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Luke and Sophia Ch. 04: Sophia's Story

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Sweet Sophia shares her perspective on the male anatomy.
6.1k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/23/2021
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Hello! My name is Sophia Sanchez. I'm 18 years old. I love anime and Victorian literature. And, for as long as I can remember, I've been obsessed with dicks.

Big, small, it doesn't matter to me. I've always just found them so mysterious and enticing. I hate to sound like a bad feminist, but sometimes I think it may have to do with the fact that my Dad left when I was young. For most of my life, it's just been me and my mom. The idea that men had this secret, forbidden, "extra" part in between their legs always filled me with an intense curiosity.

Since my mom worked long hours, I spent a lot of time on the internet growing up. Reddit and Tumblr, mostly. I found myself fascinated by these mysterious organs that a young woman on the internet is inevitably confronted with. I never understood how some girls thought they were "yucky" or off-putting; I thought penises were fascinating. But I was never a "size queen"; I split my time pretty evenly between r/TinyDick and r/MassiveCock, if you can believe that.

The big ones exude a certain power that I found irresistible; the way they swung heavily when their carriers walked, how they jutted out defiantly at the world when their owners wished to bring someone pleasure. I was captivated by the knowledge that—beneath an unassuming exterior—some men carried these gargantuan appendages capable of hypnotizing anyone who crossed their path. I blushed at the thought of ever encountering one in the wild. Big dicks were certainly intimidating, but in a way that left me intrigued rather than frightened.

But I developed a special love for the little ones, too. They were so cute, and I do mean that in a good way. I loved the way they poked out of their holders' bodies like little acorns when they were soft. When they were erect, they looked like miniature sparkplugs ready to be lovingly caressed. I especially liked when their bearer was large and intimidating; there was something so sexy, so...vulnerable, about the thought of a big, strong man having a tiny little secret he had to hide from the world. I hoped someone would one day be willing to share a secret like that with me.

At school, I was the shy weeb who excelled at academics but never got invited to a party. But at home, in my fantasies, I was a goth princess, surrounded by naked boys. While rubbing my clit, I would drift off into thoughts of being tended to by a sea of friendly men, their cocks all on display. I would blush at the sight of the big ones and wink at their owners, inviting them back to my room for some fun later. I would smile tenderly at the tiny ones and lovingly stroke their little heads with my fingertips.

Unfortunately, in real life guys never seemed to notice me. Although I was finished with puberty, on some level I think they still saw me as a girl rather than a young woman. I hate to say it, but sometimes I barely even felt like a woman myself. I was slightly over five feet tall and had no breasts to speak of. Luke, my love, always tells me how beautiful I am, but I still think I'm plain. I believe that he believes it, but I'm not sure why.

Most of all, I always hated my flat chest. I avoided swimming and dreaded the summer months when I couldn't layer up. "Small" isn't even the right turn; "nonexistent" is closer to the truth. Where other girls flaunted huge, round bosoms that jiggled when they walked, I was lucky to have my little pair of brown nipples. Honestly, I envied them; I'm sure if I had a huge, voluptuous set of tits I would have my pick of penises to play with.

I recently had the opportunity to see a pair up close, when my friend Alexandria showed me hers. I made friends with Alexandria halfway through high school. Before her, I had been desperately lonely, so I didn't care that she had a "bad reputation" or whatever. She had slept with a lot of guys, but not in a "cool" way. I think that since she was a little chubby, people saw her as a "slut" instead of an "empowered woman." Either way, we became best friends; the nerd and the slut. We even made out a few times! I'm definitely not gay, but I'll admit that the jealousy I felt towards her tits had an element of desire buried in it.

Alexandria stole some liquor from her parents' cabinet one night. It was my first experience drinking. By the end of the night, she had taken her top off and let me play with those big, beautiful boobs. She wanted me to show her my little ones, but I was too scared. Nobody had ever seen them before.

That all changed on the day of the party, however. When I was stripped and exposed to all of the coolest kids at my high school. You know, that was actually the first party of my life. I hated my body more that day than any other. But, in the long run, I'm glad I went. I met Luke and he became the love of my life. Him and his cute little cock have brought me so much happiness.

But first, I should probably tell you the story of how I ended up at that party. It all started a few weeks before school began, a couple days after my 18th birthday. I was walking through the school parking lot after a meeting with my guidance counselor concerning my plans for college. That's when I saw Josh.

Everyone knew who Josh was. He was on the football team, but never seemed to be as mean or arrogant as the other jocks. I guess he was just "raised right." Either way, Josh was leaving football practice, laughing with his friends when I saw him. He was wearing only a pair of athletic shorts and carrying his football pads in his hand. He looked like he had just taken a shower.

I froze up at the sight of him. Oh God, I thought to myself. Why am I always so painfully shy? Then, I

Beneath his thin green athletic shorts, I saw the outline of the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life. Even on the internet, there were few that seemed to rival its sheer length when completely flaccid. It appeared to stretch almost two thirds of the way down his thigh. I could see the ridge that delineated the head from the shaft. If his shorts weren't so baggy, it would have hung out the bottom.

He saw me looking at him and awkwardly waved. Feeling caught, I nervously waved back before scurrying off and briskly walking the rest of the way home. When I got to my room, I furiously rubbed my clit like never before.

I realize now that I designed an entire personality around that cock. In my dreams, Josh was brave, kind, and intelligent. The next few weeks, I would spend hours lazily toying with my pussy, imagining the life I would have with him. I fantasized about walking into the boy's locker room and giving him a hug in the showers, his huge dick lazily resting on my thigh as all of the other boys desperately hid their nudity from me. I would ask him to go commando at school and walk down the halls holding my hand. All of the girls who had previously bullied or ignored me would glare with jealousy as his massive manhood swung heavily back and forth beneath a thin layer of fabric.

So, when Alexandria invited me to go with her to Brooke's party on that fateful day, I swallowed my nerves and said yes.

I stuffed my suit in the hopes of catching Josh's eye, but he didn't seem to notice. Alexandria agreed to help me out and naively sent me over by myself into the crowd of popular people, so I would have a chance to talk to him.

But that never happened. That cunt Victoria stripped me in front of everyone, yanking off my top and exposing my tiny tits to the world. As I laid there, naked on the pavement, in the middle of a full-blown panic attack, I felt the dreams of my life with Josh die, without ever even getting the chance to speak to him. I noticed that he looked upset but did nothing to help me. I felt pathetic.

But, that's when Luke entered my life.

Over the next six months, I came to realize that Luke was everything that I had imagined Josh would be. On that day, he sacrificed his dignity to save mine. Luke was brave, kind, and intelligent; everything that Josh wasn't. The only difference was that where Josh had a tree trunk hanging between his legs, Luke sported a little thimble, not even an inch soft.

I really loved Luke's cock. Where Josh's giant tool had intrigued me before, Luke's little acorn was all I wanted now. It took all my courage to go over to his house that night, but it ended up being the single best decision I made in four years of high school. Playing with his little penis made me feel so powerful; I had every nerve in this huge boy's body literally in the palm of my hand. Losing my virginity to him was as incredible as I always imagined. He looked so vulnerable, spread out there naked on his bed with his little penis sticking up in the air as I playfully teased him. But when I wanted him to fuck me, he was so animalistic and dominant.

However, the one thing that I couldn't figure out was why it felt so good when he was inside me. Alexandria had always told me that average ones are the best; the big ones are the hottest to look at, but they hurt, while the small ones are easier to take but don't fill you up enough. Eventually, I did some research—and, ahem, 'independent experimentation'-- and figured out that my G-spot was exactly three inches inside my pussy. Since Luke's cock was 3.8 inches long, every time he thrust his hard little cock inside me his tip passed right over it. God, I'm getting wet right now just thinking about that feeling. He really is perfect.

While rumours of our public humiliation spread around the school like a wildfire, they died down surprisingly quickly. Every once and a while I would hear people snickering in the hallway when me and Luke walked by holding hands, no doubt laughing at Tiny Tits and Baby Dick. But for the most part, they kept to themselves. None of that mattered to me anyway. Not as long as I had Luke. When I told my Mom we were dating she was happy for me, and immediately got me on birth control. She really was a good mom.

I learned later that Josh really did feel bad about what happened, but—unlike Luke—didn't have the courage to do anything about it. I don't care who has the bigger dick, you can never convince me that Luke isn't the "bigger man" between the two of them. Anyways, Josh apologized to Luke about the incident, and they actually ended up becoming friends. However, he never apologized to me. That always pissed me off a little bit.

These thoughts swirled around my head as me and Alexandria got ready to go to her friend Tim's house. He was having a little get together while his parents were out of town. Alexandria had to do some work to talk me into it—considering my last experience at a party—but I ultimately acquiesced. According to her, not too many of the "cool kids" would be there. I would have felt better about it if Luke had been with me, but he was out of town.

"Daaaamn Sophia you look fuckin sexy!!" Alexandria exclaimed as I applied my lipstick. "If you weren't with Luke, I might end up taking you home myself..." she said with a wink. I knew she was only half joking.

"Oh stop it Alex...It's just lil ol' me, same as usual!" I deflected. I get uncomfortable when people compliment me.

But I'll be honest, I did look pretty good tonight! At least by my standards. I wore a black pair of tights under a loose black dress to hide my miniature boobs. Luke had purchased me a gold necklace as a six-month anniversary present; wearing it made me think of him. Never one for heels, a pair of black leather boots adorned my feet. I broke out my favorite red lipstick for the evening, too. My mom said the red of the lipstick paired well with my pale white skin and black hair.

"No for real, the boys are gonna be all over you!" Alexandria said with a smile. That smile slowly faded from her face as her eyes began to wander around her bedroom.

"I hear Josh is gonna be there tonight..." she said, trailing off.

Oh fuck, I thought to myself.

I won't lie, I was upset. The last time I had seen Josh ended with me naked and crying, my tiny tits and fragile pussy exposed to him, not to mention everyone else in my graduating class. I know that he had been hanging out with my boyfriend recently, but I was still hurt thinking about the way that day played out.

"Alex what the fuck?? You said that none of the cool kids were going to be there!!"

She looked concerned. "I'm not sure how cool he is anymore, Sophia...I heard that he's been hanging out with the nerds these days." She immediately looked concerned. "Not Luke!! I didn't mean it like that! I know they're friends now, and I didn't mean to imply-"

"No, Alex, its fine." I cut her off. "I don't care. If he talks to me, he better lead with an apology, that's all I'm saying."

We set off for Tim's house as a sense of anxiety boiled in my gut.

* * * * *

Luckily, Tim's party somehow ended up being a good time. The crowd was surprisingly "uncool," and I mean that in the best way possible. Everyone was actually really nice! The boys kept pouring me drinks, which I wasn't used to. Over the course of the night, I had become a little 'fucked up,' as Alexandria would put it. Speaking of Alexandria, she was the star of the show tonight; she wore a low-cut top that really put those plump breasts on display. At a party full of nerds, that made her the main attraction.

I saw Josh there as well. I'll admit it, thoughts of that wonderful penis of his flashed through my mind a few times. But for the most part, we remained on different sides of the house, occasionally making awkward eye contact, but not fully acknowledging each other's existence. He seemed to be avoiding me.

Fine by me, I thought. He may be hung, but he'll never be half the man that Luke is. His inability to confront me was just confirming his cowardice in my eyes.

Near the end of the evening, Josh began to uncomfortably shuffle over to me from across the room. Everyone was fairly drunk at this point in the evening, but he seemed to be holding it together better than most.

"Ummm hey...Sophia..." he said, his hands in his pockets, still avoiding my gaze. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure," I responded coldly, in an attempt to hide my crippling anxiety. I had a hollow feeling in my gut as we walked down the hall to a more secluded part of the house.

Josh wasn't as tall as Luke, but I still had to stare upwards at him to look him in the eyes. Wanting to seem unafraid, I spoke first. "I'm surprised to see you here!" I said. "I figured you'd be too 'cool' for this scene."

It dawned on me that this was the first time I had ever spoken to him in real life.

"Yeah, I uhh...don't really hang out with the same people anymore. I'm not sure if I ever really...'fit in' with them, deep down..." Josh stammered nervously. "I uh...just wanted to apologize for...for the way things, you know, went down...that one day." He gulped. "I could have done something to help, but I uh...I didn't."

At that moment, the anger I felt towards him began to dissipate. I started to understand what Luke saw in him. He wasn't some asshole jock, I realized. He was just...kind of weak, honestly. And seemingly not too bright.

I sighed. "It's ok. I'm over it." That was a lie.

"You're really lucky to have a guy like Luke, you know. He's a great guy. I was so fucked up what Victoria and Kyle did to you guys. That's part of why I don't hang out with them anymore..."

I began to feel a level of affection for him, in an odd way. Where before I saw him as this mysterious big-dick-bad boy, I was starting to realize that underneath, he was just a scared little boy.

"Thank you, Josh. That really means a lot." That seemed to brighten him up a bit.

"And, I mean, what they were saying to you guys, like, it isn't true," he said.

Where was he going with this? I thought to myself.

"Luke got himself a good girlfriend, you know. He talks about you a lot. Not all guys care about, you know, boobs..." he looked at his feet. "And, I'm sorry if anyone has said anything mean to Luke, about his, you know..." He glanced at his crotch, almost involuntarily. "Like, I mean...some people, maybe thought was kinda, cool, or whatever."




He was talking about Luke's penis. Thoughts swirled through my head. Was Josh gay? Was he bi?? What the hell was happening right now. I mean...Luke had confided in me that he was a little bisexual, himself. Luke had the same complicated relationship with big dicks that I had with big tits. Oh, this was interesting.

This was very interesting indeed.

I burst out laughing, an unusual but genuine response to my racing thoughts. "Well, when he comes back in town on Monday, I'll tell him you said he had a cool penis, mmkay?" I said with a wink. Josh blushed in response. Instinctively, I reached out and hugged him. I felt his mammoth bulge press into my stomach.

"Umm...ok..." Josh said with an uncomfortable laugh. He didn't have the sharpest wit, that's for sure. I broke off my embrace.

"I'm glad we talked," he said as he began to awkwardly wander off. "I'm gonna go see if there's any more beer."

Thoughts swirled through my head as I rejoined the party. How big was he when he got, y'know, "excited?" Would Luke want to see it?? Could we...see it together? Touch it? I would finally be like that version of me I saw in my dreams, that powerful girl surrounded by beautiful dicks. I mean, maybe...if Luke was cool with it...they could both fuck me, even...

Not that I would ever cheat on him!! Or do any of that "cuckold" stuff, for that matter. I always wanted to lift Luke up, make him feel good about himself, the way he did with me. When I teased his little cock, it was just a fun little power play between us...but if he wanted to do it too? Like, if he was into it? I wanted to be with Luke for the rest of my life. But, like...if they both fucked me, together?

These thoughts and many others rattled around my brain as I made my way to the bathroom. I was getting increasingly turned on at the thought of Luke and Josh both standing in front of me, their radically different cocks all mine to play with. What would Luke's face look like, the first time he touched another cock? And a massive one, at that? Would they let me play with them both at the same time?

My pussy was getting wetter and wetter at the thought. I needed to go to the bathroom for a second and collect myself, take some deep breaths. The whole party seemed to be muted, completely irrelevant compared to the fantasy playing out in my brain. I put my hand on the doorknob and began opening the door with my eyes staring at my feet, my thoughts 1000 miles away.

And that's when I saw it.

Josh was standing over the toilet holding a cock as long as my forearm and almost as thick. A hot stream of piss emerged from the tip, hitting the toilet water with force. It looked like another limb; his large hand was holding it around the middle, and yet his shaft was still visible on either side. There was an obvious weight to it; the tip hung down lazily, emerging from the far side of his palm like an elephant's trunk. It must have been seven or eight inches, completely soft. The shaft was tan and smooth, like the rest of his skin, while the head was colored a light beigeish pink. It was beautiful.

I gasped loudly as my cheeks began to turn bright red. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my pussy—already wet with anticipation—immediately began dripping. My knees grew weak and began to tremble as Josh started to freak out.

"Sophia!!! I'm so sorry, I thought the door was locked!!" As he fumbled with his massive organ in a vain attempt to return it to his pants, it began to swing and flop wildly. It looked so long, so powerful, so...heavy.


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