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Maggie's Tale

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Mother and daughter cuck mom's boyfriend.
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Author's note: This fantasy was requested by a fan. As usual I suspect if one person has the fantasy, others also do.

I want to thank you all for your support. Please keep voting and favoriting. please take the time to leave comments and send feedback. I truly enjoy it. For those of you who usually don't, you should read the comment section, it's entertaining. See that my favorite fan leave the same comments on all my stories.


It was my last meeting of the day. I was really done with the day. It had been busy and I just wanted to head home to my kids. My boyfriend was making us dinner.

The meeting was with a new client. At least the project sounded interesting. Some kind of contract negotiations between an electronics company, the Israeli, and US governments.

The client arrived on time and was shown into my waiting room. I finished up some paperwork and went to greet him. I have admit, when I first saw him I paused unprofessionally. He was hot. My type of hot.

He was 6'3" lean and strong. He looked middle eastern and about 40. He had a dark five o'clock shadow. Dark swarthy skin from generations of living in the desert. He was obviously Israeli. He still looked hard like a soldier. I felt myself start to sweat a little.

I quickly composed myself. His name was David and we sat and talked about the contract. I actually already knew most of what we talked about. I just had to confirm the information I had. It was a routine meeting. Routine except for the fact my mind kept wandering. A few times when I was lost in mild fantasy he'd ask me if everything was ok. Everything was fine, better than fine.

As the meeting came to a close he asked me if I had dinner plans. I almost said no. Even though my children Melissa and Adam were home and probably had dinner ready. I quickly came to my senses and insisted I had to go home to my family. I hoped I sounded convincing.

David said he understood and asked me to meet for lunch in a few days. I rationalized we'd have business to discuss and agreed.

I headed home on the drive I kept thinking about David. He was about 6'3" wide shoulders and a flat stomach. He was dressed in a crisp suit, white shirt, and tie. Nothing wrong with a fantasy or two, we all do it.

It's not like my boyfriend didn't have it going on. 6'2, 220, and handsome. I guess we just all like to think of a stranger once in awhile.

I arrived home and was actually relieved to see my family. My boyfriend Casey was also there. This was what my life was and was supposed to be. I tried to push every thought of David out of my mind and for the most part succeeded. Dinner was great, normal, and enjoyable.

Casey and I sat down in the den to watch tv we both got online to answer emails. I had one from David. I felt guilty just seeing it in my in box. No reason to. Everything was strictly business so far, but I felt guilty.

It was a simple pleasure to meet you and confirmation of what we discussed. Except the last line. "Looking forward to seeing you and working with you on this project." With that line I felt a tingle in my stomach. A little guilt. A little excitement.

That night I practically attacked Casey. He didn't complain. We had a very rich sex life. Part of that sex life included various sexual fantasies we introduced into our bedroom play. This time Casey brought it up.

"God you are so sexy," he said.

"To you," I replied.

"Any guy would love to fuck you," he continued.

David immediately came to mind. I moaned.

"I've seen guys looking at you," he went on. "Think how it would feel to feel another cock in you. I bet you'd look sexy. I'd love to be able to see how sexy you look with a cock in you."

This was a fantasy we played before, but today I had a guy in mind.

"God yes," I moaned. "You can watch me. Another cock ramming in and out of my pussy. You could watch it slide between my lips."

"Mmmmm, watch you cum all over his cock." Casey said.

That was it. With pictures of fucking David in my mind I came with a loud," God yes, fuck me."

Casey's orgasm immediately followed mine. We snuggled for a while. As we did he whispered in my ear. "You'd look hot being fucked."

I sighed snuggled into him and fell asleep.

I arrived in the office the next morning. My partner was there with David. As soon as I saw him I started reviewing what I'd worn to the office and how I looked.

I'm not a raving beauty, but at 42 I hold my own. I was wearing a dress that contoured my 140 lb body with a jacket to give it a professional look. Without the jacket I'd worn the dress for a fancy night out. It wasn't too short but showed enough leg to be interesting. At 5'10 that was more leg than most people showed. I didn't have a lots curves, but with my, past the shoulder, blonde hair, I showed off well.

Assured that I looked ok, I turned to the business at hand. It seems some issues came up from the Israeli end over night that needed to be worked out. I had stuff to do but nothing pressing. I agreed to work on the issue now.

David and I entered the conference room. I took a seat and David sat right next to me. He wanted to review the copy of the contract I had so we were only making changes in one place. Sitting next to me I could smell him. He smelled like I'd imagine a clear desert wind would smell. With his big shoulders it wasn't uncommon for our bodies or legs to touch. I could feel the heat from his body.

Sometimes we would reach to point to the same passage and our hands would touch. Each time I felt a jolt through my body. I actually blushed. I know he noticed me blushing. I think he purposely started touching me just to see me blush. I didn't stop him. In fact I'd play with my hair, brush it back over my ear, and smile at him.

At one point he placed his hand over mine and suggested we take a break. I didn't pull away and agreed. We headed to Starbucks and chatted. I admit there was some flirting going on. More from his side, but I didn't stop it.

"It's a pleasure to work with you Maggie," he said. "Most of the lawyers I meet are nowhere near as attractive as you."

"Oh, so you only want me for my body?" I teased.

"Well, it doesn't hurt," he replied.

"I have a boyfriend you know," I said.

"Oh, will he mind my flirting with his beautiful girl?" he asked.

I thought about it. I should have answered differently. I said, "Probably not."

Looking back, even though I shouldn't have said it, I'm glad I did.

"Well then," he. Smiled. "Allow me to kick it up a notch."

"Oh now I'm just another notch?" I teased.

"Would you like to be?" He replied.

"How many notches are there?" I countered.

We went on like this for an hour, laughing and teasing, and I admit, building sexual tension. I think he or I was touching the other somewhere the whole time. Once, his hand touched the bare skin of my thigh. I wanted to pull my dress up and give him more access. When I finally realized how much time had passed I insisted we get back to the office.

We progressed from coffee to dinner. I didn't lie to Casey. I told him I was going out with a client. Casey asked lots of questions.

The ones he asked the most were about David. Was he attractive? What did he look like? What was he like?

After that Casey started to incorporate David into our fantasy life. In bed he would say things like. Can you imagine fucking David? Fucking a client? What do you think his cock tastes like? I bet you'd look hot with his cock in your mouth. The talk of David almost always made me cum.

I was on a feedback loop. David would flirt with me, I'd go home and Casey would keep David on my mind. Casey would stay at my place twice a week. Other nights we talked on the phone. Casey would always ask about David. I'd see David the next day and think about what Casey said.

I'd have dinner with David twice a week. After about 4 dinners he walked me to my car. As he got there I turned to thank him. He took me in his arms and kissed me. I admit, I kissed back. His hands slid to my ass. I let them roam for a minute and then broke the kiss.

"I have to get home," I said.

As I drove home I replayed the moment in my head. We'd been leading up to this. It was my fault more than his. I'm the one who should have stopped him. What do I tell Casey? Should I tell Casey?

When I got home Casey was there. The kids were upstairs. I kissed Casey hello. He asked me how dinner was. I started crying. I told Casey everything. Not just the kiss. The flirting, what including him in our bedroom play did, the guilt I felt, but also the excitement.

Casey comforted me.

"It's ok Maggie, I'm not mad. Tell me more."

He asked me a lot of questions. How David looked? How did I feel in his arms? What did I picture when I fantasized about him? Was he, Casey, part of any of the fantasies?

I answered all truthfully, even the last one. I did fantasize about Casey watching me as David fucked me. Casey wasn't mad, he wanted more details. I gave them. Eventually Casey made me feel ok with what was happening. That night again , as we had sex, Casey incorporated David.

"I bet he wanted to slide his hand under that dress and feel your sexy ass," he started.

I moaned.

"Imagine him turning you around and pulling up your dress so your exposed ass was pressed up against him," Casey continued.

"His hands sliding around your waist and down to your pussy. Can you imagine him playing with your pussy. You sandwiched between him and your car so no one could see?"

I could imagine it. I came.

One day David expressed interest in meeting my family, We'd been working together enough that my kids had heard his name. I figured I'd invite him for dinner. I invited Casey too. Casey suggested that he might make David uncomfortable and bowed out. I invited David.

I have to admit, the night David was coming over I was nervous. I left work early to prepare dinner and get myself ready. David had only seen me in work clothes. What should I wear at home? Something casual that showed off my figure? What did I have that the kids wouldn't raise their eyebrows about?

Melissa and Adam were old enough to behave properly. There was nothing to worry about there. Melissa was 19 and a slightly smaller version of me. Well she was about 2" shorter and had a curvier ass, but it was obvious she was my daughter. Adm was handsome and about 6'1. He had a great smile and that nice body 18 year olds have. I suggested that this was a work contact and they might want to dress up a bit.

I had dinner prepped and cooking and headed upstairs to shower and dress. I got out of the shower and looked at my clothes. The first thing I chose were bra and panties. There was a zero percent chance David would see them, yet I want for my sexy stuff. I put in a matching lace thong and push-up bra. I laughed at myself and told myself that pretty underwear made me feel confident. I then looked at what I had. I chose a black pencil skirt that had a slit up the side. The skirt came about 2" above the knee and the slit another 4". I added a button down shirt, tucked in. I unbuttoned it to just above the bra line.

I checked myself in the mirror. I looked good. The outfit showed off what curves I had without showing too much.

I headed downstairs to finish dinner. The kids were both there. Adam was wearing a button down shirt and jeans. Perfectly appropriate. Melissa was in a short little casual dress. Again perfectly appropriate, but it showed off her cute figure and long legs a bit more than I wanted. I'd seen this dress before and never cared. Tonight I realized, as proud as I was about how beautiful my daughter was, I did not want David's attention on her.

David arrived about ten minutes later. He looked great and smelled as good. I could tell by the look on Melissa's face that she thought so too. David was friendly and charming as usual. He paid a bit too much attention to Melissa for my tastes but not to the extent anyone not paying attention would think was unusual.

I noticed as Melissa talked to him she was playing with her hair just like I did when I was flirting. The few times he complimented her she blushed. Like, well, like the schoolgirl she was.

Dinner was wonderful. The conversation was thoughtful and flirty. He directed it not just at me, but Melissa too. At one point he said to Adam, "You are very lucky to live with two such beautiful women."

"They're not bad," Adam replied.

"Come on," said David. "I bet your friends are always telling you what a hot mom and sister you have."

"Some," said Adam.

"Just some?" David asked.

Adam laughed. "Ok, ok, they always tell me how hot they are."

"And what do you say?' Asked David

"The truth. They are hot."

David pushed one step further, "Do your friends ever think about fucking them?"

Oh my god, did he just ask that? I should've said something. I didn't. Neither did Melissa. I guess we both wanted to know the answer.

"Yeah, all the time," Adam answered.

"Can't blame them," said David.

"Nope, ya can't," said Adam.

They went on talking about Melissa and I for a few minutes. Kind of like we weren't there. It was making me uncomfortable and horny being talked about like an object.

Melissa, on the other hand, jumped in. "Oh? Your friends think I'm cute? What do they say? She even asked David what he liked about her. She was obviously flirting hard.

Everything went well. After, I offered to walk David out to his car. When we got to his car he swept me up in his arms and kissed me. I liked being scooped up. Casey was tall and so was David. I liked the feeling of strong arms that could handle a girl my size. The kiss was passionate. Funny thing, I thought about what Casey what think if he saw me. That just made me feel more excited. We stood that way, arms around each other, kissing for what seemed like a very long time. I doubt it was a minute.

I pushed David away. Smiling at him I said, "You better go or one of us will be in trouble."

"One of us?" He responded?

I pushed him into his car, kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Good night."

I turned and headed for the house just in time to see Melissa moving away from the window and letting the curtain fall into place. She'd seen me kissing David. What would she think? I had no idea what to say so I did not bring it up, neither did she.

Casey could not wait for details. He called me around 9:30. I was already in bed reliving the evening in my mind. I told Casey all about the evening. He was very interested in David flirting with Melissa and asked a lot of questions, especially about how it made me feel.

Jealous and proud was my honest answer. She was my daughter and I was proud she was attractive and articulate. Jealous that she took attention from me.

Last I told Casey about the kiss. I apologized.

"I'm so sorry," I said. It just happened.

"It's ok," he replied. "Tell me about it."

I started to tell him about how it happened. He wanted to know what I was feeling. I told him how I felt in David's arms. I told him that I thought of him watching me kiss David.

As I told him my fingers slid down to my pussy. This was turning me on. I described the feeling of David's chest against mine. How much I thought he would enjoy watching David and I kiss. Then I told him Melissa saw me. He gave a sharp intake of breath. Something clicked in my head.

"Are you jerking off?" I asked. I wasn't mad, just curious.

"Yes," he admitted.

"Me too," I replied.

We'd had phone sex before. That admission moved the conversation to a different level. Casey took over. Describing a scene where David took me on the hood of his car. Bent me over and entered me from behind. How he had unzipped my skirt and with one movement, pushed it and my panties down to mid thigh. I pictured the cool night air against my ass and thighs. The skirt and panties around my thighs holding my legs so I couldn't spread them further. His cock finding my wet pussy and sliding in.

Then he described him driving up. Realizing what was going on, stopping and watching from a distance. I felt my orgasm start to build. He finished with Melissa watching me from the window.

"Oh fuck yes," I moaned as I came with the thought of being watched by the both of them flashing through my brain.

"You're a fucking pervert," I said jokingly as I caught my breath.

"Me." he teased back. "Who just had her fingers jammed in her pussy?"

"True," I laughed. "I need sleep now. I love you," I said as I hung up the phone.

I laid my head back and again replayed the kiss

My fingers again found my pussy. This time I was bent over the car facing the window. I could see Casey and Melissa looking right at me. Our eyes met. I came, and fell to sleep.

Friday Casey and I had a lunch date. Casey suggested I invite David. I asked David, he seemed excited by the idea.

We met at the restaurant and David and Casey shook hands. They were practically the same size. David's body was harder and skin much darker, but having two handsome men at my disposal was fun.

Lunch started with normal conversation. It was nice. Slowly the conversation turned to me.

"It's great working with such a smart and attractive lawyer," David said to Casey.

"She's the best," Casey replied.

"The best at what?" David asked.

There was innuendo in his voice. Casey heard the double entendre. He could have left it professional, but didn't.

"She's the best at everything," he replIed with the same innuendo.

"I'd love to find out," David said resting his hand on my thigh.

Casey replied, "Never know." Not even mentioning David's hand on my thigh.

The conversation stayed flirty and fun and. I was feeling the heat of these two men talking about me. Not to mention David's hand lightly stroking the bare skin of my thigh. As lunch ended Casey suggested we all have dinner at my house that weekend. We all agreed.

Casey spent Friday night at my place. When the kids weren't around we fuvked like rabbits. Over the kitchen table, on the couch, on the stairs. Each time the conversation would turn to David.

Do you think he'd fuck you on the stairs? Can you imagine his cock sliding into your cunt? I bet you'd be really wet for him. Can you imagine him bending you over this table, exposing your ass and pussy, and fucking you from behind while I watch.

The thought of David fucking me over the table made me cum. What Casey didn't know is a few times it was both he and Melissa I pictured watching. I even pictured Adam and Melissa walking in just as I was about to cum all over David's cock.

Saturday morning I was downstairs in my robe. I saw Melissa as she was heading out the door.

"Oh," I said. "I forgot to mention, David's coming for dinner tonight."

"I know," she replied and turned to leave.

"Wait, you know?" I stammered. "How..what?"

"Oh, he and I texted a few times after dinner the other night," she said.

I started to reply. Before I could, she bounced out the door with a "Bye."

I went back to my room to tell Casey that Melissa was texting David. Casey grabbed me and pulled me to the bed. He got all excited and pulled me on top of him. I guided his cock into my wet pussy.

"Oh," said Casey. "You think he wants to fuck Melissa too?"

"He's not thinking of fucking anyone," I replied, even though as I said it a picture of David, naked, fucking Melissa flashed through my mind.

I felt a wave of heat flush through my body. Casey felt my reaction.

"Oh? You can imagine it. Can't you?" he said. "What a naughty girl you are, picturing your daughter, on her back, fucking a man you work with."

As he said it he pulled my chest towards him, arched his hips, and started fucking me harder. He must have realized this line of fantasy was ok with me. Probably from the fact that I moaned and started grinding on his cock.


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