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Love So Pure


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Tom kept on pushing his cock in and out coming like a leaking fire hose with no end in sight holding his daughter tightly as if she will vanish once his orgasm is over.

Lucy felt her heart break with her father's anguish and she used all her strength to hold her father in her arms.

It seemed eternity had passed before father and daughter came back to earth.

Lucy felt her father's embrace softening. He kissed her simply but with intensity more in thoughts than in physical act and repeated, "I love you more than my life Luce, my darling." Lucy felt some untold anguish and knew her father was talking to his woman and his daughter at the same time and that made it difficult. Lucy looked in her father's eyes and saw a sea of love and she started to cry with happiness and cry to celebrate that her father now belonged to him and he was hers to loose if she chose to be stupid.

No words were necessary as both father and daughter were locked in each other's arms. Tom kissed his daughter all over the face, as she cried with running tears and he let her do so but licked all the tears as if they were too precious to lose. Lucy was sobbing and crying, she was sniffling but she felt totally unable to stop crying as her father held her face and kissed her and kissed her again, repeatedly, gently with impossible mixture of love from father and her lover in equal measure. This realisation made Lucy warm and happy as she cried her eyes out not embarrassed that her tears made her nose runny.

Tom kissed and licked his daughter's tears and face and kissed her lips as he had done many times when she was a child and fell running, or hurt her finger playing with toys or touched a hot pan.

Tom lovingly kissed and licked her daughter's face as her crying slowed down. Her arms were tightly wrapped around him, her face was lifted up to his face never did she move it away.

"Luce,Luce,Luce, shh....shhhh...shush," Tom whispered as he kissed her last tears, kissed her red eyes, kissed her nose to remove mucus running from the tip of her nose onto her upper lip.

Eventually his lips locked on to his daughter's in a soul melting union between loving father and daughter. His daughter's lips committed to him her love and trust come what may as his lips conveyed that she will be first and foremost in his life that he will care for until he dies.

After a long time Lucy looked up with puffy red eyes and smiled at her father and as if a magic happened and Tom smiled and both then just started to laugh and kiss in a silly fashion.

Even in middle of that fateful Tuesday night sun shone brightly in Tom Delgado's kitchen as he held his beautiful daughter with a smile on her freshly cried out face.

"Daddy, is it too much to believe I love you and understand fully my love for you." Lucy kissed her father in a maternal admonishing way.

"I do now, Luce, sorry. Never will I decide what I think is right for both of us unilaterally." Tom kissed her back.

"Do you want to try getting out of that suit like this." Lucy found her sharp teasing wit once again hinting her father's earlier expertise in freeing his cock out of the suit.

"Luce, you mean in the kitchen or with my cock buried in your sweet cunt?" Tom's repartee reddened Lucy's cheeks.

"I am not going to let go of your cock tonight. You owe me three days' supply," came another from Lucy promptly.

Tom took his daughter's tease on and took of his jacked and threw it away on the floor, his tie was next then belt.

He ripped the buttons of his shirt and took it off until he realised the cuffs. Lucy in a fit of laughter kissed him like a messy child and undid both cufflinks one by one and pushed his shirt off his broad muscular chest.

Tom bent his knee and undid the shoe laces by feel without moving but his cock bobbed making his giggling daughter squirm, "You are not being fair, Luce, if you squirm and I slip out of you lose."

"With a mile long cock no fear of that," Lucy laughed even more as her father tried to take his socks off after kicking his shoe away. The other foot followed.

Once his shoes and socks were of taking trousers off was a simple matter.

Soon Tom stood naked still fully buried inside his daughter's cunt, beaming with mock pride, "What do you say now, madam."

Lucy looked at her father with eyes brimming with unfathomable love as he kissed him.

Tom's heart lurched with emotions but he kept it light, "Now, now only a kiss is not what I was expecting from the loser."

As Tom ran his hands over his daughter's legs and undid her sandal shoes, Lucy whispered, "Dear Sir, You have your daughter's cunt, mouth and ass to use as you desire or deem fit."

Tom lifted his daughter in his arms her legs around his waist, his cock buried inside her cunt, "If you throw your boobs in the deal I will accept your offer," He made his way out of the hallway and up the central spiralling massive staircase towards master bedroom.

Lucy put both her arms around his neck as her hands stroked her father's back of the head, whispered, "Everything is yours sir, everything, in any shape or form. All this slave wants is that you never free her, never even if you feel angry, let down by her stupidity, or you feel she is just not good enough for you."

Tom hugged her tight and as his daughter buried her face in his chest, "Luce, you are mine. You can have me as a father or man or both for as long as you wish."

Soon father and daughter were in the bedroom Tom fell with his daughter under him on the bed knocking the breath out of her. As she looked up to his face she knew it was going to be a long night and she would be taken every way before morning arrives and her father would make her come until she cannot come any more but she doubted that would stop him tonight.

As he felt her father to drill his cock back using short strokes his daughter's mouth fell open, Lucy never once got control of her breathing, or her screams of pleasure as her father fucked her cunt in all positions, then her ass. He fucked her ass in missionary position and then he made her kneel on her hands and knees and ended with her on her face with her ass lifted invitingly for her father to ravage.

She was on top him face down as his cock pummelled her cunt and he switched to her ass using his hips to pound her battered ass.

He took her in cunt and her ass with her lying on top of him with her face up. He took her to toilet in his arms when she wished to pee and fucked her with her bouncing on his lap while he sat on the commode. He took her with her bent over the toilet from behind.

Lucy was ravaged beyond exhaustion by her insatiable father who came again and again making her daughter come in multiples of the number of times he ejaculated but fucked her with his unwilting massive cock.

Lucy felt bruised and battered but her father kept coming back for more and more. Seeking his daughter even when she fell asleep in sheer exhaustion to plunder her cunt or ass as he pleased. He even came over her face as she gagged on his cock and his cock erupted on her face.

By morning Lucy felt sore all over. Her cunt was sore, her ass felt as if someone had exploded a firecracker inside, her jaw hurt from fellating her father's monster, her breasts were tender and ached, a nice bruise was forming in both breasts from her father's brutal fucking in the kitchen.

She looked at her father as he held her in his arms he had a swollen lower lip with a mucosal laceration.

Tom kissed his daughter on her lips and kissed both her breasts, "Sorry Luce, about the bruises, it may show through bikini, wrong timing."

Lucy kissed her father's lip, "Ditto. I know my grandfathers will understand, amoral teenagers and all, but I am not so sure of prim and proper Japanese. They may think you were in bar brawl."

Tom pulled his daughter to him and rolled her onto her back, as her father climbed over her she screamed in midst of giggles, "Daddy surely you do not want more? Do you?Surely not!"

Tom smiled, "You promised sweetheart and I intend to ensure that my proud daughter honors her promise,"

Lucy yet again found her completely exhausted body impaled by her father's impossibly hard, huge cock, she automatically bent her legs to allow him all the access. He started to plunder her sore cunt as the morning light broke through the dawn sky filling everything with brightness. Lucy put her arms tightly around her insatiable father and said with gritted teeth in mock anger, "Will I have to wait until your eightieth birthday for you to slow down."

Tom answered her daughter with a bone jarring thrust shoving his massive cock to the hilt, "Do you want me to slow down, Luce?"

Lucy swooned, "No, no, never, never, never," and she allowed her father to drag out more orgasms from her tired cunt over the next one hour as he came twice finishing with a big load in her very sloppy very full cunt. He fell on top her as they both slept for a couple of hours like that until the alarm shrilly awoke them and they both shot out of bed.

Next hour or so was hectic as both got ready, kissing each other while brushing teeth, smearing tooth paste all over each other's face.

They kissed and hugged every time they crossed each other getting ready and whispered "only three days" as if that mantra would keep them sane.


The arrival of chauffeured car to take them to respective airports where their chartered flight was ready eventually brought upon the moment. Tom held his daughter inside his home as he would not do outside and kissed her.

Without a word both went out the driver collected their compact luggage.

Tom and Lucy talked as any father and daughter would talk about Tom's trip and Lucy's trip.

"Daddy, I will be on ground in two hours time. You poor daddy has a long flight." Lucy said in a low tone although soundproof partition gave them complete privacy.

"I will be fine, Luce do not feel angry if I fail to call or my call is business like,"

Lucy simply pressed his hand without saying anything.

Lucy was dropped first at a private small airport where her chartered flight would take her to her grandfathers' home. Before she went out she kissed her father like a loving daughter would and wished him a comfortable flight.

Tom reciprocated with similar nicety and agreed to take anti-inflammatory regularly for his swollen lip.

Tom felt a pang of pain as he saw Lucy walk away to the runway.

Lucy felt a tightening she only experienced every time she saw her father come to pick her up or when he drove away after dropping her at school. She sensed her father's car pull away but did not turn back because she knew she would start to cry.

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Chapter 6

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The short flight vanished with her sleeping her way through. The polite flight attendant woke her with a gentle nudge on her shoulder. As her plane descended she could make out a tall man standing close to a big four 4X4.

His large hat covered his face. It had to be her grandfather, there was no one closely similar in physique close by.

As Lucy moved away from the plane the man waved his hand and took off his hat.

Lucy even though promised herself not to behave thus, found herself running like a child towards her grandfather squealing and shouting "grandpa" until she found herself in his bear hug. Robert held his loving grand daughter in his arms and did his best not to allow any tear in his eyes in a public place. Men in his family did not shed tear in public.

"My darling, my darling, how are you? It has been ages and you grow up every time I see you," Rob held his grand daughter in his hug and kissed the top of her head repeatedly. Nearby people could not help but smile at this affectionate loving scene.

Lucy hugged her grandfather with love and rubbed her face like a child on his shirt covering his massive chest.

She could smell the lovely smell of his cologne he had used all his adult life, the cigar (he was allowed two in a day by Lucy), and the masculine smell that children can perceive belonging to their parents and grandparents, "Oh how have I missed you grandpa. I am really sorry we could not make it earlier. Dad was quite disappointed at the change of plan."

"It is fine sweetheart," Rob's voice very much like his son's in low tones. "We will have a swell time while my son will work his but off. I will not have him sharing my lovely granddaughter. In fact if I wanted to be devious that is what I would have planned."

"Oh, grandpa, you surely do not mean that. But still it is flattering to know you love me so much."

"More than life itself," her grandfather whispered intensely holding her tight, "more than life itself."

Somehow these simple words resonated in Lucy's mind. Grandfather's voice was a bit gravelly compared to smooth baritone of her father's.

She walked with bouncy steps to keep up with her grandfather's long stride.

Her luggage was in the back of his 4X4.

As her grandfather opened the door for her she noticed a tall man with a massive frame. His shoulders were like a professional wrestler. His chest was huge. He had strong back and huge thighs as big as tree trunks. His arms were as big with large hands calloused with work and fingers like sausages.

Her grandfather was two inches shorter than her father who stood at 6'3". His weight was mostly huge workman like muscles as he had worked with his hands until he made it big. There was a good measure of flab to add a bulge in front of his belly. He had same curly combed back hair he had passed on to his son but his were absolutely silver white with not even a hint of grey or dark strand.

Lucy smiled at her grandfather as he closed the door after touching her face ever so gently with his huge rough skinned hand and walked towards the driver's side.

Both Tom and Rob shared the same features giving Rob a handsome visage accentuated by the gravity of his age. Lucy could not help but wonder, "My grandfather is my dad in thirty years time."

The only difference was Rob supported a bushy moustache as opposed to his son's clean-shaven matinee idol looks.

Lucy gabbled like a little girl as girls would do when their loving grandfathers are in vicinity.

Within fifteen minutes Lucy had brought Rob up to date regarding her school, further rough plans and her father's urgent trip to west coast.

Lucy kept touching her grandfather's arm as she always hung on his arm whenever they were together. She had curled up and slept in his lap like a small puppy any number of times as he sat in his rocking leather chair with his cognac close by and huge thick cigar in the ashtray.

Her grandmother would admonish him smoking close to their granddaughter and would remove the cigar in a mock angry whisk.

He would rather miss out on his cigar than lose his granddaughter's little form from his lap as he rocked gently while little Lucy slept peacefully in his lap.

"Are you sticking to the rationed cigars grandpa?" Lucy held his arm lightly so as not affect his driving.

"Would I be foolish and defy the edict of the most important and beautiful woman in my life?" Rob smiled lovingly looking straight ahead at the road.

"Ooooh, grandpa," Lucy blushed red as she dug her fingers in his strong muscled arm.

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The drive into grandfather's ranch was magnificent to say the least. It was a sprawling affair extending to about 120 acres of woodland and green pastures. The house was a modern architecture of wood and other natural material with all the modern facilities known to man with emphasis on energy conversion.

The house was built with exact replica at an angle with another driveway. The other house was occupied by her maternal grandfather, her mother's father. It was not even visible until one walked right up to the turning wall to see there was another house.

There was a huge swimming pool with a retractable roof and walls all folded into carefully placed pillars merging into the surrounding tall trees.

Rob opened her door to let his granddaughter admire the setting of his home," It is beautiful, grandpa."

"Thanks sweetie," as Rob picked her bags inside guiding her into high roofed wooden arched hallway, which led to massive dining hall with a big country kitchen at an angle to make it almost invisible.

There was a large living room facing the other side of the hallway and a study equally big. He took Lucy on a guided tour to make her feel at home. The ground floor continued into two bed roomed guest suite.

The other extension led to another smaller indoors swimming pool and gym with an adjoining games room.

An impressive wooden staircase with really low steps led to five huge bedrooms all with en suite.

Rob carried her bags upstairs and showed her his bedroom, which was at one end over looking the forest.

"Luce, have your pick. Any room," Rob waited on his happily smiling granddaughter who instantly brightened his house.

Lucy immediately picked the adjacent bedroom to her grandfather's, "I may have to run to your bedroom if there a summer storm or wild animal calls," she said with a child like happiness.

Rob put her bags inside, "Nothing will scare you Luce, and your granddad will not let anything or anyone scare you."

Lucy melted into her grandfather's strong arms and rose on her tiptoes to kiss him, "I love you grandpa,"

Then suddenly she asked, "where is grandpa," with no explanation required as to she was referring to her maternal grandfather.

"Sam had to go to other town to get supplies, we were a bit lazy stocking up. He should be back by afternoon. Do you want to freshen up? I will go and rustle up some light lunch and drinks."

"I am fine, I will come down with you."

Rob opened the huge refrigerator to bring out cold meats, fresh greens, "What will you drink, Luce? I am going to have a beer."

"Grandpa, Would you mind if I had one as well?" Lucy knew he would not.

"No risk of being arrested here, "Rob took out cold beers and poured them in large crystal beer mugs.

Lucy felt the cold beer very soothing and gulped down half of it in no time.

Her grandfather expertly prepared most delicious sandwiches with a salad and of course enough for five people. Men in her family were big, gentle, good cooks and generous to a fault, thought Lucy.

Lucy got all the information and details over the two year about the shift from city, new house and their settling down in this remote part.

"Lucy, we two get tired of listening to each other, you know how boring your pa is!"

It was astonishing that everyone somehow knew who was being referred to even when Lucy used grandpa to start a conversation. However, she often called her maternal grandfather Pa to make it easy for other members of the family when they gathered in their home village. This stemmed from the fact that her mother called her father Papa.

Lucy laughed her disagreement at denigration of her other grandfather by one, "Grandpa I will not let you insult my loving grandpa."

Rob looked in to his granddaughter's twinkling blue eyes full of mirth and they both laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

"Grandpa,would you mind if I took some old pictures of all of us."

"Sure Luke have not unpacked the lot they are all in boxes in my study, this may be the excuse to do it."

Lucy got up to offer another beer to her grandfather and filled her mug as well, she was drinking much more and faster than she was allowed by her father discretely.

No sooner she handed the beer mug to her grandfather the shrill tone of telephone filled the house.


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