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Lydia Pt. 01

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Lydia Watches and Dreams.
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Lydia sighed as she gazed out of the window. Tonight would mark her twentieth birthday. Her father, Lord Chaius, had arranged a grand feast for the evening. All of the local nobles and their wives were to be in attendance, as well as their children who were close in age to Lydia. She and her family had been in Gaul for three years since her father had been made the Roman governor there. The climate was not unpleasant and their villa sat atop a hill overlooking the town and the sea. However, Lydia did not like it. She was now several years past the time when most girls her age were married and she, as yet had no prospects. She had met several of the local Roman nobles' sons, but found them either to be effeminate or bores. Lydia found the local men attractive, but knew that her father and mother would never even entertain the idea of her marrying one of them.

While tonight's party would be a break from the routine, it would also be a reminder of her single status. Lydia also knew from past experience that her mother would become drunk at the party and begin to loudly approach the nobles' sons on her behalf. The thought mortified her and made her dread the nights' festivities.

Her reverie was broken by a soft knock at the door as her maid, Mara, entered the room. Mara was a local girl who was a servant in the villa. She was about Lydia's age, and was considered beautiful by the local standard. She had long, dark hair which she usually wore up as was preferred of the servants. Her eyes were large and dark and her complexion was an olive color, several shades darker than Lydia's own pale skin. Her tunic was modest, not revealing anything about her body, but from glimpses she had seen, Lydia knew that Mara's body was firm and mature.

Mara bowed her head and said, "Excuse me lady, but the time is nearing for the guests to arrive. May I help you dress?"

Lydia sighed as she rose from the window. "Yes, Mara, I suppose it is time."

Mara had laid out a new dress that her mother had had made. It was a sleeveless, pale blue gown that set off her long, blonde hair and brown eyes perfectly. She slipped off the gown she'd been wearing and handed it to Mara. As Mara prepared the new gown, Lydia leaned down and splashed water from the simple basin on her face. She caught a glimpse of her reflection and let her eyes move over her body. Her skin was pale, soft and nearly hairless except for the thin patch of her above her sex. Her stomach was flat, her breasts were perfectly proportioned, and her legs were long and lean. By Roman standards, she was beautiful and desirable, a fact that she knew, but one that frustrated her at the same time. She yearned to find a man; one who could provide her with the status and standard of living she enjoyed, but also one who would satisfy her desires for love, respect, and physical pleasure. To this point, Lydia had not found such a man and as she marked the passage of another year, she despaired the bleak prospects before her.

Mara coughed discreetly, ending Lydia's reverie. She turned and held out her arms as Mara slipped the gown over her head and fluffed it.

"You look beautiful, lady" Mara said quietly.

Lydia frowned, "I only wish there were someone for whom I wished to look so, Mara. As it is, there are only bores and pretties. You will be the maid of an old shrew if you're not careful."

"Lady, any man in the province would be fortunate to have" Mara started.

"But I would not be fortunate to have him, Mara!" Lydia exclaimed, "That is the problem! You're fortunate Mara. You can go out and find a hard-working man to love and make a family with." Lydia assumed the poise and voice of her mother as she continued, "You will find many men in the world. Some will make your heart sing. Some will make your pussy quiver. Others will dazzle you with gifts and riches. A Roman woman, however, must marry for power and connection. All else is secondary, child"

Lydia glanced sidelong at Mara as she held the pose of her mother. Mara tried to stifle a giggle, but failed and both of them laughed.

Lydia relaxed her pose and shook her head, "Ah, Mara, sometimes I envy you."

Lydia knew that Mara was seeing one of the laborers that worked for her father. His name was Philip. Rumor had it that he had been a minor noble who had aided the Gallic resistance after the Roman army had conquered Gaul. His treachery had been discovered and he had been whipped and beaten, and had his land and freedom taken from him. Lydia's father had purchased him a little over a year before. Mara had pointed him out to Lydia one day as they walked in the gardens. He was nearly six feet tall, tan, fit, and well-muscled. His only physical flaw was the scars from the lashes he'd taken when he was whipped. He was about the age of both girls and walked with the confidence of one who has held power and knows how to wield it. Lydia had found him attractive and when she allowed her mind to wander, she wondered what it would be like to lay with him.

Lydia headed to the main hall of the villa where she was warmly greeted by her parents. The party guests soon began to arrive and Lydia did her duty, smiling graciously as she greeted each one and accepted their well wishes. When all of the guests had arrived, the servants brought out the food and the guests reclined around low tables and feasted on roasted fish, fresh bread, fruit, and copious amounts of wine. The party proceeded in the normal Roman manner. After the guests had gorged themselves, Lydia's father offered a blessing on her and the guests chimed in with public wishes. The final sentiment was given by her mother, who by now was drunk. She blessed her daughter and then loudly stated her desire that her daughter find a husband and produce heirs. The guests cheered and Lydia blushed deeply, embarrassed.

With the conclusion of the blessings, musicians began to play and dancers entertained the guests. Lydia moved among the guests talking, fending off advances from some of the men, and doing her best to smile and play her expected part. The wine continued to flow and the party wound into it's final drunken climax. By now, several of the women had shed their dresses and were dancing naked, writhing with the dancers and each other. Several couples were in various stages of foreplay, ranging from kissing to one woman bobbing her head up and down on her partner's erect cock. Lydia's mother had now joined the dancers and her father had one of the servant girls on his lap, fondling her and laughing jovially. With her parents and the guests so occupied, Lydia quietly exited the hall.

She reached her room and sank to her bed with her head in her hands. She let out a quiet sob and leaned against the wall, letting the embarrassment and tension drain from her. She jumped at a touch on her arm. It was Mara.

"Excuse me, lady", she said quietly, "Are you alright? Is their anything you need?"

Lydia brushed her tears away and laughed bitterly, "A man, Mara. I need a man. I'm afraid there's not much you can do about that is there?"

Mara averted her eyes and said quietly, "No lady. I'm sorry."

Lydia sighed, "It's not your fault Mara. It's not your fault." She sighed again, "You can go now. I'll be alright. It's getting late and I want to be alone."

Mara dipped her head, "If you're sure, lady".

"I'm sure, Mara. I'll see you in the morning," Lydia said.

"Yes, lady," Mara took her hand and squeezed it impulsively, giving Lydia a shy smile.

Lydia smiled and returned the squeeze, "Thank you, Mara. Good night."

"Good night, lady," Mara said, bowing again and turning to leave.

Lydia moved onto the balcony and let the cool night air caress her face. She began to cry softly again as she thought of Mara going to visit her man. How she longed to have a man that she could love and respect and call her own. As her mind whirled, she wondered where Mara would go and what she would do tonight. With that though in her mind, she strode back into her room, found a plain, dark cloak and pulled it on over her gown. She pulled the hood over her and moved quickly toward the kitchen where the servants entered and left the villa.

Her heart pounded. She knew that she had to be careful. The chief steward would never allow her out by herself. She peeked into the kitchen and glance around. She could hear the sounds of the party echoing through the villa and could imagine what all was taking place by now. Lydia still hadn't seen anyone which was curious. The steward or one of his helpers was supposed to always be available should the master need something at any hour. She heard a sound in the far corner that she couldn't identify. Keeping to the shadows, Lydia continued to creep toward the exit. She heard another sound from the corner, which now came into view. She gasped and then stifled a giggle at what she saw. Donicus, the chief steward was on his knees with his head buried between the legs of one of the servant girls who appeared to be quite drunk and enjoying Donicus' ministrations immensely. The sound Lydia had heard was her gasps and sighs. Lydia jumped as the girl moaned, then quietly slipped out the door and moved down the path towards the servants' huts.

The servants huts were laid out on the landward side of the hill upon which the villa sat. They were little more than lean-to's usually occupied by family units. Lydia knew that Mara's father had died several years before and that she lived with her mother who served as a seamstress for the villa. She moved from shadow to shadow, not wanting to be seen. There were a few servants about, but most were either sleeping or still at work in the villa. Lydia picked her way cautiously through the huts until she found Mara's. There was no candle light coming from within and Lydia decided that Mara must have gone to Philips' hut and she had no idea where that was.

She paused in the shadows, wondering whether she should just go back to the villa when Mara quietly emerged from the hut. She quietly closed the door and moved off purposefully down the path. Lydia couldn't believe her good fortune and she followed quietly at a safe distance. She wasn't sure what she expected to find or exactly why she was doing this, but she continued on, at the least enjoying the thrill of something other than the mundane routine and empty life of the villa.

Mara moved quickly through the rabbit warren of huts and Lydia struggled to keep up, hoping she could find her way back in the dark. After several long minutes, she stopped and knocked softly on the door of a nondescript hut. The door opened quickly and there stood Philip. Mara moved to him and he kissed her and pulled her inside. Lydia moved quietly to a spot in the shadows where she could see into the hut. Several candles were burning, giving plenty of light for Lydia to observe.

Thomas was wearing a cloth that covered his loins and nothing else. He was as well-muscled as Lydia remembered, but he seemed taller with Mara next to him. The top of her head came only to his collarbone. Mara smiled at him as he grabbed for her. Lydia saw her set something on the table as they embraced, kissing each other deeply. Their hands began to move over the others' body and after a few only a few moments, Philip pushed Mara's gown from her shoulders. Mara shrugged and let it slide to the floor. Her back was to Lydia, who exhaled as she saw the curve of Mara's full, round bottom. Philip's hands moved down Mara's back until they found her bottom. He squeezed it roughly, fondling it and pulling Mara against him. Lydia heard her giggle and swallowed hard.

Suddenly, Philip turned Mara so that her back was to him and pulled her back against him. Lydia's eyes grew wide as she watched Thomas' hands move over Mara's torso. Mara's breasts were full and heavy, and swayed slightly as she moved. Her nipples were brown and were growing increasingly erect as Philip's rough hands teased them. Philip's hands moved lower over Mara's belly and rubbed her thighs. Lydia was amazed at the large patch of dark, thick hair that covered Mara's sex. One of Philip's hands began to rub it gently and Mara smiled and leaned back into him, rubbing her hips against him. She closed her eyes and seemed to lose herself, grinding against him seductively.

All of a sudden, she jerked away from him, turned and yanked the cloth from his waist. Lydia gasped, covering her mouth for fear of being heard. Philip's penis was standing at half mast, throbbing. Mara said something indiscernible, and slowly pushed Philip toward the bed in the corner. guiding him to lay down. Then she took a piece of cloth and tied it over his eyes. He protested mildly, but lay back obediently. Mara reached for the container she'd placed on the table and poured some into her hands. The breeze brought the scent to Lydia. It was an expensive bath oil that Lydia's father had brought her after one of his trips. At first, Lydia was indignant, but she quickly forgot that as she watched Mara move to the bed and take Phillip's cock in her hands.

Lydia couldn't help herself. She silently stole closer to get a better view. Mara's right hand was gently stroking Philip's cock. As she stroked it grew steadily in her hands and became shiny from the oil. Philip sighed deeply and smiled. Soon, his cock was totally erect. Lydia's mouth became dry and her breathing quickened as she watched Mara's hand continue it's steady stroking.

After another minute, Mara let go of Phillip's cock. It stood at attention, straight up, throbbing. Lydia swallowed again, amazed and lustful. Mara reached for the oil again, pouring more on her hands and saying something quietly to Phillip. Lydia watched him take off his blindfold and look lustfully at Mara. She squatted over his legs with his cock in front of her and began to kneed her breasts with her oily hands. Phillip smiled more broadly and watched, his breathing quick. Mara's eyes were closed as she kneaded her full titties. They quickly became shiny, reflecting the candle light like Phillip's still erect cock. She moaned softly as she teased her erect nipples with her oily fingers, and opened her eyes to find Phillip's eyes locked on her breasts. Lydia's breathing was ragged now too, and she felt her pussy growing moist.

Mara leaned forward, saying something softly to Phillip. She took his cock in one hand and began to jack it again. After a moment, she began to rub the tip against her oily breasts. Phillip's breathing was growing more ragged by the second as he fought for control. Mara saw this and slowly quickened the pace of her hand on his engorged shaft. Phillip let out a soft moan and Mara's hand moved even faster. Phillip's hips began to buck, rising off the bed as he fought a losing battle for control. Mara now pulled Phillip's penis toward her and began to rub the head against her slick breasts. As she did, her hand began to fly on his shaft, her thumb teasing the sensitive underside of the head of his penis. Lydia's eyes were dilated and her breathing was ragged as she watched. Phillip moaned loudly now and his hands clinched the bed clothes.

"Mara," he grunted, "Ummm! Marrrraa!!"

Suddenly, he let out a loud groan and Lydia watched with wonder as his engorged cock erupted once, then again, and again, shooting three long strands of cum over Mara's shiny, heaving, breasts. Phillip moaned Mara's name over and over as she continued to jack his cock, milking it in her hand. Soon, her hand and breasts were covered with his cum. Mara smiled as she slowed the tempo of her stroking. Phillip reached up and touched her arm, smiling with pleasure. Lydia was beside herself with desire, fearing that her ragged breathing would betray her.

After a moment, Mara rose, took a cloth from beside the basin, wet it, and began to clean herself. She then went over and cleaned Phillip's shaft, giggling softly as she stroked it clean. Phillip smiled, and then sat up as she finished. Mara turned and set the cloth back on the table as Phillip grabbed her roughly and pulled her back to the bed. She giggled as he began to kiss and fondle her again. Lydia watched as he easily picked Mara up and laid her on the bed. He gently but firmly pinned her down as he kissed her face, her neck and then her lips. He held the kiss, then pulled back slightly and Lydia could tell that their tongues were teasing one another.

Phillip began to kiss down Mara's neck. He moved over her collarbone, and began to kiss and lick down her breasts. Mara sighed with pleasure and put her hands on Phillip's head, closing her eyes and smiling. His lips reached her left nipple and his tongue snaked out and teased it, flicking it and then swirling over it. Mara moaned softly and Phillip's lips closed over the nipple and Lydia imagined that he was sucking it. Mara's mouth opened slightly and her breathing quickened as Phillip sucked her nipple. He moved across to the right one and repeated his actions, fondling and squeezing her soft tits as he did. Mara appeared to be losing herself completely to Phillip's touches, her head lolling to one side, eyes closed, her mouth open and her breathing quick.

Phillip moved down again, kissing over her belly. As he did, he reached quietly for the table and found the container of oil. As his head moved lower, he poured a small amount over Mara's mound. Lydia's throat was so dry, she couldn't swallow and her heart pounded faster as she watched. Mara gasped, but then giggled softly. Phillip continued to kiss and lick, nearly at her hips now. He covered his fingers with the fragrant oil and began to massage Mara's sex with it. She groaned and spread her legs wider. Lydia's nostrils flared as she caught the scent of Mara's arousal mixed with the fragrant oil. Phillip was rubbing steadily over Mara's pussy and it wasn't long until several of his fingers slipped inside her. Mara practically purred, moaning his name and arching her back up to push his fingers deeper. Phillip's fingers found a steady rhythm that Mara matched with her hips. Her breathing was now ragged and quick and her hands moved to cover her breasts, massaging them and pulling on her erect nipples.

Lydia was almost panting and having a hard time keeping her hands off of her own body. Suddenly, Phillip dipped his head and by Mara's reaction, Lydia knew that he had begun to lick her clitoris. Mara let out a long, low moan and arched her back with pleasure.

"Don't stop!" she hissed, "Don't you dare stop!"

Phillip didn't. Lydia watched lustfully as he seemed to bury his head between her thighs and his fingers increased their tempo inside of Mara. Mara's hips were coming of the bed to meet Phillip's touches and her breath was coming in increasingly loud groans of pleasure. Without warning, her body stiffened, her eyes flew open, and her mouth moved, but no sound came out. Then, she inhaled deeply and let out a scream of pleasure, followed by another and another and another. Lydia couldn't help herself any longer and her fingers found her own slit under her dress. It was moist and warm and Lydia moaned softly as she fingered herself, her mind and body filled with lust.

Mara was slowly coming down from her orgasm. Reason battled lust in Lydia's mind. She desperately wanted to pleasure herself right there, but she feared the consequences of that and knew she should get back. So, quietly, she stole away from the window and made her way as quickly and surreptitiously as she could, back to the villa. She stole quietly to the door of the kitchen, keeping the hood of her cloak over her head. She peeked in and was relieved to see Donicus asleep in the same corner she'd seen him in earlier. He was seated on the floor, his cloak hiked up and the same slave girl Lydia had witnessed him with earlier was passed out on his chest. The servant girl was naked and it was obvious that they had given in to exhaustion only after sating their passions. Lydia smiled and stole into the villa. The banquet room had been cleared of everything except a few guests who lay passed out on the floor. She sighed with relief that all seemed quiet, but still moved with caution


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