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Luna vs. The Camp Ch. 06

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Luna is forced to take charge.
3.8k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 07/23/2018
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After the rollercoaster of yesterday's string of events, I was almost glad that today started so calmly, nobody got naked as soon as they got out of bed, and even though Jackie caught me as I got out of the shower and squeezed one of my boobs on her way in, nothing especially titillating happened up to breakfast.

After and even during breakfast, however, was a completely different matter; during the busy chatter of the cafeteria, Rebecca proposed something I never would have imagined or even asked for:

"What do you think everyone? Since Luna's always getting naked, let's have a day where she's the only one dressed." I felt my spoon nearly slip out of my hands; they wanted me to stay dressed, and for them to be naked!?

Maybe it's because of my own experiences coloring my judgment, but it seemed like I was the only one shocked by this proposal.

"Sounds like a fun idea, she has to be the one to tell us what to do." Jackie didn't seem to mind the idea, in fact she seemed very open to it.

"I dunno..." While not surprised, Kaylee was still apprehensive at the idea "If anyone can take us to task and embarrass us, it'd be Luna, I don't know if we're in her league yet."

I didn't know if I should take that as a jab or a compliment, but it was true, if anyone knew what the best way to humiliate someone was, it'd be me on account of probably having experienced it firsthand at some point.

I was honestly conflicted about this, not only because of how gung-ho the others were but because I honestly didn't think much about making the other girls strip.

If given the choice, I would have rather been the only one naked in the group, that's the scenario I secretly fantasize about over and over.

But I had to be honest, that and the way things were progressing with the girls, I couldn't possibly deprive them of this chance, seeing how they offered to do this themselves, I knew how intoxicating these situations could be, and so I felt supporting my friends was the right thing to do.

"I've actually never had anyone ask me to strip them before, that's different." I agreed and nodded timidly, my conviction aside, it still felt awkward to put myself in that position.

"But you'll do it!?" Jackie tried to confirm, but I realized that I did not outright say it.

"Okay, yeah, I'll do it." I somewhat talked myself into it, and almost as if the universe was responding, I looked up and noticed that the last group of people was leaving the cafeteria; we were all alone now, and even the kitchen staff were gone "In fact, let's start right now."

I got up, and everyone's eyes followed me to a table at the center of the cafeteria, I patted the top of it, and everyone understood my message, climbing and standing on top of the table, I simply stood there with my arms crossed and watched as the girls shuffled sheepishly at first, then began to undress.

Soon enough, I had three hot girls naked on a table in front of me, and it seemed to me that they were all a bit nervous; not only did they just strip naked, they had done so in the middle of such a public place like the cafeteria, I smiled, more due to putting myself in their shoes, I knew this was so exciting for them and I honestly wanted to be in their place, but this time it's my turn to be the boss.

"Hands on your heads, Give me a twirl," I said, feeling my own loins tingle as I gave the command, channeling the best versions of all the domineering people who knew that I would strip and obey their every whim.

The three naked girls spun in place, displaying their tight and beautiful asses to me, their exposed breasts and, I was noticing, their dampening crotches.

Good grief, was it always this obvious that I was wet when I was naked? Were all my protestations and pretensions against all the stripping and humiliation that transparent?

Did everyone know that I enjoyed every second of my adventures the second they saw something like this?

"Are you girls alright?" I asked knowingly, and I got the response I expected, a bunch of ums and ahs, not wanting to answer, or not able to answer, not in this situation, being naked among friends and as a result of playing a game is vastly different from being naked out in the open because someone commands it.

"You have to tell me, I don't want to force you to do something you're unwilling to do, you can quit at any time, but I can't just guess if you're enjoying this." I lied, I could clearly see how horny the three naked girls in front of me were, I specifically wanted to see their embarrassed faces as they admitted to me how much they enjoyed being naked.

"I... I like it." Rebecca was, surprisingly, the first to speak up, she seemed to squirm a little, judging from my experience, she probably felt a rush of pleasure as her loins stirred in response to her admission.

"Yeah..." Kaylee's response came soon after.

"Yeah, me too...." Jackie's came almost the same time Kaylee's did.

Everyone's faces reflected the realization of what they admitted, the exposure at such a public place, one where anyone could walk in on us and see three naked and horny girls standing on the cafeteria table, and best of all, I could probably convince them to keep going from there.

"Great, now can you guess what you girls have to do?" I asked, the girls' stares were meekly pointed downwards, but their expressions were anything but, they knew what they would have to do, and they wanted to do it, but none of them answered "I wasn't being rhetorical, you know."

"We have to masturbate?" Jackie answered, her tone as sheepish as her gaze, and I grinned, nodding:

"Yup, but see, there's a twist, the last one to orgasm gets a little forfeit."

Even now I couldn't shake the sensation that I was having a weird dream, I was stripping girls naked, taking away their clothes, making silly excuses as to why they have to listen to me, and they'd just nod along dumbly and do as I say regardless of how crazy the demands I make get.

At this point, I was just imagining what would turn me on the most and making them do it. It worked like a charm and it seems to keep these girls excited just as much as it worked on me.

The girls sat down at the edge of the table and spread their legs wide open, and now the glimpse of moisture I had seen before was laid before me in the form of wetness that was as clear as the sun in the July sky.

I really wasn't fooling anyone, was I, they all knew and they all played along because they could all see how I enjoyed my own humiliation even more than they enjoyed inflicting it upon me.

The girls were moaning now, none of them were timid enough to simply toy with their clits, all three had fingers pumping away in and out of their pussies, backs were arching, and lips were being bitten, I bet if all the other kids came back here these sluts wouldn't even notice it... Nah, they would, they'd catch a hint of it, they'd know everyone was watching and they would look the crowd in the eyes, and they'd have the biggest orgasm of their lives.

How could they not? Those were MY best orgasms.

The first to climax was Becky, her hips lifted off the table as her voice suddenly vanished and her fingers slipped out of her drenched folds, she immediately started to furiously massage her clit as juices came gushing out in long streams, I had to dodge to avoid getting wet... Or at least, not appear wet if you know what I mean.

The two girls still in the race caught a glimpse of this as they did their best not to slow down, but it was clear that this amazing sight only served to fuel their own approach to orgasm.

The winner of the two was Jackie, her breasts jiggled as she pounded away at a pussy now spurting out liquid in between pumps of her fingers, her hand was soaking wet by the time the waterworks stopped.

I told Rebecca to stop Kaylee's hand the moment I saw juices flowing out of Jackie's pussy, I did not want the girl to cum... yet, and Rebecca pounced, Kaylee was humping the air in no time flat.

"Well Kaylee, you're the big loser here, in more ways than one." I could see the frustration on the dark-skinned girl's face, how much of it was due to her loss, and how much was it her itching to just cum on the spot.

I walked over to one corner of the cafeteria and grabbed one of the waste bins, and presented it to Kaylee, who seemed mystified by what I intended her to do, though I believe my excitement rightly made her worry as I explained, jerking my chin towards the pile of clothing:

"Those aren't your clothes anymore, they belong in the trash, don't worry though, half of the stuff I do isn't as exciting if you know that you can get dressed at any moment... Or at all, for that matter" I explained the reason behind why she'd have to throw her clothes away, and once again, Kaylee, still timid but excited by the idea of losing her clothes permanently, gathered her own clothes and tossed them into the bin.

I honestly was surprised myself, I thought for sure that Kaylee would quit by this point, that she'd beg me to let her keep her clothes on, and I'd respond by making her cum in a more humiliating fashion, but she was willing to go through with this, and for some reason, this boldness coming from my friends only turned me on even harder.

And so I considered what would my old "rival", Kim, do in this situation, and it hit me, she'd make up some challenges that would make me humiliate myself even further, and dangle a false hope of getting back at her should I win, and so I thought to do the same, except my hope wouldn't be false, after all, I had to at least try to get stripped yet again, it's only fitting.

"So the next challenge for you girls is as follows, you know the stage we're meant to use for outdoor assemblies they have near the lake?" The girls nodded nervously, waiting for me to explain the challenge "you girls have to grab your phones and streak all the way over there, and the two losers will have to masturbate again, this time the orgasms will be recorded by the winners."

I could see the girl's eyes widen, that place was most likely empty at the moment since no activities were planned with it, but it was still out in the open and it was still midday, meaning anyone who stumbles upon the sight of these three girls streaking will most likely be there while they do their forfeits, but I wasn't done yet:

"And just to reward the girls who won this time even further, Jackie, you can have your panties back, and Becky can have her underwear and bra too." I saw Becky and Jackie breathe a sigh of relief, but Kaylee wasn't too happy with this.

"Come on, this is so unfair for me, you gotta give me something!" Kaylee whined, but I was glad she said this, I wanted to give her an out.

"Ok if you come in first place, not only do you not have to masturbate, you can even wear the clothes of the last one of us three in exchange." There it was, a way to get me naked and her hope to not be completely humiliated, I wasn't going to rig this game or anything, I wanted her to have a fair shot, that's more often than not a lot fairer than I got later on when I started having trouble finding things to wear.

"So if I win, I can even get YOUR clothes?" Kaylee wanted to confirm the terms I laid out, and I nodded "right there at the stage, no waiting until we get back or anything?"

I nodded yet again, Kaylee hesitated for a moment, thinking about the deal, in the meantime, Becky and Jackie had given their approval of this challenge, so it was all up to Kaylee's agreement.

"Ugh, fine, I'll do it, I'll streak to the stage." Kaylee buckled, and all three of us got this bright glint in our eyes, the game was on.

Not saying anything, I bolted towards the door, the last thing I saw of the girls was the stunned expression on their faces, not realizing that the game had started, and the last thing I heard before I was out of the cafeteria was a loud but not too malicious "YOU BITCH!"

Now I'll be honest, it didn't occur to me how advantageous this contest was for me; I WAS on the track and field team, after all, sure I'd lost that bet against Kim nearly a year ago, but I had my suspicions that I wasn't running at full performance back then, I'd had that pointed out to me at the time, but I kinda felt it was true now that I was in this camp and feeling the wind hitting me as my legs sprinted full force down the path leading to the stage.

The way to the stage wasn't especially roundabout, I had picked the stage because it was, well, a stage, it was a very public, elevated, and open space that would maximize the humiliation of the forfeit, but it was also very close to the cafeteria with very little in between the two spots.

With that said, I had run into a couple of people on the way, and I heard the exclamations and surprised gasps from behind me as I rushed down the path, I tried to imagine the scenes that were playing behind me, Becky blushing as red as her hair as she tried her best to catch up with the other two in the rear, Jackie's breasts bouncing wildly as she tried to catch up to Kaylee in the lead, her hands strategically trying to preserve as much modesty as possible from the bystanders' eyes, cursing my name under her ragged breath.

I arrived at the stage, slapping its wooden surface as if I had determined that doing so made me the winner I was the first there, and the three girls were surprisingly toe-to-toe with each other, but the biggest surprise was that Kaylee was in the rear, the lead was Becky, followed by Jackie.

I jumped up and down smacking the stage to mime the importance of doing the same to the girls to finishing the race, and they got the hint, the order hadn't changed so Becky arrived first and smacked the stage, the other two petered to a halt, realizing that they were the losers, and bent over in exhaustion.

"You... Cheated!" Kaylee managed to wheeze out in between gulps of air, when she got a bit of strength back, she straightened up and pointed at me accusingly "you had a head start."

"That wouldn't really matter if you'd caught up with me." I tried playing coy, but I was telling the truth, I wasn't thinking ahead or planning for it to be so one-sided, it just happened to be like that "anyways, you may want to start on your forfeits before any of the people who saw you show up if you catch my drift."

I never thought someone could look so flushed and yet so drained of color, but there was Kaylee, still breathing heavily, the look on her face mirrored the one from earlier in the cafeteria, apprehensive but also excited to do it.

"Do you have another orgasm in you?" Becky asked Jackie, who had a lot less complicated of an expression on her face; she was clearly a bit nervous, but nothing could hide the giddiness written all over her face.

"I think so? I sure feel like trying." Jackie fidgeted at the question, she wanted to do this, but she felt awkward having to admit it "I just keep wondering if I ran slow on purpose..."

I kept my mouth shut, the surreal sensation was back but I didn't dare point out the irony.

The two losing girls walked over to the stage and climbed onto it, this was a bit higher than the cafeteria, but obviously we were out in the open here, it must have felt far more exposed out here even though there still wasn't anyone here to see them.

Kaylee and Jackie sat down and spread their legs for me and Becky, both of us having readied our phones to record the forfeit that was about to commence.

The two girls were silent at first, I could practically hear them breathing as I watched them on my phone's screen, unlike the cafeteria session the air seemed way more intense, maybe it was the fear of getting caught, maybe it was the fact that we weren't indoors, but they certainly seemed like they were far more sensitive to the pleasure that came from playing with themselves.

At first, the girls started by only massaging their pussies, gently teasing their clits, but as they began immersing themselves in the pleasure their actions grew bolder, a little pull of the nipple here, a squeeze of the breast there, and more and more fingers were intruding into the depths of their sopping wet pussies.

As if to make sure that they weren't caught, the girls remained silent as they masturbated for us, fighting to keep their voices from leaking out, I could still hear them moaning and gasping in pleasure, but it was at that hushed tone someone took at the middle of the night to not wake anyone up.

Despite their silence, the girls broke when their climaxes hit (fortuitously enough at the same time) and their voices rang out as Jackie once again squirted, albeit with less force, and Kaylee squeezed her legs around her hand as her toes curled in ecstasy.

I was breathless, and only then did it occur to me to look away from this amazing scene and around the place to see if anyone had shown up, surprisingly enough, the answer was still no.

It seems everyone else had the same idea, Jackie and Kaylee even hopped off the stage in a hurry, assuming someone HAD arrived due to my own sudden panic and ducking behind some of the benches.

"I think we're good, sorry if I spooked you." the girls relaxed, and we all gathered together.

"That was amazing..." Kayle sighed "but I don't wanna do that ever again."

"Ditto." Jackie nodded along.

"What now?" Rebecca asked, I honestly hadn't thought that far ahead.

I thought for a second, and looked over at Rebecca:

"Well, I think we should go back to our cabin for now, but first..." I stepped behind Becky and unhooked her bra, she jumped in surprise but didn't do anything to stop me, nor when I crouched down to pull her panties off.

"Wait, what about MY clothes?" Jackie stopped a second after we started running, and only gave a "fuck!" under her breath when I turned around and showed her the impish grin I was failing to hold back.

Once again, we passed a few people on our way back, but I doubt any of them followed us or even recognized us, as they'd have to look at our faces to do so.

Once we were safely back in the cabin, the three naked girls let out a sigh of relief that they'd apparently been holding since breakfast.

"Okay girls, I'll let you take it easy for the rest of the day if you sit on the couch and give my phone one last show," I was so into telling the girls what to do that the words came out of my mouth before I could process them, remembering this I turned to Jackie "you can sit this one out if you want since you already did this twice."

But Jackie only smiled, joining the other two on the couch:

"I'm honestly surprised myself, I didn't imagine I could get this horny in one day." Jackie's hands were already working away, and so were the other two, I only just realized that my camera wasn't on and fumbled to start it.

Maybe it was the adrenaline and excitement from the day, but I didn't realize how horny I had gotten until this moment, it took some actual strength for my knees to stay straight as I sat down to watch these girls pleasure themselves, and it killed me to realize how badly I wanted to be in their shoes.

After the girls all came for me, I told them that the last order of the day was for them to put on a skirt if they had one and to leave their underwear off before we got back out and continued our day until we got back to the cabin at night.

Sorry for glossing over this part, but honestly, if anything of note happened after that, I must have missed it, it was a normal day at summer camp, our first now that I think about it... well, as normal as can be when you know three girls are constantly making sure their skirts don't show anything scandalous.

When we finally got back that night, I sighed and called to the girls:

"I know we said that I'll be staying dressed for today, but..." I was undressing as I spoke, and the girls simply smiled silently as I found myself standing naked in front of them "Honestly, I'm surprised I held out this long..."


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