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Love Around the World 23: Wroclaw

Story Info
A man meets up with his mother and sisters while on holiday.
18.4k words

Part 23 of the 26 part series

Updated 01/30/2024
Created 11/24/2023
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A/N - I was in two minds about which category to place this story in as I've spent time living in the United Kingdom over the years, got to know many Polish people, and the women from Poland are gorgeous. I've travelled to Poland a couple of times. The very pretty girls remained in Poland. I figured that I could always write a romance at a later time about a man falling for a Polish beauty.

But I love writing stories in this category and enjoy writing stories involving a son loving his mother, and a brother loving his sister(s). And I really enjoy writing stories about a man loving the women in his family.

Previous stories in this series:

Love Around the World - Andorra (Mature)

Love Around the World - Bangkok, Thailand (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Colombia (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Dresden, Germany (Romance)

Love Around the World - Estonia (Group Sex)

Love Around the World - France (Anal)

Love Around the World - Guangzhou, China (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Hungary (Incest)

Love Around the World - India (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Japan (Mature)

Love Around the World - København, Denmark (Transgender)

Love Around the World - London, England (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Montenegro (Mature)

Love Around the World - Nepal (Romance)

Love Around the World - Oviedo, Spain (Incest)

Love Around the World - Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Incest)

Love Around the World - Quezon City, Philippines (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Reykjavik, Iceland (Incest)

Love Around the World - Sri Lanka (Interracial)

Love Around the World - Tromsø, Norway (Mature)

Love Around the World - Uruguay (Transgender)

Love Around the World - Vietnam (Interracial)

Australian / British standard English. There is a good chance of reading the following: lots of profanity, characters drinking, typos, and bad grammar at times.

Proofreading and editing suggestions provided by OhDave1. Any mistakes are still mine.

Comments are appreciated as always.

Feedback by email is always welcome. Enjoy chatting with anyone who likes my work.


A man meets up with his mother and sisters while on holiday.


Unlike any of my friends at high school, I had a singular objective in mind when it came to finishing my studies at high school and then completing my degree at university. I aimed to travel Europe and I intended to do it by the time I was twenty-five.

My mother was aware of this objective as I probably spoke about it at least once a week from the age of around fourteen. As soon as I started part-time work while still at high school, I was putting away most of my paycheque each week, Mum helped me out in setting up a savings account that would ensure a decent interest rate the more savings I built up.

By the time I'd graduated from university, I'd been working part-time since the age of fifteen, and each holiday period saw me working full-time. The only activity I didn't relinquish was playing rugby league on a Saturday afternoon, and the place I worked at was also understanding when it came to training two nights a week.

I was twenty-one when I started full-time work and gave myself three years to save all the money I could as I put it firmly in my mind that I would leave Australia still aged twenty-four. I sat down with my mother after my first week in full-time employment to agree on how much rent I would pay so I could help out with the bills. She'd been a single mother since I was five years old, my two older sisters were now out of the house so it was only me and Mum.

"I don't need any rent, Mark," she said kindly, "I make more than enough to support us both. Now that Emma has moved out..."

"What will you do when I go?"

"I'm going to sell the house and buy a small apartment. Two bedrooms in preparation for my little boy coming home eventually."

"Think I'd come home and live with my mother again?" I teased.

"You'll always have a home with me, Mark."

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay for anything?"

"You save up everything you can for your trip. What you can do is treat your mother to dinner out once a week."

Meeting her blue eyes, always behind the frames of her glasses, she returned a shy smile. She'd dated here and there since divorcing my father for his stupid behaviour, but since I was around sixteen, she'd spent most of her time alone, with only her children, her two younger sisters, and a few close friends as company. My oldest sister, Emily, was the first to move out of home at nineteen as she moved in with a couple of girlfriends while she'd been studying. Emma moved out six months ago to live with a girlfriend in an apartment only a couple of suburbs away. My sisters still visited home at least three or four times a week, spending time with their mother but they continued to dote on their little brother at the same time.

"Sounds like a date, Mum," I stated with a smile.

She blushed before curling some of her brunette hair behind an ear. "Just want to spend as much time as possible with my son before he goes. And given you don't have a girlfriend right now..."

"It's been a little while though I've purposely not had a permanent relationship because I've always intended on travelling, and I want to do it alone."

Before heading to bed that night, Mum wanted a cuddle as she always did, feeling her body moulding against mine. Mum had fallen pregnant with Emily at nineteen, Emma at twenty, and then me at twenty-two. Her breasts had grown during her three pregnancies though still retained their firmness even into her forties. She had a few curves and had a fantastic butt. Even I could state that my mother was a real beauty. It was sad she hadn't found another man to steal her heart.

"Love cuddling my little boy," she murmured against my chest, Mum standing only five-three while I'd shot up as a teenager and stood at six-two. Given I'd been working weights for years due to me continuing playing rugby league, I knew my chest was firm as I felt her cuddle me tighter.

"I still love cuddling my mother," I whispered back, caressing her back before I ran my fingers through her hair. She'd only cut it slightly over the years, now finishing just above her shoulders.

Leaning up to kiss my cheek, I lowered my eyes towards hers, Mum returning a dazzling smile as I moved my hand to stroke her cheek. Watching her eyes close, I kissed her forehead before she snuggled against me again. "I love you, baby," she whispered.

"Love you, Mum."

Waking the next morning, I walked out into the kitchen in only a pair of shorts, not missing my mother stopping her mug of tea as she was raising it as she took a moment to look me up and down. She didn't move from the counter as I grabbed an empty mug and stood behind her, wrapping an arm around her chest, and leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"Morning, Mum."

"Morning, baby."

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"No. Why?"

"If you're free, I'm taking my mother out on a date."

That had her leaning back against me, lifting her head backwards so she could meet my eyes. "You mean that, baby?"

"You said you wanted to spend as much time with me as possible. And if you won't accept money from me, I'm taking my mother out more than once a week."

"Every woman will be jealous that a woman my age is on the arm of such a handsome young man," she suggested, turning around and resting a hand on my bare chest, "I'm going to buy a couple of nice dresses for when we go out."

"Make it something sexy, Mum. Show off your curves. Your lovely legs. And maybe even a little cleavage."

"You want me showing off some skin, baby?"

"You're a beautiful woman in your absolute prime, Mum. Isn't a woman in her early forties meant to be at her sexual peak?" She looked away though I knew she was blushing brightly. "Don't mean to make you feel bad..."

"You really think I'm beautiful, baby?"

"Mum, in the eyes of your little boy, you've always been beautiful."

She hugged me tightly and before I knew it, she was crying. I thought I'd upset her though she quickly assured me that she was crying because she was so happy. Finally letting me go, she leaned back, needing to remove her glasses for a moment to wipe her cheeks.

"I'm going to go shower, call a couple of friends, then we're going to go shopping as I need something to wear tonight. You'll dress nice and smart too?"

"Of course, particularly if I'm taking my mother out on a date."

Leaning up, I lowered my face to kiss her cheek. But she surprised me by kissing me softly on the lips. It wasn't anything unusual, but she let her lips linger for a little longer than normal. When she pulled back, I felt myself blushing as Mum's fingers ran down my cheek. Kissing the same cheek, she finished her drink and walked away. It was only when she was out of the kitchen that I realised that I was nursing quite the erection.

Nothing new. Mum had no idea of my true feelings for her. Hell, it was a good thing my sisters no longer lived at home as I nursed massive crushes on them as well. But my mother? She hadn't enquired as to why I hadn't had many girlfriends. My trip was just an excuse as to why I didn't date much. I wasn't a virgin, but I had no real interest in dating about.

Mum was dressed comfortably when she walked out of the house, blowing me a kiss goodbye. She was gone most of the day, returning in time to get ready. I showered and dressed in a nice shirt and slacks, comfortable shoes on my feet. My face was smooth. I preferred a little stubble, but I knew my mother liked seeing me clean-shaven.

Waiting in the living room, she walked out just on time, wearing an absolutely gorgeous dress that left her shoulders bare, cleavage on display. The bottom was down to her knees though I was left thinking she had thigh-high stockings on with black heels that increased her height by about three inches.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "You're hot, Mum." That made her smile so broadly, she walked over and collided with my chest, wrapping my arms around her. "Every man is going to be jealous when we walk into the restaurant tonight."


"Of course, Mum. It's a date. I'm not just taking you to a bowlo or the nearest RSL."


"Naturally, Mum."

I didn't plan on drinking too much, so I offered to drive. I wanted Mum to enjoy herself, whether it was a bottle of wine or a few sweet and fruity cocktails. After finding somewhere to park, we walked into the restaurant hand in hand. I'd selected it due to the great reviews and knew it offered a little more of an intimate experience than the standard suburban restaurant that catered to families and larger groups.

Mum barely stopped smiling the entire meal, sitting opposite each other, her hand always holding mine. We ate three courses, ordering our own starters and main meals though we split a dessert. Mum sipped at a couple of cocktails while I stuck to soda. She asked plenty of questions about my trip as she knew I was always thinking and planning. I didn't miss she got a little upset, eventually squeezing her hand.


"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just going to miss you so much..."

Moving my chair around, I wrapped an arm around her waist as she cuddled into my side. "I'll miss you too, Mum. But you know I've been planning this."

"I know. It's just I love having you to myself." She chuckled before leaning up to kiss my cheek. "I know how that might sound..."

"I love just having you to myself most of the time, Mum. Whenever you cuddle with me on the couch when we're watching television..."

"Want to go home and snuggle?"

"I'd love to."

We got changed as soon as we were in our bedrooms, throwing on a pair of shorts and a thin t-shirt. Mum walked out in a pair of tiny shorts and a vest that clung to her breasts, and I immediately realised she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples were evident through the thin fabric. All the lights were off except a lamp next to the lounge and whatever light was provided by the television.

Lying down, Mum spooned back against me, wrapping my arm around her waist as she snuggled back against me. Mum took my other hand, so it was folded just underneath her breasts. We watched something she wanted which I didn't mind.

Feeling her body pressed against mine, with so much skin on display, and knowing she didn't have a bra on, and I guess perhaps no underwear, I couldn't help being aroused by her. I didn't my best not to poke her with my cock but whenever I tried to pull away, she would move back so her butt was resting against me.

"It's okay, baby," she finally assured me, "Perfectly natural."

"Mum... I'm hard..."

"I'm flattered, baby... You're a healthy twenty-one-year-old man, and I'm a woman who is relaxing back against you. Mother or not, your... Your cock doesn't know that."

When I slid my hand underneath her vest to stroke her skin, I felt her shudder and press further against my cock. "How long's it been, Mum?"

"Too long, baby..."

"Mum... Would it be weird if I suggested you come snuggle with me tonight?"

"I'd love nothing more."

Turning off the television, she walked off to my bedroom as I made sure the house was locked up, something I'd been doing for years. Though we lived in a low-crime area, I kept a cricket bat close to the front door, just in case the worst did happen. Mum was waiting for me already under the sheet and quilt on my bed, sliding off my shirt and sliding into bed behind her, Mum spooning back against me.

Kissing her cheek, she turned her head and looked at me before lifting her head up enough to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you for dinner tonight. It's the best night out I've had in a long time. My son is going to make a woman out there very happy..."

"Might just end up moving home when I return from holiday and keep you happy, Mum."

That made her smile as she rolled over to face me, snuggling as tightly to me as possible, her head underneath my chin as I wrapped my arms around her. "You'll always have a home with me, Mark. I promise you that."

It's fair to say that Mum and I grew incredibly close over the following weeks and months. We were practically a couple except we didn't have sex. Mum did relent about me paying some bills. The mortgage wasn't all that much as the divorce from my father included him having to continue to pay until I had turned eighteen. The bills were reasonable, and I made sure I helped with the groceries.

We didn't have sex, but Mum liked sleeping with me, and soon enough, she was inviting me to snuggle with her more nights than not. I got used to seeing her in just a bra and panties, and she pushed things further by taking off her bra in front of me to show off her spectacular breasts. She would turn to face me, and I couldn't help my eyes darting to her chest as she'd happily talk to me like she wasn't half naked.

Emma and Emily remained constant visitors. I was sitting with them in the living room one evening as Mum finished preparing dinner when they sat to either side of me.

"Mum's in love with you, Mark," Emily whispered, glancing to see her smiling at me, "She's never been so happy in her life."

"Would you ever do anything with her?" Emma wondered.

"She's our mother. It's incest..."

"And?" Emily asked, "Who cares if you're consenting adults?"

"You don't mind?"

Emma snorted. "Mark, Emily and I know about your crush that you had on us growing up."

"I would have been your first if you'd wanted me to be," Emily admitted, "I thought about talking to you about it, but I didn't want to ruin our relationship."


I was quickly cuddled by both of them. "You're our little brother but you're totally fucking hot," Emma stated, "Mum doesn't go into detail, but she suggests our little brother isn't so small in one regard."

"Something thick, hard and long pokes her every morning," Emily added, "And I'll be honest, dating sucks in the modern age. Too many men who haven't grown up. Just total losers. Then you've got the fragile men who can't handle modern women. I can count my sexual partners on one hand. For so many men, that's still too many."

"I still live with our mother at home," I retorted with a chuckle.

"You help Mum with the bills and shopping. You cook. You clean. You work for a living," Emma stated, "Frankly, you're a married couple without the wedding and lots of hot sex when dating."

"She's going to miss you so much when you go on your trip," Emily added, her face falling, "The three of us know it's been an ambition for so long, but... Mark, continue to make her feel loved until the day you go."

"I wouldn't dream of doing anything different."

Emily bit her bottom lip rather adorably before she turned my head and left a soft kiss on my lips. To my surprise, Emma then did the same thing. "You're the best man we both know," Emily stated, turning my head to kiss me again, "But please make our mother happy first. She's so in love, it's beautiful."

Joining Mum at the table, I sat next to her as I always did as my sisters sat opposite. Mum would often stroke my arm or my leg while she was talking, eating with her right hand, her left hand busy somewhere on my body. When we'd finished dinner, she'd shuffle her chair closer so I could wrap my arm around her, feeling her cuddle into me. My sisters both looked at me and then smiled at Mum.

"You look so happy, Mum," Emma stated.

"I can't remember being happier."

Moving back to the living room after we cleared up, Mum snuggled against me on one couch, my sisters sitting on the other. The only armchair remained free. Mum used to sit there quite often though she always cuddled with me on the couch nowadays.

"Got an itinerary for your trip?" Emily asked, "Still planning on just travelling with no work?"

"Yep. I could get a work visa for the United Kingdom, but I'd rather just go to London and a couple of other places then bugger off to continental Europe."

"I know we've talked about it, baby, but you must go to Poland. Your great-grandparents on my side are from there."

"I know, Mum. You've told me before. The only reason we don't have a Polish surname is your mother married an Aussie bloke who fell in love with a beautiful Polish woman."

"Where were they from again?" Emma asked Mum.

"Well, when they were both born, it was still called Breslau as it was still part of Germany at the time. In Polish, it's known as Wroclaw." She sighed and cuddled me tighter. "I'd love to go visit one day, and see where my family came from."

"You could always come and meet me there?" I suggested.

Mum immediately moved and straddled my lap. "Really, baby? You wouldn't mind your old mother..."

"Enough of the old mother thing, Mum. And yes, I do mean it. You should come to meet me, and I extend the offer to my sisters. I'd have been gone quite a few months by then. Perhaps we could have a little reunion when we get there?"

Mum kissed me like she'd never done before. She didn't try and slide her tongue inside my mouth, but it was so full of love and incredible passion that I was left both speechless and breathless when she pulled back. "I'd love to join you, baby," she stated, "We can do a little tour of Poland. Mum always wanted to go back to visit, but because of the Iron Curtain and whatnot..."

Seeing my sisters off at their cars later that evening, Emma was the first to leave, hugging her sister before she left a soft kiss on my lips. "Oooh, I like that. Might have to kiss my little brother like that more often," she stated.

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