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Magic Dress - Petra Act 02

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Coming out, rinsing out, and coming to understand the plot.
5k words

Part 52 of the 82 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/01/2019
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I got back home with my explanation ready, but Mum and Dad had already gone to work, so I got on with the laundry, played on the computer and tried to distract myself. Finally I knew what I had to do. After dinner I switched off the TV (which was on, but no-one was really watching).

"Mum, Dad. I've got something to tell you." Mum smiled and looked expectant. Oh God! She is expecting me to tell her I have a girlfriend. She will be devastated!

Finally I got it out.

"Mum, Dad. I love you, but I'm gay."

"Thank God for that!" said Dad.

Seeing my startled expression, Mum explained.

"He means thank God you've finally told us. We've thought you might be for some time, with you not getting a girlfriend at university, and with the clothes hidden in your bedroom. To be honest, your father wasn't thrilled, but we both love you and want you to be happy in whatever way you can. Are you just having sex generally with men or is there someone in particular?"

I told them it was Mr Harris, my teacher.

Mum pursed her lips and Dad said "I said there was something funny about him. Did he try anything on when you were at school?" and he frowned.

"No, nothing at all," I hurriedly replied. "We didn't even know that we fancied each other until very recently."

"If you're sure," said Mum, not looking convinced "Now you're both old enough you can do what you like. Wait a minute, what about his wife?"

"Oh," I said. "Sorry, he lives with his sister, so I just assumed. She's a lesbian actually."

Dad raised his eyebrows and said "It takes all sorts."

"By the way," I said, "I like to wear women's clothes."

"I knew that," said Mum.


I moved in with Silas and Freda. Mum must have had word with them because they said I could do the laundry and some other household chores while at home. From the day I moved in, I always sat down to pee.

Mum and Dad accepted me in my new relationship and clothes, though I know Dad was not totally happy, and I think Mum had been hoping for grandchildren. They remembered to call me Petra most of the time. Mum got me a handbag, and they have given me gifts such as underwear. Dad said that he was mainly relieved that I was in a stable relationship, so unlikely to get a sexual disease.

There were three things to develop: my sex life, my dressing up and my (as yet lacking) work life.

Our sex life was simple. We both enjoyed wanking and sucking so did a lot of both. We had a big dispenser of lubricant by the bed, which was better than spitting. Each of us was willing to let the other fuck him in the bum, but neither really wanted to do it. As Freda said, it is not compulsory just because you are gay. We each took a delight in the other's coming, sometimes seeing how far we could shoot, or counting the number of pulses. Boys' games, but fun. I had to change the sheets a lot, but that was my job. I was actually pleased that Silas seemed to spurt more and further than me.

After a couple of months, I told him of my silly fancy and he pissed in my mouth. It was disgusting! But I felt a certain sense of triumph and knew that I would be doing it again, though probably not often. I could not really explain it. Perhaps it was because I loved his cock in all conditions including as a pisser, and wanted to share it. We did it in the bathroom because it has vinyl flooring which is easy to mop up and clean. I knelt down in the bath and he put his dear soft cock in my mouth and he tried to just piss a little. But this is difficult, so I always got more than I wanted, and often did not manage to swallow it all. Afterwards I rushed to the sink to rinse my mouth. Silly, really.

I tried lying down in the bath and Silas pissed all over me, but that did not do anything for either of us. The best was when I sucked him off and held him in my mouth until he said he needed to pee, just as on the first occasion. Mostly I let him go, but when it felt right, I stayed there. We put a protective sheet on the mattress. It happened about every month or so.

When Silas told Freda, she was helpless with laughter. She told Violet who in turn demanded to see it. So there we were in the bathroom, me kneeling and being watched by two women struggling to keep a straight face. Silas pissed and I rushed to the sink to wash my mouth out. The two women had open mouths when I turned round. They looked at each other and shook their heads.

However, Violet said she would like to hold a willy for once, and help a boy to do a wee-wee. When he next had a bladder full, Silas stood pointing into the bath and Violet waved it around, giggling with delight. She said she liked how she could feel the pee going through it as well.

Violet did not move in, but visited quite frequently. They made no attempt to be discreet about their activities, leaving their sex toys about and not speaking quietly. Silas said it was actually a joy to him to hear his sister having pleasure, and I did not mind as I liked her a lot. And Violet as well, come to think of it.

My dressing up became normal. Freda taught me how to put on makeup, and how to walk in high heels. When my hair had grown long enough, she took me to a hairdresser to get a nice style. You cannot imagine any woman more modern and independent than Freda. However, she still likes cosmetics and female frippery. She is not dressing to please men, of course, just herself (and to be appreciated by other women).

I only wore male clothes when going to the hated job centre or some kind of jobseeker day to have my CV mis-corrected or be encouraged to respect diversity, and of course to the charity shop. Someone must have had a word, because one day the manager told me I was welcome to come in dressed in female clothes, and I should buy garments openly, with a staff discount.

I wore practical clothes during the day, doing my household chores, but sometimes dressed up in the evening. Freda and Violet quite liked sexy underclothes. I did not have the body for these, but Silas appreciated me in stockings and suspenders, so I did that sometimes. Freda bought me some breast forms to fill the bra naturally, and they made the green dress even more special. I also enjoyed just having them in daily life. Sometimes all four of us went out for an evening, one man and three women. They took me to a bar frequented by the LBGT+ community. It was interesting, but I did not want to go again because of the noise and I did not really like drinking for its own sake. I also realised that I had only been drinking because it was expected of me as a student, so I hardly ever have an alcoholic drink now. Silas and Freda like a glass of wine in the evening, and she keeps a bottle of gin for when Violet visits, but I am happy without.

A special occasion was when Silas's play was finally taken up by a theatre. We had a box and I (of course) wore the special green dress. I was surprised and pleased by the altered denouement in which Silas and Petra actually found love together. The audience seemed to think so too. It was no longer a tragedy. The actress playing 'my' part was superb. She said she was honoured to meet me and to see what she called 'the famous dress'. The acting profession has no problem with cross-dressing or varieties of sexual preferences.

Staying at home most days while the others went out to work, it was natural for me to do the cleaning, laundry, cooking and shopping. I could go to the supermarket without giving it a thought. I was a housewife and a wife to Silas in a traditional politically incorrect way. (The roles we have been taught to despise.) I was not downtrodden: I was very happy. I think there were several reasons. First, obviously, I loved him and wanted to be nice to him when he came home, especially since he had a lot of marking to do in the evenings. I had never really thought how much time must be spent on this, but it was a lot. Secondly, I was more of an introvert, and he was an extrovert, so naturally he led. Quite importantly, we never quite lost the teacher-pupil relationship, and he was my master, this being the term used in a boy's grammar school. (On reflection, calling him Si is a bit like Sir.) He was also older and more knowledgeable, so I automatically acknowledged his superiority in most things without in any way being afraid to give my opinion. Finally, we were both playing roles in a 'happily ever after' sequel to the play, roles which naturally fitted each of us. He liked seeing me in costume, and I liked playing to him. As an extrovert and a producer of plays, he liked costume changes, and I enjoyed dressing to please him. Freda supplied good taste and moderation in choosing clothes, but we got sufficient variety to satisfy both of us.

Silas and I slept naked, but Freda bought me a frilly pink nightdress to wear in the late evening, and we both appreciated it.

Silas is three inches taller than me, which feels just right when we hug and kiss. I only wear quite short high heels. We neither of us have a large cock, but I am pleased that his is about three-quarters of an inch longer and feels a little thicker. It fills my mouth well, without being uncomfortable.


Freda came to see me somewhat apologetic and said that it would soon be her birthday, and she and Silas had a tradition. Now I was his wife, it should probably stop, but I deserved to know about it. It was on his 21st birthday when he was still a virgin and she knew that she would never be in a heterosexual relationship, but was a little curious. They decided to try it once, so she sucked her first (and last) cock and they fucked for the first time in their lives. It seemed natural to do the same on her birthday, so they had been doing this twice a year ever since. Silas had never actually fucked anyone else, woman or man, and had not considered himself gay before that first night with me.

I asked what it meant to them and their love, and she said it was the greatest expression of it, and they had valued it so much. I said I loved them both in different ways and they would do me the greatest favour by continuing.

It seemed she had also asked Violet's permission, because about a month later she was the one who came to see me. It was her birthday soon and she had been thinking. She asked me if I had ever fucked a girl, and I said no. She suggested that if I fucked her on her birthday, it would be a once in a lifetime experience for both of us, so I agreed with curiosity and some trepidation.

I did fuck her, and it was very nice. I thought if I had started with girls I might have continued, but I was glad I had not, because I would have missed the wonderful love I now had.

However, to say "I fucked her" does not fully describe what happened.

It was agreed that I would not have sex the previous day. In the morning we both showered and she sucked my cock. Of course, she was neither as loving nor as expert as my Silas, but it was good. She could not cope with the sperms and pulled it out of her mouth so my final spurts were on her face and hair as she spat. We laughed, of course. She said it was nicer than a dildo because it was warm and human, but she did not like the sperms at all. Still, it was good to know.

Some hours later we were naked in bed together, and she suggested that I do what men normally do and kiss her and fondle her breasts. I had only ever had a feel of girls through clothes, so this was new and very wonderful to me. I felt them. I put my face on them. I sucked them. And she said it was very nice and hugged me to her. She said I could have a feel any time, but I do not.

She said I was not to kiss or finger her pussy, because that is how Freda loved her; only put my cock in. Of course, a condom was required, and neither of us had ever fitted one, so that was also something new. I had no experience of pushing into holes of any sort, whereas she was an experienced dildo user so she guided me in with her hand. I lay on top of her, seeing her pretty face, and feeling her lovely boobs under me, until she said "So start moving, dummy! And take some of the weight off me!"

Obviously, I was very clumsy, but somehow instinct found me thrusting in a natural rhythm and my cock was hard and wanting and I was shooting. It was different from anything I had experienced before, but quite short. I guess we both were thinking 'is that it?' She kissed me and pushed me, so I pulled out. I knelt up and thought she looked beautiful. We both agreed that it had been nice and it was good to find out, but it would not change our lifestyle. We thought we would probably do it again next year.

However, when my birthday approached the others ganged up and said I should also fuck Violet again. She said she did not like the sperms in her mouth, but as she had never wanked a cock, it would be good to take the opportunity. I had to help her with the technique, but she made me shoot, opening her mouth in surprise and then laughing. "That was fun!" she said. "I wouldn't mind doing that again!" I did not know what to say, so said nothing.

Later on, we took Silas's suggestion and I fucked her from behind as she stood bent over the bed. She helped me in again, and I found it much easier to move. I went on longer and it was clearly better for both. "Not bad," she said. "I shall look forward to my next birthday!"

Freda was concerned that I had spent two comings on Violet instead of my husband, but I didn't mind because I got the present I was hoping for. I sucked off Silas three times and he managed to piss a little in my mouth after every one!

Strangely it wasn't disgusting. It was just perfect. The others had been discussing my kink and supposed I would like it on my birthday. Then Violet remembered how strongly coloured Silas's urine had been when she helped him pee in the bath. She said he was probably dehydrated and should drink some more water each day. Having done this for a while his urine was far less concentrated. He had drunk even more water that day, which meant that there was comparatively little taste. In addition, he was able to piss after each coming. With practice, he could now control himself to just piss a little bit. It was exactly what I had been wanting, though I did not know it. I would not say the taste of piss was delicious, but it was quite tolerable with practice and the emotional satisfaction was worth it.

I now understood. I loved his cock, not just in its sexual state but in its role as a soft pisser. It was nice to feel it being used in both of these conditions. It was not the taste or feel of spunk or piss that I desired, it was the action of passing these fluids, and satisfaction that they were going into me.

He said he felt better as well. He also got better and more frequent erections, and his semen was thinner, so he spurted more and further. All of which was good for me. I drank a bit more water too.

Of course, he bravely tried to drink my piss, but really did not like it, and it did nothing for me. However, he peed in my mouth more often in a sort of casual friendly way. When we were in the bathroom together, he might offer it to me, or I would sometimes say "Let me know when you want a pee, dear."

Silas said that if I had enjoyed pushing into a hole, would I like to push into his? I said it had been novel, but his hand and mouth were much better, and best of all, were part of love. I also did not want to feel like a man fucking him. I wanted to be his wife. Would he like to push into my hole?

He said he felt like a man when he fucked his sister, and it was such a privilege to express the deep love he had for her in this way. But he didn't think it would be the same with me, and he was worried about hurting me. I said I was happy for him to feel like a man all the time, because that is how I wanted him to be, so I did not want to fuck him at all. We agreed we would fuck the girls on birthdays for their sakes, but carry on as before.

However, we did try one experiment. We got into the bath when he had a really full bladder, which was making his cock hard, and pushed its tip into my anus. It was strange and funny and messy but quite nice to feel his jet inside me. Obviously, it went on longer than sperming. It wasn't fucking, so we did it again occasionally. I would check with a finger that I was fairly clear (which actually was usually the case) then apply a bit of lubricating jelly. He would just put the tip of the knob in, and let go. It came gushing out. Eventually we got the technique where he was hard enough to push the knob in, and I would hold the liquid in. We would stand there until he flopped out as he lost his erection. We called it a 'rinse-out'. I felt it was nice to be used in this way, and it did not interfere with our lovemaking.


I still did not have a job, when Violet mentioned my GCSE's and the fact that I got an A grade in Chemistry. Of course, I had chosen arts A levels because of my favourite teacher, but Violet thought I could have done science A levels.

Armed with this knowledge, Freda got me an interview for a post as a laboratory assistant where she worked, but not in her lab. It really was basic washing of equipment and keeping stocks, sort of domestic chores for the lab. However, there was care needed for some dangerous and/or expensive chemicals and equipment. (In particular, spelling is crucial. A single letter can change a substance from a fairly benign one to a highly toxic or explosive one. I like spelling. Was this advanced communication skills at last?)

I got the job. Freda must have had a word, because the HR man said that, providing I wore correct footwear, lab coat, eye protection and gloves when required, they did not care what I wore underneath or in the breaks, so I went to work as Petra and had a name badge with that on it. Lab coats could not be worn in the lounge or kitchen so at break and lunch I was in whatever female clothes I wished. (You must not put on makeup in the lab, so no lipstick in your pocket, not even colourless lip grease.)

Freda and I work at the labs of a large manufacturing company. She is something senior in the research labs, while I am in quality control. I was tickled that I had to clean and sometimes help in the lab designated 'Critical Analysis'!

The following September, they put me on day release at a local college to study for chemical laboratory technician status. My registration says 'Peter' but everyone calls me Petra.

Sexually Si and I were gay males, but domestically he was a man and I was his wife. (We were talking about getting married, and I already wore a ring.) Everywhere else I was Petra, just another woman.


It turns out there was a twist to the tale. What I thought was the denouement was not the end. There was still a revelation and a surprise, which came from Freda.

"Si, I don't want to be fucked on my birthday," she announced.

"Why ever not?" he predictably replied.

"I want you to fuck your wife instead. I give my fuck to Petra."

He started to protest about the deep love he had for her, but she cut him short.

"You puddings! You still can't tell what you want! Or is it that you have to have tragic unrequited love? Si is a man. He enjoys fucking me. He enjoys fucking, full stop! Petra is a woman, who obviously wants to be fucked. You are just pretending with your stupid rinse-outs! Go ahead and consummate your marriage, you ninnies!"

"But," he said, but that was all he managed.

"But nothing! Of course you love your sister and I love you! But that was before you found the love of your life. How stupid is it to deny her because it would be unfaithful to your sister? It should be the other way round!"

"The truth is you don't want to be gay. You've gone so far, but you've shied away from the last step, and have been making excuses. But Petra doesn't want to think of herself as a man, and you shouldn't if you love her."


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