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Lust in the Library

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Dinah discovers a new lust for life.
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Dinah was pissed off. Another night lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. She might as well have been alone, her husband Mark, lying fast asleep, curled up in the fetal position, hugging the bed covers. He was tired, it was Monday tomorrow -- back to work!

They hadn't had any form of meaningful sex in seven weeks. Mark was working harder, working later. She didn't think he was having an affair; he was too timid, just not that type of guy. Truth was they'd been drifting apart, their interests had differed, the time they spent together was mealtimes, silenting watching TV and falling asleep. If she was being honest, Dinah wasn't sure they loved each other anymore. Not that they hated each other, but whatever spark they had was now a dying ember.

Dinah was nearly forty and had recently found a new lease of life, she was interested in arts and culture, she had started taking classes for pottery and life drawing. She was even learning to play the banjolele. It wasn't a mid life crisis, it was realising life was too short for dead end jobs, promotions passed over to younger, lazier employees who had a knack for talking the big talk and doing just the bare minimum of work to back it up.

She was now working part time in the local high school as a librarian. The hours were good, the pay wasn't great but just enough. And she had plenty of time for reading. There were older kids too - due to funding the school and the adjacent college shared certain facilities like the gym and the library.

She also liked that the guys all thought she was a milf. She had long brown hair which she would often wear in a bun, deep brown eyes, and soft, sumptous lips. She would often wear a white or pale blue shirt, a pencil skirt and stockings. She was demure, also professionally attired, with a pair of reading glasses perched on her nose. Secretly she'd enjoyed the way some of the boys had looked at her, it told her that whatever problems she and Mark were having, it wasn't sexual. She still had it.

But not as much as Kirsten her twenty two year old colleague. She'd only been working in the library for a couple of weeks, but all the boys were talking about her. There had been a sudden interest in reading within the school, kids were reading more books and there were no late returns. Dinah would never admit it, or that she was just a little bit jealous, but it was all thanks to Kirsten.

Dinah lay on the bed. She was horny and she was angry. Mark was asleep, and he was too frustrated to entertain herself. She leant over to her bedside table, grabbed her iPod and listened to soothing classical music until she fell asleep...

...She awoke in a bad mood. She was quiet and detached. Mark sensed something was wrong but whether through fear of rebuttal or just not caring anymore, he kept quiet and went about his business. Typical.

Dinah stood in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. This would not be how she turned forty, sadly and with regret. She wore a little extra make up and she decided not to wear any panties. It was a tiny act of rebellion, but it was a start.

She got to the library just before the first bell. Kirsten was already there, cataloguing the new returns. There were three kids there, two boys and a girl all with books they were bringing back. The boys were flirting or doing whatever it is a sixteen year old thinks passes for flirting. The girl was quiet, but her eyes were transfixed on the blonde twenty two year old beauty.

Kirsten was wearing a white summer dress and pumps. The dress was cut just at the crest of her breasts and Dinah swore she could see the two boys pants tightening as she leant over the desk to reach for a working pen. She smiled at them and the trio left, all joking and hitting each other in the arm.

"Morning Mrs. Able," Kirsten said, gathering the books in her arm and carrying them over to the new returns shelf.

"Morning Kirsten," Dinah said, perhaps a little too harshly. She stopped herself, she had no right to take her bad mood out on Kirsten. She sighed, "and what have I told you? Just call me Dinah. You make me feel old enough as it is."

Kirsten laughed, "Sorry... Dinah."

Kirsten shelved the books and then disappeared down an aisle to carry out some other duty.

Dinah took a seat behind the desk and blew on her steaming hot coffee, gleefully ignoring her own "No Food or Drink" sign. Kirsten reappeared carrying a couple of mishelved books - Dinah and Kirsten's biggest shared hate - and returned them to their rightful place. The books were on a lower shelf and Kirsten had to bend over to do so. Dinah looked at the younger girl and the curves of her butt and ridiculously good legs.

"You are a robot," Dinah said in a whisper, "or a clone or an alien or something. Probably evil too."

Dinah admonished herself again - normally her disposition was cheery and polite. Kirsten stood up and turned round, Dinah almost spilled her coffee when she realised she had been caught staring at the younger girl's ass.

She looked down and busied herself with some meaningless paperwork. When she was sure it was safe, she looked up. Kirsten had disappeared again.

A spotty sixteen year old with greasy hair and thick rimmed glasses came into the library, his bag heaving with books on computer science. His name was Stevie and he was the kind of boy other kids bullied but would ultimately end up working for when he owned the latest multi-million dot.com or must have gadget.

"Hi Kirsten," he said with a slight stutter and a shy, awkward wave.

Dinah watched, peering over her glasses. Kirsten came out to greet him. He handed her a pile of books.

"Could I renew these?" he asked nervously, "I know you have a policy and I've had these books out five times in a row and there are other kids, but I'm nearly done with them. Please?"

Kirsten smiled, returning the books to Stevie, allowing her hand to linger on his for a just a moment. Dinah thought she could see the flutter in Stevie's heart, the smile it gave him - and the confidence to face the day.

Dinah watched in envy. She decided to keep a close eye on Kirsten - not out of spite but to learn a thing or two.

She watched Kirsten all day, she would flirt in subtle ways, a flutter of eyelids, brushing hair behind her ear to show the curve of her neck, a wetting of lips. Small things, but enough that the boys she was talking to felt good about themselves.

It was nearly the end of the working day. There was still a huge pile of books that needed returning to their shelves and the Dinah was determined not to have a backlog of work carrying over into the next day.

"Kirsten, do you mind staying back an extra half hour?" she asked.

"Not at all," Kirsten replied. She too hated work half done. Plus it would mean an easier morning - time for reading and kicking back a little.

Dinah took a trolley of books and pushed it down an aisle, Kirsten took another trolley and pushed it down the next aisle. Dinah watched Kirsten through the gaps in the books. Kirsten looked at her and smiled, brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear and fluttering her eyelids. Dinah knew that look - she'd been watching Kirsten employ it all day and to devastating effect.

Dinah, blushing, busied herself with her work. So engrossed was she that she hadn't realised she'd come to the end of the aisle and bumped straight into Kirsten's trolley.

"Oh, christ, I'm sorry," Dinah said, "It's just been one of those days."

"No worries," Kirsten said, placing a hand on her arm, "Coffee?"


Kirsten walked away, her hand trailing down Dinah's arm, her fingers running across Dinah's hand. A purely innocent gesture - right?

Dinah took the time to straighten her hair, her glasses, compose herself before Kirsten came back with two steaming cups of instant coffee.

"So, what's up?" Kirsten asked, blowing on the hot drink.

"Oh, you don't want to hear about that," Dinah laughed.

"Try me."

"Well, consider it a warning from the future. Nothing lasts, live in the moment, and..." she was babbling, she hadn't even sorted out her feelings in her own head, but she wanted, needed, to get them out there, "It's Mark. And me. Me and Mark... Things aren't what they used to be. I mean, he's still cute and he makes me laugh. Like, once a year maybe. I don't know. I just don't think we're the same people we were fifteen years ago."

"Fifteen years, gee, that's something these days."

"Err, thanks?" Dinah sighed.

"I'm sure it's just a... a phase," Kirsten didn't really know what to say. She hadn't expected Dinah to just open up like that.

"Yeah, a phase."

Kirsten smiled, placing her coffee on a shelf. As she turned back, she knocked a book off of a trolley. It landed at Dinah's feet. Kirsten knelt down to pick it up, her head moments from Dinah's legs, her blonde hair smooth like silk against her stockings. Dinah thought she could feel a breeze on her legs, was Kirsten blowing on them? Whatever, it felt good against her stockings.

Kirsten stood up, placing the book on a shelf behind Dinah, leaning past her, her breasts pressing against Dinah's.

Kirsten turned back to the books, seemingly oblivious to her actions.

"Kirsten, I want to talk to you, about how you are with the boys."

Kirsten's back was to her as she placed books along the shelf.


"Some of these kids, they're only teenagers y'know, and I don't think you realise what kind of effect you're having on them. Maybe you do, I mean, it's good that you're... giving them confidence, kind of sweet actually, but some might think it was inappropriate."


"The flirting."


Oh god, thought Dinah, have I totally misread her - is she so completely oblivious to the effect she's having on these teenagers?

"You're not flirting?"

"Oh," Kirsten looked back over her shoulder and flashed Dinah a wicked smile, "I totally am."

Dinah was taken aback by this sudden change in attitude.

"But it's just teasing," Kirsten continued, "It's win-win, they get a little more confident in talking to girls - hopefully their own age - and I get a constant reminder that I'm hot."

Dinah put down her coffee cup.

"Are you being serious?" she asked, a little angry. A little jealous too.

"Don't worry. Teenage boys aren't my thing. I prefer my lovers a little older... and, well, not boys."

"I'm shocked," Dinah stated the obvious, she just didn't know what else to say.

Kirsten shrugged and went back to work. Dinah, flustered, decided to do the same. Kirsten turned to face her now.

"Come on, you used to do the same," Kirsten said, "I mean, you liked it when the boys looked at you. I bet you even fantasised about some of the seniors."

Dinah began to speak but couldn't, the words wouldn't form. Kirsten walked up behind her, her breasts against Dinah's back, one leg sliding between Dinah's. Warm breath on her neck.

Dinah went to speak but Kirsten put a finger to her lips, shushing her. Then she silently pointed through a gap in the shelf, into the center of the library. One of the senior kids, Tom Harker, had walked in, sitting at the central table and flicking through a book. He'd do that sometimes when his ride home was late - he'd crashed his own car after a party and his folks didn't yet trust him behind the wheel of a new one.

He was good looking, with short dark hair and a muscular build.

Dinah was trapped between Kirsten and the shelf.

"Now, he's a good looking guy, anyone could see that," Kirsten said, "And you're a good looking woman, shouldn't need saying," Kirsten was whispering into Dinah's ear, her warm breath making the skin on her neck tingle, "You telling me you would turn that down?"

Kirsten ran a hand down Dinah's back, fingers trailing down her spine. They rested on her ass cheeks, rubbing them, cupping them, finding her crack and pressing against it.

"Tell me what you'd do to him. Don't be shy."

Dinah stammered, she couldn't help herself.

"I'd take him into the office, push him against the chair. Then I'd undress in front of him, first my blouse, then my skirt. The stockings would stay on, the high heels too."

Kirsten hiked up Dinah's skirt, running her fingers over her stockings, her ass, sliding a finger along the silk, toying with her asshole.

"I'd watch him get hard, then I'd lean over, kiss him, kiss his neck, down to his chest as I unbuttoned his shirt, Then I'd undo his belt, pull down his pants, his shorts. I'd take his big cock and I'd kiss it, then I'd run my tongue along it bottom to top before taking it in my mouth. I'd take it all in, show him how it's meant to be done. I'd let him cum on my face, and he'd watch me sit on the edge of my desk and lick it up."

"It's all about him so far," Kirsten whispered, "What about you?"

"He's an eighteen year old boy, if I didn't make him cum first he'd be done fucking me in seconds."

"You're naughty." Kirsten said, moving Dinah, bending her over slightly so she could rub her fingers over Dinah's wet pussy. Dinah had never had sex with a woman, not even kissed a girl in college. She didn't know why she was letting Kirsten do it now, maybe she was just horny, maybe it wasn't, y'know, gay because she was fantasizing over a guy, what difference did it make whose fingers they were?

"I'd make him walk over to the desk; I'd push my glasses down my nose, all strict and make him fuck me there and then."

"Sounds fun, want to ask him?"

"What?" Dinah suddenly, came to her senses, pulling down her skirt, turning to face Kirsten, "No!"

Kirsten's kiss was quick and passionate, her tongue small and moist. Dinah opened her mouth, allowing the younger woman easier access. Kirsten took Dinah's tongue in her mouth and sucked on it.

Dinah went to speak, but Kirsten laid a finger on her lips, the finger that had been rubbing against her wet pussy.

Kirsten knelt down in front of her, hiking the skirt back up. Kirsten blew on Dinah's pussy, kissing the damp silk stockings. Kirsten ran her hands up Dinah's shaking legs, before tearing a hole in the stockings with her thumbs.

Kirsten's tongue was gentle, soft against her pussy. She ran it over her clitoris, kissing and blowing, licking and rubbing.

Dinah felt herself shuddering towards climax; she instinctively placed a hand against Kirsten's head, running it through the girl's gorgeous blonde locks. The other hand was rubbing her breasts. She was going to scream, suddenly remembering where she was; she bit hard on her lip, hard enough to draw blood.

She shuddered, once, twice, as she reached orgasm, Kirsten eagerly lapping up her juices. Kirsten stood up, leaning back against the opposite shelf, gathering her breath.

Dinah put a finger to her lips, found she was bleeding. Kirsten saw this and kissed her, sucking on the lip. Dinah, with a new found vigour, pushed her up against the opposite shelf, kissing her passionately. She placed a hand on the younger woman's chest, gently teasing the top of her dress down so she could see Kirsten's breasts. They were smaller than Dinah's, but pert with pink, hard nipples.

Dinah ran her hand over them, pressing into the nipples with her thumb.

Kirsten placed a leg on one of the trolleys, pulling up her skirt. Dinah was not surprised to find the other girl wasn't wearing any knickers either, or that she was completely shaved.

Dinah dropped to her knees, and kissed the area just above Kirsten's hot young pussy. She ran her hands around Kirsten's butt, teasing the cheeks apart, cupping the gloriously firm ass.

Dinah tentatively kissed Kirsten's pussy.

Okay, Dinah had never done anything with a girl before but she had seen a couple of girls having sex during her college years. Three young women, booze and talk of boys at a faux sleepover in their dorm. Dinah had got prudish -- at that point she had only slept with one guy and hadn't particularly enjoyed it. She'd gone to sleep, but was woken in the night by soft moaning. She'd opened here eyes to see her two friends, Lisa and Aimee making out against the bed on the other side of the room. She watched as Lisa had tenderly kissed her way down Aimee's body before devouring her moist pussy. She had watched with one eye open as Lisa drunkenly pleasured her friend. Aimee had looked up, and Dinah swore she knew she was being watched. Dinah had closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. But slowly, when she thought it was safe, she had opened them again. She lay there watching, silently.

She used what she remembered of that night, the tender way Lisa had licked the lips of Aimee's pussy, the way she slid her fingers into her hole, the way she'd sucked on her clit.

Dinah used all those memories to bring Kirsten to climax, devouring the younger woman, feeling more alive than she had in weeks. She'd never wanted to do this before, her bi curiosity went only as far as watching two drunk friends and never speaking of it again.

But Kirsten had made her feel wanted, awakened a passion she hadn't felt for some time. It only seemed fair to repay the favor.

Kirsten came on Dinah, and she hungrily lapped up the juices.

She stood up, kissed Kirsten passionately. Then stepped back, suddenly remembering herself. Where she was.

"See," Kirsten smiled wickedly, "You've still got it."

There was a sudden noise, books falling off a shelf. Dinah turned, looking through a gap in the shelves. Shit -- Tom Harker was dashing back to his table, trying to look like he hadn't just watched two hot women make each other cum. Trying to look like he didn't have an erection.

"Shit, shit, shit," Dinah had completely forgotten he was in the room. Kirsten tried to suppress a giggle. It was hot and cute and Dinah wanted so much to fuck her, to see the rest of her amazing body.

But she had to talk to Tom. There was no pretending he hadn't seen what he saw. She straightened her hair, dried her mouth with the back of her hand, pulled down her skirt.

She walked from out the end of the aisle, glancing over at the clock. The only people left in the building would be the janitor. Good.

Dinah sat next to Tom. He was keeping his eyes on his book, not looking up. Dinah smiled at him.

"Hi Tom."

"Hi Mrs. Able."

Kirsten sat on the other side of Tom, he shifted, clearly uncomfortable, confused, blushing.

"What you just saw..." Dinah started, not sure how to handle the situation. Suddenly Tom jumped, startled. Kirsten had placed a hand under the table and was stroking Tom's erect dick through his jeans.

"It's okay," Tom said, "I can keep a secret. What you do... What you do is your business."

Dinah glanced over at Kirsten. The blonde winked back at her. Within a second Dinah knew what she was going to do, she wanted to do. She'd wanted to for so long.

"How about we talk about it in my office?" Dinah smiled, "Okay?"

Tom nodded, "S... Sure."

Kirsten was the first to stand, then Tom, then Dinah. As Tom stood Dinah could see the bulge in his pants. Dinah tried not to lick her lips. She followed them to the office. Kirsten was first through the door. She pulled down all the blinds and then in one smooth motion pulled her dress over her head and then kicked off her pumps. She was completely naked.

Both Dinah and Tom gasped, before Dinah remembered to lock the office door.

Kirsten had great legs, a beautiful pussy, sensuous curves, those pert breasts with the hard nipples.

Dinah reached round from behind Tom, placing her own hand on his dick, feeling the firmness through his jeans. He let out a sigh.

Kirsten perched on the edge of the desk, parting her legs, and began to rub her pussy. Dinah, kissing Tom's neck, began to undress him -- her hands lingering on his muscular chest, his arms. She undid his belt, his trousers dropped to the floor.

Dinah then firmly pushed him onto a chair, still facing Kirsten, who was rubbing her nipples between her fingers. Dinah then stood before him, bending at the hip -- thank god she'd stuck with those pilates classes. She pulled down his shorts, and finally got a good look at his dick.


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