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Love Doesn't Choose Pt. 01

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Holy siblings desire to commit sin by falling in love.
9.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/30/2023
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Hello, dear readers.

This is my first straight story, unlike my classic gay and transgender stories.

As the category title suggests - this is an incest story and it's a story about siblings who come from a religious family.

The two main characters in this story were already in my other story, Twins' Special Bond, so if you've read that story, you'll know who this story is about.


English is not my native language, so please excuse any spelling errors in the text.

This story is not dark or sad like my other stories. It's just about love, which is rare and I believe that is the most beautiful love that can happen between people. Whether between a man and a woman or the people of the same gender.

I wish you a pleasant reading and I will be glad if you leave me a comment on how you liked the story.


Little Tom was born to a religious couple, James and Kate Parker. Their family owned a rich farm just outside of town. Tom was spoiled by his parents from birth and never lacked for anything. He felt happy, and so did his parents.

Tom had two aunts who spoiled him as much as his parents did. Every time they came to visit them on the farm, they brought him something. Some kind of toy or candy.

He felt very happy, and besides, he was also different from other newborns and children. He was a bit special compared to other children because he never cried. Probably because he was happy and had many people around him who loved him.

Kate spent almost all her time with him. She took him for walks around their farm and drove him in the stroller before he learned to walk. James also spent time with him, but much less than Kate. He had to take care of their farm and had a couple of employees who worked on their farm during the week, and he was responsible for everything on weekends, but he still always made some time for Tom and devoted himself to him.

The Parkers seemed to be a really happy family, and with the proceeds of their farm, they were usually rich. But their happiness faded a little when Tom was one year old.

Another child was born to the Parker family. Maggie, a sweet little girl, with blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Tom. Their family grew a little larger. In the beginning, they were a little happier as a family, and so was Tom when he saw his new baby sister for the first time.

But that changed after a few weeks. Kate and James had to take care of Maggie more since she was still a baby, so they spent less time and attention on Tom. Tom didn't like that and it made him feel sad and lonely.

He often tried to somehow get the attention of his parents or his aunts, but they paid more attention to his little sister anyway.

And so Tom became jealous of his little sister. He didn't like her anymore and became mean to her. He destroyed her toys, humiliated her and sometimes yelled at her.

Maggie, like Tom, didn't cry. She was just sad that Tom was destroying her toys and treating her badly. She had no idea why Tom didn't like her, but she still tried to play with him and spend time with him. But Tom always rejected her, and so Maggie left her brother alone. But deep in her heart, she still liked him. She believed that Tom was kind and nice, but he probably had a reason for his behavior.

This went on for several years, and Tom was always punished for his bad behavior, which only increased his hatred for his sister. He saw his sister as an intruder occupying his territory.


Tom was six years old and his rivalry with Maggie continued. He was still hurting her, and this time even physically. Maggie still didn't cry, she just tried to avoid her brother so he couldn't hurt her, but she still loved him. She only saw the good in him, like in all other people.

Tom started going to school. On the first day at school he thought it would be as much fun as kindergarten where he went, but he was very wrong. He had the misfortune of being slower than the other classmates, and it took him a long time to understand some of the content of the lessons.

He was getting bad grades. Kate, who was a housewife, tried to help him, but still his studies went very badly. In the end, his parents withdrew him out of school and gave him a year's deferment. Maggie often listened to what Tom was learning in school and was able to understand it much earlier than Tom, even though she wasn't yet in school.

Her brother became more and more jealous of her. He envied her for being smarter than him, and that only added more hatred for Maggie.

A year later, Maggie also started going to school and Tom had the misfortune of going back to school and even sitting at the desk with Maggie. Of course, he didn't like that.

As Maggie was smarter, for her studies were almost no problem, unlike her brother. His grades were still poor. Maggie tried to help him and give him advice, but he always yelled at her to leave him alone. His hate for his own sister made him so blind that he almost lost control of himself.

Kate and James didn't like his grades at school, nor did they like his more frequent misbehavior toward his sister... so they confronted him one evening.


The whole family was in the living room. Tom and Maggie were sitting on the couch, they had a great distance between them because Tom refused to be close to his sister.

Kate and James were standing a short distance away, both confronting Tom for his bad behavior and especially for his bad grades in school.

"Tom..." his mother began to speak. "Start trying hard and studying already. I know very well that you don't study enough," she spoke to him with a frown and crossed arms.

"I'm really trying, Mom..." Tom replied sadly, lowering his head. "I have no idea why I can't learn that. It's too hard for me."

"You know very well that I've tried to teach you and help you. But you forget in a second all what you've learned. It goes inside through one ear and outside through the other. Because all you ever think about is how to hurt your little sister," Kate told him, raising her voice a little.

"That's not true..." Tom mumbled desperately.

"Son..." James began to speak, wrapping his arms around Kate's waist. "We've all always tried to help you with everything. Why do you keep hurting your sister? What did she ever do to you?" James spoke in a calm voice. "God tells us - love your close person. Maggie, after all, has offered you her help many times... because despite your bad behavior toward her, she wants to help you. But you always refuse."

"Who asked the goose for help?!" Tom raised his head and shouted.

"TOM! Apologize to your sister right now!" Kate raised her voice at him again.

Maggie sat quietly and sadly at the other end of the couch, taking that whole situation. She was really sad that Tom hated her, and began to feel a strange pressure inside her... that she didn't know.

"Never!" Tom screamed.

He quickly got up from the couch and ran to his room, slamming the door behind him. He sat down on the edge of his bed in despair, thinking sadly and feeling bad... that nothing in his life was going right and everyone loved Maggie.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room, Kate and James were talking about how things were getting worse and worse with Tom. They felt hopeless and talked about getting him psychological help.

Why does Tom hate me so much? What did I do to him? Maggie sat quietly and thoughtfully on the couch and after a few moments of thinking, she slowly got up and went to see Tom.

She knocked on his bedroom door, but Tom didn't answer. Slowly she opened the door and peeked inside. It was dark in his room and she could see her brother only thanks to the lighting lamp on his nightstand. He was sitting with his back to her, his hands in his lap and his head bowed.

"Tommy?" Maggie said in a soft and high voice.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" he yelled at her, not even looking at her.

But Maggie didn't want to let it go, so she entered his room with slow and quiet steps and silently closed the door behind her. She sensed that Tom was sad and she wanted to help him. She felt sorry for him that he didn't understand the school lessons and that's why their parents were angry with him.

She slowly and carefully climbed onto his bed and on all fours slowly crawled up to him from behind. She slowly hugged him from behind, caressed his chest and rested her chin on his shoulder.

Tom winced when he felt Maggie's touch, which of course he didn't like, so he immediately pushed his sister hard and yelled at her, "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

Maggie fell off his bed onto her back on the hard floor and hit her elbow, letting out a sad cry of pain.

He didn't even look at her as he pushed her roughly and she fell to the floor. He was very angry and cursed the day his sister was born and ruined his life.

But then suddenly something happened. Although Tom was angry and had a lot of bad thoughts in his head, his ears registered the soft, broken sound that Maggie was making.

Slowly, he looked at her with a frown. Maggie was sitting on the hard floor, her head between her knees, pressed to her chest... and she was sobbing.

At that moment, something changed in Tom. He had never seen Maggie shed a single tear, and now her sad cry wounded him deeply in his black heart of stone, which broke into several tiny pieces and was replaced by a heart of gold.

His frown turned into a pitying expression, and she began to feel very bad for what he had done to his little sister.

Oh my god, what have I done? She just wanted to help me, to hug me and comfort me... and I... I pushed her and hurt her, Tom thought sadly, still watching his sister.

What kind of monster have I become? And he himself felt his own tears, which were unknown to him just like Maggie's.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Maggie said in a sad voice between sobs, looking at Tom. "What have I ever done to you?"

She wanted to know... why her brother hated her.

Tom didn't answer her. He quietly got up from the bed and came over to her with a sad expression on his face. He knelt beside her and slowly took her in his arms, resting her head against his chest.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," he whispered, beginning to sob as well. "You're always so nice and kind to me and trying to help me... and I just always hurt you. Please forgive me, little sister." He stroked her back.

"I swear I'll never hurt you again. I'm sorry I turned into such a horrible monster. I'm so sorry, Maggie," he said softly, hugging his sister tighter. "Please don't cry..." he whispered in her ear.

His words warmed Maggie's heart. Would Tom like her? Maggie discovered for the first time what it was like to express her feelings. She cried for the first time, and it seemed right to her, to cry on her brother's shoulder and show him that she had feelings. And Tom seemed to understand her.

Kate and James were still in the living room and were talking about their children. They didn't know what they had done wrong that Tom hated Maggie so much, and after talking for a while they decided to go to him and talk about it.

When they knocked and opened the door to his room, they were both moved. Tom and Maggie were sitting on the floor, both of them were crying, and Tom was embracing and comforting his sister.

They both came to them and hugged them lovingly to show them how happy they were that Tom had finally begun to love his sister. And all it took was Maggie's tears and feelings.


Tom and Maggie were closer than ever before. Tom began to like her and accepted her offer to study together, and he started to improve in school, which of course made him and his parents happy.

The two began spending more time together. They played together or watched TV and talked about everything, and Tom finally liked his little sister, and Maggie was beaming with joy that she was happy.

Sometimes each of them also did something different, but they were always together. Tom would play PC games and Maggie would lie on his bed and read a book. They just spent time together, like brother and sister. Sometimes Kate or James would find them in the living room late at night, where it was dark, the TV was on, and the two siblings were contently sleeping and cuddling on the couch.

The Parker family was finally happy again because their children were starting to like each other.


A few years passed, and the sad time for Maggie was back again. Ever since she was a little girl, Maggie had been afraid of thunderstorms, but she always survived them somehow, but when she was nine years old... one night the power went out on their farm and in the surrounding area, and outside there was a strong and big storm.

Lightning was flashing outside every few seconds, it was raining hard and fast, and the Parker family was in the living room lighting candles to at least have some light.

However, Tom noticed that not all the family members were here and he began to worry about his little sister, whom he knew very well must have been very scared.

He let the candles be and went upstairs to see where Maggie was. He knocked on her room door, but Maggie didn't answer. He opened the door, peeked in, and inside a light from a big flash flashed into her dark room, a big thunder sounded from outside, and he heard Maggie screaming in terror.

Thanks to the light that entered her room for a second, he saw that Maggie was sitting on her bed and was hiding under the covers, trembling with fear. It seemed to her that each flash of lightning was getting louder and louder, and she was terrified. She was shaking with fear and crying softly.

Tom felt very sorry for his little sister, who really seemed very frightened. Slowly, he lifted her duvet and snuggled up to her and covered himself.

Maggie almost jumped in fear when she suddenly felt a movement next to her and the lifted duvet let in the light of another flash of lightning and a very loud thunder. But Tom immediately hugged her tightly and comforted her.

She realized it was her brother, and she clung to him with all her might, burying her face in his chest.

"Shhh... it's going to be okay," Tom whispered, stroking her back to comfort her and make her feel safe. He mainly felt like her protector... and he was determined to do everything he could to keep his sweet and beloved little sister safe. And Maggie trusted him to protect her, because she looked up to him as her brother and considered him as her protector and hero. That bad thing that was once between them... they both put it behind them and decided never to think about it again.


When puberty began... Maggie started having strange feelings that confused her. She was closer to Tom than ever before and she felt that she wanted to be with him more and more often and thanked God for every second which she spent with him.

A lot happened to Tom, too, now that he was fourteen, he became more and more interested in girls.

Maggie had become much more beautiful over the years. She didn't use make-up or any other things because she was just naturally beautiful, which gave her a big advantage over the other girls.

And of course, the girls at school envied and hated her for it and started bullying her. Tom and Maggie didn't go to a church elementary school, so bullying was much more common in their school than in a church school.

One day, Maggie peed in the ladies' room during a class break. After she defecated, she walked out of the stall to the sink and washed her hands.

Three ninth grade girls, who were 15 years old at the time, walked in. Maggie was hated by the girls at school because of her beauty and size. She was naturally beautiful and very short for her age. She was only 4 feet 2 inches tall.

The boys looked at her, and of course this annoyed the other girls, and now these three girls found Maggie alone in the ladies' room. They took revenge on her because she was so beautiful.

Two of the girls held their hands against the wall, and the third scribbled on her face with a black marker. Then she took the scissors and cut off Maggie's two braids she was wearing. When they let go of her, Maggie slumped on the floor and cried. The girls just laughed at her and left, and soon after that the school bell rang and the next lesson began.

But Maggie didn't go to class. She sat on the floor, her head between her knees on her chest, and cried and sobbed.

Her teacher noticed that she wasn't in class, and apparently Tom did too, because her seat was next to him, and she wasn't sitting in it. After waiting for a while, he got worried about her and offered to go check on her. The teacher agreed and let him leave the class.

Tom knew that Maggie wanted to go to the ladies' room. When she left class, she told him she had to pee, so he went to see if she was there.

He went in and looked around. He didn't see anyone, all the stalls were open, but he heard something in the corner behind the stalls. He walked over and saw his little sister curled up and crying on the floor.

"Maggie, oh my God... what happened to you?!" he said and immediately knelt down to her and hugged her.

She looked at him and he noticed her appearance. Her face was smeared with some kind of black pencil and someone had cut off her beautiful braids that she was clutching them in her hand.

"Who did this to you?" Tom asked her gently, feeling sorry for her, how someone could do such a thing to her.

Maggie shook her head. She didn't know the three girls. "Some...three girls... came here and did this to me," she answered in a soft and sad voice.

"You know them?"

Maggie shook her head again.

"Okay," Tom said with tears in his eyes. "Come on, let's go tell the teacher," he said gently, helping her up.

Then they walked to their class together. When they entered the classroom, Tom had his arm around her waist, she had her head down and was still crying. The teacher saw how she looked and immediately asked her what had happened to her.

Maggie gave her the same answer as Tom. But the teacher was pissed off. She didn't like it when children hurt each other, and immediately went with them to the principal to solve the problem.

The principal was also horrified and angry, so he went through all the older kids' classes with Maggie and Tom, and Maggie identified the three ninth graders who had done this to her.

All three were given immediate detention, and the principal contacted their parents. Maggie was sent home to recover from what happened to her, and Tom was released with her to comfort her, because she needed him.

He was sitting on her bed and leaned back against the wall, Maggie was in his arms and crying quietly, but Tom was still comforting her and telling her that everything would be all right, just like he always did, when something bad happened to his sweet little sister.

At that moment, Maggie felt something change inside her. She began to see her brother differently than before. She began to smell his pheromones and discovered strange feelings for him that she didn't know before. That beautiful feeling that she had him still in her life and he was helping her and protecting her... made her wish that Tom would never leave her and be with her forever.

"Please... never leave me... please," she whispered when stopped crying.

"I would never leave you... my sweet little Maggie," he replied to her and gave her a small peck on her forehead.

Tom had strange feelings for his sister too and was confused just like Maggie was... but he liked those feelings and they seemed right to him.


More years passed... Tom was now 19 years old and Maggie was 18, and she fell in love with her brother.

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