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Madi's Exhibit

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Madison visits an art exhibit where she's the main attraction.
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It was a suspicious text.

"Drop whatever you're doing and come see the new exhibit! Dress up nice..."

Suspicious indeed...

Madison drove towards the museum, following her girlfriends instructions. It had closed hours ago. The parking lot was empty.

"Be sure you check out the Welcome Screen on your way in..."

What the hell is Emily up to...

The huge video screen outside the museum displayed the exhibits coming to town soon. The Frida Kahlo exhibit... a science camp starting up in the summer... "Happy Birthday Madison! I love you!!" Madison slammed the breaks. Emily must've made that little sign for her! How sweet! The words were layed over an image of Madison smiling. She remembered that photo because her hair was on-point that day... that photo... When had she sent that?

Suddenly, her face flushed bright red.

She definitely remembered THAT photo! The big bright image on the screen in front of her was her own smiling face; but it was cut off at her belly button. Emily had cropped the original photo, because if she hadn't, any one driving down the street would see Madison lifting her dress just enough to prove she wasn't wearing underwear.

Madison hunched down in her seat, searching to see if anyone was around to see the photo. That was supposed to be a private picture just for Emily!... she studied the image farther. Her lack-of panties were perfectly cropped out. Anyone looking from the street would have no reason to think that it was any more than a sweet smile at the camera.

But Madison knew. And Emily knew that Madison knew!

Her phone buzzed.

"You like it?? Then you'll looooove the changes I've made to the rest of the exhibit! Come to the door"

Madison didn't know what to think as she parked and walked through the abandoned parking lot. Emily and her team of nerds had been hired to program an interactive exhibit at a local museum. The building was packed with monitors that she programmed to display art or videos, or whatever the show needed. Madisons heart fluttered wildly in her chest, wondering what her crafty girlfriend was up to... they'd recently been exploring some new sexual ground; mostly involving Madison sending her lots of compromising photos. Including the bright photo displayed on Main St.!

Emily waved through the glass door. She was dressed beautifully. Short hair done-up and a sharp looking suit; the outfit she'd bought for the premier of the exhibit next weekend.

"Happy Birthday Madi!"

"What... is that??" she pointed accusingly at the big screen, with the big secretly-obscene photo of herself..

Emily ignored the question, and pulled Madison into her arms for a kiss.

Madison gave into the embrace... but only for a moment.

"What. Is. That."

"It's just the beginning." She pulled Madison inside and locked the deadbolt.

Madison was in a daze as her girlfriend poured her a tall, elegant flute of champagne. Her favorite champagne, of course. Emily had an eye for details.

Emily scrolled through screens on a digital tablet. It was the one she used to rework parts of the show's programming. Suddenly, the lights in the hallway dimmed, spotlighting a path for Madison to walk down. The click of her high heels echoed down the long, empty corridor.

"So the show's not about Frida tonight?"

"Someone else. I finally finished the control set up for every screen in the museum... but I decided to make a NEW show to test out the system." Madison's stomach churned. She'd been there and seen Emily and her nerds setting up dozens of screens and speakers throughout the museum.

She approached the first exhibit. A wall with several large screens. Every other time she'd seen those monitors, they were cycling through artwork by Frida Kahlo. But tonight, it was allllll Madison...

The theme of this particular room, seemed to be photos Madison had sent Emily while trying on clothes in dressing rooms.

Her eyes passed from screen to screen. Briefly she saw herself, taking a selfie in a dressing room with new jeans. Then a tiny swimsuit that barely clung to her big chest. Then a comically tight, short dress that showed the bottom of her cheeks. She looked around the huge room. Next weekend hundreds of people would be passing through this room. And now the center piece was a collage of her in every color, running the entire modesty spectrum. One second she'd be showing off a funny gas station hat with a plastic fish jumping out of it. Then the image would fade into Madison touching herself in the changing room with the curtain slightly open.

This was crazy. It was too much.

Part of her wanted to scream, break every monitor in the museum and burn it to the ground with Emily inside. Salt the ground the fire left behind, and never speak her name again... But she couldn't lie to herself, part of her was way too into this.

She must've spent 10 straight minutes, eyes darting from screen to screen. A selfie with her nipples under a see-through top. A scarf that was supposed to be a present to her boss, but she ended up keeping. Her modeling a pair of shoes that intentionally featured a sneaky view up her skirt in the background.

The jump between innocent and playful, to sexy and vulgar was jarring to say the least. She was speechless.

Finally, her attention fell to an awkwardly placed mannequin. She immediately recognized it as one of the mannequins that displayed some of Frida Kahlo's wild, flamboyant dresses. But the dress was gone now. Just an empty mannequin...

"What's that?"

Emily blushed a little, suddenly shy about her own wild ideas. "I thought you'd never ask."

She brandished her tablet like it was a magic trick. She tapped out some commands on the screen again. "I'm glad you wore that particular dress. I remember the first time I saw it."

One by one, all of the screens changed to the same image. Madison modeling the very dress she was wearing now. A photo taken in a dressing room the day she bought it. It was flowy and dark green with a high-waisted skirt.

Emily walked up behind Madison and touched her arm. "I was hoping you could make a donation to the exhibit." She gingerly pushed one of the dress straps off her shoulder.

Madison's heart skipped a beat. She starred at Emily in disbelief... then she kissed her lips. Then her neck.

Emily was playing this trick off, trying to look cool and collected. But when Madison drew her girlfriend in close, she could feel how tense her neck was. She was just as nervous about making this bold of a move, as Madi was about being on display like this.

Madison pulled herself out of their embrace to catch her breath. Without a word, she offered her dress zipper up to Emily.

Emily hung the dress up with care. Madison watched, wearing only a white cotton thong, and some black high heels. She sipped the champagne, imagining how the exhibit would look next weekend. Imagining those crowds with her now, watching and admiring her dressing room photography skills.

Would she get Emily in trouble if she tried to show up dressed like this next weekend?

"What do you think the artist was trying to convey in this piece?" She asked Emily, trying her best to sound like a serious art credit.

Emily turned and beheld the collage of nudity for a while before answering. "I think the photographer... needs something. She needs it bad. You can see in the way she captures the eyes here, it's like she's daring the viewer... to come into the changing room with her."

Madison swayed slowly towards Emily, heels clicking on the tile. She wrapped her bare arms around her girlfriend and kissed her hard.

Emily broke off the kiss for a question. "Do you remember Frida's chair?"

Madison definitely remembered the chair. Part of the exhibit was a real arm chair that Frida Kahlo once owned. It was featured in the background of one of her paintings. A few days after the antique arrived at the museum, Madison and Emily had... fooled around on it. Not her classiest move. It was a beloved piece of art history... But she liked to think Frida would've approved of their wild evening. Surely that chair had seen worse. Ever since that night, seeing the innocent looking furniture sitting behind the velvet curtains would would send her mind racing.

"I remember."

"Let's pay it another visit." She led Madison farther into the museum.

Madison stumbled a little in her heels. She caught herself on Emily, accidentally splashing her chilled champagne on her naked chest. She half-squealed/half-moaned at the sudden cold. She slipped a little on the champagne mess.

"We'll clean it up later." Emily said, effortlessly refilling her glass all the way to the top.

Her mind was a mess. Half drunk on the booze, half on adrenaline. Her heart hurt in the most exciting way, beating out her chest with nervous energy. She felt a slight wetness on her tiny underwear. Surely that was spilled champagne.

They entered the next exhibit on the tour. Madison immediately saw the bright yellow chair. She also saw a few TV screens facing it. As she approached, she recognized the video that was playing on one.

It was security footage of THEM the night the chair arrived! Madison gasped at the very graphic video. "You didn't tell me you were filming that!"

Emily motioned to a security camera in the corner of the room, a little embarrassed. "That was an accident, actually... But since the cameras were rolling... we might as well enjoy it."

Madison turned back to the big screen. Watching herself; face buried in Emily's lap. In the video, Emily sat in the chair, holding Madison by the hair to keep her mouth in place between her legs.

Emily moved behind Madison, not wanting to obstruct her view. "You were crazy that night." She pushed Madison into Frida's chair.

"I get wild when I drink." She said as she tossed back the rest of her glass of champagne.

With a smile, she moved her head down and began to kiss Madison through her panties.

Madison kept looking between her girlfriend pleasuring her... and the video of her pleasuring her girlfriend. Only then did she notice the other screens in front of her. They were video feeds of her, right this instant! She looked up and saw 3 different cameras all filming them from different angles! It was surreal seeing herself life this.

She moaned as Emily finally moved her panties to the side. She fought her instinct to close her eyes. She wanted to see all of it. See every breath. She watched the video of herself: face buried in Emily, one hand busy fingering herself. She looked at a side view of herself right now, her breasts spotlighted by the museum lights. Then down at Emily in real life, her chin already glistening from how wet Madison was getting.

She allowed herself a moment to look out passed the velvet ropes in the room. She imagined the silhouettes of art enthusiasts, dressed in formal dinner wear, watching her lewd show. She moaned, hearing the echoes throughout the building. Imagining how full the halls were soon going to be. Oh god, she was already treading dangerously close to an orgasm!

"Can you play other videos? Off of your tablet?"

Emily paused. Her eye's met Madison's. She nodded. "Any requests?"

"Play your favorite one."

She leaned over and grabbed the tablet. "I don't know about favorite, but this one... is particularly good."

With Emily distracted with finding a video, Madison's hand drifted down to her panties, which were now soaked. She began to touch herself as the video started.

Madison recognized it immediately. It was a video from one of her online classes. A large grid of students on web cams filled the screen.

She had recorded that a few weeks ago. Emily had been in a persistent mood that morning, and Madison's online biology class wasn't going to get in her way. Emily made her keep the camera running, while she had her way with Madison under the desk. She also made her record it, so she could see how well she held her moans.

Madison writhed in Frida's Chair, her eyes fixated on the screen. She watched her own face trying not to betray her pleasure. She watched herself on the verge of orgasm in the middle of an online class. Remembering how desperately she tried to keep a straight face. As she watched now, she knew she hadn't done as good a job as she had though. Anyone paying attention to her would've definitely suspected.

Her hands moved on their own. She had completely forgot where she was; all she knew was how close she was to release.

Suddenly, Emily stopped her hand.

Madison looked up at her, furious.

"I love you... but I can't let you cum all over Frida's chair."

Madison's fury turned into a pout. "But... it won't be too much."

Emily stared at her, unconvinced. She stood up and pulled Madison with her.

"Save it for the rest of the show." She brought Madison's soaked fingers up to her mouth to clean them. Madison moaned at the sight, trying to get the words out to protest. "But-... but." Emily shut her down with a deep kiss. Madison could taste herself all over Emily's mouth. She was a little shocked at how wet Emily's face was... She definitely would have ruined that chair.

Madison's head was foggy. Her mind was in a million places at once. She watched herself on the live feed video, struggling to keep her balance in her black high heels.

She looked down at Frida's chair. Uh oh... That tiny wet spot definitely wasn't there before. Oops. She covertly moved Emily so she wouldn't see the spot.

Emily led the way to the next adventure. Madison leaned into Emily a little more. She was definitely feeling the champagne.


The girls froze... Was that the front doors?

"Police!... Anyone in there?!"

Oh shit... Emily furiously scrolled through menu screens, finally pulling up the camera feed for the front door.

"Why are the cops here??"

"We must have set off an alarm. I'll go talk to them." She started jogging towards the door. "My gym bags in my office!"

Madison suddenly felt more naked than she had all night. Luckily, her office door was just around the corner. She moved as fast as her high heels could take her. She had already closed and locked the door, before she gathered her wits enough to take off the shoes. She must've looked ridiculous making a getaway in heels.

The gym bag was easy to find on Emily's desk. She tore though it, and came up with a pair of Emily's shorts. She tried to pull them up, even though she knew that would never work. Emily was slim. Her clothes always looked comically small on Madison's much curvier body. She pulled them back down before she tore them in half. The drenched thong would have to do for now.

She found Emily's gym towel, and wrapped it around her shoulders. It smelled like her shampoo... she pulled it in closer.

Her attention wondered to Emily's computer; where she had access to the security cameras. It was easy to pull it up.

She gasped at what she saw.

Two police officers were INSIDE the museum! They were looking at the first exhibit, where she'd left her dress! And Emily was right beside them, showing them around!

All the screens were off. Phew. Thank god she had time to spare her that indignity. She watched the security video, as Emily joked with the officers, putting them at ease like she didn't have a horny, naked woman locked in her office.

Now that Madison felt a little safer behind a locked door... it was a little exciting watching some visitors in her exhibit. Even if the screens weren't on. The adrenaline was wearing off, and reminding Madison how drunk she was.

She looked at her girlfriend's hands, as they held the tablet. How easy it would be for her to fire up the show for them... She wondered if she could control the screens from the computer. What would Emily do if she figured out how to turn the screens on herself?...

That silly fantasy was cut short when Madison saw a blinking red security warning in the corner of the screen. It read: "Office #5 Window Open."

Office #5 was Emily's office... the one she was in now. The security alarm was set off in here??

She looked to the window at the far side of the room.

It was open.

Five sets of eyes looked back at her.

A family of raccoons stood in and around the open window, one with a half-eaten apple core from the trash.

I guess it wasn't us that set off the alarm.


The biggest raccoon in the bunch jumped to the floor and move closer to her, hair raised.

"AHHH!!!!" Madison screamed. Loud. She tripped over a coffee table making her way back to the door. She desperately tried to unlock the door as the hissing grew closer.


Finally she got through. She slammed the door. As the echoes faded, she could still hear their horrible little claws skittering on the ground in the office.

"Madison!! Baby, we're coming!" Emily called to her, from the other side of the museum. Then she heard the footsteps. Heavy cop-boots.

Shit. They must've heard her screams.

Her situation suddenly dawned on her. She had dropped the towel while she fled. Now only a soaking wet g-sting hid her modesty. Her 'saviors' were only seconds away from catching up to her.

She ducked behind a soda machine, just as they rounded the corner.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! There's raccoons!" All three stopped, suddenly very confused. Only Madison's head and one arm poked out as she motioned wildly towards the office door. "Your fucking office is full of raccoons! They set off the- the window alarm!"

One of the officers spoke up. "Ma'am are you OK?"

"I'm fine! I'm with her! I was in the office, and-"


Suddenly Madison heard a rustling right behind her. She whirled to see another goddamn raccoon. Head popping out of a trash can. Right next to her.

She screamed and jumped away from the beast, stumbling again, and sprawling out on the ground in front of everybody.

Emily moved to help her, but Madison was already running down the hall, bare feet slapping against the tile.

She ran towards Frida's chair and the cameras. Only then did she realize that Emily hadn't thought to turn this little exhibit off. On the main screen, she saw herself provocatively grinding on her pillow, moaning as she looked right into the camera. Right at herself, in this embarrassing situation.

Then things got worse.

In her panic, she didn't see the spot where she'd spilled the champagne earlier. She slipped again, catching herself on her hands and knees, the back of her g-string facing the officers. She tried to get up, but slipped again on her old mess. How much champagne had she spilled?

She was reduced to crawling on all fours until she had cleared the wetness. Her eyes couldn't help but wonder over to the live camera feed while she did.

She saw herself crawling away from the two cops and her girlfriend. She noticed the look of shock on the younger of the two as he finally noticed her grinding video playing in front of him. No one said a word. They were shook to their core, witnessing Madison stumbling around in her own sexual deviancy.

Finally Madison got to her feet and continued to run down the hall. She didn't even know where. Just, away from the humiliation of making a scene of herself in a soaking wet thong.

She left her girlfriend and the cops to deal with the raccoon infestation...

A small part of her brain couldn't help but wonder if Emily still had those security cameras recording all of that... Emily DID have an eye for details.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

part 2?? ;)

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