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Lorena Rae - Personal Training

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Lorena Rae has a much needed workout.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Standing and looking in the mirror, Lorena Rae checked out her outfit. She was wearing a set of tight Lycra workout clothes, a white sports bra type top and a pair of tight black leggings with her white trainers. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail which let her stunning blue eyes pierce more than usual. She was focused on another gym session, a key part of her job to maintain her tight, toned appearance, and frankly right now it was one of the stable cornerstones of her life.

She was only 23 and had taken the plunge to move to New York City to pursue and push her career. It was a big move, something that had taken a major decision for her given her quiet, more restrained personality despite being a model. And it had been a huge step, which came with up and downsides; on the plus side she was booking more jobs and able to get far more involved with magazines and brands that were based in the big apple. On the downside she hadn't made many friends, not real ones outside of her work at least, so seemed to spend most of her evenings just chilling out in her apartment.

Nice apartment as it was, she wanted a bit more than just that. Not that she generally wanted to go out hitting the clubs and stuff, just to have some genuine friends to spend time and hang out with. And the guys she'd met so far had been after one thing only...and she'd met plenty of them. They seemed to think because she was a cute, wide-eyed German girl fresh to New York that she'd fall for every proposition going and some had been pretty direct with what they wanted from her...or rather to give her.

She'd eschewed that and stayed in, except for training. It was a key part of her job and she maintained a strict regime as a result. One benefit was that her new trainer, a guy called Chris, was wonderful with her, just seeming to be a really great guy and not blinded by her celebrity status, such as it was. She wasn't sure if he worked with anyone else in her circle, but he treated her as anyone else and they got on great and she'd been working with him for a few weeks since coming to America.

Chris was older than her, though not much at 27, and worked hard to help her with her diet as much as the workouts, suggesting what could help her achieve her physical goals whilst maintaining the physique and slender appearance she strove for. His tailored sessions for her seemed to be yielding results and she was already finding herself a little stronger with better flexibility, though it could also be because of how she was dedicating herself to it.

The bottom line was she kind of fancied Chris, his easy going nature and closeness with her helping to stoke her attraction, combined with the effectiveness of his workouts for her. She loved that he paid so much attention to getting the best from her and it only made her work harder for him...for that reinforcement. The one time she'd let him down and not put in the effort, his quiet yet meaningful disappointment in her had shaken her soul.

It was just a crush, she told herself, just a fleeting attraction because she was new to everything in New York and her mind was just latching onto something, onto this guy that made her feel just a little bit special. But deep down she knew it was more than that and she looked forward to their gym sessions every day, to when she could see Chris again. As it was she was geared up ready for another session with him, checking her tight clothing to make sure it was just right...and showed off a lack of any lines beneath it.

Despite labelling it her silly, girlish crush, she'd decided to be racy and go commando this time, wearing no underwear at all and hoping deep down that he'd notice. Realistically she didn't expect him to make a move on her, she was his client after all, but at the very least it made her feel excited and sexy, taking charge of things somewhat even if it went nowhere. She wasn't sure where she wanted it to go anyway.

She wouldn't mind if it did however, unable to resist her urges towards the new handsome man in her life. Despite her slender 5'11" height, Chris was taller than her at 6'2", with shortly styled brown hair and in great shape, hardly surprising given he was a personal trainer and lived for the gym. No matter what day she saw him he seemed to have a bit of dark stubble that only made him hotter, giving him a wonderfully rugged look and making her look forward to every session with him.

She exited the changing area and headed out into the main room of the small gym; it was a more exclusive sort of place and whilst she wasn't booking it out for private sessions there was only a fairly select clientele. Often they did end up working alone together for later slots, like the one they had right then. The sun was already down and no natural light penetrated around the closed blinds, leaving them in total privacy, especially as she found they were the only ones in the gym.

"Lorena, welcome," he said, smiling to her as she entered the gym, having been waiting for her casually on a weights bench.

"Chris, hey," she responded, her smile turning to a girlish grin, unable to hold back her emotion as what was her rock right then greeted her.

"How's it going?" he asked, standing up from the bench to start their session.

"Oh you know, same old, relentlessly chasing down jobs and stuff," she replied.

"I'm not the Victoria's Secret model here, so no, I wouldn't know," he laughed in response. Lorena had told of her dream to become one of the celebrated lingerie company's leading models, one of their Dream Angels and how it was the reason to make her move to NYC in the first place.

"Oh stop, I'm not an Angel, and I'm not some huge diva with contracts coming out of my ears," she playfully chided. It was true, she wasn't signed to Victoria's Secret but it took a lot to work for the celebrated underwear giant. She knew as well as him that she was a VS model for all intents and purposes, training like one and in phenomenal shape, but she didn't have the contract yet.

She'd made the huge upheaval to move from Germany, her home, to New York to pursue that dream, to push herself to her utmost, her hardest, to give it her all and try and achieve it. She was working her utmost striving with everything from the workouts with him to her lean, intensive diet to build her body to perfection. The audition for it was coming up soon, her casting session that could make or break that dream, what might be her only chance.

"I never said you were a diva, I know you're not," he answered.

"Good, I'm glad that comes across," she giggled.

"But you've got plenty going on, and it's far different to what I do here, far more exciting I'm sure."

"Far more exhausting more like, it's a right chore at times," she said, giving a sigh.

"Yeah? Can't imagine why, surely anyone would want you to represent them," he said.

"I like your optimism but there's plenty of others out there competing with me. Since I moved here it's been a constant...tumble of challenges," she finished, giving another sigh.

"It's a lot to deal with, feels like all at once," she added.

"Well it's a big move, no doubt about that," he agreed, since it was certainly a big step to move away from everything and everyone she knew.

"Yeah, a big change."

"But you did it for the right reasons you said, to pursue your career more intensely here in America," he said, backing her up on taking the plunge.

"Oh definitely, I'll be able to get more opportunities here for sure," she said, perking up.

"So you just gotta keep working at it, that's all. You've been here a few weeks really, no time at all," Chris smiled.

"Yeah I guess so, only just arrived," she replied.

"Exactly. So just keep working hard, keep tapping up those contacts, keep going along for those shoots," he said.

"Yeah, you're right, I have to just keep at it," she said, thinking about it all positively. It had been a struggle but she knew deep down she had to just push on and make it work. It was all about her efforts.

"And the first part of that starts with working hard, right here in the gym," he smiled, signalling her to join him.

"Ok let's go," she giggled, giving a stretch and focusing her mind some as she stepped to join him. Physical training was such a part of her life anyway she'd long since developed a method of putting herself straight into it so she could work quickly and effectively.

They started out with stretching and warm up routines, as they always did, getting their bodies going and properly ready to work out properly. She'd hurt herself before after having tried to work out hard without getting warmed up, most people had, and she didn't want to do it again. That downtime lost recovering simply wasn't worth the trouble.

Once they got going he moved onto the resistance bands, which he used around her legs, primarily on her thighs and ankles to provide tension as she moved. The added pressure made her motions more intense and her balance trickier, extending her beautifully long legs expertly as the straps pulled at her ankles. It made her focus and she tried not to wobble as she moved like a ballerina to strain herself fully before an equally controlled motion back to rest.

These were joined by the restraint around her thighs for her to work side-to-side, taking the biggest step she could as she bent over and pushed her ass out. Lorena could feel Chris' eyes burning into her as he watched, knowing he was making sure her form and movement was right, that she was getting the focus into the right areas of her ass and thighs. But she also knew her pussy was bulging between her legs, hidden only by the token Lycra of her yoga pants, no panties to help conceal her smoothly shaven lips, knowing she would surely have a little camel toe to go with it.

It put her pulse up but she kept going, knowing she wanted him to see it, that was why she'd gone commando after all and she hoped he could appreciate it even if nothing else happened. Her day dream was broken by his interruption as her focus on the exercise had gone wandering and she was arching her back, not pushing herself properly to stretch the resistance strap properly and therefore work her muscles properly.

"Lorena, come on, watch your form," he said, stepping up behind her. Her heart skipped a beat as she fleetingly thought of him being there to sink his cock inside her, his hands rubbing over her hips and then pushing down on her back.

"I don't have to tell you this, you know what you're doing wrong. Arch your back, stick your butt out," he said, immediately feeling her shove back into his crotch with her firm ass.

"Sorry," she mumbled, blushing though he couldn't see it.

"You've done this before, let's keep that focus," he replied coolly, just brushing it off as he reached to rub a hand down her thigh.

"This is where we want the strap, keep it down on the knee, work those thighs," he ordered. Lorena didn't say a word, quite liking his commanding tone as she intensified her efforts and tried to clear her mind to work out like she knew she should. He stood back and observed as she put much more energy into it and held the position, stretching herself properly.

"That's better, much better," he said, voice turning to a murmur as he noticed the sweet bulge of her pussy. She might be a client, but he was hardly going to resist the chance to ogle a stunning model and she couldn't see him doing it, even though she might suspect. It was exactly what Lorena wanted and she kept quiet as she worked the set, side-to-side, stretching powerfully against the big rubber band at her thighs.

"Much more like it," he said, watching her muscles, seeing how she tensed and knowing she was getting the right spot.

"How many of these?" she asked, breathing firmly.

"We'll do one minute sets, keep that energy up, hit it hard," he encouraged, making her find more pace for it, decisively throwing herself into it. That minute seemed to stretch on as the burn built up in her legs, tightness and lactic acid becoming more noticeable as the clock ticked down until she could eventually stop.

"That's it, take a break" Chris said, Lorena giving a sigh and standing up, stretching and pushing her ass out as she pulled herself out straight.

"I'm sure this gets harder every time," she breathed with a smile.

"Well I try and keep it challenging for you, but maybe you're just more tired today than last time," he said. He pondered making a joke about her making something harder but decided to refrain.

"Maybe, or maybe you switched up these resistance bands from last time," she laughed, reaching down to pull at the strong rubber around her legs.

"Maybe. Now come on, another set," he said, pointing to the clock. Lorena did as she was told and resumed the position, settling her feet then getting into another session of it, another increasingly intense minute of working her legs and ass in front of him. She glanced back to see his gaze directly on her, taking in every movement of her body, knowing he could see every feminine curve of her as she bent over before him. She hoped he could tell she was going commando, knowing it would be quite difficult not to spot it now.

"Time," he said, breaking her thoughts from another tough minute. She breathed deeply, leaning over to haul the air into her lungs and saturate her blood fully.

"Feeling those legs?" he smiled.

"Yeah, you've definitely upped these straps," she replied.

"Hey, you come to me to work out. We're looking for results here, to keep that beautiful model figure of yours honed just perfectly," he said.

"I know, just I wasn't expecting this, I don't need a gym session this hard right now," she mumbled, letting her thoughts overtake her a little again as her worries bubbled back up.

"I don't wanna hear it, Lorena. Come on, you're here to work out and keep fit, let's keep that focus. You're normally great at just getting in the zone here, let's see more of that," he said firmly, a deeper tone to his voice.

"Sorry," she mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Don't apologise to me, it's your workout you're wasting. You come here for a reason right?"

"Yeah, of course," she said, leaving out that she kinda also came to see him.

"So let's do that, let's make it worth the trip," he said.

"Right, you're right, let's do it," she said, nodding and trying to clear her busy mind. She knew she needed to focus and keep working hard

Their session resumed and she hit another three sets of the steps, working hard to push herself, maximising her flexibility and the energy she put into it. Chris was pleased with how she seemed to clear her mind and get on, the pep talk seeming to make a difference as the aspiring model put herself into it properly. They moved onto stretching work and Chris got far more hands on with her, laying her down on the gym mats and helping to pull her long, slender limbs out fully.

Lorena loved the stretching work as it pulled out the tightness in her joints and muscles, making her sure she'd be another inch taller when she stood up. She trusted his hands on her completely, his touch expert and hitting the right spots. Things were quieter between them now, the tension building, something clearly there as they worked together in the deserted gym. He helped her stretch her legs out, leaning on them a bit and pushing her foot back to get that bit extra in her calf muscle as she winced a little, but at the same time shivered as he leaned over her almost like he might if she let him fuck her.

She just felt a tumble of emotions, exhilaration of the excitement of things seeming so on edge, tension so tight it might just break, the confusion of her life in New York, the concern of getting her career going like she'd promised herself she would do. It was all going on, but right there was Chris, a rock in her life right then and someone dependable that seemed to look out for her. After he helped her finish another set of stretches, Lorena stood and turned round seemingly right into his arms, so close to him, their minimal height difference meaning her face was so close to his.

Unable to help herself, Lorena stared into his eyes for a moment before pushing forward and pressing her full lips to his in a kiss. Nerves rushed through her, shaking a little as she gave in to her desires and went for it, scared he would reject her, push her away and refuse to engage. Those fears tumbled through her in a moment that seemed like slow motion before she felt him return the kiss, pushing his lips to hers more firmly and sliding his tongue into her mouth. His arms pulled around her back to draw her close, his strength evident, sending a rush of excitement through her as she felt both safe and dominated in his grasp.

"Fuck, Lorena," he breathed as they broke apart, both their hearts pumping hard, his cock immediately swelling to a full erection in his shorts as Lorena gave an exhilarated quiver, feeling her pussy tingle.

"Ssh, don't speak," she said, eyes closed as she caught a breath. She pressed her lips to his as she snogged him again, more hungry this time, their tongues entwining perfectly as she pulled her arms around his neck and let him pull her against her, grinding her barely covered pussy against his rock hard cock. It only supercharged her arousal as she felt his cock, rock hard and ready for her already, knowing she was only potentially moments from letting him sink it inside her.

It was all a brief escape from her stress, just wanting to forget all that and indulge herself in the moment with him which he was more than happy to do. She hadn't been fucked since moving to New York weeks before and all she'd had was her vibrator, so the feel of his powerful hands roaming over her body, pulling up her slender back and pushing down over her firm ass to grab a handful was just electric, making her tingle with excitement like she'd not felt in a long time.

She murmured with pleasure through their ever more hungry kissing, just giving in to the tension that had been building steadily between them for weeks. Her arms were pulled round him and up his back, just clinging to him as they made out, his hand taking a generous feel of her tight ass to feel her beautifully sculpted figure, loving finally getting his hands on the delectable model. Lorena broke the lip lock and immediately started kissing down his neck, soft and wet as she gave her body a harder grind against him, buzzing her clit through the thin Lycra of her yoga pants as she shoved against his raging erection.

The slender German model couldn't wait any more, knowing she had to get her hands on it yanked her hand around him to grab his cock, making him gasp, loving how she was so forward and decisive now, her fingers closing around him to jerk him briefly. She also worked the back of her knuckles against herself as she playfully bit at his neck, breathing lustfully as his hand shoved up between them to squeeze her perky breast, taking a neat handful and firmly groping her just right as she groaned a little, another shiver running through her as she felt her rock hard nipple pressing into his hand.

Wasting no more time, Lorena gave another squeeze to him to feel the straining pulse of his cock before she pulled away and sank quickly to her knees, drawing her hands down his sides to grab his shorts. She took a deep breath and hooked her fingers into the waistband, pulling them and his boxers down over his aching manhood, watching intently as it was fleetingly restrained by the elastic before bouncing up in front of her. He was so hard for her, the hardest she thought she'd ever seen a guy, his cock thickly pulsing before her as her eyes drank in every possible contour and detail of it.

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