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Luna vs. The Camp Ch. 04

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Luna and her friends have some fun in a secluded pond.
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Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 07/23/2018
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The next day started somewhat awkwardly; after everything that happened last night, none of the other girls had the courage to bring up yesterday's events, though thankfully this awkward silence didn't carry the sense of regret, every one of us had a goofy grin on their faces, we just didn't know where to go from there.

I was still naked, but now I was back to being the only one, Jackie was wearing pajama bottoms and a tanktop, Kayle was essentially in her underwear, and Rebecca was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

After a few seconds of groggy stumbling (I am not a morning person), I announced that I was going to take a shower, this seemed to perk Jackie's ears up, she stood upright from the kitchenette:

"Hey Becky, remember your bet?" She asked with a grin on her face, and it took me a few seconds to realize what she meant, the thought blew whatever haze out of my brain, I snuck a glance at Rebecca, I remembered her reaction from last night, and I was worried that this might be a bad idea in the end.

My worries were instantly assuaged when I saw Rebecca's eyes; for a second, they widened in shock, her mind racing with possibility and risk, but only for a second.

"Yeah!" that shock dissipated, there was still a hint of hesitation, but it could almost be mistaken for anticipation, she wanted to try it again.

To be fair, much of that was my own interpretation of what I was seeing, for all I know I could have been completely wrong, but nothing gave me that impression.

And without even waiting for me to react, Rebecca lifted her shirt off her head, I didn't get the chance to see her without her top yesterday, and here she was now, topless and wearing nothing but a pair of shorts that soon joined the shirt on the couch.

Everyone was now staring at Rebecca's naked figure, much to her self-consciousness, she seemed ready to shrink away, but she was holding her ground, making sure to keep her hands at her sides.

I decided since I was the most comfortable of the two of us being naked in front of other people that I should take the lead on this one, I reached out and took her hand, guiding her to the bathroom as Kaylee and Jackie followed behind us.

I was focused on what we should do to stave off whatever awkwardness might be forming from this situation, I turned the water on and when I was sure that it was of an appropriate temperature, I stepped under the gentle torrent of water, with my handheld out once again to help my new-to-exhibitionism friend in crossing the shower's hurdle.

Once both inside, I began to notice how cramped the space we occupied was, we were basically just short of having to press our bodies together, and I could practically feel the heat emanating from her clearly blushing body.

"Soap me up?" I asked as I picked up the bottle of body wash that one of the other girls left at hand (I neglected to ask who had brought it), Rebecca took it and squirted some of the translucent white soap out into her hand.

Rebecca did not shy away from lathering my breasts with soap first, if anything, she seemed to be unaware of how much that told everyone of where her attention was drawn, naturally, nobody was complaining, I soon found the entirety of my upper body covered in suds.

Soon, Rebecca's hands began descending slowly to my lower half, covering my stomach and hips, and awkwardly approaching and taking hold of my butt, I smiled when Rebecca grew bolder and gave me a little squeeze, but all this time, she seemed to be avoiding the most obvious spot.

"You want me to do you?" I asked, checking to see if she wanted to be spared the spotlight she was put in, but Rebecca only gave me a stern look and replied:

"I'm not done yet." I could hear Kaylee oohing softly, almost inaudibly, and I couldn't tell if Rebecca had noticed, I didn't have time to make sure because as soon as she had said that, I felt her fingers brush up against my lower lips.

I gasped, I was taken by surprise and Rebecca did not back off after one touch, she let her handwork slowly on my pussy, not in any deliberately sexual way, but almost as if she was trying to appear as if she was truly cleaning it.

I held my tongue, but I was definitely getting turned on. if I just stood still, I would be cumming on the spot in no time, but I wanted to make the most of this rare opportunity, one where I had access to the naked body of another girl right in front of.

I grabbed the bottle that Rebecca had put down and squeezed out some soap for myself, I began right where she had, with her modest but still lovely breasts, I followed the same trajectory she had with my body, slowly descending until I reached her pussy, still hidden behind a now exposed bush.

Though I was a bit bolder than she was, so used to the attention, my heart still skipped a beat as my fingers brushed against her warm lips, I let my fingers sink into the heat and I heard Rebecca's voice, much like my own, albeit not as restrained as mine.

And so it began, we held each other as we both slowly picked up the pace and brought each other closer and closer to orgasm, and out of nowhere, Rebecca, who seemed so caught up in what was going on, inched up and kissed me on the lips.

I must admit, I did not expect that, it wasn't an unwelcome surprise, in fact, I thought I would cum right then and there, but just as I was about to reach the climax, Rebecca's own legs buckled beneath her as her own orgasm robbed them of their strength, I had to hold onto her as to prevent her from slipping.

Satisfied with the show, Kaylee and Jackie suggested we finish our shower normally, and we were both in agreement on that, even though I was denied an orgasm.

Once out of the shower, I remembered the routine I held to, and looking at Rebecca's body, she might not appreciate me sharing it with her.

"Well, I usually do some grooming after I shower, if you know what I mean," I said out loud, not particularly to anyone, but if there was a target, it would be Rebecca "I'm thinking of doing a clean shave this time."

I could see the nervousness of realizing that there was a meaning behind this, but not being fully aware of what it initially was, and slowly morphing that expression into one of terror, and finally into one of complete surrender.

Kaylee and Jackie were fully aware of what that meant themselves, and so the errant giggle inevitably escaped as they watched the horrified Rebecca come to the same conclusion.

"I'll get the razors." Kaylee managed to offer through her amusement as she skipped to rifle through our belongings, she returned with a pair lady razors, some shaving cream, and a towel.

We laid the towels down, sat down with our legs wide open (much to Rebecca's embarrassment), we made sure to reapply some moisture to our pubic hairs, and then lathered on the shaving cream, but Jackie refused to give me my razor:

"Allow me." She said as she knelt down in front of my spread open legs, and began shaving away at my pussy, while Kaylee took care of Rebecca.

"Should I shave it clean?" Jackie asked me out loud, I knew where this was going; typically I'd leave a landing strip intact, but seeing how good of a sport Rebecca was being, I figured it would be alright to tease her a little bit and push her boundaries.

"Let's do a clean shave." I looked over at Rebecca, and by now the shame and embarrassment that was overwhelming her just a while ago were beginning to give way a little, she was now giving me the stink eye, she knew that we were doing this on purpose, but in the end, she just went along with it.

It didn't take long before the two of us were left with clean and very exposed pussies, especially Rebecca's, as all eyes were immediately drawn to it, she'd had a very thick bush before, so naturally, we all tripped over ourselves trying to get a good look at it.

Naturally, Rebecca was a bit startled by the sudden and aggressive attention she was receiving, she instinctively jumped back and covered her crotch without thinking:

"You're acting as if you've never seen one of these before, calm down." Although startled, Rebecca was still in a good mood, maybe the attention was growing on her, she giggled as she saw us hesitate for a moment, catching ourselves a pack of hungry wolves "I thought you guys were gonna jump me and manhandle me for a second there."

"Not a bad idea." Kaylee laughed and wiggled her fingers menacingly "Though let's table that idea for now, how about we get dressed and head out for the day."

The first activity planned for the day was hiking towards a small lake nearby, then maybe spend a few hours before being let loose to enjoy ourselves on our own, and so we had the perfect outfits for today, Rebecca and I were to go down there wearing nothing but our bikinis.

The good thing about this idea was that we weren't the only ones going down there in our swimsuits, but most people came out wearing some clothes over it, anything from a long shirt all the way to a full outfit on top of their suits, though no rule against going in just our swimsuits, which suited us, or at least me and Rebecca, just fine.

We even had a perfect excuse as to why we weren't wearing anything else, and that was that we wanted to reduce the number of things we were carrying with us.

As we made sure to pick our the two skimpiest swimsuits in our possession, I wore the red and green suit I'd worn before, and Kaylee gave hers to Rebecca, a light blue bikini with a strapless top that tied together in the back, it was certainly more revealing than Rebecca's own one piece.

We got quite a few stares, which meant that Rebecca was blushing the whole way to the lake, though nobody really bothered us.

As soon as we got to the lake, the attention pointed at us vanished, now everyone was disrobing and getting into the lake, taking out boats and enjoying the nice summer weather.

Naturally, we did the same, we played in the lake, we tanned on the artificial beach, we ran around and had fun, one particular instance of fun was Jackie sneaking up behind me and pulling my top down, exposing my bouncing breasts, fortunately (or unfortunately, from a certain perspective) I was not spotted by anyone.

Jackie wanted to do the same to Rebecca, but the latter was far too wary to let her get away with it, not to mention that it was harder to pull that trick off with a one-piece, Jackie tried to argue that it didn't need to be by surprise, but I talked her down, there were too many people here and I didn't want to draw any more attention when we've already escaped it, besides, it would go against our plans.

At some point, Rebecca told us that there was a secluded and tiny pond someone off the hiking trail nearby, she apparently heard of it from a counselor on a previous summer, we decided it would be a fun way to spend the free time the counselors were about to grant us.

And sure enough, we were granted that leave to go exploring, the main activities would continue back at the cabins, but those activities were not mandatory.

The trip to the pond was uneventful, and when we got to that pond, we were treated with a very captivating portrait of natural beauty, the only thing that stood out was the somewhat nerdy-looking (but kinda cute in my opinion) boy that had somehow beaten us to this remote location.

Kaylee and Jackie being Kaylee and Jackie, they greeted the boy, who looked like an ambushed fawn just greeted by two stalking predators, but it didn't take long for them to ease his nerves, soon enough he was chatting away with us and introducing himself to us as Tom.

Much like at the beach, we proceeded to enjoy this pond to its fullest, and then some more when Jackie sprung the details of our bet to him:

"So Luna has to do whatever we tell her to do, and Rebecca has to do exactly what Luna does." Tom went back and forth between the four of us, slowly putting the picture together when Jackie egged him on "Can you think of anything to do, Tom?"

"Uh... No, not really." Tom's sheepish response failed to obscure his awareness, he had one thing in mind, how could he not with four swimsuit-clad beauties in front of him.

"How about getting naked, you think that would be fun, Tom?" Kaylee was not to be outdone, and the only response he could muster was very much similar to mine and Rebecca's; blushing speechlessness.

"Hey Tom, how about a little deal?" Jackie was going wild, I both dreaded where this was going and loving every second of it, I could see Rebecca was also somewhat excited, even though she was as flabbergasted as I was "If you get naked, they get naked."

"... What do you say?" Not wanting to give him time to chicken out, Kaylee offered an additional nudge.

"... O-Okay." Stumbling over his words, Tom responded the only way a hot-blooded teenager could, Jackie led him over to the edge of the pond, and we all followed.

So there was Tom, now standing on his own in front of four girls boring holes through his shorts, the ones clearly betraying his excitement at this situation, I couldn't blame the poor boy, but after standing there for a few seconds, and after a few more encouragement from us, Tom took a deep breath and dropped his only piece of cover, he was now standing completely naked and fully erect in front of four girls he's never met before, what I would give to be in his place.

What felt like a hushed eternity passed when I spoke up to tell him that I'm gonna come up, and although somewhat reluctant, Rebecca sounded off her agreement, not taking her eyes off Tom's six-inch cock for a second.

Now standing on either side of Tom, the two of us began peeling our swimsuits off, it took Rebecca a bit longer than me, but in the end, we joined Tom in the ranks of naked people standing at the pondside.

"I'll take your suits, ladies." Jackie was grinning madly as she extended her hands expectantly, and neither I nor Rebecca bothered to consider why she wanted them, we should have, but we didn't, as the second she laid her hands on them, Kaylee revealed that she had Tom's shorts in her own hands.

Our eyes widened, our blushing faces paled as Jackie handed our suits over to Kaylee and swam over to us, retrieving the cellphone she brought along with her in a bag, it was waterproof, she once said, so there was no use in hoping for a mishap to render it unusable.

"So, you three, now that we have you where we want you, let's make the situation clear," Jackie raised the phone up and the sound of a photo being taken came from it, we were all too shocked to even think about covering up, giving her a clear and unobstructed full frontal view of our naked bodies "we have photographic evidence of your nudity, and so you will do whatever we tell you to do, understood?"

For me this was not a big deal, sure, I was on the verge of orgasm, but this was nothing new, I was already doing whatever they wanted me to do, and they already had plenty of footage of me doing so much that one measly picture hardly made a difference.

This didn't apply to Rebecca and Tom, however.

Rebecca was under the agreement that she only had to do this for one day, I don't know if Jackie was truly going to go through with it or not, but the idea that Rebecca was now going to experience this for the remainder of the camp must have been a big shock, though I could tell that despite the fear in her eyes, I could see the lust in there as well, her body was another dead giveaway, her nipples were rock hard and her juices were leaking down her inner thighs.

Tom, however, had it the worst, he had just agreed to get naked, and now he was being enslaved by these ruthless girls, who knows what was going on in his head, but one thing for sure, his erection was here to stay.

The three of us nodded silently in compliance, and Jackie gave us our first order:

"Alright, sit down all three of you, legs as wide open as you can get them, Luna and Rebecca, put one each of your legs over Tom's." And so we were seated at the edge of the pond and fully exposed without anything left to the imagination, me on Tom's left and Rebecca on his right, each with a leg draped over his, I had to believe this was our first contact with the opposite sex in this whole camp, my heart was beating wildly and I was certain theirs was too.

"Now, start masturbating for the camera, and none of you go home until all three of you cum." And there was the second order, I wasted no time letting my hands get to work, it was only then that I chanced to look at my partners in crime to see that they too wasted no time, Rebecca already had two fingers in her pussy and Tom was rhythmically stroking his cock, making sure to soak up the scenery to either side of him.

I was sure we did this for at least five minutes, I alternated between staring at Tom's hard cock and wishing it was inside me, and then back to Kaylee, who held her phone up, recording my masturbation session with two other people.

I felt my orgasm welling up, not surprising since I had been denied an orgasm this morning and had been quite frustrated and horny the entire day, and so it wasn't long before I was the first to cum, I was on my back, moaning loudly with two of my fingers thrusting furiously inside of my pussy, wringing every drop of pleasure from this experience.

"Very nice Luna, as a reward, you get to touch whoever hasn't finished yet however you want." I heard Jackie say as I took a few more heavy breaths before sitting back up, and my hand wandered to the closest target, Tom.

The way Tom was sitting meant that I had easy access to his balls, and so I took the chance to cup them in my hands, I gave a little squeeze and nibbled on his ear, and almost like an instantaneous reaction, Tom was shooting his jizz into the pond.

"The same thing goes to you, Tom, have fun."

I looked at Tom, who looked back at me and then towards Rebecca, who was staring at us longingly, we took position on either side of her, I saw Tom's hand slowly and timidly creep its way to Rebecca's breasts, which was already being massaged by her own hand, their hands met, and Rebecca ceded her breast to Tom's hand, who took over and began rubbing it and tweaking its nipple.

I decided to be bolder than Tom and craned my head down to take Rebecca's nipple in my mouth, I gently bit down and sucked on it, twirling my tongue around and generally did my best to stimulate as much as possible, and just like Tom, Rebecca convulsed almost immediately and came, and to our surprise, we saw juices flowing out of Rebecca's pussy, she was squirting!

I thought back to the shower this morning, it must not have been very obvious thanks to the water all around, but I guess she must have squirted back then too.

Now that all three of us reached orgasm, the euphoria began to give way to despair as it dawned on us (or at least, Tom and Rebecca) once again that this was just the beginning; we were effectively Jackie and Kaylee's slave for the rest of the camp.

"Why the long faces guys?" The two must have noticed our concern as they sported Cheshire cat grins, Jackie alleviated our worries "If it's about the blackmail thing, don't worry, we were just tricking you guys to get you in the mood."

"Looks like it worked." Kaylee tapped on the phone with her finger, referring to the video that was just captured.

We collectively took a sigh of relief, including me, although I didn't mind being put under someone else's thumb, it was still exhilarating, though I wondered if I was the only one who felt a tinge of disappointment.

"And Tom? Thanks for playing along," Jackie swam up to the three of us, she made sure to give the poor exhausted boy a nice look at her cleavage "we'll make sure you have much more fun with us later on."

Tom was definitely taken back, I wondered if we intimidated him too much as he shyly put his shorts on and left us.


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