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Maggie's Wet Dreams Ch. 01

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What virgin sluts dream about when hiding it gets too hard.
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Chapter 1 -- Jacuzzi Jazz

The one hard part of writing as I do is the state that it puts me in. My writing is basically a written recording of a daydream I live out in my mind, that in a way, I actually experience everything I'm writing as I write it. I've experienced every embarrassing exposure, every humiliating task, the shameful uncontrollable lust that develops, and indescribable levels of arousal that manifest. Although I am still a virgin in real life, I can almost feel, every touch, every kiss, every lick, and every thrust the people in my stories do to the main character, which is me.

The whole time, I edge my orgasm as I write, to intensify these emotions and phantom senses, sometimes even doing it in various states of dress and with curtains open to actually feel the fear of possible exposure that my character is experiencing. As you can imagine, writing alone can be very mentally taxing, but add all of these extra stimuli and I sometimes get some added side effects after I finish a piece I write. I'll have dreams, intense, overwhelming dreams that have sometimes cause me to cum in my sleep and a few times recently I have woken up having found my hands still under my pajamas, pleasuring my body, playing with my breasts, and rubbing a very wet pussy.

I decided that I really wanted to share these dreams, so I may experience them over and over again and fill in some details that may have been left out when I dreamt them. This is not the first dream I've had, but it's what caused me to start wanting to write about them. Maybe as I have more time and more dreams, more chapters will come, a possible never-ending book or series of my wet dreams.

I had this dream after finishing a story I wrote about some things that happened at a recent temp job I worked on. It was the night of September 7, 2020. I'm not always going to remember all the dates, but I think it would be interesting that I record when and what may have caused me to have the dream. Anyways, let's start with the typical introduction to a new series.

My name is Maggie Hill, I'm currently 19, 5'3", still thin from doing cross-country in high school and trying to keep it that way, a real tomboy with short dark hair and blue eyes. I usually dress in hoodies and cargo shorts, so no one who knows me really knows what my body looks like. They've never seen my perky B-cups that look much bigger than they are because of my small frame and my tight bubble butt. I grew up in a very conservative, religious family, and maybe it was that repression that caused me to have the sexual desires I have now. Anyways, we live in a small, pleasantville like town that has a few public pool areas and in a few of those, like the one by our house, has a jacuzzi. Now as you can imagine, the tomboy in me usually goes in board shorts and tops that hide my chest pretty well, but this dream was different.

Like most dreams, just appearing where it starts, I was at the local public pool with my parents who were all set on their lounge chairs, my dad sleeping in the sun and my mom reading a book, ignoring the world around her. As I looked down, I noticed I wasn't wearing my usual swim attire, but a black string bikini that showed off much more skin than I was used to and it made me feel very exposed. So, I made my way into the jacuzzi and hit a button to start the water jets to hide my barely covered body. The water circulating around my body starting to turn me on, that's when the thought hit me, I was covered, and although there were people around, no one would notice what was going on under the water with the jets clouding it.

I considered moving my bottoms aside but decided to pull them down my legs to mid-thigh instead. I didn't have the guts to play with my top, even though most of my body was underwater, I was scared that my chest was too close to the surface that someone would notice. I looked over at my parents to see that they weren't paying attention and then around to make sure no one was watching me as I spread my legs, feeling the strings of my bottoms start to tense as I did. Once I felt my legs were wide enough apart, I reached down and ran a finger through my slit and spread my lips to a surprising feeling of water rushing around my clit. A swirl of moving water touching every inch of my pussy.

The feeling making the rest of my body more sensitive, it felt like a thousand tongues licking my skin, dulled around my breasts by my bikini top. That didn't stop my nipples from getting hard, they are one of the most sensitive areas on my body. Out of nowhere a couple of screaming kids ran by scaring me, causing me to close my legs and put an arm over my already covered chest. I was scared of being caught although the fear was adding to my own arousal and making me so sensitive that my whole body was shaking. I laid back resting my head against the side, my ears barely above the water and all I could hear was the jets sloshing the water around.

I knew no one could see what was happening under the water while the jets were on and I tried to keep that confidence as I closed my eyes and began rubbing my clit, trying to block out everything that was going on around me. I hoped that anyone passing by would just see a girl relaxing in a hot jacuzzi. My body felt almost weightless, embraced by the warm water as my fingers ran circles around my sensitive clit, feeling like nothing I had ever felt before. I could feel my orgasm building, I couldn't believe I was doing this out here, around so many people, so publicly, the thought of almost getting caught was turning me on so much. I heard a splash but figured it was just kids playing in the pool nearby and tried to ignore it when I suddenly heard a voice.

"You looked so relax, I thought I would join you."

I looked up shocked, my arm back over my chest, legs together tightly, feeling so exposed with a strange man sitting so close to me as I was masturbating. I finally got the courage to look at him and what I saw was a man in his mid 40's, short black and white hair, in shape from what I could see that was above the waterline. I blushed, remembering I was still practically naked from the waist down and thought I should probably fix that just in case, being so close, he would realize that my bottoms were around my thighs. I reached down to pull them up, but I couldn't find them, all I felt was bare leg and started to panic.

"Did you lose something?" he said with a smug smile on his face.

He brought his hand just barely above the water and I saw my bikini bottoms in his hand. I went to try to grab them as he dropped his hand back under the water and away from me, unable to get them.

"Probably shouldn't have been doing something so naughty in such a public place."

"Shhhh, not so loud," I whispered sternly at him.

"Afraid mommy and daddy might find out the truth about their little girl?"

"Please, can I please just have them back, I promise I'll never do this ever again."

He had me, I went from feeling confident and secure to now half-naked with a very small top on and a stranger having complete control over me.

"You can have them back, but first I need you to take a little seat and be a good girl."

I didn't have much choice and sat to his left, so embarrassed that all I could do was look down at the water, feeling nothing but shame like a child that just got into trouble. My arms hugged my chest and I closed my legs together while sitting next to an older man that I didn't know.

"So, what's your name, I'm Ken by the way."

"Maggie, I said quietly."

I felt his hand on my thigh and didn't bother to struggle knowing he had all of the control. He began gently squeezing, his finger massaging my leg, traveling up and down from my knee to my hip. This was the first time anyone else had really touched me. I never had a boyfriend before or any boy really interested in me that way, well none that got me interested either, it was a first.

"What were you doing Maggie?"

I started to blush, embarrassed, I'd never talked sexually to anyone before, so admitting that I was masturbating was hard, almost impossible. I felt his hand start to squeeze tighter, as his way of forcing me to answer.

"I was, touching, myself."

"I know you were touching yourself," he giggled to himself, "where?"

"Down there," I didn't know why it was so hard to say it, like the ultimate humiliation was saying something dirty that I was doing to a complete stranger.

"Did you finish?"

I shook my head no, unable to say anything else.

"Sorry, that was so rude of me for interrupting, how about you keep going while we keep talking."

"I don't know if I can, I've never done it around anyone before."

"You were just doing it around all of the people here, and your parents."

"I mean, I've never done it around someone so close with them knowing."

"Oh, so you've done this before?"

I shook my head again, no. At the same time, I was getting turned on. Something about his tone and the questions was stirring something inside of me, something I had never felt before. His hand was starting to move further between my legs and slowly up towards my pussy. I tried to stay calm, but when I felt his hand graze my pussy, I gasped and instinctively tried to stop him. He was now the first man to ever touch me like that and still was as his pinky was now pressing into my slit.

"Either you can do it, or I can," he whispered into my ear.

"Mmph," I couldn't keep my moan quiet as he moved his finger around exploring my pussy, "I'll do it, please, I'll do it."

He took my hand that was holding his and moved it between my legs, pressing my fingers into my own slit, "good girl, now close your eyes and continue what you were doing before."

I did exactly what he said, closed my eyes, spread my legs, and started rubbing my clit again, almost trying to pretend like he wasn't there, but I couldn't, as I felt his hand start slowly stroking my back. I tried to block it out, only focusing on my fingers and the warm current of water around me but then felt his leg brush up against mine. Strangely, the contact was turning me on, even more, knowing he was right there, watching me, touching me while I did something so private was sending me over an edge I didn't know existed.

"Mmmm, mmmm," I started to moan hoping the sound of the jets and the water was masking it, my fingers started rubbing faster and harder as I felt his leg wrap around mine, playing footsie with me, his thumb pressing into the small of my back. A spot that I only felt when I orgasmed as my back would arch and my toes curled and I would feel pressure on the exact spot he was pressing on.

"Are you going to finally cum my little slut?"

"Yes, mmm, yes I am," not even denying what he had just called me.

"Do you want me to stop touching you and let you orgasm?"

"No, please, mmm, please don't, please don't stop, don't stop what you are doing."

I was going to cum, I was so close and it was getting hard to keep quiet. I felt his hand go under my butt and gently lift me and move me towards my left. I didn't know what he was trying to do until I felt a water jet start hitting my hip and I looked at him confused and concerned. Then I felt the pressure start to move towards my back and just when I thought my confusion was starting to kill my arousal, I felt the it hit my back and the water circulating its way under my butt and up under my pussy.

"Hold on tight," he pushed on my back leaning me forward with one hand and raising me up higher with the other until my pussy was directly in front of the jet and it almost felt like water was rushing inside of me.

I put my hands over my mouth as I felt my orgasm exploding, doing my best not to scream as the pleasure took me over. The feeling was so intense as the water felt like it was fucking me, now even more sensitive from the orgasm. He moved/floated me back to where I was and I took the moment to enjoy the release I had just experienced, floating a few inches above the seat, feeling weightless.

I felt Ken moving around behind me as my chest started to come above the water and I looked down shocked to see my bare breasts and immediately sat back down to hide, till only my head was above water, my hands covering my bare breasts. When did he? How long had I been, how long had I been completely naked?!?!

He looked at me with that smug look that now I was learning to hate, "my turn," the right side of his mouth curling into a wicked grin.

"I don't, I don't know what you mean," I said with my legs now crossed and my arms hugging my naked chest.

"It's only polite since I helped you, you should return the favor," he said with air quotes, holding my top up over the water as he did it.

"I've never though, I wouldn't know what to do," that was a lie, I've seen enough porn videos to know, but the arousal now gone and all I felt now was nothing but embarrassment and exposure, and I wasn't going to jack off some stranger I just met.

"I guess I'll just have to go then, good luck walking around in that birthday suit," he pretended to get up, showing off the massive tent he pitched in his bathing suit, tucking my bikini into his pocket.

"Please! Don't go, you can't leave me like this," I caught my voice before I alerted anyone close by.

He sat back down smiling, wrapping an arm around me to bring me closer.

"Here, let me help you out again," I saw him reach down under the water and pull out something, then he guided my hand and I gasped feeling the first penis I had ever felt in my life.

"Don't worry it won't bite, it might spit a little though," he wrapped my hand around it and started to move it up and down his long hard shaft, he was using my hand like a toy.

I hated to admit that it felt huge in my hand, really thick and long. I had only heard about men's cocks being so hard, but it felt confusingly soft too at the exact same time, guy's dicks are really confusing. Up and down, picking up speed little by little, as he smiled while watching my face, unknown to me had a look of excitement and lust, biting my lip. Before I knew it, he had let go of my hand and I was stroking him all on my own.

"Everything ok sweetie," my mom said from her chair looking over at me, hopefully just seeing my head from her angle.

"Yes, mom, just talking to this nice man, about...college."

"I'm Ken, by the way, just talking to your little girl about a possible internship at my company, she would be a great fit," he lifted me up to sit on his lap, I worried that more of my chest was showing and my mom would notice.

But that wasn't my biggest worry as I felt his cock between my thighs. Then slide me down as his cock was between my lips and he began rubbing it with the top of his cock, his hands grabbing my breasts as he rocked back and forth rubbing against me harder.

"She did have really great grades in school and all the teachers loved her," my mom responded.

"I bet I know why all the teachers loved you so much," he whispered into my ear, fingers starting to tweak my nipples.

My mother stood up to fix her towel on the chair and lower the back, but before she laid down again, she walked over to us and saw me sitting on Ken's lap.

"Is everything ok sweetie, why are you sitting on his lap?" my mother said concerned.

"Oh, she said she was having some back pain, and I offered to help her out," Ken said leaning me forward, rubbing his thumbs into my back.

"Yeah, mmm, mom, mmm, just a knot in my back that was hurting."

"Oh, that's nice of him, I wish your father would do things like that for me."

My eyes opened wide as I felt the tip of his cock touch my clit. Leaning forward and in front of him, he managed to maneuver it to the entrance of my pussy, the tip starting to slide in. I looked back concerned, he was going to stick his cock into me, into my virgin pussy.

"Seems to be stress on her lower back," I felt his hands move down and grab me by the hips slowly pulling me back, the pressure of his cock starting to slide him further into me.

"Please, I'm a virgin, you can't, and especially not in front of my mother," I turned facing away from my mother whispering back at him.

"Just needs a little pressure, you'll feel a little pinch and it'll be all better," he said, now the tip of his cock pressed against my hymen.

"Please," I couldn't bear to look at my mother, he pushed his thumbs, deep and hard into my back causing it to arch and pulled me by my hips towards him as I felt his hard cock tear my hymen, causing me to make a painful yelp.

"Are you ok sweetie, if your back is really that bad, we can go to the doctor later."

"No," I said through tears, hoping she would just think it was water from the jacuzzi, "it feels a lot better now," I said gritting my teeth trying desperately to keep a poker face as I felt him bottom out, filling me completely, my naked ass now on his lap.

"Well, I'm going to tan my back, don't stay in there too long, the hot water isn't good for you."

My mom laid back down, face down on the lounge chair and away from us, all the while I was biting my lip trying not to cry as I felt his cock fully in me and starting to twitch.

"You have a hot mommy, now I know where you get your sexy body from," he whispered in my ear, "and these great tits," he said bring a hand up and squeezing them as he slowly pulled out of me.

He lifted me till nothing was left but the tip and I felt empty without it inside of me, and he began to pull me back down, stretching me again, "and this sexy ass," he whispered as I was now fully sitting on his lap again, completely engulfed by his cock.

"Not to mention, this tight, little pussy I'm going to fill," he said as I felt his cock twitch inside of me causing me to panic.

"No, you can't, please, I'll do anything," I didn't know what anything was, but I couldn't let him cum in me, and I couldn't get away because I was still naked.

"Fine, if you can cum again before I do, I won't cum inside you."

I had never had more than one orgasm in a row, so I wasn't sure if I could, but I really had no other choice. So, I immediately started rubbing my clit again, allowing myself to be turned on by the feeling of him inside me, and then started playing with my sensitive nipples, trying not to care about my surroundings. My whole body was still sensitive from my previous orgasm, and thankfully I felt like it wasn't going to take long to orgasm again. My naked body feeling the water rushing around it helping as well, all the jets felt like they were focused on my pleasure alone, feeling the current over my bare breasts, around my stomach, my legs and even my feet. My whole body was getting stimulated all and for the first time inside as well as outside. When I focused on his hard cock inside of me, it was almost as if I could feel every vein in it throbbing and pulsing, stimulating me in places I had never felt before. Then I felt him start moving in and out of me slowly, bouncing me on his lap.

"Please, I'm trying, mmmm, please, I'm doing my best," I talked between moans and gasps.

"I know, but I didn't say I wouldn't try either and if anything, I'm helping you too."

I hate to admit that he was, the ridges of his cock stimulating my insides, the head hitting the back of my pussy, the thick shaft rubbing my lips and every so often catching my clit every time I pressed my fingers down rubbing it while he thrust into me or pulled out.

"I'm getting close, I hope you are closer before I fill you with some hot, sticky cum," he mocked me.

"Please, I'm so close, please don't cum inside of me."

"Do you need a little help, princess?" he said the magic word that turned me on so much in all of my fantasies, princess.

"Yes, please help me, please help me cum before you do," I said thinking he was going to start rubbing my body, whisper more dirty things in my ear, lick my neck, play with my tits, anything except what he did.


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