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Machine Washable

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Femboy undergoes school-mandated automated washing routine.
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"Do you know why I called you in today?"

Alex was lost in his surroundings. He had been summoned here, to the school disciplinarian's office for a vague-sounding 'technological use violation', for what he assumed to be a run-of-the-mill harsh warning and subsequent slap on the wrist, but now that he was here, he was having trouble taking in the environment. The room he was in right now, nestled within the highest floor of the Saint Domina's University administrative building, was like any he'd ever seen in an educational institution. It had a high vaulted ceiling, dark wood walls and furnishings, and most notably, a massive arched window situated behind the mahogany desk, painting the imposing administrator seated there in silhouette.

He felt almost like making a break for some garlic and a wooden stake.

"I said, do you know what you're in here for."

He focused more on who he was confronted with. She was a tall woman, with a full, welcoming figure, but with an unmistakable sharpness about her build. Through the silhouette he could make out her wavy, dark auburn hair that extended past her shoulders. He saw a glint off her rectangular glasses as she leaned in slightly to better make known the message she was repeatedly trying to get across. Wait, message? Alex quickly did his best to recall what was said to him and return the appropriate response.

"No, uh...ma'am"

"It's good to see you're still with me, Alex," she sarcastically replied. "As you know, or may have guessed from the nameplate on my desk, I am Rebecca Foster, the head disciplinarian here."

She paused to gauge his response and get a better look at the student she should be soon passing sentence on. He was slim with unmistakably effeminate features, 19 according to the file she had open, and had curly brown hair that stopped just above his wide eyes, which paired sweetly with his pale skin and freckled cheeks. In a word, she thought, 'cute!' His posture said no different. He was sitting rigid on his chair, hands on his knees, his body timidly hunched together. Refreshing herself on the offense that caused today's visit, she knew that she was going to enjoy dealing with this one.

"We are here because you have been found to have committed a violation of this school's technology use policy. Specifically, the stipulation in Article III, section 5, about the visiting of sites and material in conflict with Article I, section 12, of our institution's extensive Morality Code."

Alex's mind blanched.

"Oh god. Was she talking about the porn? Wait, does this mean that they could see what I was reading? Oh shit, that's exactly what she's talking about. She knows!", thought Alex to himself.

The knowledge of having his various turnons shared with parties outside himself and the mighty Google sent primal dread through his body.

"Now, as you surely know, such offenses are punishable by expulsion, though alternative punishments and remedies can be used if I deem it appropriate. We take the matter of a dirty mind quite seriously here," Rebecca explained. "Thankfully for you, I am reluctant to jump straight to expulsion for a first offense. Furthermore, I believe that the cause of a dirty mind is often enough a dirty body, which is why I will give you the option of receiving a full course of supervised cleansing in lieu of, of course, expulsion."

In truth, her own mindset about cleanliness's adjacency to godliness or what have you was far from the real reason she had proposed such an alternate punishment. She had perused the types of content the young boy had been reading within his dorm room, and identified that he would likely enjoy the type of discipline that she had offered, and thanks to her own predilections, she would enjoy prescribing it.

In fact, such an observation was the main reason this hearing was called in the first place. As a university with both students and internet access, countless pornography-related violations were flagged each day, though most would never see any action taken.

"So then, Alex, what is your decision?"

It wasn't really a decision at all, Alex thought. Anything below execution would be a preferable alternative to getting kicked out of school. Though he had no idea what a "supervised cleansing" involved, he knew that he would have to choose it. He also suspected that the terrifying woman across from him knew he'd have to choose it as well.

"I'll take the, uh, second thing."

"Fantastic," Ms. Foster responded, eager to get this show on the road. "Just sign here. This says you consent to the cleansing and anything that may happen during," she stated, as she handed over a sheet of paper and a pen.

Taking the form in hand, Alex noticed that the page was completely blank, save for the dotted line he was expected to sign. With an audible gulp, he quickly scrawled his signature on the line. Just what had he gotten himself into?

Gently, Ms. Foster pulled back the signed sheet, an odd smile emerging behind her glasses.

"So, ma'am, when will this punishment, or, well, whatever, take place" Alex meekly asked.


The smile erupted into a grin as she hastily pressed a button on the underside of the desk. Just beneath Alex, where there was the faintest hint of a rectangular seam in the maroon carpet, a trap door suddenly swung open to reveal a person-sized chute, and tilted Alex's chair (which he just now noticed had its back legs bolted to the floor) forward, pitching him into the abyss below.


Alex tumbled into the pitch-black chute below, quickly landing on a cushioned, smooth surface. His descent was far from over though, as the surface was at an angle, causing him to slide down what he could only assume to be some sort of tunnel. Adjusting himself into a marginally-more comfortable sliding position, he felt a mechanical tug at his shirt. He made the (correct) split-second decision to acquiesce to the grabber's intentions, and let the garment be pulled off over his head. Struggling to make sense of the situation, Alex once again experienced a short drop, this time onto a surface tilting the opposite direction.

Now sliding head-first on his back, he felt a new series of grabbers fasten to his shoes, socks, and pants. With another pull, assisted by his downward slide, the chute deprived him of those garments as well. Now in just his underwear, he felt yet another tug, and in an instant, he was completely disrobed.

As the slide began to level off and slow him down for his ultimate destination, he had but the briefest moment to collect his thoughts and consider his current predicament. How on earth could something like this have existed within the walls of his school? He didn't even believe technology precise enough to strip him so deftly could exist! What's more, if the chute wanted him stripped bare, just what could be waiting for him on the other end?

As his mind raced to brainstorm what kind of things could possibly happen to him next, he felt the obvious presence of fear, sure, but he also felt a sort of...excitement?

But before he could explore that unnerving aspect of his psyche, he saw a bright light coming from the end of the tunnel, and once again felt himself falling once more, this time into the chute's destination.

His fall this time was into a net, which quickly slowed him to a halt, before just as quickly withdrawing into a hole in the ceiling, tumbling him onto the smooth, cool surface below. Finally on terra firma, Alex, dazed, pushed himself up with his hand with his lower body still on the floor, and took a second to take in his surroundings. The white-walled, futuristic chamber was circular, with the floor sloping gently towards the middle. In the center was Alex, surrounded by a circular black seam.

Looking up, he saw the ceiling, which also sloped upwards towards the center. On the ceiling was the portal to the chute he came from, now closed, and a black hatch directly above, also, for the time being, closed.

His attention now landed on the large tinted window facing him. Inside he could make out a female figure in a lab coat, standing menacingly over a set of controls. She had a tight black bun and a slim figure, and her stance was that of a predator face to face with her prey. She pulled a microphone closer to her face and pressed a button on its side.

"Hello, Alex, and welcome to your cleaning. I am Lisa, the hygienist here, and I will oversee your procedure today."

Alex started to voice his confusion but was quickly interrupted by Lisa.

"I'm afraid the washing chamber is soundproof, dear. Any questions or protestations will have to wait until after we're finished."

This was a lie. Though the chamber certainly was soundproof, it was fitted with microphones that allowed the operator to hear perfectly clear anything that was going on inside. Lisa preferred to keep this feature on, as she rather enjoyed the sounds her subjects would make during their cleaning, but she often used the old 'soundproof chamber' excuse in order to head off any bothersome complaints.

Pacified by this explanation, Alex ceased his attempt to communicate with the figure behind the glass.

"Let's get this under way, shall we?" Lisa brought up Alex's file. "It seems you're here for disciplinary purposes, first offense, 'to my discretion?', always nice to see, hmm, recommended by Rebecca herself? Seems you're here for...oh! Well then, I'd say this was an apt recommendation indeed! Judging by the things you're in here for, it would be almost hard to call what's about to happen a 'punishment' at all! You've been quite naughty, haven't you? You seem to be in need of a *deep* cleaning, then. We might even need to go all the way to level three with you!

Alex was concerned, but more than a little curious, at the way she emphasized 'Level Three'.

"Well, let's follow proper procedure and all that junk. We'll start at level one, and then continue from there."

Pressing a button on her controls labeled, expectedly, 'Level 1', a mechanical hum filled the white chamber as the machinery hidden behind within started to life. Alex's stomach sank in his chest.

The hatch above Alex in the center of the room slid open, and thick cuffs on the ends of long, prehensile, mechanical tentacles slithered down and ensnared his wrists and ankles, lifting him up into an 'X' position above the floor.

Next came down some mechanical showerheads on the ends of similar mechanical tentacles, which started to rinse off his body with jets of warm water. Alex, unfamiliar as the situation was, enjoyed the feel of the water pulsing and rinsing his skin. For about half a minute, the sprayers hosed down the boy's suspended body as their target began to relax in his bonds and embrace the experience.

Soon, though, more mechanical appendages joined the fray, these ones tipped with circular brushes that began to gently scrub his body all over. Alex caught the faintest hint of a lemony smell coming from these soapy brushes as they glid across every inch of his taut skin, him twitching in his restraints as the machine paid careful attention to his thighs, his buttocks, and even, just for a moment, his crack and cock.

Suddenly, the brushes withdrew, and Alex felt himself, strangely enough, wanting more. The showerheads kept going long enough for him to be nice and rinsed off, and then they too deactivated and returned from whence they came. Alex simply hung there, sopping wet, and awaited whatever would be next. The intercom crackled to life once more.

"Well, that was level one," Lisa addressed him. "What's this, you almost look like you want some more! Luckily for you, I am far from satisfied with the extent of your cleanliness, and we will be proceeding to level two."

Pressing another button, the machine returned to life, and Alex wondered just what it would do next.

More sprayers descended, and began spraying a foamy solution onto his awaiting body. Lisa always thought that her subjects looked rather like a snowman at this stage in the process. Next, the brushes returned, only larger this time, and pressed onto Alex with more force. He found his suspended body being pushed around by the vigorous scrubbers, arching his back to reflexively get away from the assault.

After a few minutes of this power-washing, the appendages again slithered away, and Alex felt himself being lowered by the restraints, and noticed the floor below him had opened, revealing a pool below.

As he was dipped into the hot, relaxing bath, his arm and ankle cuffs were replaced by a thick padded collar around his neck that kept his head above water, and his body firmly centered within the pool.

The structure of this bath was rather unconventional. Rather than being constructed for one to sit or lay in, it was intended to be used in a vertical position. Its walls were square and narrow, all four only about a meter and a half wide, but it was quite deep, enough so that any adult human, head above the water, could not easily make purchase with their feet on its bottom. Furthermore, rather than the ceramic that coated the rest of this infernal chamber, the walls were instead massive rectangular brushes covered with soft bristles.

As soon as their subject was fully submerged and in position, the bathing pool started to life. The wall-brushes began to vibrate and excrete soap through hidden holes, and the water soon became frothy with sweet-smelling foam. Next, the fluffy walls began to close in and smush against Alex in pairs, first the two in front and back, then the two at his sides, alternating as their squishing motion accelerated.

Alex was soon being buffeted from all sides by the gargantuan washing implements, feeling the whole of his body being soaped and scrubbed at once. The soft bristles, animated by the vibrations of the devices, would press and caress his skin, and he found the sensation unbelievably pleasant.

The rapid motion of the wall-brushes also had the effect of causing bursts of bubbly water to splash up and everywhere as they pressed inwards, splashes of water spurting up from the pool as the machine operated. This, perhaps, was one of Lisa's most enjoyed sights, and so she had configured the device to linger on this stage a little longer than the manufacturer's default.

After about a minute of this, the wall-brushes retreated to their original positions, and Alex felt the arm and leg cuffs reattach, yanking him out of the pleasantly hot water. He felt, appropriately, like he had been through the wringer. Hanging there, freshly cleaned and absolutely exhausted, the machine seemed to be giving Alex a minute to catch his breath. But such a rest was not to be very long. Lisa's voice returned to the speaker once more.

"Honey, I'm afraid I have bad news. Though I'm sure what just happened must have seemed like a lot, unfortunately, I'm not yet assured that you have learned your lesson. I think we'll have to go on to Level Three."

Lisa again pressed a foreboding button on her console, and the washing chamber duly restarted up. Nozzles extended from above and began coating the entirety of Alex's body below the neck, especially his genitals, with a strange, slightly acrid-smelling cream. His skin began to tingle as the cream did whatever it was meant to do, and though he found the experience discomforting, his bonds prevented him from taking any action to change it.

While the tingly cream was working away on his body, three more tentacular appendages emerged and positioned themselves near to Alex's head. Two of the appendages, fitted with hemispherical cups, popped over his ears like alien headphones, and began to fill up with water. Once both cups and the student's ears were full, small probes emerged from within the cups and began administering a deep ear cleaning. The sensation was bizarre and unfamiliar, but strangely soothing.

The final appendage had on its end a simple toothbrush and its purpose was obvious. Alex put up slight resistance to the dental droid's advance, but the brush soon found itself past the boy's lips and set to work. Though its task was simple, this brush took great gusto in fiercely cleaning the boy's mouth and used a very generous amount of toothpaste, puffing out his cheeks with the frothy paste.

Once finished with their tasks, the three appendages withdrew and the machine's attention returned to the cream.

Sensing the cream had sat for long enough and done its magic, more nozzles came down and began to spray firm jets of water all over, rinsing away the cream and revealing what it had accomplished. Alex was now completely hairless below the neck. Every trace of body hair had been stolen away by the machine, and though he usually tried to keep it fairly short as a matter of his own grooming, he still felt slightly exposed at the revelation of his denuded body. Secretly, he rather enjoyed how he now looked.

The hygienist behind the window was of similar mind in enjoying the young man's newly hairless body.

Only now did Alex have an inkling that the operator, and logically, manufacturer of this device might have 'ulterior' motives with regard to their users. After all, though the preceding stages were definitely odd, they did seem to serve the goal of a proper cleaning. But depilatory cream? The more he thought, the more he was disturbed by where this procedure seemed to be going, and even more disturbingly, he was actually looking forward to it.

This hypothesis was instantly confirmed with the machine's next move. Once again, the machine deployed brushes, disc-shaped this time, but now, they were singularly focused on Alex's ass and dick, providing, in his opinion, more stimulation than sanitation. The brushes, starting on the extent of his groin and buttocks, tantalizingly crept inwards.

For the first time, Alex was properly aroused, and felt little shame at this fact given that this seemed to be the machine's current purpose. Now fully erect, the disc brushes were spinning firmly against the underside of his penis, his taint, and were running along his hole.

But as soon as he began to develop an erection, the brushes immediately withdrew, leaving Alex unmistakably disappointed and hungry for more. The young, lean student was left there, dripping wet and glistening from his automated washing, wondering just what the woman looking him over from behind the tinted window had in mind now.

In the control booth, the screen was clearly displaying that 'Stage Three' had finished. Lisa was now at a crossroads. The shiny red button labeled 'Extreme' laid invitingly behind its plastic cover, just a flip and a press away from activation. The thorough internal and external cleansing it would inflict went beyond any spectre of professional conduct or respectability. On the one hand, if she went through with this, she risked jeopardizing her position at the school. Though the soon well-and-truly violated student's accusations would be daintily covered up by her superiors, she might not continue to have the privilege to administer these cleansing treatments.

On the other hand, though, deciding to end it here would deprive her of the best part of the show, and leave both her and potentially the sultry boy in front of her wholly unsatisfied. Not to mention, it would deprive her of a valuable opportunity to gather certain important data for Alex's file. Why else would he have been referred to her, if not because someone noticed a certain promise in him?

Looking quickly from the quivering Alex, to his file, to the nice shiny button, Lisa searched desperately for evidence that would point towards the more fun course of action. And as she glanced once more at his file, she saw a telltale sentence that sealed his fate, written by the head disciplinarian herself.

"I encourage you to decide the levels of cleaning to your discretion."

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