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Loving Couple Adventures Ch. 05

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Kevin has a big birthday surprise for Sherrie.
7.4k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 06/18/2009
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After our night with Andi, our sex life went up another notch. I was still getting my morning blowjobs almost every day, and almost every evening was a lingerie show. Now I was also getting midday phone sex, and Sherrie had even let me make some videos of her putting on toy shows for me. The other change was that her latent bisexuality had gone into overdrive.

It started with her making crude comments about women wherever we went, telling me what she thought they were wearing under their clothes, what she thought they were like in bed, and what she would like to do to them. It was like hanging out with one of the guys. She had also gotten into doing Web chats, often choosing the youngest, sexiest women on the Web and mutually working themselves to orgasm. We even continued our adventures in the real world, inviting Andi back over (to return the skirt, of course), getting together with Candi in a hotel room, and even hooking up with my hot waitress from a while back. My wife couldn't get enough pussy, and I was having the time of my life.

The one day I looked at the calendar, and realized her birthday was coming up in two weeks, and I began to struggle with an appropriate gift. Our sex life had become almost all consuming, and I knew we were both having lots of fun and growing so much closer together, but I wanted to stay away from that, if for no other reason to let Sherrie know that I thought of her as a life partner, not just a sex partner. I wanted her to know that our bond was strong, I still loved her, and as great as our sex adventures had been, I was completely committed to her. Now, if I could only find a present that summed all that up.


"Are you sure she just doesn't want a good fucking," Lyle asked, trying to be helpful in his own way. He was ostensibly along to help me pick out a nice, appropriately expensive piece of jewelry, but had spent as much time picking up the women working at the mall jewelry stores as he had looking at bracelets and things.

"No, that's the point. I have no idea what to get her. I think it would be nice to step outside of the sexual box for an evening, but what if that is the wrong call?" I turned over a necklace with more diamonds than I could hope to afford, hoping maybe the answer would appear before me.

"The way you two have been going, if you're being completely honest with me, would seem to indicate that there is very little going on right now in her head other than pure, unadulterated lust. I think you should hire her a bunch of strippers and let her have a good time." He smiled at the tall brunette behind the counter, and pointed out a nice looking anklet. As she handed it to him, he handed her his phone number. I had to admire the guy, he had taste. I watched the sales girl walk away, her perky ass swaying in the tight skirt, her long legs tapering off in high hells. And the anklet was lovely too. And within my price range.

"I think I'm going with jewelry, and a nice romantic evening. Maybe I'll book a cruise for us or something. Maybe I'll get a limo."

"Sounds like a plan, my man," Lyle said, indicating his next conquest that she should wrap up the anklet. "Since it sounds like she's been getting more pussy than I have, I'd go for sex, but that is just me. You know, you could take the radical step of asking her. Sounds crazy, but sometimes it works."

I handed the salesgirl my credit card, and thought about my plan so far. Limo. Dinner. Jewelry. Maybe I could ask her for an idea that would just top off the night. "You know, Lyle old friend. As always, your knowledge of how to make a woman happy sound like it is right on the money. I shall in fact take the daring step of asking my wife exactly what it is she wants for her birthday."


"Dick. Cock. Boners. Cum. Lots and lots. All of it." She smiled, and I couldn't tell if she was teasing me, or if she was being serious. I looked confused, and I'm sure a little crestfallen. I was actually looking forward to a nice romantic evening, jus the two of us, and here she was asking for an on orgy for her birthday. Not exactly an orgy, I guess, more like a gang bang. I wondered for the first time since we had started our adventures if we had gone too far.

I think she saw the disappointment on my face, because she quickly backtracked. "Honey, I'm sure you will take good care of me. I know whatever you have been planning is wonderful. It's just that, we've had a lot of women in our bed lately, and it seems like a while since we've fooled around with other men. I guess I was just hoping we could play around a little with some other guys for a change. But just being with you makes it a great birthday, so go ahead with your plans. You love me, so I know I'll love what you come up with." I pushed aside any doubts I may have had. With how good Sherrie had been to me lately, how could I be so selfish as to not give her exactly what she wanted?

"Don't worry honey; it will be the best birthday ever. Don't worry about a thing. You just be ready to go to dinner at 7:00 on your birthday and I will take care of everything else." She clapped her hands and did a little happy dance and then jumped up and gave me a big kiss.

"I need to go shopping for something to wear," she said, exiting the room and heading out to the mall. Once she was gone, I picked up the phone.

"Lyle, you were right. Can you help me out, man?"


The day of Sherrie's birthday, I didn't see her past a good morning kiss on my way out the door to work. She had the day off, of course, to pamper and prepare herself for her big night. I took a half day from work in order to make the final arrangements. I checked into the honeymoon sweet at our local five-star hotel, and met up with Lyle for lunch to go over my final preparations. A quick stop at the sex shop was next for some nasty videos and lingerie, and, at the last minute, a blindfold and handcuffs. I went to the mall to pick up my new suit, and swung by the liquor store to pick up the booze. I went to the florist to get the rose petals for the room, and the bouquet for when I picked her up. I went back to the hotel room to get everything ready, and then went down to the hotel bar for a quick drink and snack. I parked my car there and waited for the limo to pick me up at 6:30. I had the flowers, the anklet, a couple bottles of champagne, dinner reservations, the limo, the hotel room, and of course, the big surprise. Tension rolled around in my stomach as I worried that she wouldn't like her big present.

I pulled into our driveway, aware that tonight was a big night in our marriage. I swallowed my butterflies and made my way to my own front door. I rang the bell and waited. Andi answered the door, wearing a tight t-shirt and cut off sweats. She still looked hot. I wondered what was going on, and wondered if Andi had let my secret slip. As if reading my mind she said, "Sherrie asked me over to help her get ready. Don't worry; I didn't say anything to her. I can keep a secret." She kissed me on the cheek, and said, "Have fun. Make sure your wife is having fun too, ok. Remember what I said." I remembered vividly, her admonition that any guy or girl would love to have my wife.

"Tonight is all about making her happy," I responded.

Andi left, and I waited in the front entryway, holding my bouquet of flowers. "Here I come," Sherrie announced from out of view upstairs. I was not prepared for what came next. The full day of pampering had really paid off. Sherrie was aglow. Her hair and makeup looked perfect, and the long, red silk dress, slit up the side, that she wore fit her beautifully. A white shawl covered her bare shoulders, and glittery black high heels covered her nyloned feet. The dress was tight, and revealed all of her sexy curves, and made her breasts look magnificent. I stood slack jawed as she descended the stairs. "Exactly the reaction I was hoping for," she said, accepting the flowers and kissing me on the lips.

"You look amazing," was all I could manage to say.

"I know. You look pretty good yourself. Let's get his amazing evening started," she said, heading for the door. We walked out and the limo driver was waiting to open the door for us. I watched as his eyes bugged out as Sherrie got into the limo, and the slit opened up almost to her waist, showing off her lace stocking top. I could barely suppress a giggle knowing she would be having that same effect on men all night long.

"A limo. I'm pretty impressed," she said, taking the glass of champagne I offered her. "You are really going all out tonight aren't you?"

I toasted her, kissed her, and nodded. "Anything and everything for you. You are so good to me, in so many ways; I just want to show you how much I love you, and how deep my love is for you." We sipped our champagne as we drove around the town. I instructed the driver to take a circuitous route to get us to dinner, both to give us some time to relax and enjoy each other's company while sipping bubbly, but also to surprise her with the restaurant choice. I poured us each a second glass of wine, and Sherrie started kissing on my neck. I leaned towards he and our lips locked in a passion. Her hand found the growing bulge in my slacks, and started to rub me through the pants material. She had shifted, and the slit of her skirt was again climbing. I ran my hand up the silky smoothness of her stocking leg, and she instinctively spread her legs. I didn't want us to start off too fast, so I wasn't really planning on either of us getting off before dinner. I poured the rest of the bottle into our glasses as we pulled into the parking lot of our favorite Italian restaurant, and sat for a while in the parking lot chatting and finishing our drinks.

I motioned for the limo driver that we were ready, and he came around to help us out of the limo, drinking in again the sexiness that is my wife. The doorman held the door open, and as we entered, the hostess jumped up to greet us and lead us directly to our table. I hadn't left a detail to chance. Sherrie slid into the booth with a knowing grin, which turned into a full fledged smile as Bradley, our favorite waiter and sometimes sex partner came over to greet us. He had bought Sherrie flowers as a birthday present also, not realizing she would already be carrying around a bouquet that I bought her, but she stood up to give him a kiss on the cheek anyway to thank him. I could see she was embarrassed by the reddening of her skin, and I watched her as she sipped her drink and knew that she was turned on.

"We haven't played with him in a while. Are you planning some sort of surprise for me later?" she asked, not knowing how right she was.

"I am full of surprises, but no, he wasn't really on my agenda. Of course, tonight is your night, so if you want to take him off in private to see if he has a better present for you than flowers, be my guest." She tried to laugh it off, but I recognized the look in her eyes and knew she was seriously considering it.

Dinner was wonderful as always, and we drank some more wine. Sherrie was flirting with Bradley throughout dinner, and was becoming more aggressive with it as the meal carried on. She showed not only him, but the rest of the patrons that she was wearing thigh highs, and I caught her out of the corner of my eye grabbing his ass as he was walking away as I was distracted by something else. I was pretty sure at that point she would be getting a head start on my plans for her.

We killed a second bottle of wine, and finished our desert. We were drinking a cup of coffee when she smiled her special smile at me and announced, "I'm taking Bradley out to the limo. Give me fifteen minutes and then meet me out in the parking lot." She slid out of our booth without waiting for an answer, and caught Bradley on her way out the door. He had to sneak around as not to get caught sneaking out, so I gave them twenty minutes before I got out there. I timed it perfectly and Bradley was just exiting the back of the limo when I got there. "Se you later," he whispered as he hurried back inside.

I got into the back of the limo and immediately noticed that the divider between the driver and the back was down, so the driver had probably witnessed whatever transpired back here in its entirety. I made a mental note that he would need to be tipped a little something extra for his discretion. I watched Sherrie as she slid her panties back on under her dress and over her stockings. They were a red, almost sheer material, so that once they were back in place I could still clearly see the outside of her swollen, and damp, pussy lips. She adjusted her dress back into place and reached over for the second bottle of champagne that I thought I had hidden well enough that I could surprise her with it before I gave her present to her. "Driver, you can take us to our next location please," I announced, closing the door and settling in.

I reached for the small box containing her anklet, and she popped the cork and started to pour the bubbly. I handed her the box and she said, "Second location. Look at you, getting all secret agent on me. No hints?"

I kissed her and said, "Happy birthday," handing her the jewelry box. She took a sip of wine, and then opened it, and gasped and blinked when she opened the box.

"I love it Kevin, oh my god, it so gorgeous, thank you so much, it is so beautiful, is this really for me, this is the best present ever, oh my god!" She leaned in and practically attacked me with her kips as a thank you. I pulled way and tried to say, "Your welcome," but she kept up her pursuit of my mouth. I finally gave up and succumbed to her will, especially since she was back to massaging my cock again.

She broke our kiss, and started whispering in my ear. "Do you want to know what Bradley got while you were inside? Do you want to know what happened?" She started to unzip my pants.

"Yes," I said, trying to control my urge to throw her down and start fucking her.

She pulled my cock out of my pants, and continued stroking my now bare skin. "You had me so worked up before dinner, and were obviously not going to put out, so I needed some relief. The poor boy had not even gotten the door closed and I already had his pants down around his ankles. I started to deep throat him, but he must have been practicing, because he held out for a long time. He finally shot his load down my throat. He tasted so good." She leaned down and encircled my head with her tongue before continuing her story. "I needed to come too, though, so I hiked up my dress, and shoved his face down between my legs. He yanked off my panties and licked and fingered me until I came all over his twenty two year old face." She let go of my cock, and sat still and silent.

"I want to come in your mouth," I finally said.

"It's my birthday. I'll decide who comes in my mouth," she said, before plunging her head back down to my lap and taken my cock fully in her mouth. She bobbed her head a few times up and down, and then came back up to kiss me again. When she broke our kiss, she whispered, "And I'm such a whore I made the limo driver roll down the divider so he would have to watch us." She lowered her head again and engulfed my cock, just in time to receive a full load of my cum. She moaned and groaned as I shot cum into her mouth. She finished up, and snuggled close to me to sip her champagne. She eventually slid over and put her still high heeled feet in my lap so I could put her anklet on. I caressed her calves and slid my hand over her thighs. I reached under her dress and felt the lace tops of her stockings, and even brushed my fingers against the exposed flesh between her stocking and panties. I didn't want to touch her pussy though. She had already had one more orgasm than I had planned for her at this point, and I needed her at her highest horniness levels for my plan to work.

I affixed he anklet just as we pulled into the parking lot of our hotel. We kissed gain, and downed our champagne. I asked her to go in and get us a couple of seats at the bar while I settled up with the limo driver. I watched her strut across the parking lot and into the lobby, all eyes turning to watch where she was going. I gave the limo driver his final instructions and went in after her. I found her at the bar, flirting with the bartender and one other patron, who had bought her first drink. He apologized when he realized I was in fact with her, and slunk away embarrassed. We had a couple of tall, strong drinks, and at one point while she was in the bathroom I made amends with the poor guy she fooled, and made good friends with the bartender. We finished up our last drink, and it was now time to head up to our room for the big surprise.

All eyes were again on her as we made our way to the room. She leaned against my shoulder for both intimacy and support, and I knew that she was at lest partially drunk. I loved the sound of her heels click clacking against the marble floor, and squeezed her hand as we waited for the elevator to arrive. Once inside the elevator, she again attacked me, pressing her lips and body against mine. I whole heartedly returned the passion, and grew hard as she ground herself against my crotch. "I can't wait to get you alone in that room," she huskily whispered in my ear as she nibbled on it. I chuckled as we reached our floor.

I led her to our suite and put the key in the reader. She kissed me again as I opened the door, and I moved her inside, still locked in an embrace. Once I closed the door, there was a loud shout of "Surprise!"Sherrie broke our kiss and turned her head to the din. She leaned against me as she took in the scene, almost as if she was about to faint.

A trail of rose petals led to ten men standing around in the living room area of the suite, stripped down to their boxers. There was a gang bang porn playing loudly on the TV, and the guys were all hard. "What's going on?" She asked me, still stuck to her spot.

"You said you wanted a lot of cocks, so happy birthday baby," She looked at me and smiled wider than any I had ever seen before. Her eyes were filed with uncontrolled lust. Lyle was there of course, along with the guys from the poker game: Carl, Mitch and Renaldo. Lyle had also brought one of the partners from his firm, Andrew, a sliver haired fox that was licking his lips near constantly as he looked at Sherrie. I had asked Andi if she could help to, and all four members of Tad Banjo were also there, in their young, long haired glory. Front and center, still wearing his uniform cap, was the limo driver. "What are you waiting for?" I asked. "Enjoy!"

She dropped her shawl, made her way to the crowd, saying hello, and accepted a shot that someone had poured for her. She was introduced to all of the guys, and greeted them all with deep, tongue wriggling kisses. The guys pressed in close, and she did her shot, went over to the limo driver, and dropped to her knees. She yanked down his boxers, and without saying a word, swallowed his cock and started to give him a wet, sloppy blowjob in full view of all of the guys. A loud cheer erupted.

In a matter of minutes, she had finished him off, and was swallowing down his load. He grunted, "Thank you. Thank you," over and over again as he came. When he was done, he gathered his uniform and had to head out, so I gave him the rest of his money and thanked him for his service. Sherrie of course had not noticed because she had moved in between her rockers, and was alternating between the four of their cocks. She looked like a whirling dervish, bobbing up and down on one cock while stroking two others, and then shifting so that all of them were continuously satisfied. She looked like a musician herself, alternating between four different instruments. She brought the guys off one after another, and this caused problems as she couldn't quite swallow all of their spunk as it came rapid fire. She had cum on her face, in her hair, and some had spilled onto her dress. After finishing off the four of them, she decided that the dress wasn't working for her anymore, and had Lyle unzip it for her and let it slide down to the floor. She stood now only in her see through red bra and panty set, her black lace top thigh highs, and her black sparkly heels.


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