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Maggie's Ghostly Torment

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Shy Maggie is tormented by perverted ghosts in public.
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Maggie Hill was your average 18-year-old girl when you first laid eyes on her, in fact, she was probably less than average with the way that she dressed. Baggy hoodies, cargo shorts that came down below her knees, skater shoes, and long tube socks along with her short light brown hair, made her look more like a prepubescent boy, rather than a sexy woman. Under those clothes though, was a body that was just a bit above average.

At five foot, three inches tall, a little bit over a hundred pounds, 32b breasts that were just about a handful, and a tight, round butt she kept well-hidden and a body created by the hard work she put towards her cross-country team. A sport that wasn't her idea at all, but something her mother pushed to help her college resume look better. Though to all of her fellow students, teachers, and even closest friends, she may have well been flat-chested and have an ass as flat as the chalkboard in the front of the class.

3 Days to Halloween

This whole story happened towards the end of the first half of her senior year a few days away from Halloween, everything till then seemed pretty average as well. She went to school, went to track practice after, hung out with her friends, and went home to her cliché white picket home. Her parents were conservative, right-wing Christians, who believed that things like sex were made for the married just to have kids, which is why Maggie dressed the way she did to hide her innocent body from those sex-crazed boys. Although her parents were perfectly ok with her hanging out with her four male friends that she grew up with since they were little, I mean most of them except Matt who moved here about our sophomore year but acted like another big brother to me.

"Mags! Maggie!" screams came down the hall calling out her name.

Probably a good time to properly introduce her friends, first, you had Zach, the guy yelling her name who always had to be the center of attention, 5'10", toned body, short spikey dirty blonde hair, kind of cute, dressed like your typical skater who you thought was broke, but in fact, his parents were loaded. Next, you had Anthony, the emo kid of the group, with your typical mop-top, 5'8", thin, always wearing black, like his soul. Matt was the preppy skater, and she still has no idea why he stayed friends with them, other than maybe they were the first people who were nice to him when he and his parents moved here from England. He was the same height as Zach, but kind of pasty, thinner and had this cliché English accent that made all the girls go wild at school. Finally, you had Carlos, the strong silent of the group, 5'9", short curly hair, nerdy glasses, kind of average in the body, not thin but not fat. He rarely talked, but you could tell he was always thinking about something, but you just never knew what exactly.

"Mags, we hanging out after school and you know," he made the motion of taking a hit from a joint, not very discretely.

"Nah, I think I'll go hang out with my other friends today, can't hog me all to yourself," she rattled back.

"What friends, we're the only friends you have."

She knew he was right; they were the only friends she ever had, has, and probably will ever have.

"Ok, ok, your place as usual?"

"Can't, the parents are having some get-together with friends and have been preparing since yesterday, so no go," Zack smirked some evil grin and she knew this wasn't going to be a good thing, "we could go to that other place."

"You know I hate that place; it gives me the creeps."

"High schoolers used to go there all the time, to smoke, hook up and God knows what else, it'll be fine, it's practically a rite of passage in this town."

"Fine, I'll be there right after practice, don't smoke the whole thing like you assholes did last time," she really didn't like that place.

It was creepy and for good reason, weird things started happening around that place, and it was hard to tell if it was true or not. It was a typical hang-out for seniors to drink and party, eventually, things got a bit harder and some started smoking, doing pot, and then started getting used to guys wanting to hook up. Nothing big until one day, rumor was, that a whole freaking orgy happened in there, a bunch of seniors from our school that you never thought would, suddenly all stripped down and started fucking another. There was no proof, no pictures, no videos, just one guy who bragged to his friends, and in a small town like this, rumors spread like wildfire. No one knew the names of the students that took part, just that something like that happened.

When Maggie got to the locker room to change, she ran into her "best friend" Erica. The cheerleaders were just coming in from their practice, it was the perk of being a cheerleader in this school, they were given last period most days to practice, rather than having to stay after school.

"Hey, Margaret," off to run with your dyke friends?

"Says a bitch who hangs around with a bunch of girls in slutty clothes?"

"Oh Ms. Platt, there's a boy in the girl's locker room!" Erica yelled out before walking out.

Maggie quickly changed, stripping naked in a hurry to get out, then putting on her sports bra, and running shorts which didn't need panties, and to be honest, she didn't like to run with them anyways. An old raggedy white shirt she didn't mind sweating in, ankle socks, and running shoes to complete the look, stuffing her things into a locker, and running out to meet her team. What Maggie didn't know was, as soon as she left to go to the track, Erica snuck back in and went into her locker.

"Ha, I almost thought the little dyke only wore boxers, looks like she has some panties and an actual bra, like a grandmother."

Erica and her friends grabbed her underwear, socks, and with a wicked grin her shirt as well, only leaving her hoodie and shorts behind along with her skater shoes, tossing them in the garbage outside before heading home.

"Awe man that was a hard practice, I think Ms. Platt was trying to kill us, I'm soaked from head to toe in sweat, this shower is going to feel fucking amazing," Natalie yelled out, stripping off like it was nothing and going into the shower, "you joining me magpie?"

"May as well, I can't hang out with the guys smelling like death."

It scared her a bit when Erica called her a dyke, as she looked over at Natalie washing herself without a care, not hiding a single thing, washing every inch of her body. Her parents were against sex as it is, thinking about another girl in any way was a thousand times worse.

"Home to do my homework," snapped her back to reality as Nat walked back out, towel around her shoulders and nothing else.

"I'll just enjoy the warm water a bit longer," thoughts of touching herself ran through her head, although she knew this was the last place to ever do that.

Maggie turned the water off, finally alone, and went to her locker to put on her clothes to head out to see her friends. She reached in to pull out her street clothes, her running clothes smelling awful, and covered in sweat and mud, she found her hoodie and shorts, but couldn't find anything else and began to panic. She thought about using her sports bra and shirt, but they just smelled so awful and after such another run-in with Erica, she really needed to get smoked out, so she did the only thing she could think of. She sucked it up, put on the hoodie, shorts, and shoes, threw her running clothes in her bag, and headed out. The hoodie was thick enough to not show it was the only thing she was wearing and her shorts were baggie enough that no one could tell she was going commando, so maybe it would be all fine?

As she ran out to get to her bike to meet up with her friends, she passed Erica and her friends who cheered as Erica screamed, "looking good Maggie, nice to see you dressed lightly for once!"

Fucking bitch, she thought to herself, but at this point, there was really nothing that she could do that would draw more attention to herself and her body of all things. So, with a deep breath, Maggie got on her bike and headed off. The sudden lack of clothes was making her uncomfortable, with every look from a passerby, she couldn't stop thinking that they could tell. As she biked, the wind felt like it was going right through her hoodie and traveling up the leg holes of her shorts, caressing parts of herself that she did on the rare occasions when her horniness was too much to handle.

With every thought, every second moving forward, her body began to become more and more sensitive, she could feel her nipples harden and rub up against the inner fabric of her hoodie. Leaning forward while peddling, she began to feel the front of the seat start to rub up against her sex, a mixture of firmness from the seat and roughness from the material of her cheap cargo shorts. When she finally got to the spot, the two-mile bike ride felt more like ten miles uphill. Even off of her bike, walking now felt strange to her, with each step felt like her breasts were bouncing like she was on a trampoline, and with her shorts no longer rubbing against her, she felt completely naked from the waist down.

"God I'm so horny, oh no," Maggie looked down to see her nipples were so hard that you could just barely see them through her hoodie and there was a slight damp stain on her shorts, "maybe they're already high, and won't notice..."

The "spot" was an abandoned building that was supposed to be a new restaurant but got scrapped and left mid-construction and no one did anything about it, except use it as a secret hang-out. Maggie walked in and was startled when Zack came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her in a reverse hug, lifting her up off of the ground, arms pushing her breasts up as well as her shorts giving her a full, frontal wedgie. Even worse was now, she thought she could feel her ass rubbing up against his crotch.

Images flooded poor Maggie's mind, such little material between her ass and his cock, was it getting hard, what did it look like, feel like, taste like. Wait taste like, was that what she was thinking about a guy who was like a big brother to her, she immediately struggled free, her hoodie caught on his watch and getting pulled up as she was able to stand on her own feet again, exposing her stomach and almost the bottoms of her bare breasts before she pulled the hem back down, she just hoped now, that no one noticed or saw that she wasn't wearing a shirt or bra.

"Come on Maggie, we saved you some," Matt suddenly snapping her thoughts out of Zack's pants.

"Fine, fine," she took a seat on the old bench next to him, taking a hit and leaning back to relax.

With each hit, she could feel the warmth flood over her body and as she hoped it would take care of her anxiousness and arousal, she could feel herself getting hornier and hornier but at the same time, not caring if anyone would notice. She started to think thoughts she never had before, like actually showing her body to her friends that she's hidden so well, the looks on their faces as they started at her bare skin, their cocks hardening, pulling them out one by one. A strange feeling started to overcome her, a coldness in the room, and the lights were slowly going out till she found herself in complete darkness. She felt like she was floating in a void, numb but she could still hear muffled voices in the background.

"Maggie, what are you..."

"Wow, I never knew..."

"Oh god, is this wrong, should we be..."

"Like that, like that, like..."

When she came to, she was still sitting on the bench, the guys still unconscious, must have had too much and dozed off she thought to herself, and then she looked outside to see it was already dark.

"Oh my god," were the first words that came out of her mouth as she stood up, "was my body this sore before I got here?"

Her whole body was sore, maybe the after-school track practice had finally taken its toll, in her mind, it was the only obvious explanation. Trying to get on her bike, she felt the tightness of her thighs and a sharp pain just from sitting on the seat both front and back. Her hoodie felt like sandpaper on her nipples, but the strangest thing above all was that with each bump she hit, her jaw ached.

Time fly and she was home in no time, although she couldn't remember much of the bike ride home, the only thoughts in her mind were what to say to her parents coming home after dark.

Sirens blared behind her, "hey Maggie, have you seen anything strange on your ride home," it was Officer Bronson, a friend of the family we knew for years, his daughter was on the track team with her.

"Weird how Sir?" she questioned.

"Well, um, I just got some reports of a girl flashing her chest, no real details or anything."

"No Sir, pretty boring ride home, didn't see any girls flashing their chests," her face grew red at the thought of people around town seeing her bare breasts.

"Well, I know it wasn't you, your parents raised such an innocent angel and she was more...endowed, no offense, you'll grow someday darling," those were his last words before driving away.

Wait what, she thought to herself, more endowed? What the hell did he mean by that? She grabbed her boobs through her shirt proving to herself that she had a decent-sized bust.

Bad timing as her mother came out, "Maggie Hill, why are you home so late?!?!"

She slowly lowered her hands in front of her before turning around, "I'm sorry mom, studying went a bit late, and then I got stopped by Officer Bronson asking how we were doing."

"Next time, call, it's dark and I know we live in Pleasantville, but boys around here are still little perves and god knows what they would do with my little angel."

"I'm sorry mom, I'll make sure to call you if it ever happens again."

She quickly walked inside, not making eye contact with her mother, and headed straight to her bedroom, "I should probably take a quick shower, I'm surprised she couldn't smell the pot on me, I must have smoked a ton to make me pass out like that."

She went into her bathroom and stripped, which wasn't that hard with what few articles of clothing she was wearing, what bothered her though was what stared at her in the mirror. Her breasts looked a little red with what looked like scratch marks, maybe she scratched herself a little too hard while she was out. She looked down to see her pussy was red as well and a little puffy, reaching down she spread her lips and some white liquid seeped out of her.

"I guess I've never been this turned on for this long..." was the only explanation she could come up with.

What Maggie didn't notice as she stepped into the shower, were the marks on her lower back and the redness of her ass cheeks. Why would she have looked anyways, it's not like anything happened to her memory that would have caused her concern enough to examine her backside. After a long, hot shower, she felt much better than she did before, and most of the soreness left her body. Putting on some old running shorts and a Ramones shirt, she jumped into bed and went to sleep, even though she had taken such a long...nap we'll call it, she was completely exhausted.

But her dreams were not at all peaceful, flashes of images filled her mind, "Maggie what are you..." it was like she was watching her body moving on her own as she was just a passenger to witness her taking her hoodie off and dropping it onto the ground baring her bare breasts to her best friends.

"Wow, I never knew..." was the only words one said as they all stared, wide-eyed at her naked top, her hands reaching down and undoing her shorts, letting them drop to the ground as well once undone.

"Oh god, is this wrong, should we be..." words that were suddenly silenced as her hands went towards a familiar pair of shorts, unzipping them and pulling a hard cock out.

"Like that, like that, like..." were the last coherent words spoken as she watched her head move back and forth towards his shiny belt, a cock in her mouth, and at that moment, she could almost feel it inside herself, the taste of the skin, the smell of it.

Other images flashed in her mind, taking others, cum flying from them, being laid on her back as a naked form found its way between her spread legs and a hard cock pointing at her virgin pussy. Then made to lean forward and ride this faceless body, a cock revealing itself in front of her face, hands on her waist, and a pain in her ass. Another cock appeared before her and her hands were full, stroking each, switching between sucking from one to another.

Her body, on the other hand, felt like it was floating, a strange coldness came over her like what happened before she passed out and the feeling of the cocks in her mind felt so real that she wondered if she was even dreaming. She felt her orgasm start to build and as she was getting closer, the dream became clearer and more vivid as she looked around, and realized she could now see the faces of the men using her. She looked down to see Zack underneath her, moaning in pleasure. Carlos and Anthony were naked in front of her, looking down and watching intently as she pleasured them with her hands and mouth, which meant only one person could be behind her, fucking her once virgin ass and as she looked back saw a face on him, she never saw before. It was a look of both lust and rage as he savagely fucked her. His right hand let go of her waist and pulled back and with a swift motion came crashing against her ass causing her to wake up in shock.

When she was finally lucid enough, she felt a familiar soreness like she had felt last night accompanied by intense wetness between her legs. She seemed confused, trying to figure out if she had fingered herself in her sleep that she was that turned on, or if this was still from track practice, but why were her ass hurting and her jaw as well. This was crazy, there was no plausible reason in her mind as to what was going on.

2 Days to Halloween

But that didn't matter as she heard her mom yell from the kitchen, "Maggie, you're going to be late for school!"

"Shit," she didn't have time to think, just shower, get dressed, and get going to school as fast as possible.

It was like all the concern she once had waking up was like the dream she had just had, forgotten. Biking to school though, she was so thankful being thoroughly covered, a t-shirt it seemed wasn't as important as the feeling of a bra and panties, and this time she was prepared for Erica's bullshit, she was going to hide an extra pair of underwear in her locker if she decided to pull the same shit she did yesterday.

When Maggie got to school, she saw her friends standing at their usual spot, just inside the doors and off to the side, but there was something weird this time around. An awkward silence kind of came over them, and none of them could seem to make eye contact with her or each other. She wondered if something had happened last night, maybe something was said after she passed out, and all she knew was she had to end the silence.

"Meeting up after school again as usual guys?" she spoke up, all eyes suddenly shooting up on her, Zack blushing as their eyes met.

"Sorry, got a test tomorrow and have to cram," Carlos said and walked away.

"Studying with him, sorry Mags," Anthony said before running after him.

"Parents are upset about me missing their thing last night and want me home directly after school, sorry," Zack didn't run away like the others but went back to not being able to look at Maggie once again.

"Sorry can't either," Matt said, not even bothering to come up with an excuse.

Thankfully the bell rang, breaking up this weird morning, it was almost as if she had entered a whole other world with the way her friends were treating her. But to her locker she went, grabbing her books and shoving in her bald-up underwear, blushing as she didn't think others would be around as she did it and hoped that no one took notice. On her walk to class, she couldn't help but go back to wondering what had gotten into her friends, maybe she said something when she was passed out, or done something, but she just couldn't wrap her brain around it and it was driving her crazy.


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