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Luna vs. The Camp Ch. 03

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Luna's friends make a trip back to the cabin interesting.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 07/23/2018
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The girls and I decided that today's activities were enough excitement for one day, so after the girls charitably returned my shorts and bikini top to me, we headed back to the cabin to relax a little, we agreed that whatever stunt Rebecca had to do with me, we'd do it tomorrow.

Later that evening, we attended the campfire gathering that was announced in the morning (the girls were kind enough to return my original clothes to me for this one occasion), I was a little nervous, considering I had no idea what to tell everyone here, thankfully, the counselors didn't force anyone to share their history with everyone, saying that it was up to us to tell everyone about our experience whenever we felt comfortable with doing so.

I also noticed that not everyone was here, the number of students at breakfast was definitely more than the one here. I'm not sure how many were absent, but it was definitely less than twenty.

To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention to the counselor talking, it was obvious after a few minutes that her speech was rehearsed, this was something memorized off of a counseling book, most likely, not an active attempt to engage us, so I quickly zoned out, and before I knew it, the meeting was over.

On the way back, Kaylee suggested we have a little bit of fun; there were several signs indicating the distance on our way back, I looked around and saw people passing us by as she whispered her idea to us:

"Whenever we pass a sign, we flip a coin between two of us, loser flips another coin with someone else, and the loser of that one flips a coin with the last of us." She pulled out a dollar, it had a pale but distinct shine even this late of an hour.

"And whoever loses at the end takes something off?" Jackie hazarded a guess, not a very wild guess, considering what Luna has come to see constituting fun with this group.

Naturally, Luna wasn't complaining, she saw Kaylee nod, eyes gleaming as brightly as the coin in her hand.

Once we were certain that we were the last ones coming from the campsite, we began the game, the first flip was between me and Rebecca, she figured it was only fair to give us both three shots of winning since we were bound to end up naked tomorrow, but it really only struck me then that I was at a definite disadvantage in this game, only having two pieces of clothing on me.

I tossed the coin, Rebecca called heads and was relieved to see that, indeed, the coin landed and clearly showed Sacagawea's face on it, meaning I'd lost the first toss.

Next up was Jackie, who took the coin from me and tossed it in the air, I called heads as Jackie caught the coin and slapped it against the back of her hand, but she revealed shook her head as she revealed the other side of the coin, I only had one shot to escape with my modesty.

Kaylee took the coin to make the final toss herself, and I decided to call tails as the coin spun in the air, but once again, Kaylee revealed Sacagawea's face to me, I had somehow managed to lose three coin tosses in a row.

I didn't know if I had the worst luck imaginable, or the best of luck.

"Too bad Luna, but I do think we'll get to see some tail either way." Kaylee quipped, and I understood her message, I hooked my thumbs to the waistband of my shorts and pushed down, the shirt was long enough to cover all of my privates, so it wasn't that big of a deal yet, however, the cold night breeze saw fit to blow underneath it and tickled my now exposed lips, I shivered a little.

And so I had to walk on in that state until we reached the next sign, the excitement and cool air did wonders to my arousal, I wasn't sure that I would make it back to the cabin if I had lost and gotten naked before reaching it without exploding.

I took the dollar in my now shaky hand and tossed it, this time Rebecca called tails, probably thinking it would land the other way around, but I was surprised to see that it had landed on heads yet again, usually even lady luck would conspire to strip me naked as soon as possible.

Winning meant that it was Jackie playing with Rebecca now, the latter deciding to toss the coin while Jackie called tails yet again, the coin refused to land that way yet again, and so both girls set to get naked tomorrow survived this second round.

Jackie flipped the coin, and for the third time, tails was called by Kaylee, it finally landed that way, and Jackie had to strip.

Jackie was the center of attention now, she thought for a second on what to remove, she had a pair of ripped jeans on and a rather tight T-shirt on, one that made sure to accentuate her curvy figure, another thing it accentuated was the black bra she had underneath, one that we got a better look at now seeing how Jackie was taking the shirt off.

The cleavage in front of my eyes was amazing, the soft pillowy breasts threatened to jiggle right out of the bra at any moment, they were as big as mine, but I think mine were a bit more firm, Jackie's were almost like marshmallows.

We continued walking, I found myself taking more peeks at Jacie's exposed cleavage than I wanted to admit, and it certainly didn't help my arousal that I now felt I was acting like a peeping Tom.

At the next sign, it was decided that the first round would be between me and Jackie; we had both lost, so this would give us a better chance of winning.

Jackie flipped the coin and I called tails and was shocked to see that once again, I was in the clear, the coin had landed as I called.

The next toss was going to be played with Rebecca, who felt nervous about having one less chance to win, and for good reason, when she flung the coin up, Jackie followed in my step and called tails, and Rebecca's eyes widened when she saw the result, she'd lost the flip.

This meant that the final game would be between Rebecca and Kaylee, but before Kaylee flipped the coin, she stopped to consider something and shared her idea:

"Hey Becky, I know you'll start doing the same thing Luna does tomorrow, but how about we get a bit of a headstart?" Rebecca didn't quite catch on to Kaylee's intent, so the latter had to clarify this "if you lose, you take off as much as Luna, so you'd be bottomless if you lost this game."

I witnessed Rebecca's face go from a normal complexion to a bright red shade in a few seconds, Jackie chimed in agreement, and when she looked at me, I sheepishly shrugged my shoulders, though I couldn't keep myself from smiling.

Rebecca looked conflicted, or to be more accurate, she looked slightly panicked; she wasn't prepared to have this thrust on her yet, she was still preparing herself and steeling her heart for the next day, and now her friends were pushing her to do more, I almost felt sorry for her, but before my sympathy could take root, Rebecca nodded and agreed to the idea herself.

With the new rules established, Kaylee tossed the coin upwards, and much to Rebecca's dismay who called heads, the coin landed for the third time on tails, this statistical anomaly meant that Rebecca would either be topless or bottomless now.

Rebecca gulped and took stock of her situation, she stole a glance in my direction before deciding to emulate me, she unbuckled her belt, popped the button off her shorts and slid them down, catching her striped panties along the way and dragging them down off her hips, she let the two items crumple down in a heap around her ankles before stepping out of them.

I spotted a bright red bush before Rebecca's hand got in the way, and felt the others about to protest her covering before deciding to cut her some slack, it was clear that, despite her agreement to do this, Rebecca was still fairly nervous about standing there half naked.

Rebecca took another glance at me, I gave her a reassuring smile in the hopes of calming her nerves, but it seemed to have only made her more self-conscious.

There were only four more signs left, I did the math in my head and everyone but Kaylee could end up naked on this trail, in fact, it could easily end with two of us naked with room for more, I wondered if they'd make either of us do a forfeit if we lost again after that, maybe not Rebecca, but that was certainly a possibility for me.

The next sign was very much the middle of the trail, and this time it was me and Rebecca once again, Rebecca's hands were barely able to properly flip the coin, I called heads, and I could see the dismay on Rebecca's face as she locked eyes on Sacagawea's face.

Kaylee stepped up and took the coin from Rebecca, she tossed in the air and Rebecca managed to stutter out a call for heads, and that's what came up.

I was thankful that Rebecca had gotten it right, another loss might have been too much for her this soon into the game, she needed time to acclimate with what was going on, and there was always the chance that she might not enjoy being exposed like me.

On the other hand, the final coin toss between Jackie and Kaylee was far more relaxed, Jackie's toss was met by Kaylee calling for tails in the air, and once again, the call was correct, this left Jackie as this game's loser, she opted to slip her jeans off before releasing the twins, she was wearing matching black panties underneath that hugged her luscious ass.

"Like what you see?" Jackie wiggled her hips in my direction, she even gave one of her cheeks a light smack, and I felt myself blush even harder than I was accustomed to as I found myself unable to tear my eyes off the subtle jiggle of her cheeks, being stripped and humiliated in public I could do, getting caught staring at a girl's sexy curves? That was a new experience.

Thankfully, I was spared the pressure of having to reply by everyone's laughter, even Rebecca seemed to loosen up with that.

And so came the next sign, since she'd just lost the last game, Jackie was allowed to flip first with Rebecca, leaving me to toss from the second coin onwards, as for the first toss, Jackie flipped the coin into the air and Rebecca called for tails, sadly for her, it landed on heads.

Thus the second toss was once again me and Rebecca, except this time we didn't have the same buffer to fall back on, I could tell the nervousness that was exorcized from Rebecca was creeping its way back up, with that said, she was still steady enough to throw the coin into the air, I called for heads, and instead saw tails come up, I was now in jeopardy of being naked.

Kaylee called for heads in the air, and I saw Sacagawea staring back at us.

I had to strip naked.

"How the fuck do you keep winning?" Rebecca groaned, and Kaylee just laughed and shrugged, the novelty of this statistical improbability soon faded and was swiftly replaced by the neverending novelty of watching me take my clothes off, I grabbed the hem of my large shirt and lifted it off my body in one fell swoop.

The eyes of others as they drank in the sight of my bare body never failed to excite me, this was no exception, and this time was even special, I might not be alone in stripping naked tonight, I looked at a bottomless Rebecca and an underwear-clad Jackie, I wondered why I felt my nipples get harder and my pussy get damper.

Having enjoyed losing these sort of bets so often and loving the humiliation that ensued from it didn't leave me with the luxury of wondering how... If I enjoyed winning them, or at least "breaking even".

"You ready to go, Luna?" Jackie asked, clearly loving the sight in front of her, she had that voracious look in her eyes as if she wanted to eat me whole.

"More like ready to cum." Rebecca threw a sharp jab that made everyone (including me) giggle, but I have to admit, that line made me tingle.

"You better hope that someone else loses, Luna," Kaylee pointed out, it was no mystery that she enjoyed being the only one dressed, and she was right, as it stood, I was facing two forfeits if I continued to lose.

Walking in the crisp night air only served to excite my body further, the light touch of the cool breeze meant that my nipples were rock hard and my pussy was tingling as the moisture continued to flow.

We finally reached the penultimate sign before reaching our cabin, I was given the coin, it was me and Rebecca going first, I flipped the coin up into the air and Rebecca called for heads.

The coin landed on tails.

I safe from a forfeit right out of the gate, I looked up at the defeated visage of Rebecca, she seemed to be acquiescing to the idea that she would be getting naked soon and took the coin from my hands.

Next up it was Rebecca and Jackie, who called heads as the coin spun in midair, once again, it landed on tails.

I could visibly see the relief creep up Rebecca's face when she realized she was safe for now, and I managed to catch a glimpse of Jackie's face, who realized something of her own; she might have to go topless this time around, though I couldn't quite figure out what she was thinking.

The final flip commenced, and Kayle called heads for the third time in a row.

It finally landed on heads.

"Still undefeated!" Kaylee threw her hands up in the air in celebration, and Jackie seemed more annoyed at her friend's gloating than at the fact she was down to a single piece of clothing "now strip and let them boobies out!"

"Hey! don't tell me what to take off!" Jackie shot back, but when Kaylee laughed it off, she simply grumbled and reached back to unclasp her bra:

"Whatever, it's not like you'd be showing anything good if you lost." she let the only piece of fabric holding her sumptuous tits loose and exposed the pink, quarter sized nipples that were hidden behind them.

I'm not sure what it was, but at that moment, I almost forgot that I was completely naked at the moment; I don't think I've managed to get anyone topless in all the time people have been trying to get me naked, I was only snapped out of it by Kaylee's boasts.

"You know what, you're right! That would be boring, so how about we spice it up a bit?" Kaylee puffed her chest up, fully confident that she could not lose "So let's skip to the good stuff next round, just one flip, me and you, if I lose, I get stark. Butt. Naked!"

Everyone fell silent, and after the moment of shock passed, Jackie caught herself and tried to give an enthusiastic agreement, but Kaylee cut her to finish the details of the bet:

"If I win, you don't just take your panties off," Kaylee pointed down at the last shred of cover on Jackie's body "If I win, you rub one out for us, right on the cabin's porch."

It was obvious to me that all three of us were shocked by the proposed wager, I was used to being made to masturbate after losing bets, but it felt surreal to see it happening to someone else, or at least get proposed, I assumed that Jackie was going to refuse, she had to... Right?

"Okay, I can't wait to wipe that smug look off your face when you have to strip naked." Jackie mustered up all the bravado she could find, but I could tell her voice was shaking with hesitation, like I said, I was used to this, but the two girls were a different story.

I can only guess that although she kept the trash talk to a friendly tenor, Jackie was clearly driven by the need show Kaylee up, completely disregarding any consequences to herself.

The walk to the final sign was excruciatingly silent, a charged atmosphere manifested after the challenge, it seemed that even Kaylee was reconsidering her demeanor, perhaps wondering if she had gone too far, and both me and Rebecca were too nervous to say anything.

"Ready to catch up to us, Kaylee?" Jackie resumed the trash talk, clearly attempting to improve the mood much like last time, though it seemed to do nothing this time around, nevertheless, Kaylee tried to play along:

"Ha! You'll be moving your fingers instead of your jaw soon enough." Kaylee seemed to suffer from the same jitters that ailed Jackie, but after a moment of apprehension, Kaylee motioned to flip the coin.

This particular toss took strayed a bit, not surprising as Kaylee seemed as nervous as Jackie was, the coin seemed to rotate in slow motion as it arced slightly off path in the air, Jackie stumbled upon her call of heads, Kaylee caught the coin.

The coin showed heads.

It seemed like the entire group, even Kaylee, had let out a collective sigh of relief, and when she realized this, Kaylee snorted out a laugh, we all followed suit, and when the laughter died down, the chance for the consequences of the bet finally dawned on Kaylee:

"Ah shit, I have to get naked!" she proclaimed, looking around as if to confirm that result, Jackie slipped into a self-satisfied posture.

"Hell yeah! Told you I'd wipe that smug smirk off your face, now strip!" Jackie clapped, hurrying the loser along who began by unbuttoning her jeans, she slowly lowered them down to the ground off her slim legs, showing everyone her light pink panties.

Next came her blouse, button by button, the top loosened and revealed a matching bra underneath holding a modest set of breasts, she shrugged the now hanging blouse off her shoulders and stood there in her underwear before reaching behind her back and unclasping the bra.

Much like Jackie, Kaylee now stood in nothing but her panties, her own dark nipples topped the bare, chocolate skin of her breasts, the two actually seemed to like a match set, at least they did until Kaylee slipped her fingers into her waistband and pushed them down off to reveal her clean shaven pussy.

Out of nowhere, Jackie reached out and tweaked Kaylee's nipple, the latter jumping in surprise and letting out a "hey!" in playful protest, Jackie giggled in response:

"Sorry, couldn't resist." She reached out again and attempted to pinched Kaylee's nipples again, who was now ready to sternly swat her hand away.

"Yeah, well try harder." Kaylee crossed her arms, partially obstructing access to her nipples (which seemed to be getting harder) "C'mon, I'm sure we'd all like to get back to the cabin, it's getting pretty late."

We all sort of nodded in agreement; it was starting to get cold and despite how much fun we were having, none of us wanted to catch a pneumonia, we hustled back through the final stretch to the cabin area, thankfully, nobody was around to witness the four teenage girls in varying states of undress.

As we got to the porch of the cabin, Rebecca fished around in the pockets of her shorts, now held in hand.

Just as I was about to follow Kaylee and Rebecca into the house, I felt a hand on my shoulder halting me, it was Jackie, and she was fidgeting and began talking just as the cabin door closed:

"Hey Luna, I think I get it now..." Jackie whispered to me, keeping her voice low as if to avoid attention, despite there being no one else besides the two of us "When I won that toss, I was relieved, but I was also a bit..."

Jackie seemed to be at a loss for words as she approached the conclusion, guessing how she felt, I opted to finish the thought for her: "Disappointed?"

I could see the glint of excitement and relief in Jackie's eyes, she was glad that she wasn't the only one experiencing those emotions, and almost as if she was worried about stepping on a bear trap, Jackie slowly and carefully walked to the porch steps, with her back to me, I was shocked as I watched her push the panties, the last remaining piece of clothing she was wearing, down her round butt and onto the ground.

Jackie turned around, now completely naked, she seemed to be on the verge of tears for some reason.

"I keep thinking 'what if I had lost?'" And once again, the words died in her throat, she seemed to reached her conclusion "watch me."

Jackie sat down on the steps, she spread her legs open, I had a clear view to Jackie's clean shaven mound, her pussy lips were on full display and clearly slick with moisture, she wasted no time as her hand reached down and easily slipped a finger inside her eager pussy right down to the knuckles.


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