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Luna vs. The Camp Ch. 07

Story Info
Luna and her friends have some fun with Grace the counselor.
7.3k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 07/23/2018
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There were only a few days left before we had to say goodbye to the camp, me and the girls exchanged contact information so we could keep in touch after we each got back to our homes.

Luckily, it seemed that me and Jackie were living in the same county, while Rebecca and Kaylee lived in the neighboring one, meaning we were fairly close to each other, which would make it much easier to meet up than I thought.

Today we were supposed to meet up with a counselor who would organize our day, I wondered who it could be, and if it was one of the counselors who caught and "hung out" with us the other night.

It turned out that, yes, it was someone we knew, it was none other than Grace, the same girl who caught us and took charge of our "disciplining" that night.

I was nervous and excited as the Grace led us through the woods, before she first saw us she seemed a bit grumpy, but brightened up the when she did.

"Yeah, everyone else picked a different activity today so I got stuck with the smaller group, one without any boys." She explained her earlier grumpiness, "but you girls know how to have fun, so it's all right."

Seeing as our only major experience with Grace was that night at the counselor's cabin, I easily surmised what she meant when she said that.

"I don't think I've met you before, what's your name?" Grace asked Rebecca, who responded with her name as she recognized the girl as the one from our stories on the couch two days ago "Well, nice to meet you, Rebecca."

The further we ventured into the woods, the more vibrant and alive they seemed.

Gorgeous flowers in all sorts of hues dotted our path, trees reached up to the sky like great sentinels of nature, and an array of birdsong filled the air.

It was a truly magical experience that I would have enjoyed if I wasn't too fixated on what Grace said earlier.

Suddenly, Grace stopped us at a clearing near a lake with a small ropeswing at an outcropping. She peered around for a moment before putting down her backpack, turning to us and saying:

"There's still some daylight left so how about we have ourselves a little race? Last one to that little islet out there has to take their clothes off!" A mischievous glint shone in her eye as she pointed at a barely visible patch of rocks coming out of the middle of the lake.

My friends traded glances with a mixture of delight and trepidation, and although I was still happy about this, I gulped in disbelief, I didn't expect her to prompt something like this to us after that night!

We lined up on one side of the lake in our bathing suits that we wore under our clothes, now neatly folded to the side.

If you're wondering why we have so many swimsuits, the girls deigned to bring multiples just so they had spares, unlike me, they weren't in dire straits because they kept getting their clothes taken away by people who stripped them on a frequent basis.

On Grace's mark we were off, swimming as fast as we could through the lake's cool waters. Jackie was in front while Kaylee and Rebecca followed close behind. Despite my efforts I couldn't seem to keep up which resulted in me coming in last.

We swam out of the lake, and I hung my head in shame as I knew what was coming.

"Sorry Luna, seems like you lost, take that bikini off." Grace clapped, and my friends, somewhat excited to see me have to strip in front of again after the last few days, bore holes through the suit I was about to remove.

I began with my top, I reached back and undid the strings that kept it up, as it loosened, it remained where it was, hiding my breasts for a moment before I took it off and revealed them to everyone, suffice to say my nipples wasted no time in getting hard.

Undaunted by my toplessness, I reached down and undid the strings on the sides of my bikini, letting it fall off on its own, leaving me shivering naked in the cold.

"There, I took it off." I said, not bothering to feign shame more than I was feeling, everyone here knew I was loving every moment of this.

"That you did, and as a forfeit for losing, you're going to tell us all how horny you are." Grace laid on the humiliation, she had figured out that I was more than willing to engage in stuff like this from the other night, so as far as I was concerned, she was just indulging me in my own desires.

"I love it, I'm super horny right now." I replied with a nervious grin on my face; I wasn't lying, but I wasn't used to admitting this out in public like that.

"Did you lose on purpose?" Grace asked the only logical question here.

"N-no..." Again, I wasn't lying, but I knew deep inside me that it was very likely that I may have let my lust sabotage my performance, I certainly can't deny that possibility, I could see the doubt in everyone's eyes, especially my friends after I told them how I couldn't wait to get stripped again. "I promise, I didn't."

The girls, including grace, chuckled at my denial, I probably looked more embarrassed at the implication than actually being naked or even saying that I was horny, which honestly didn't help my case.

"Okay, well I don't just want to tire you out from swimming," Grace fished something out of the backpack that I couldn't see at first, it turned out to be a currently deflated beachball "so let's do something a bit more light."

Grace took a second to inflate the beachball, it was fairly large, about the width of my shoulders, she tossed it at me and watched as I caught it.

"Since you lost the race, you get to pick your partner for this game." Grace explained as she proceeded to grab a stick and draw out a simple court in the lakeside's sandy beach, I looked around and thought about this decision.

"I'll pick Rebecca." I walked up to Rebecca as I announced my choice, my thinking was that she was quite athletic considering how she won yesterday's race.

"Then you two will team up against them," Grace motioned for Kaylee and Jackie to go to the opposite side of the court "We don't want to take all day, so this'll be the best out of five, no net but try and pretend that there is one."

It only just dawned on me to ask this obvious question:

"What happens if I lose again?" I broached the subject, knowing what the answer will most likely be.

"If you lose, you have to do a forfeit," Grace explained, giving the typical answer I anticipated, not one I minded, but what she said next is what surprised me "But that's why we'll have two losers this time, so we make sure you don't get singled out."

And so it started, hoping that I made the right choice and that Rebecca's athleticism would help us win this match.

Sadly, I made the wrong choice, as soon as the match started it was clear that we were not winning this, Jackie held her own, but it was Kaylee that moved like a demon possessed, she later told us that she was actually part of her school's volleyball team, and it didn't take long before both me and Rebecca, both fairly athletic girls, were stumbling over each other trying to catch , especially to me and Rebecca, who were, quite frankly, amateurs in comparison.

"Wow, that wasn't even close!" Grace grabbed the beachball as it bounced feebily off the sand "unfortunately for you Luna, you have a forfeit, but first."

All eyes landed on Rebecca, who shyly began taking her swimsuit off, in a manner of seconds, she was left standing there with her bare freckled skin on display for us.

That isn't to say that was all there was to look at, Rebecca had cute and fairly long nipples that were, by the looks of it, stiffened up, and the shaved mound from a few days ago showed a clear stubble forming already,, though it was enough to hide the tell-tale glisten of excitement.

Rebecca was essentially red all over, it was simply a question of how red any given area was.

We may have taken a few more seconds than was comfortable to stare at her.

"Now, on to your forfeit, Luna." Grace turned back to me with a curt cough "Let's see... How about a little more exercise? Jumping jacks for three minutes should do the trick!"

Uh oh...

Having experience with this sort of stuff, I recognized the pattern. Any time a forfeit to physical challe              nges involved doing more physical activities, that usually spelled doom for me; it essentially sealed my fate to lose any future challenges since I was almost guaranteed to have less remaining stamina than everyone else.

Obviously, I didn't speak up since I didn't mind, if anything, this was the perfect excuse for me to ensure that I would be humiliated even more the longer this day went, something I felt was sorely lacking in the past couple of days.

I took my position in front of the gang and Grace, took a deep breath and awaited the signal.

"Oh, before we start, I'm obviously going to record this, okay?" Grace asked, and I nodded, half expecting her to do it regardless without consulting me "okay, and... Go!"

I began performing jumping jacks, painfully aware of how much my breasts were bouncing around, more or less the point of making me do this, I focused my eyes on the phone in Grace's hands, recording my workout session.

Having already exerted a whole bunch of effort in the past two games, these three minutes left me completely exhausted, something everyone noticed, I wondered if they would take pity on me and let me sit the next game out.

"Okay Luna, time for the next game, get up." Grace called out, I looked up and saw the devious grin on her face, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"What are we playing?" Kaylee asked, pretty much putting my tired panting out of her mind and turning to Grace to ask the question.

"Well, we have a swing here too, so how about we see who can swing the farthest into the water?" Grace pointed at the swing, which was just a large tree with a thick industrial rope tied to a thick branch, obviously, I spotted the big caveat almost instantly.

I don't know about the other girls, but my eyes were wide open when I heard this, Grace was essentially ensuring that, at best, only one of the two dressed girls remained that way, and that's only if they win the game.

"I think I'll go last, catch my breath." I said in between gasping for air, still sitting on the ground, the girls chuckled and shook their heads in amusement.

The first to go was Jackie, she took hold of the rope that was tied to a thick tree branch that sat at the edge of the water, the branch itself was perfectly situated in front of the rock, meaning it offered the perfect swing out into the lake, it was essentially the best place to dive bomb into the water below.

Grabbing the rope and climbing up on the rock, Jackie took hold of the rope up until it was taut at the perfect distance to jump.

Jackie whooped as she made the jump, I was finally rested enough to walk up and see her soaring through the air as she let go of the rope and landed somewhere in the middle of the lake, we all made note of a certain tree near where she had landed.

"That rope is actually kinda slippery." Jackie called out from the lake where she surfaced "I'm gonna stay down here until you guys jump."

"So who's next?" Grace asked after making sure that Jackie was fine from the jump, I shook my head seeing how I already said I was going last.

"I'll go next." Kaylee spoke up before Rebecca had a chance to even consider the option.

"Hey yeah, this is pretty slippery..." Kaylee said to herself as she stepped over to the rock and reached out to grab the rope, she wound the rope around her hand to keep it from slipping.

Kaylee jumped, unlike Jackie there was no fanfare as she made her attempt, once more I watched as she let go of the rope, and landed just over a foot in front of where Jackie had initially landed.

"Aw dammit!" Jackie pouted, knowing that the little glimmer of her winning was lost, and that she now had to strip as Kaylee emerged from the water, pumping her fist victoriously.

As I looked down, measuring and imagining if I could make that distance myself, and it seemed doable, but I was too slow to react before I heard Rebecca volunteering to make the jump next.

Rebecca prepared much like Kaylee did by winding the rope around her wrist, and much like her she made the jump, but unlike Kaylee, she kept her form compact, I could already see that Rebecca was speeding like a bullet, and sure enough, when she let go of the rope she zoomed through the air and landed about 8 feet further than Kayle.

The two girls already in the water groaned audibly, complaining about how thoroughly they were beaten, even as I looked at it, I couldn't imagine pulling off the same feat even having watched it, but I wasn't just going to give up.

I grabbed the rope and took my place atop the rock, taking a deep breath, no point in putting myself down, I told myself I could do it, I was the last one making the jump, so I didn't need to beat Rebecca by a lot, even a few inches would do, or to tie her distance and take it to a different contest.

I tried to replicate the exact way that I saw everyone else make the jump, I wound the rope around my wrist, then took a deep breath and took the same position, then jumped!

I attempted to mimic the same form I saw Rebecca take as she soared through the air, and I could feel it, I felt my speed pick up, it was working!

And then I felt my hand slip, I had not taken enough care to keep my grip tight, and it was too early to let go as I had not hit the speed I had wanted to hit, but it was too late to react when I had noticed, and thus I slipped down into water, landing just past Kaylee and Jackie, but sadly too far behind where Rebecca was now swimming.

We swam back to the shoreline where Grace received us to re-announce the result we all were already aware of, Rebecca had won, Jackie and Kaylee had to strip naked, and I had another forfeit to perform.

"Alright ladies, time to strip!" Grace placed her hands on her waist, waiting for my friends to receive their punishment for losing before, I assume, she turns back to me to decide my fate,

Jackie and Kaylee began undoing their bikini tops, and Grace was treated to what was certainly a magnificent sight, between Rebecca's freckled but petit body, me and Jackie's voluptuous figures and Kaylee's very athletic specimen, there was a body to please any human's senses by the time the two other losers dropped their bottoms.

"Now Luna..." Grace, as I expected, turned back to me, she began encircling me as the other girls watched in anticipation "You lost again."

"Yes." I nodded my head, trying to appear as ashamed as I possibly could pretending that I wasn't so accustomed to this scenario.

"So that means you get another forfeit," Grace thought for a second, looked back at me, then smiled "you get a spanking, ten from each of us."

I was led over to a tree and made to lean against it, I wiggled my ass as I stuck it out in preparation for them to deliver my forfeit.

Grace was first, calling dibs since it was her idea to begin with, and it showed how excited she was to lay her hands on me, her first smack was strong enough to make me yelp, but she was not deterred, her remaining smacks were just as firm as the first one.

I felt my cheeks stinging by the time Jackie came up to bat, or spank I suppose, her smacks weren't as strong as Grace's, but I was quite aware that Jackie's hand was lingering to enjoy the feeling of my butt against her hand.

In contrast to Jackie, Kaylee actually felt like she wasn't quite sure of how hard to hit, and so they came across as fairly tame.

Finally came Rebecca, whose hands were surprisingly strong in comparison, she probably was spanking me as hard as Jackie, but after Kaylee's mild use of force, she came off as somewhat stern.

At this point, I was so turned on by having experienced a good old fashioned string of forfeits like the old days, plus seeing all the girls naked, I was pretty ready to just

After all was said and done with my forfeit, we all sat down back at our tent area, everyone naked except Grace, who seemed to be thinking about a serious matter:

"Luna, I kinda teased you about it before, and I don't think you were just playing along..." Grace didn't look that concerned, more that she was trying to figure something out "but just to be sure, is this why you're here at the camp? Did your parents send you here because you like doing stuff like this?"

I wasn't really expecting the question of why I was here, but I nodded, confirming her assumption.

"See, I remembered that video of you at that watchtower," My head flashed back to the memory of me standing completely naked in front of the ranger as I listened to Grace talk "so I went to talk to Rudy if he saw anything, oh, you remember Rudy, right? Yeah, he showed me the pictures he took, both of them."

Now my mind recalled how I just gave him a picture of both my front and back, I felt myself blush.

"The more I asked, the more stories I heard about you, Luna, you in specific." Grace said "you certainly have been busy from the moment you got here."

My blush got fiercer as I nodded in confirmation again, and Grace sighed, she seemed more relieved than anything.

"I just thought you girls were crazy young teenagers doing whatever to get your kicks." Grace scoffed, realizing that this was all revolving around me.

"No, that's just Kaylee." Becky threw a jab at Kaylee sittig next to her, who responded with a playful elbow.

"Heck, I even called your parents, they seem to think this is just a phase, it's just your hormones going crazy." Grace leaned back, watching me sit there at a loss for words as her expression grew even more worried, I wasn't sure where this was going "So Luna, is this a phase? Can you imagine stopping it when you're stripped or made to do the sort of stuff we were doing today? Can you imagine quitting after a while?"

I was still at a loss for words, but in a wholly different way, I certainly knew that I enjoyed all of this so much, but to imagine being so devoid of willpower as to not stop someone from stripping her if she didn't want it?

"I can!" I almost could tell that I was trying to convince myself of this as much as I was trying to convince Grace, but even that wasn't quite true, in fact, I realized that I didn't know what was true, but never the less, I repeated this yet again "I can, I'm sure of it."

I looked up at Grace, who seemed to go from concerned to relaxed rather quickly.

"Boy, this sure got a bit grim," Grace tried to defuse the tension, it worked a little "relax, this whole place is getting shut down anyways, no reason to think too hard about any of this."

The atmosphere softened a bit, we were now wondering what's next, it was only then did I notice that we were all relatively tired from today's games and hiking, Grace was aware of how much energy we've expended.

"I think we'll make the last game simple," Grace fished out a small six sided dice from her bag, and then laid out a camping cookpan in front of us "Everyone pick a number, if your number comes up, you win, and everyone else has to do a forfeit."

"But there's four of us, what do we do if it lands on a number no one picks?" Rebecca asked the obvious question, but knowing the way Grace set the games up, I had a clue where this was going.

"Well, if one of the two numbers left comes up, I guess you all have to do the forfeit," Grace grinned devilishly, she was clearly enjoying toying with us this way, making sure to slowly tighten her grip and force us all to perform for her viewing pleasure "Oh, and I'm going to tell you right now, the forfeit will be to masturbate while I and any winner record the whole thing."

I thought it over in my head, the only way for me to win was to get the winning number, so that was a one in six chance to not end up masturbating for the camera, obviously I didn't mind, if anything that idea made me even hornier.


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