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Lust Demon's Orgy

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A Halloween party becomes an orgy when a demon is summoned.
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A Halloween party. What was the company coming to? I sighed inwardly, knowing that it was inevitable. We'd been hiring more and more expats, and they brought their own traditions with them, and traditions had to be respected, no matter how commercialised they'd become.

And I was the boss, so I was expected to show up. The only effort I'd made to dress up was a velvet mask that covered the upper half of my face. I was wearing a black suit, so I could claim I was the Phantom of the Opera or something. But I was the boss, so no-one would make a big deal.

I'd given permission for one of the reception areas to be used. Shelley from Legal and Nicky from Procurement had handled the decorations, and I had to admit they'd done a good job. Stylish, without going over the top. Mostly it was mood lighting, with some sheets of fabric draped strategically -- presumably to give people privacy if they wanted. The couches and armchairs had been placed to provide secluded corners as well.

Shelley -- or a vampire-lady with Shelley's face and figure -- greeted me when I walked in. "Hi, boss! Glad you showed up. Here, have a drink." She thrust a plastic cup of something bright orange at me. "Sorry, it's awful, but it's strong."

Pretending to take a sip, I complimented her on the decorations. Her face lit up at my words. An intelligent woman, Shelley, very capable in her job, but a little too hungry for approval.

I glanced around the room. It seemed I was the last to arrive. Nicky, dressed as a pirate in white blouse, red bodice and black skirt, was flirting outrageously. Tom and Imram, the objects of her attentions, had both made only slightly more effort than me, with fake fangs and flimsy capes. Jos from IT had gone to greater lengths, and behind his zombie makeup he seemed to have found some confidence to talk to Shelley's colleague Annah.

By the punchbowl a pair of witches who I recognised as Chandra and Ciara had their heads together. Ciara took a sip of her orange drink, grimaced and tossed it into the punch. She glanced round and noticed me watching. A guilty look crept across her face, but it fled when I grinned, and she turned back to Chandra, whose fingers were resting gently on her bare arm.

Other small groups had formed, standing or seated, and I wandered around and made small-talk. The party had clearly started early, and I saw flushed faces everywhere. Most of the women were displaying more skin, more cleavage, more leg than they normally did at the office. Still, I supposed that people expected that nowadays with Halloween costumes. Sexy nurses, sexy firemen, sexy cops -- male and female -- sexy witches. Even sexy zombies. I didn't count Jos's outfit as one of those.

Shelley found me again. This time she handed me a glass of wine. I sipped. It was pretty good, and she blushed at my nod of approval. "Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves," I commented.

The blush spread down to her chest. It was an attractive sight, but I refrained from ogling her. "I can't take all the credit," she replied. "Nicky did most of the work."

"You mean she batted her eyes and let people peer down her blouse until they agreed to do it for her?" Nicky had something of a reputation. But she always seemed to be in control, and it never interfered with her work or caused problems at the office.

Shelley grinned. "Well, it wouldn't be Nicky otherwise, would it? She's a great motivator."

I was about to reply when the topic of our conversation came rushing up, slightly out of breath. Her boobs threatened to escape from her low bodice even without her leaning forward. "Boss, Shelley!" she burst out. "Imram just had an idea. He wants to do a summoning!"

I felt a chill run down my spine at her words. This could end badly, I thought to myself. But Shelley was nodding enthusiastically, and the pair of them turned large eyes on me.

What are the chances that Imram knows a real ritual? Telling myself that my premonition was baseless, I made myself laugh. "That sounds great! But I don't know what he expects to summon in a corporate office block. The spirit of teamwork?"

But when Imram had arranged everyone in a circle and made us hold hands, I began to regret my decision. Standing at the centre of the ring, fake fangs gone from his mouth, he started to recite a chant from his phone screen. "Siritha, sirithem, zran zran!"

How long has it been since I've heard those words? I felt them crawling over my skin like a physical presence. I should stop it.

But I knew it was too late. Imram's chanting had already awakened a presence. He went on. "Ghan ghani ghanem! Kresh kreshi kresh! Siritha, sirithem, zran zran!"

Around me I could sense the others move restlessly as they felt it too. There was power in the words Imram was speaking -- more than he knew. "Kobam kobami kobem! Kresh kreshi kresh! Siritha, sirithem, zran zran!"

Imram looked up from his phone, seeming to realise for the first time that the mood in the room had changed. His grin slipped as he completed the chant. "Zran zran!"

And just like that the summoning was complete. Perhaps the others sensed it too. Nervous glances slipped from eye to eye, and I could see people's hands clench and unclench where they held each other.

"Demon, appear!" Imram spoke. Unnecessary, amateur stuff. The demon was already here. He looked round the room. The lighting that Shelley and Nicky had worked so hard on had turned darker, and the atmosphere had grown oppressive.

Someone -- Chandra, I thought -- cleared her throat. "Should we--?"

I decided to wait and see how it would unfold. They had no idea what they'd unleashed. But it might be a pleasant surprise, I thought.

Standing still and staying silent, I watched as the Influence spread around the circle. Beside me Nicky was breathing heavily. From the corner of my eye I saw her breasts rising and falling, straining against the material of her blouse. On my other side Shelley was moaning under her breath. Her hand was trembling in mine.

Round the circle it went. I heard breathing become sharp, punctuated by moans. Hands twisted as palms became sweaty. Nipples and cocks hardened and poked through costumes.

Ciara was the first to break. Tearing her hand from the fireman beside her, she turned to Chandra and pulled her close. Their faces came together and their lips met in a passionate kiss. Chandra's hands dropped to Ciara's thighs and made their way up.

As if this was a signal the whole circle broke up into couples and threesomes. Nicky flung herself forward at Imram, who was looking slightly stunned, at the success of his summoning or his flirting, or both. They fell to the carpeted floor, Nicky straddling his hips as she clasped his face between her hands and locked her lips with his.

Only Shelley remained, still holding my hand. Well, I suppose now's her chance to really please the boss. I let her make the first move, though.

It only took a moment for her to turn to me. Her eyes were wide, her lips moist and parted slightly. The pale skin above her black vampire's bodice was flushed red, and her chest was heaving. "Boss..." she breathed, then she pressed herself against me.

Her lips were soft and full, her tongue warm and playful. Her body was a delightful handful of firmness and softness. I let my hands explore her as her fingers dug into my chest through my shirt. She gave a gasp as I squeezed her arse. This wasn't the time for subtlety.

I felt under her skirt. No panties. My fingers slipped up and down along her slit. It radiated heat, and Shelley moaned against my mouth when I probed gently at her entrance. "Inside," she murmured. "Need you inside me."

She pulled off my jacket and tossed it onto the floor, then began to unbutton my shirt. Leaving my mask on -- no-one wanted to see what was behind that now -- I removed my tie as she kissed her way down my chest. Lower and lower she went, until she was kneeling before me and tugging at my flies. I helped her with the belt, and in moments she was fondling my cock, rubbing her cheek against it and murmuring, "Want it, want it..."

Even for someone as eager to please as Shelley, this was overdoing it. But what do you expect when you utter a summoning chant, and the demon's already in the room?

By itself the chant shouldn't have worked. Imram would have needed all kinds of extra rituals, none of which could have been improvised on the fly. But there was enough power in the chant to uncover my real nature.


I mostly keep that little secret to myself. I don't feel any urge to go around dominating people or ruling the world. Too much bother. Enough wealth to keep me comfortable, and a business venture or two to keep me occupied. That's all I need.

But I am what I am, and if you start messing around with words of power -- real ones -- well, then you'll get more than you expect.

It could have been worse for everyone here. I'm a Lust Demon. Some people say Incubus, but there are all kinds of misconceptions. Lust Demon is clear and to the point. I do sex.

That doesn't mean I've never done the rending-people-apart-with-flaming-claws thing, but it's not my main interest, so to speak.

As it is, while I enjoy a good fuck as much as anyone -- alright, more than most -- mostly I'm about arousing lust in others. Which is of course why all the good little worker drones who'd come to the office party were now in various stages of undress and sexual frenzy.

Ciara had pushed Chandra onto an armchair and was straddling her hips. They were still kissing, but Ciara's witch costume was open to the waist and Chandra's hands were teasing her plump breasts.

Nicky was on her knees before Tom and Imram. They had their arms on each other's shoulders, and Nicky was pulling their swollen cocks out. As I watched, she ran her tongue along both shafts, one at a time, then took Imram's head in her mouth.

All around the hanging sheets were moving as dark shapes sought lonely corners. A pair of woman's legs, in the white stockings of a sexy nurse, were sticking up over the back of a couch. Jos from IT was visible only from the waist up, but clearly something interesting was happening out of sight.

Interesting things were also happening below my waist. Shelley had wrapped her lips around my head and was swirling her tongue around it. One hand was on my shaft. The other was pulling at her vampire outfit, revealing a pair of soft, pale breasts. The nipples were very pink and large. She pinched them one at a time, pulling them out and rubbing them between thumb and forefinger.

Her mouth was warm on my cock, and her sucking was sending shivers of pleasure through me. I threw my head back, enjoying the sensations, letting my fingers run through her loose hair. I heard her give a muffled moan, and more of my shaft was enveloped.

Her tongue flicked at the underside of my head. This woman knew what she was doing. Her small hand tugged rhythmically at the base of my shaft, and I felt my first climax rise up inside me.

"It's coming," I whispered, not knowing whether she heard. If not, she must have felt my cock swell, because she started to tug and suck harder, seeking her reward. I held it back for a moment only before letting myself explode.

White fire shot through me and into Shelley's mouth. She gave a grunt and a slight choke, then she kept sucking. Her tongue was flicking over my head as I spurted, making my spine shiver and my legs tremble.

With a groan I felt my climax come to an end, and pulled Shelley off my cock. She seemed almost regretful as she rose, wiping her mouth.

"That was great, Shelley," I told her, kicking off my shoes and trousers. She looked happy at that as she took a mouthful of wine and swirled it around.

She turned to put the glass down and I seized her by the hips. The skirt of her dress came up easily, and she leaned forward and rested her hands on the table while I positioned myself behind her.

A finger between her lips told me she was wet and ready. "Inside me," she moaned, looking over her shoulder at me. "Put it in!"

I ran the head of my cock along her slit, pressing it against her entrance until she bucked her hips back at me. She was grunting, and one hand reached down between her legs to pull my cock forward.

I teased her for a moment longer, then pressed forward. Her lips parted slowly to let me enter. Her grunts became gasps as I sank into her. She enveloped me like a warm, velvet glove.

I could feel her fingers rubbing at herself, feel her grunts explode from her body. Reaching down, I grasped her breasts and fondled them. Her nipples were hard between my fingers. Using my grip for leverage, I thrust into her, hard and fast, pistoning in and out, turning her grunts to wails and then a sudden choked cry.

Her fingers dropped away and her head fell forward onto the table, sending cups of that orange horror spinning in all directions. Her hair was soon coated in the sticky liquid, but she didn't appear to notice. Her eyes were rolled back in her head, her hands waiving feebly as she was caught in a long, drawn-out orgasm.

My second climax was still a long way off, but I took pity on Shelley after a while and pulled out. She sank onto the floor with a whimper, eyes still glazed, legs twitching, hair wet and sticky.

Naked except for my mask, with my cock jutting out proudly before me, I went in search of someone else to fuck. My eye fell on Nicky's bare back.

She was on top of Imram, riding his sizeable cock while she tugged at Tom's. Her pirate's costume was in a heap on the floor, leaving her with only a pair of knee-high leather boots. Her dark curls bounced up and down with the motion of her body.

She became aware of me as I knelt behind her. I caught a look of wariness in her eyes as she turned to look over her shoulder, but it was a wariness that spoke of desire too. The Influence was strong, with me this close.

Raising her free hand to her mouth, she licked her fingers until they glistened, then she reached behind to run them along her crack. I watched as she found her arse, teasing, then probing, and finally sticking two fingers inside.

I let her play with herself for a moment, stretching her hole, becoming accustomed to the sensation. Then I aimed my cock, pushed her fingers aside, and slowly, carefully entered her.

Nicky stopped moving, and under her so did Imram. I felt him hard and rigid through the thin membrane separating us. I pressed forward, moving in and out in short motions, and Nicky began to push back.

Tom moved to stand in front of her and she took his cock in her mouth. All three of them were grunting and moaning, their natural lust enhanced, amplified by the Influence.

Nicky was thrusting back and forth, riding the two cocks inside her. Her body was shaking as she neared her climax, but Tom was there first. He gave a strangled moan and pulled Nicky's head onto his cock as his body went stiff and shuddered, then went limp.

Imram and Nicky came at the same time. Nicky let Tom's cock slip from her mouth and threw her head back. Imram thrust his hips up into her, and their moans and grunts mingled. Then Nicky collapsed forward, gasping for breath.

Imram must have been uncomfortable, because he levered Nicky off him and crawled out from underneath. His eyes were wide as he looked at me. "What's happening?" he whispered. His cock was already stiffening again.

I pulled Nicky up against me onto her knees. Her body was pliant in my hands. "Don't worry about it," I replied to Imram. "Just find someone else to fuck now."

All around us naked bodies were twined together. Men, women, couples, threesomes and even a foursome. Chandra and Ciara were naked, Ciara with her face buried in Chandra's trimmed dark bush. Shelley was riding on top of someone I couldn't see properly. Annah was crouched behind her, licking at Shelley's arse and the drops of liquor running down her back from her wet hair.

Jos had cast off his shyness with his zombie costume and was pounding away at one of the secretaries while another was kissing him and stroking his chest. Her other hand was fondling his arse.

Below me Nicky had recovered somewhat. Her arse gripped my cock like a vice, and the look she gave me now was almost a challenge. "Fuck me!" she whispered. "Fuck me hard!"

I seized her hips and began to pound away. She took it, grunting and gasping, pushing back into every thrust. Her full breasts were swinging back and forth, her nipples grazing the carpet.

Hands on my back made me look round. Annah had joined us, a wild look in her eyes. She nibbled at my neck, my ears, and her hand slid down my back. I felt her finger slip along my crack to find my arse. It tickled my hole, then probed inside, and I felt a tingle inside as my climax announced it was on its way.

Nicky was forcing herself onto my cock, wailing and gasping. I pounded away, thrusting my shaft as far into her arse as it would go. I felt myself begin to swell inside her, and I began to stiffen as my orgasm built and built.

Then Annah wiggled her finger, and I let go, releasing into Nicky's arse again and again, pulling her tight against me as I shuddered and gave one final thrust.

By the time I recovered I decided it was time to let the others do the work. I left Nicky and Annah kissing on the carpet and went to freshen up a bit. Then I found a glass of wine and made my way to the chair next to Chandra and Ciara. They were holding each other tight, kissing and murmuring to each other, occasionally letting their hands explore naked flesh.

For now my cock was soft, and I settled in to watch the show that the Influence caused.

This was what I enjoyed most. Unbridled, uninhibited sex. Naked limbs entwined. Tongues licking, lips sucking, bodies thrusting. Cries of pleasure, moans of ecstasy. I smiled, sipped my wine and fed on their pleasure.

The orgy continued into the night. I had Chandra and Ciara together, going from one to the other as they ate each other out in a sixty-nine. Annah took me in her mouth while she was riding Jos. I had another go with Nicky, standing against the wall with her arms and legs wrapped around me.

Midnight had come and gone hours before when I slid off Shelley for the second time. She gave a whimper and curled up into a ball, and I realised I hadn't been gentle.

I looked around. Eyes were glazed, but more from exhaustion than lust now. The frantic urgency had faded, replaced by the jaded tiredness of a smoker who just can't stop. Enough was enough.

Rising, drawing all their eyes to me, I removed my mask and tossed it to the floor. Still curled up, Shelley reached out and took it, holding it close.

"This has been fun, everyone," I announced. "But it's time to go home." The sense of relief was palpable, as naked bodies separated and tired limbs groped around for clothes. Then, because I was the boss, and a demon, I added, "I'll see you all in the morning."

The groans behind me as I walked naked from the room were almost as satisfying as the moans of pleasure had been.

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Corpse_riderCorpse_rider7 months ago

A great short story. A very enjoyable read.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfun7 months ago

Great story. Really well done!

samhasstoriessamhasstories7 months ago

Love a good lust demon orgy! Very well done.

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