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Magician 01: Caught in the Act

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The magic of a good costume.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/23/2023
Created 03/02/2023
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Magician 01: Caught in the Act

The magic of a good costume

Thanks to my editor kenjisato. Also, to LanguageTool. Combined, they put me right. Any problems left all belong to me.

I hit a slow spot, so decided to do something different. This time, I decided to start a collection about magicians.

= = = = = = = = = =

I was born and raised in Vegas. Like many young girls, I aspired to be up in lights, as a dancer. All those sequins, feathers, and skimpy costumes looked perfect to me. Before I could be in the lights, I had to grow up. The wait seemed forever in fourth grade, so my dad suggested I figure out a hobby to bring me to the attention of the ones who made the shows. I think he knew I wouldn't become one, since I was rather short as a kid. Heck, my mom was short, and my older brothers weren't very tall, unlike my dad's towering six foot one.

So, I read comics. There, I fell in love with Zatanna, the lady illusionist who turned out to have real magic. Well, I decided to become a magician, even though I didn't believe in magic. Initially, it was card tricks, because everyone has a deck of cards. But as I mastered more complex tricks, I branched out to other household items. For my twelfth birthday, dad bought me a magic kit, and I was delighted. Within a month, I had mastered the first of twenty tricks. After three months, I had mastered them all.

I convinced my folks to let me perform, so they invited a few friends over, and I performed for them. I was so nervous, that I messed up over half of the tricks, and was so embarrassed, I stopped the show after doing the only ten, and I ran into my bedroom and cried. Later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Alice, can I come in?"

It was my dad. "Leave me alone. I'm a failure."

Through the door, he said, "No you're not. You just weren't ready for an audience. Come, let me in and I'll tell you about my first time performing."


"Yeah, I flubbed it also."

I stopped to think about this, even though tears were still flowing. Then I got up and opened the door before flopping back down on my bed. Dad came in, and sat next to me, put his hand on my back and rubbed my shoulders.

"It's okay. I remember I had to present a paper in school, like you sometimes do, but I couldn't get the words out, even when they were right there on the paper. I felt bad for days after, but my folks told me I just needed to try again."

"You really think so?"

"Don't worry about making mistakes when you are doing something new. Everyone does, and in a crowd this friendly, no one will mind. Why not come back down, and try again. Take it slow, and don't worry about being perfect. You have practiced the tricks a lot, but you also need to practice playing to an audience. Did you do any trick correctly the first time?"

"Well, actually I did. But it was an easy one."

"Most of the time, you had to do it over and over. Well, the same applies here. Why not wash your face, and come back down and start over?"

"Okay, dad."

He left, and a few minutes later, I was trying again. The first thing he said was to take it slow and easy, and not worry. So I tried. I was still nervous, but managed sixteen successful tricks out of twenty. My audience gave me a round of applause, then mom came in with punch and snacks, causing the conversation shift, and I got to sit and listen to how the others enjoyed my show.

We did it again the next month, and it went smoother, with only one failed trick. The month after that, I got them all correct. At this point, dad said I was ready for the small time. I soon learned he meant kids' parties. He said they notice things, but don't care about failure too much, and it will give me good practice.

I kept learning new tricks, and continued to practice at kiddy shows, and got better. But I was also growing up, and puberty hit. I grew a bit, but not enough, and I realized I would be too short to be in lights. Yet, I continued to learn magic tricks. I also hung out at the magic shop to meet other enthusiasts, and spend my money for more tricks. But school ate a lot of time.

When I entered high school, there were a lot more kids than in junior high. Also, the clothing trends were more adult. Nothing improper, usually, but definitely designed to catch the eye. While I was often overlooked due to being short, I wanted to fit in, so, when we went clothes shopping, I pestered mom and dad. I didn't get all I wanted, but I fit in better, fashion wise.

By the time I was in my junior year, I learned the senior girls tended to dress a bit more provocatively, and it was rumored, to lack underwear. However, as skirts had to come below the knee, no one saw anything unless the girl was being bad. I, sometimes, wanted to be a bad girl, but guys didn't notice me since I had little up top. My only hope was that by the time I graduated, I would be tall enough for guys to care about me, and maybe have a bit more up top.

That summer, I got a job as a magician's assistant. Because I was underage, they couldn't get me too sexy an outfit, but that didn't matter because the woman I worked with was catching all the attention on stage. She also taught me the usefulness of distracting with eye candy, because it let other things happen without people noticing. Soon, I was able to synchronize with her antics, to slip cards into special places, move other things about the stage, and even pass her props, all without anyone noticing what I was doing. It was an education in itself, about the usefulness of having a second person on stage.

When summer ended, the job ended, and I had a bunch of money saved up. I blew most of it on more magic tricks, but saved almost a quarter of it for later.

When school started in the fall, I was unexpectedly promoted into a more-noticed social class, because I had performed on stage. A number of the girls wanted to know about everything, and I welcomed telling them. I actually gained several friends from it. However, life is not only working on stage. There were, of course, boys. As seniors, we could get away with dressing a bit sexier, and I did what my friends were doing. I did notice some boys occasionally looking at me that way, but not that often. But as the year went on, I learned the no-panties rumor was true.

With the crowd I was hanging with, what one dared and got away with, the others soon followed. Given the heat of the desert, and the energy conservation measures, no one wanted to wear that much. We couldn't change the skirts or shirts, but beneath that, well, by the spring, the boys knew what we weren't wearing.

When the prom happened, the committee asked me to do a show, and I got all excited about it. While I wanted a boy to ask me out, none did, and I couldn't ask any of the three boys I liked, because I was too scared. So I dove into my act. I went all over the vintage shops to see if I could make a real magic act outfit. I had the outfit from the summer, but I wanted to spice it up. I did manage to get a white bustier, but it was a size too large. I figured I could wear a padded bra to make it fit better. I used a pair of black pants I had, and I was able to use the coat from the summer job.

Prom was a success, and I got my three shows done without a hitch. I also got home a lot earlier, as I didn't have a date to take me someplace private for fooling around. By the time graduation happened, I knew three girls that had to deal with the consequences.

That summer, I worked again for the same lady. A few weeks in, she presented me with a birthday present. I didn't know how she knew it was my eighteenth birthday, but when I opened the gift, it was a sexier outfit for the show. Not as sexy as hers, but a lot better than what I was wearing. She insisted I try it on.

Well, I went into the nearest restroom, and excitedly did just that. I replaced the shirt and skirt, and looked at myself in the mirror. The first thing I checked was if I could see my nipples through the shirt. Nope. So I pulled the shirt a bit tighter, and still no nipples. Good. I wouldn't need to wear a bra with this shirt. I never wore one in summer, but I wasn't sure about the top. For the bottom, I was a bit more concerned. Instead of being above the knee, it was mid-thigh, that is, about four inches higher than the other.

I had gotten used to being naughty, and I was concerned if anyone would see my lack of underwear. Standing still, I was fine. I tried standing with my feet apart. Yep, still okay. Then I tried a twirl. Great. The fabric was heavy enough to keep the mystery. So I rushed out with my previous outfit in my hands, and I twirled for her.

"That looks good on you, Alice."

"Thanks, Patty. I can't wait for the show."

"We have fifteen minutes, so let's go set up in ten minutes."

I liked the new outfit, and when I got my next paycheck, I noted I got more money.

"Hey, Patty. What's up with the extra pay? I like, but why?"

"Well, we're getting a bigger crowd, and that's because of your new outfit."


"Yes. If there is one thing this town should teach you, it is that sex sells."

"Yeah, I know. But me? Sexy?"

"You're no star, yet, but you look sexier than before you changed outfits."

"So you're saying by wearing less, I make more?"

"To a point. Remember, we're out where the general public can see. That limits what we can do. However, if we can do shows indoors, we can both wear sexier outfits. I have one I used to use, but I've been out of the game a few years, but hope to get back in soon. You're welcome to stick with me, as we work well together. There's just one limit for your outfit."

"What's that?"

"Mine must be sexier." She smiled, as she said it.

"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. You do the distraction, while I feed you the tricks."


"So, should I get a sexier outfit?"

"Not yet. We need to show a consistent bigger crowd before someone will take a chance on us. Six months should be enough."

So we continued to do our act. But as summer heated up, I started leaving the top button on my shirt undone, and thought about adjusting the hem on the skirt. After one long, hot July day, I asked, "Patty? It's only July, and already the temperature is as high as last summer. I gotta do something to cool down, or the sweat will soak my shirt."

"I know what you mean, I've been thinking about that, as well. Tell you what, you only have A-cup breasts, so you can get away with a lot more than my D-cups can. If I leave another button open, we'll likely get the wrong kind of official notice. But you can likely open another button, maybe two."

I immediately undid one button, and pulled my shirt away and back a few times to let some air in.

"Um, do you think I could shorten the skirt?"

"Let me see.... Perhaps, but you might be able to replace it with another just like it, but with a lighter material."

"I see. I need to be somewhat prim and proper."

"Heavens, no, Alice. But a shorter skirt would show more leg, and take eyes from me."


The next morning, well before we started, I went shopping, and used some of my increased paycheck to buy a lighter skirt. I made sure it was the same size and everything. I wore it for work. Patty said it looked just the same, and so should not be noticed by anyone. By the end of the week, I was so used to it, I barely noticed that it rose higher when I twirled. Especially as a heat wave came in. I was actually thinking more about the fact, I now had three buttons undone, but Patty reassured me I could get away with it, and it seemed, I did.

We continued through August, and in September, the heat finally started to come down. Not much, but some. I thought about redoing a button, but it was still pretty hot, and I had gotten used to it. Finally, in October, the heat was tolerable, and we didn't have to drink so much water, or deal with so much sweat.

It was in November that Patty got us a gig inside. Only one day a week, but it paid just as well, and didn't make us sweat. In December, they hired a photographer to take portraits, and some shots of the show for posters. That created bigger audiences, and soon, we did three days a week at an increased pay. A few weeks later, I was admiring the posters, when I noticed the angle was just right to barely see one of my nipples. At first, I was embarrassed, but before the night was over, I was aroused. I decided that since I had been doing without three buttons for months now, there was no point to being concerned. On the other hand, one of the photos of us in the act had me twirling, and I realized how close I came to being exposed. After the arousal at my own titillation, I felt showing my vagina would be no big deal for me, but I quickly realized it would be a big deal for others. So I resolved to be a bit more careful when twirling.

Three years later, Patty got an offer. "Alice, I just got accepted. They want me over at the Big Time Arcade."

"That's great. When do we start?"

"I'm afraid there is some bad news. They only want me. It seems your stature doesn't go with 'Big Time' and the oversized things there. While I'm not that tall, I am tall enough, and more importantly, my tits are also."


"I know. But it's too good to pass up."

"What should I do?"

"Well, talk to Jim. They can't replace us on a dime, and you know enough to do your own act. Also, you should change your outfit to something far sexier. Remember, you can get away with more because you have less. Heck, you can even dress like your heroine, Zatanna."

"Oh! I like that idea. What about my stage name?"

"Well, 'Alice's Wonderland' might work, but that needs an outfit that isn't sexy, so it might not."

"How about 'Magic Mary'?"

"That could work. You could even emblazon a pair of stylized 'M's to the outfit."

"That's settled. I better work fast."

"Well, while our contract doesn't require notice, I did request two weeks from Big Time to update my outfit to fit their place. That means you have those same two weeks, and in the meantime, we continue to do the show."

First thing I did was to look up some pictures of Zatanna, and consider how to recreate her look. The biggest problem was that she had big tits. Not as big as Patty, but bigger than me. Than meant she could show cleavage, and I couldn't. However, remembering the bustier I wore before, I thought about getting one which was two sizes larger, that was for a C-cup. It would be obviously too large, but if I didn't wear a bra, then they might see my nipples from the side or above. I got wet just thinking about that. Next, were the shorts she wore. While hot, I needed more than that, so I looked at more pictures, and finally saw one of her in a thong bikini bottom. It rode so high, the sides showed the leg past the hip, yet the front dipped, making it look a little like a boomerang. Then I got some rhinestone fishnet tights. I already had some three-inch black heels. I also bought a short-front tux with tails.

That took three days to find, but more than a week to tailor it. I had to cut the top of the tights off, and sew it to the bottom of the bikini so that it would stay in place. I also trimmed the bustier's bottom line to better match the bikini. This left it so that I was showing a wide strip of skin, that was shaped like a 'V'. My belly button was barely covered, and when I moved, it would pop in and out of sight. Seeing this, I got a rhinestone for my belly button. The only thing left was to get a black wig with shoulder-length hair. I wanted it shorter than the top of the bustier. I demoed the look for Patty, and she loved it.

Patti and I saw Jim after her last performance. She waited for me to change into my Magic Mary outfit, and we knocked on the door.


We did, and waited for his attention, as he was on the phone.

Finally, he hung up, and looked at us. Then he looked me up and down. "Whoa. Someone got sexy."

Patty said, "Jim, I have good news, and bad news."

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What's the bad news."

"I got a better offer, and I'm leaving."

"Shit. What's the good news?"

"Alice, here, already has an act as 'Magic Mary'. That's her outfit."

"Well, she'll sell tickets looking like that, but will she keep 'em coming?"

"I figure, since you can't replace us on a dime, you might as well give her a shot."

"Seeing as I have no choice, really, why not. But no guarantee, and no contract until she's proven."

I said, "I'm willing to take that chance, Jim."

We talked a bit more, and agreed on a per-show rate. It was less than half, but since there was only me to get the pay, it wasn't as bad as I feared. Still, I would need to bring them in. One of the changes I wanted, was to have bright lights on me so all the rhinestones would glitter. He agreed, and so I was now a solo act in the same three-day-a-week slot. I had one day to polish my act, then I would have to perform it.

I came in for rehearsal, and we got the cues set, and prepped for my act. The next day, I did the show, and surprised myself by doing all the tricks perfectly. I went back on and did the later three acts, switching some of the tricks, also perfectly. The crowd wasn't as large, as I was an unknown, but word soon spread. By the end of a month, I was actually pulling in a slightly larger crowd.

So, more photos, and new posters. When I looked at them, I realized two things. The photo showing me from over a mark's shoulder also showed a nipple deep in the bustier. The second was that the added lighting made my bikini bottom a little see-through. Carefully looking, I could barely see my slit. If I didn't shave, my bush would be easily seen. Again, knowing my marks could see my nipples easily as a down blouse, got me aroused, and realizing my slit could be seen as well, made me think this was going to work - since sex sells.

After two more months, Jim offered a contract, and I got a bigger room. Not much bigger, but it also included someone handling a spotlight to make my act even better. I was talking after a show, two weeks later, with a tourist, and they showed me the pictures they took. I tried not to show it, but I was a bit surprised to realize how much clearer my slit was under the brighter lights.

Then the last thing I expected happened. I got another growth spurt. I had to replace my tights twice, and now the strip between the bustier and my thong was two inches wider. I also had to replace the bikini, because I was getting curvier hips. While I was in the store, I tried several on, and checked with my phone's flashlight mode if the bright light made it transparent enough. While I found one that matched, I also found one that was just a little more transparent. In the store lighting, you could barely see a hint of my slit, but with the phone, there was no question. Of course, you couldn't see it from far away, but I felt it was worth a shot.

Since I rotated four sets of outfits, washing and drying the dirty ones to keep from running out, I decided to do two of the same, and two of the more-transparent ones. I would use the latter for the last show. Well, it didn't take long for the crowds to notice, and my last show was best attended. It also didn't take Jim long to realize why. One day, he came to speak with me after the late show.

"Alice, people are starting to notice."

I was sitting down, drinking a water in the cubby hole, they called my dressing room. "Notice what?"

"Your outfit."

"Good. They like the outfit, and that means they come to see me in it."

"Yeah, about that. The lighting makes your outfit a bit transparent."

"This is Vegas. Is that a problem?"

"Sometimes. You're getting close to the line."

"So you mean I can wear my sexier outfit in the earlier shows?"

"Huh? You want them to see?"

"Well, duh. Sex sells. Come stand next to me, like I'm doing a trick with you."


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