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Love Goes the Distance Ch. 01

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Long-distance interracial lovers meeting for the first time.
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Greg looked out his window and all he saw was the brilliance of the world from 40,000 feet above, around and below: thick cumulus cloud banks covered half the blue sky hiding traces of the earth from view. They were flying over Europe right now; in an hour or so, they'll be crossing the Mediterranean and then Greg will be taking his first sight of the African continent.

His body was wrought with excitement and anticipation at setting foot for the first time on African soil once his flight plane touched down at Lagos in Nigeria. But most especially he was excited about the fellow he was travelling there to meet.


Greg turned away from the window and glanced at the middle-aged man seated beside him. They'd chatted a while earlier just as the plane took off from London. He was an expatriate worker for a multinational oil company which had a franchise base in Nigeria, which was where he too was enroute to. At the moment, he was asleep. Greg had a folded magazine beside him. It was the recent copy of BENT, a magazine that curtailed anything pertaining to gay lifestyle. Greg held it close, careful so as no one could see what he was reading—especially not the man seated beside him—and perused some of its contents. He paused to check out a centre-fold advert of a men's wear that featured four striking young men—one white, one black, one Asian-looking and the other looking every bit South American, and all of them gay, no doubt—looking hot and sexy and half-naked, hugging each other and smiling at him.

Greg ogled the photo, especially the black man in the midst. In his mind, he pictured Jude's face on him and sat back imaging what his body would look like once he got sight of it. He flipped through the magazine for a while, then when he saw a stewardess approaching folded it and hid it out of sight.

Greg was a month shy of turning twenty-nine. He was an assistant-professor in Leeds University where he taught Medieval History and for the past four months he'd been living in a conundrum of guilt and regret.

But that had ended a month ago when he met Jude.

Four months ago, Greg Landis had broken up with his erstwhile girlfriend of two years. Things hadn't been exactly rosy from the start, and it had stumbled to a climax sometime in mid-July when he'd opened up to her about his homosexuality. It hadn't been easy for him—for months he'd struggled with telling her but couldn't bring himself to. She'd begun hearing strange rumours about him and had confronted him about it. It was then he'd come out of the closet ...and it had inevitably cost him his relationship and a lot of pain in return.

During those months, Greg had felt pretty lost with himself. He'd gone about his school lecturing and had adequate time to work on the research material he was compiling regarding Viking-Scottish Ancestry in England. He had few friends, and to the few ones he knew it was impossible for him to let them in on the emotional detriment he was undergoing. The days had seemed longer to him and he'd suffered from insomnia a couple of nights.

Then he'd stumbled onto Jude—or rather, Jude had stumbled onto him—and his life had taken a turn for the better since then. Even though they lived far from each other, technology had made it possible for them to know each fast than had they been next-door neighbours.

Greg subscribed to numerous chat rooms and interacting sites online, and most of them catering towards gay lifestyle, though he was careful not to reveal his actual identity on any of his online pages, least someone in the school found him out. Of the chat rooms in Yahoo, he steered clear of gay teens, and from the numerous ones he'd carried on conversations with, neither sounded impressive to worth his attention. One Saturday afternoon, having nothing much on mind to do, he'd logged onto his Facebook page and saw that someone had left a message there for him. It was from Jude.

Jude was a part-time journalist for Nigerian Newsweek magazine and an artist and had written to Greg in response to a comment he'd posted at an online gay forum discussion. Greg had replied him and in no time, Jude had replied back. Back and forth they'd exchanged words and info with each other. Greg had found it somewhat relaxing writing to him, and noted that Jude was just as intellectual and open-minded a person as he was too. From Facebook, they hooked up with each other at Yahoo Messenger and had kept on a steady stream of correspondence. It was easy for them to set up a scheduled meeting time, both during the afternoons as well as in the evenings. When they missed each other, a simple email had taken care of that. Greg delighted in the new-found friendship he was having with his Nigerian friend and wished nothing would make it end so suddenly. About a week later, by which time they'd already exchanged photos and as much personal data of each other. Their messages began to get personal more and more.

"I'm so lonely over here," Greg had written to him.

"You're here with me, so you needn't be alone anymore," Jude replied in his message box.

"If you were here, I probably would have liked that even better."

"I'm curious, what would you have done if that were possible?"

"You mean if you were here with me?"


"We'll do lots of things together. I'll take you around the nightclubs and lively spots down here. You wouldn't be bored."

"Where would I sleep?" asked Jude.

Greg had smiled as he typed the words into his messenger box: "In my bed, with me lying next to you."

"You wouldn't want me to stay in a hotel?"

"Why would you, when my bed is big enough for both of us."

"I had to ask. Maybe you'd invite some other friends of yours over."

"No, I won't do that," typed Greg. "I don't have much friends, and right now you're the only one who truly understands me."

"So, we're in bed now. What would you want to do to me?"

"You know what I would do to you."

"Tell me. I want to hear you say it."

Greg's fingers paused over the keyboard. He knew what he wanted to say, and so desperate was he to say them. It was late in the night at his apartment. Through his bedroom window he could hear the sound of cars driving up and down the street. The sound of the world moving on, but here in his bedroom, Greg pictured himself cut off from it entirely. He licked his lips and smiled with glee as once again his fingers started to type.

"In my bed, I would kiss you all over. I would rub my tongue over your arm muscles and over your chest. I would slip my tongue into your navel region and kiss you all the way down till I arrive at your cock. Your black, hairy, beautiful cock."

A minute passed before Jude replied from the other end of the world:

"What would you do with my cock?"

What a question! thought Greg. A hand went to his crotch and felt the erection that was yearning inside his shorts. He took two minutes to think through what he wanted to say. He shut his eyes and for a moment envisioned himself kissing and playing his tongue over his friend's body ... sliding downward towards his crotch and then pulling out his cock and slipping it into his waiting mouth. The picture was so vivid ... so breath-taking it felt very real to him. He bent his head and typed exactly what he'd seen.

Their correspondence continued with both men expressing their wants and desire for each other even more. After that night, Greg had exchanged phone numbers with him, thus besides writing each other emails and meeting online to chat, they were laughing and seducing each other from long distance away on the phone. They held nothing back regarding how they felt; the way they communicated, it was as if they'd known each other for long. With each passing day their wanting seemed to grow with surmounting impatience. Till one day, Greg decided to take matters into his own hands and do something he never before thought he had the courage to do ... until now.

He called Jude the week before he travelled, in early November, to give him the good news.

"I have good news for you. I'm coming to Nigeria next week!" he said to him on the phone.

Greg thought he could hear his friend's breath seize at the other end of the line.

"You're joking," said Jude.

"No, no, I'm really serious. I've got a month's leave coming up early next year, before the school semester rounds up for the term. Normally I should wait till then before I apply, but the guy on the school board owes me a favour and is going to have it signed and sealed for me in no time."

Jude couldn't believe what he'd just heard. "You're seriously coming down here next week?" he asked.

"As serious as a heart-attack, my love."

"Wow! Really, I'm out of words. I never thought such a day would come so soon."

"I know, and I'm deeply looking forward to it, and to seeing you too."

Before the weekend, Greg's leave papers had been signed by the Dean, and he was officially having himself a one-month holiday break. Greg paid a visit to Nigeria-Virgin Airlines the following Monday and bought his ticket to leave in two day's time. Today was Wednesday, and hopefully in a few hours' time he would be in the arms of his long-distance friend/soon-to-be lover.

It was nearing 3:00 P.M. when the plane crossed into Nigerian borders. Two and a half hours later they were taxing safely at Murtala Mohammed airport in Lagos. Jude had told him he resided in Lagos, in a part of the city called Lekki Peninsula so it wasn't going to be much of a problem meeting him at the airport. Greg followed the trail of disembarking passengers into the crowded interior that was the airport; he and the fellow Briton who'd sat next to him on the flight shook hands after they'd retrieved their luggage as they parted ways. He sighted a crowd of expectant people standing in wait for the arrived and saw some of them holding up placards with names writing on them. He saw one that held what looked like his name on a cardboard paper and approached the Nigerian holding it.

It was Jude!

They smiled at each other before they embraced, careful not to overdo it amidst such a place. Greg hadn't come with much—just two bags. Jude escorted him out of the confusion of the airport into the humid air awaiting them outside. Greg flinched from the strong beat of the sun's heat that fell on him as Jude led him towards his car in the airport's large parking lot, chattering with him as they walked. They found the car and after stowing his friend's bags into the backseat of his Nissan vehicle, they jumped in and off they went.

Both men chattered back and forth as Jude navigated their way through the city's ubiquitous traffic. Greg absorbed the sights and sounds of the new world he was in, inhaling the air the blew through the car's open windows that as well ruffled his dark hair while Jude drove and hurled curses at other motorists to clear away for him.

Jude lived in a shabby apartment complex in the peninsula and they made it there almost an hour later due to the traffic. They went up the stairs to the second floor where Greg's journey finally came to an end as Jude unlocked the door to his apartment and welcomed his friend into his home. He carried his bags into the bedroom and Greg, exhausted from the journey, fell on his bed and sighed.

"My God, I thought that trip wasn't ever going to end," he commented.

"You're talking like your plane took you around the world before bringing you here," said Jude, coming to sit beside him on the bed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm almost always sore when it comes to me travelling long distances. However, this is one long distance I'm glad I made."

"Yeah, I'm glad you made it too." Jude ran his fingers through his hair. "You must be tired from the journey."

"I am tired," said Greg. "But not tired enough."

His hand went to the back of his friend's head and pulled Jude's face towards his. Their lips met and interlocked in a strong kiss. Their tongue slid back and forth into each other's mouths, both of them moaning simultaneously; this was a moment they'd both been dying for to come through. They rolled on the bed, their legs rubbed against each other's while their hands groped and caressed their limbs. Greg wanted more, but just as things were getting heated, Jude stopped him.

"You need a shower first," he said. "Besides, aren't you hungry? You've got to be from that long flight."

Greg sat up on the bed and examined himself. "Actually you're right—I am a bit hungry."

"Come on then," Jude helped him off his feet and took his jacket off him. "First you get yourself a shower, and then we feed you."

Greg started unbuttoning his shirt. "Hope you don't have anyone that's coming around to check up on you."

His Nigerian friend laughed. "Don't be silly. This is my apartment, and I live alone. Life here works pretty much the same as in your country. You can do whatever it is in your own home; just don't let the neighbours know."

Greg finished undressing and Jude pointed him in the direction of the bathroom. Greg was in the shower box soaping his body when the box slid open and Jude, naked as well and sporting an erection between his legs, stepped inside.

"Looks like I too need a shower," he said.

They embraced and resumed their kissing. Water splattered on them and Greg rubbed the soap over his friend's arms and torso while Jude's hand went down between his legs and tugged at his cock which was erect as well. They took turns scrubbing each other off as the shower washed the soapy residue off from their skin, Greg made to be the first to get an actual taste of him. He fell to his knees and Jude turned off the shower while Greg wrapped his mouth on his cock.

Jude gazed at the ceiling and muttered a gasp as Greg consumed him. His hands held Greg's head as he pistoned his shaft back and forth inside his mouth. Greg loved the feel of his fucking his mouth; it has been so long since he had such a feeling and he wanted to savour it. His friend's shaft was too big for him to swallow. He'd never being with a black man before, and now he knew all those rumours he'd heard about them having big cocks was all true.

Jude pulled him back to his feet and gave him a lingering kiss. They kissed pretty much the same way two lovers who had been far away from each other for so long would. They shared a towel, and holding hands, vacated the bathroom and returned to the bedroom.

"I hope you locked the door," asked Greg as he fell on the bed.

"Lock and sealed just the way I want it," replied Jude, going around to draw the windows' curtains close before coming to join his friend in bed. They kissed and cuddled, their hands feeling over the smoothness of each other's skin, taking note of their contrasting colours as well. "You remember what you promised doing to me once you met me?"

"How could I forget. Lay back on the bed."

Jude did as told. Greg came over him and started kissing him all over. He began from his neckline, rolling his tongue down his clavicles and torso. He kissed his friend/lover's breasts, nibbling on his nipple. Jude moaned at the same time urged him not to stop. Downward Greg's lips went, licking and probing his tongue down his navel region; Jude's prick was throbbing erect and tapping a drum-beat below Greg's chin as he came further downward till he stopped to ogle his turgid erection. Greg gave his cock's head a smooching kiss, then widened his mouth and went down on him. Jude pressed his hands down on his lover's head, enveloped by the ecstasy he was being given. He thrust his hips up and Greg grunted from the force of his cock filling his mouth. Still he continued sucking him, allowing his cock push all the way to his throat.

Jude indicated for Greg to be on top of him. They went into a '69 position with Greg being on top. He gasped when his lover's mouth clamp on his balls. Jude sucked and pulled on his testicles one at a time before sliding downward to take hold of his cock. Greg adjusted his hips so Jude could swallow more of him. Jude poked a finger, and then another into his anal hole while still bobbing his head on his tool; Greg ground his ass in rhythm to the finger-fucking his was getting.

Both men fought to have a taste of the other's cunt first. Greg won the tussle in the end. Jude went to his dresser cabinet and brought a lube tube which Greg rubbed over his shaft before straddling him. Jude's cock slipped into his hole with little effort. Within minutes he was grinding his ass down on him, taking in more and more of his lover's eight-inch cock. Jude pulled his face down to his and their lips smacked as they kissed; they grunted on each other's face.

"Ohh God," cried Greg. "I've never wanted any man before like I want you now."

"Neither have I," mumbled Jude.

Greg bounced and gyrated on his lover's thigh with excitement. Beads of sweat popped on their faces as the screwing went on. Jude couldn't hold it anymore and Greg, sensing he was about to cum, came down from him and began sucking his cock.

Within seconds, his mouth expanded as he tried containing all of Jude's cum, grunting repeatedly as he took his time digesting his load.

They tried other tactics after that, till it was Jude's turn to play submissive role. He bent over the bed and wiggled his bottom at his English lover. Greg stroked his erection, admiring his friend's lovely behind, then came at him. Jude held onto the bed and muttered a grunt as Greg pushed the head of his prick inside him. Both men held onto each other, both consumed by the mounting passion that was upon them. Greg reached a hand forward to grasp his friend's prick and stroke it. Greg perceived a burning urge in his prick and it was getting hotter with each second as he kept on pounding his lover's ass.

"Ahhh shit!" he groaned. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!"

Jude pulled out from him at just the right time. Greg held his cock and was stroking it hard and gasping for breath at the same time, but Jude solved the problem by taking his cock from him and into his mouth he went. He sucked him hard and good, pulling on his balls with his free hand. That did it for Greg as he groaned through his teeth and pumped his load of semen down his lover's throat. Jude held onto him as he gulped down his cum, not letting up till he'd swallowed the final drop.

Both men fell to the bed, laughing in each other's arms. They licked traced of cum off each other's lips while they cuddled.

"It's been a long time since I found life this good," said Greg. "All these months I've been coming through the net, looking for someone. Who would have thought I'd find you miles from home."

"Sometimes you have to go the distance to get what you want," said Jude. "In the end, look at how it's turned out."

"Yeah," answered Greg. "A life without regret. I'm so for today, and for you making it so."

The sky grew darker outside as the day progressed into the evening. Both men curled into each other's arms and fell asleep with their legs over each other.


It was dark when Greg's eyes came open.

The first thing he noticed was how hot the room was, that he was sweating. Then he realised the ceiling fan above their head wasn't rotating anymore; the meagre light in the room came from outside the curtained window. Jude's head rested beside his while his arm lay across his chest. He could hear him breathing. Greg felt his hand on the table beside the bed where Jude had earlier left a torch light. His hand felt it and turned on its light and shined it around the room. He got up from the bed, careful not to wake his lover, and approached the window facing the side of the building.

He could make out few distant lights beyond, but most of the buildings close to theirs were all in darkness. The clouds looked misty and seemed to hang above the earth like a wet shroud. There was a strong aromatic smell in the air. It felt so peculiar and strange, much like what he had perceived when he arrived at the airport.


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