the collar.

"Stop!" he cried. "Saoirse, stop!"

"You son of a bitch!" I hissed, but I stopped hitting him.

"Why are you...?" stammered Daniel. "Why are you mad at me?...What am I...? Why am I even here? I should be at the lodge...Oh, no..."

"What the fuck are you talking about!" I yelled. "It was you the whole time!"

Daniel gave me the most confused look in the world, heart jumped in my throat...Did he honestly not know what I was talking about? That couldn't be right...right?

"What?" he asked. "I don't...I don't know what you're talking about. I shouldn't even be here..."

Okay, either he was an exceptionally good liar, or something funny was going on.

"No shit," I growled. "You shouldn't be here. Do you know what you've done? Do you have any idea at all what you've done!"

"No...What?" asked Daniel, and he looked thoroughly confused at my justified railing against his actions. "I should be at the lodge in the holding cell..."

My brain screeched to a halt. Yeah, something funny was definitely going on here.

"Holding cell?" I asked. "What holding cell?...And I know you're a werewolf, Daniel, so don't lie to me anymore. When you say 'holding cell', what exactly are you talking about?"

"I have a cell I'm locked in during the full moon," explained Daniel. "I should be in it. There can't be two werewolves running around out here at night...not with you already inflicted with the curse. That other werewolf is still in the..."

"What other werewolf!" I yelled, and he flinched at the sheer rage I was throwing at him.

"The...The other one I've been tracking..." said Daniel.

I threw up my hands in frustration. Was he stupid, or did he really not know?

"And where did those tracks lead?" I asked, my voice full of venom.

"They led here," said Daniel. "Here...around the forest north and south of here, and outside the lodge."

"Uh huh," I nodded. "Right...And what does that tell you?"

"That it's been trying to get at me," said Daniel with wide eyes. "Maybe trying to free me. It bit you, so it's been trying to get at you as well. Probably for...uhhh..."

"For what, Daniel?" I asked, my lips a tight line of angst.

"For...other things..." said Daniel as his voice trailed off.

I set my hands down upon the wooden floor of the cabin and stared at them for a moment. We were both still very naked, both still covered in scratches and minor bite marks, and he still hadn't connected the dots.

I looked up at him and gave him a nasty scowl.

"Let me guess," I said unhappily. "It's been coming here to fuck me, right?"

"Y...Yeah," said Daniel. "I've been trying to figure out who it is without telling my dad. He doesn't know about it. I don't want him finding out about you...yet...Why are you looking at me like that?"

I gave him a nasty smirk and nodded my head a couple of times.

"It's already fucked me, Daniel," I said, and my voice was laced with that previous angst.

"It...It has?" asked Daniel in visible surprise.

"Yes, Daniel," I said with a sarcastic smile. "It came into the cabin and fucked me on the third my own bed, I might add."

"It did?" asked Daniel, and I could tell that he was shocked at this news.

"Yes," I confirmed with a slow nod. "It fucked me that night, and then it fucked me twice on the fourth night, and then yet again last night."

"No..." said Daniel with a shake of his head. "No, that can't be...That...That's not it?"

"Mmm, hmm," I replied. "Let me ask you something first, though...Do you remember anything at all about the last five nights?"

"No," he said unhappily. "I locked myself in the lodge, and come morning, I would wake up in the cell...until today. I should still be in the cell. Why am I here? I don't understand why I'm here..."

"Who lets you out in the morning?" I asked, because something was truly fucked up here.

"I do," breathed Daniel.

"You do?" I asked.

"Y...yeah," replied Daniel. "I flip the safety latch and let myself out."

I groaned as I smacked myself in the forehead with my right hand, wiping my hand down my face in pure, unmitigated frustration. It was clear to me now what had been going on.

I dropped my hand back to the floor and gave him the nastiest look I could muster.

"Werewolves can unlock and open doors, Daniel," I said in pure unhappiness. "Did you not know that? Because I found that out when one walked into my room and fucked the ever-living fuck out of me in my own bed. Ten inches of big beast dick rammed my hole until I howled. It left me walking funny. That's not a joke."

"I...It...How...Wha...What?" he stammered.

Okay. This all made sense now. Apparently, Daniel had been locking himself away at night, but since he can't remember anything when he's 'wolfed out', then he wouldn't have known he was escaping his cell to go full beast out in the wilderness...and of course, coming over here to fuck his bitch during those times, namely me, the one he'd bitten and inflicted with a Goddamned lycanthropy curse.

"There is no other werewolf, Daniel," I said in a flat tone. "You've been following your own tracks. I know, because you came here last night to fuck me again, which you did, but I used the shackle on you instead of on myself."

His expression would have been hilarious were the situation not so serious. His face crumpled up into a look of guilt or horror or a mix of the two...probably a mix of the two.

"No...No, that can't be right..." he said, and I could tell that he was in denial.

"It is," I said firmly. "You're the one that bit me on the first night of the full moon. You're also the one that plowed me with that ten-inch long werewolf dick every night for the last three nights. You've also squirted enough monster sperm in me to bear four litters...Seriously, this is fucked. You are honestly telling me that you had no idea that werewolves could open latches and unlock doors?"

"No," said Daniel, and I could definitely tell that he was shaken now. "No...No, I didn't know..."

Fuuuuuck. I can't even be mad at him anymore. Fuck! Fuuuuuuuck!

I wiped my right hand down my face again and shook my head.

"Well, isn't this wonderful," I said unhappily. "I'll tell you what...I'm putting on some clothes, and then I'm going to eat something...then I'm going to take a bath and wash some of this monster spooge out of my massively wrecked, thoroughly fucked snatch...You...You are going to get the hell out of my house."

Daniel laid his right hand upon my bare shoulder, but I flinched at his touch.

"Saoirse," he said, and his voice was shaky, wavering in tone. "I didn't know..."

I watched in fascination as tears began to form in his blue eyes, those ocean-blue eyes set in the middle of that handsome face, that short black hair wild from last night's monster fuck-fest, his all-natural muscle rippling in those luscious pecs of his...Goddammit...Now he's making me feel like shit...and horny...Goddammit!

"I don't see how you couldn't know," I said quietly. "I remember everything. I fully changed last night, and I didn't have much control over myself...but...I remember everything."

"How?" he asked as he wiped at his own tears. "I can't...I can never remember anything afterwards."

"Well, I guess I'm special," I frowned. "Look...This is all fucked up. You have cursed me, Daniel. Curr-ess-ed-me. That means, for the rest of my life, I'm going to change into a ravenous...and somehow really horny...bloodthirsty monster every full moon. I'm pretty sure that's going to fuck with my life choices...Why couldn't you just have herpes or something?...No, wait...I'm pretty sure I'd still pick lycanthropy over that."

Daniel lowered his head and then shook it.

"This is my fault," he said.

"Damn right, it is," I scowled. "Look, you owe me, Danny boy."

Daniel raised his head and gave me a truly flustered look.

"I...I can't do anything for you...What can I do?" he asked. "There's nothing I can do, Saoirse. I didn't know that I could unlock doors, and I didn't know this would happen. I thought the system my parents put in place was working..."

"Wait..." I said unhappily. "What about your dad? Is he still going to kill me when he finds out?...This is such bullshit...You know what? Fuck it. I'll fucking tell him myself."

"Saoirse..." began Daniel, his handsome face twisting in a panic.

Oh, I was going to get under his skin. He needed to squirm. In fact...Oh, yeah. I knew what to do.

"I think that's exactly what needs to happen," I said angrily.

I reached forward and held his head in both hands, and he stared into my eyes with open surprise.

"You owe me big time," I growled. "From now on...From this moment are mine, Danny boy...Every part of you..."

I reached down, grabbed his big balls with my right hand, and watched in satisfaction as he winced when I gave them a light squeeze. I took this time to do a little thinking, because I had an idea, and I just needed to voice it in order to make it come together.

"He can't kill me if you and I are mates," I said, my lips pursed in thought.

"Wh...What?" stammered Daniel.

"You heard me," I said forcefully. "From now on, you're mine. You're my boyfriend...No...You're my mate...Hell, you've already pumped enough sperm in me to get me pregnant...I'm not saying I am, mind you, but..."

"Are you?" asked Daniel, his blue eyes widening yet again.

I gave his balls a firm squeeze this time. He squeezed his eyes shut in return as he grimaced, and this gave me a moment of temporary satisfaction.

"You don't ask that question!" I said, a little angrier than I had intended.

"Saoirse..." he squeaked.

I realized that I was accidently squeezing his balls a little too hard...Men...They're supposed to be the great protectors, yet they have their balls on the outsides of their bodies...Jesus...Even evolution thinks they're lacking common sense.

"You're mine now," I declared, and this time I eased up on his balls.

"Saoirse, I don't..." he started to say.

I squeezed his balls again and watched with smug satisfaction as his face twisted in pain...Hey...He shouldn't have let me grab them. His problem, not mine.

"You don't get a say," I huffed. "You're mine now, and I'm in control. You'll just have to live with it, just like you learned to live with this curse...Hey...Hey, wait a minute! You don't have any scars on your body! I know, because I've inspected every part of you up close. How in the hell are you a werewolf at all?"

"It...happened when I was...a little kid..." winced Daniel. "Saoirse, please..."

I eased up on him once more and nodded my head in response. I wanted to hear this story.

"Okay, Danny boy," I said smugly. "Explain."

"My dad went on a hunt and came back with a book," grimaced Daniel. "It was an old book written in Latin. It was written in the Middle Ages...I was ten. I could read, obviously, but my dad made the mistake of leaving the book where I could find it. He was going to send it off somewhere, which he did, but I never did find out where...Wherever the headquarters of the other hunters are...He won't tell me because know...Anyway, I got into the book and read from it because I thought the words looked funny. I couldn't read Latin...still can't..."

"And?" I asked.

"It cursed me," he said unhappily. "The book was cursed. I later found out it was bound in human skin."

"Eww," I said.

I can't even imagine that...So there's shit like that in the world? I wonder what else is real?...Are other types of shit real?...Mummies and vampires and shit?...Wait, wait...Doesn't matter. I'm getting off topic.

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