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Mailgirls: Downward Spiral

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Hard choices are made.
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Evolution, change over time. The mailgirls program had seen it's fair share, but now, Neal, my old assistant, had been named head of the program and he intended to "streamline" it. For too long, he said, there had been too many hands in the pot and as a result too many rules, often contradictory, had been created. Now, with him as the new head, there will be only one voice and as a result more consistent rules and regulations making the experience better for all parties. I wondered if that included us, the mailgirls, the naked female employees tasked with delivering messages and packages all over the building for the amusement and morale of the other employees.

"First the mail tubes..."

How I ended up in the program all those months ago, 'on a temporary basis', seemed like a dream or a nightmare at this point, or maybe my old position as head of software development was more like a dream now. Would anyone who saw me naked running up and down the halls believe that I was once holding a management position? It wasn't my fault I ended up here, and at this point I believed I was set up, but it's too late now.

Many months ago the mailgirls program was being announced as an employee morale booster, after the company heard about it from another company, Cambridge Inc, who had ran the program already and experienced a great deal of success. I almost quit in protest but I was given certain assurances like how every girl would be a new hire, hired specifically for this job, could quit at any time, would be well aware of it's duties and requirements, and would be compensated more than fairly for their duties, including a generous wage, benefits, free lunch, and even financial planning assistance, to help them deal with more money than they'd ever known before. They even said if the staff's productivity boost didn't meet or exceed the cost of the program it would be terminated after the pilot period. I mulled it over and decided that if these women were fine with it then I should be too.

I basically forgot about the program as a whole as it hadn't yet started and I was tasked with creating a investment assistance mobile app for our company. My plan was to create it for Apple and Android, but it had been overruled and I was instead to make it for Blackberry. I told them no one used Blackberry anymore, but they seemed to just not care and it felt almost like they didn't want me to succeed. They gave me not even a quarter of the budget I had asked for, but when very few clients downloaded it, I was deemed a failure.

I was called into a meeting on a Friday with senior management: eight of them on one side of the table and I was seated about three feet back on the other side of the table. I was given the option of resigning or being leader of the mailgirls program for one week "just to get it going" and then getting my own position back and a sizable bonus.

I was going to resign at first but my boss told me "I couldn't in good conscious write a recommendation for you, given the size of your monumental failure." I freaked, I had worked here since I got out of college I had no other work history, no family, and had been pretty much married to the job. With no viable way of getting a new job and no one to support me, I had no choice but to choose the mailgirl program over being evicted and homeless.

"Great, you start today. Just sign here." I signed. I was in such a daze over my predicament I didn't read it at all. Then they all just stared at me. "Ahem," said one of the members of senior management. "Get into uniform" another said, looking at me like I was some type of idiot.

I realized they intended for me to strip right there. "May I go to my office?" I asked nervously.

"No, you may not, also for the time being your work area while not on duty will be the communal mailgirls locker room. Your office will repurposed for other duties until you've finished with the program."

A lot of things were going through my head, my sizable mortgage being one and my house being taken away leaving me homeless and my credit ruined, and the other being seen naked by everyone in this building. One week of nudity seemed like it was better than being unemployed and homeless. I tried to tell myself it would only be a week and then it all goes back to normal. I started to tear up as I realized how trapped I was. I felt like a failure. I tried to be a modern woman, trailblazing my way through the company, I had even been the first female manager in the company's history, but now I was letting myself be objectified, doing a job anyone could do, except I was a young woman who was deemed good looking enough to be moral boosting to the work staff while nude.

"Hurry up, Ms Perkins, you'll get no special treatment." It felt so weird hearing my name, even in a memory, I think that might have been the last time I'd heard it.

I stood from my chair and first removed my jacket, tears streaming down my face. That wasn't so hard, of course I was wearing a blouse underneath.

"Don't make a show of it. If everything isn't off in the next minute I rescind my offer and your employment will be terminated immediately."

I don't know what I expected, I realized they didn't care about me at all, nor had they ever. They wouldn't have done this to someone they cared about or even someone they respected. I was just my tits and ass to them, and I guess soon they would be getting a lot more of that and my womanhood as well. Womanhood was what I used to call it, or my flower, now it was simply my pussy, I had no respect for myself either anymore.

I stripped my blouse quickly tearing several buttons, I was scared and crying harder. Underneath I tore off my tank top, then removed my shoes and then pulled off my panty hose and skirt. I had done it all so quickly, but now I couldn't help but go slow as I reached behind myself and tried to remove my bra. It just wasn't unsnapping, and in slowing down I noticed all of senior management staring at my pale exposed flesh. My bare stomach, arms and legs all on display and they were about to get a lot more. Finally it came undone exposing my breasts to the room. My tears were flowing more than ever. All but my most private of areas of my milky white body was exposed.

"3 seconds"

I slipped my thumbs into my panties and dropped them to the floor and stepped out. My womanhood and brown untrimmed public hair were now on display to the team.

"Your jewelry too. Nothing may separate you from the other mailgirls."

I removed my rings, earrings and necklace, all while leaving my breasts and flower on full display. One of the men moved around and grabbed my garments and jewelry, I backed away, nervous about him being so close to my naked form. He stepped back behind the table. There I was naked as a jay for all of them. I moved to cover myself.

"A mailgirl feels no embarrassment at her nudity, and knows exposing herself is for the benefit of the company."

I placed my arms to my sides. They were clearly enjoying themselves.

"You know, we should have really given you the mailgirl interview before to know if you were even qualified."

"I think we should do that right now" said another management member.

"Dry your tears. From this moment you may not cry, you are to be happy and cheery, your exposure boosts moral and therefor productivity, and you must be proud of that."

I dried my eyes and put on a smile even though inside I already knew this was a mistake. It's only a week I told myself. I already had the position I knew, I could see it in the way they stared at me, this would just be for torture, and since I had already accepted the position I knew I'd have to answer the questions how they wanted even if I didn't agree.

"You are the 14th interviewee for the mailgirls program. You will be addressed as 14 in any and all interactions within the building whether business or personal. Is that okay?"


I was being further objectified by being stripped of my identity, people would be feel bad for staring at Karen's bare ass, but 14's didn't matter. I smiled as instructed with my hands folded behind my back. It's only a week I told myself again, it's this or I lose my house I told myself again. I let them soak in my body and tried to steel myself against their stares. They'd seen it all the moment I stripped, it doesn't matter now, I tried to tell myself.

"For the tenure of your service you will be driven to work, and will remain nude from the moment you get in the vehicle, to the moment you are dropped off again at night. Is that okay?"

How would I go to the vehicle? Would I have to strip outside?


"In addition to be stared at and admired, your body may be critiqued in your presence; for instance all mailgirls must have their hair done in the same style, done up in a bun..."

That wasn't so bad, I guess.

"... and any hair below the neckline is strictly prohibited and would be pointed out to you for immediate correction. Is that okay?"

Oh god I'd have to shave my bush and expose my womanhood even more.


This whole time the ones not asking questions were just staring at me, examining every inch of my front.

"Unless addressed you may not speak aloud except in direct response to your addressing or to other mail girls and then only if no one else is present. You must also address all other non-mailgirl personnel as ma'am or sir respectively. You also will receive no courtesies you will not hear please or thank you, only orders. You are also not to make eye contact with the non-mailgirl employees. Is that okay?"

They really intended to strip me of everything. At this point I didn't know what was worse. The nudity or the agreeing, smiling, and pretending I was okay with all of this. "Yes... Sir."

It also occurred to me that all the other interviewees almost certainly had their clothes on during the whole interview process meaning this added humiliation was just for me. Just keep smiling I told myself; cry when you go home.

"You may not use any of the restrooms outside of the mailgirls' locker room, also you may not sit or rest anywhere outside of the mailgirls' locker room, nor may you eat or drink anywhere outside of the mailgirls' locker room, and all of these may only occur during your break. This is all for the comfort of all other employees. Is that okay?"

They were trying to create two classes of people, mailgirls and everyone else. By keeping us separate in all ways people would forget about the needs and emotions of mailgirls and they wouldn't care. I would be working in the nude all day, without reprieve except for a small meal break.

"Yes, sir."

These men wanted to play God and I was letting them, I was more ashamed of letting them do this to me than I was of actually doing it. I need a place to live I told myself, it was this or homelessness, I've worked too hard to let it all go away over one mistake I told myself.

"This job will be physically demanding and may involve walking, running, lifting, climbing and other activities, would you be able to pass a physical fitness test?"

I did not like where this was going. "Yes, sir."

"Then I believe we'll start that right now, and to save time we'll also move on to your history survey at the same time."

Oh god, I knew this would be even more humiliation.

"Perform 20 jumping jacks."

I stood there and bit my lip nervously temporarily losing my smile.

"Now, 14."

I tried to smile again as I jumped, knowing that this would make my breasts bounce and my ass jiggle, also spreading my legs exposing my womanhood even more. I moved my arms and legs and almost started to immediately build a sweat from nervousness and embarrassment, more so than the jumping, but also from the jumping. It'd been so long since I'd exercised.

Another management team member began questioning me on my history, I thought it would be work history but I was very mistaken. The rest of the team admired my body's bouncing, jiggling and spreading. How could I let them do this to me?

"Are you a virgin?"

I winced at the question and wanted to blurt out it was none of their business but here I was doing naked jumping jacks for their amusement, I was defeated.

"...no, sir."

"You've had vaginal sex with men?"

I wanted to tell him obviously, that's what not being a virgin means but clearly he was just trying to further my suffering by asking.

"Yes, sir."


"No, sir."

I had no problem with lesbians but that was not my persuasion.

"So you're straight and had no female partners of any type?"

"Yes sir."

I finished my jumping jacks with my body already covered in a light sweat. I could also feel my nipples stiffening which I'm sure was amusing the assembly.

"Perform 20 push-ups."

I dropped to my knees and then to the ground trying to be as graceful as my nude state would allow. For most of the room, except for those at the far end of the tables who could see my profile, this was the first this was their first glimpse of my ass, I tried to face the ground to not see their faces as I did my push ups.

"Face us as you do them."

I should have known I couldn't even suffer privately. I faced them, smiling as was my job. My breasts ached as they hung towards the ground, I'm sure they enjoyed the site. I dropped down and winced at my first push up, I really hadn't had time to work out in so long. I noticed my legs were starting to get slick at my own vaginal wetness and sweat, oh god I hoped they didn't notice.

"Have you had oral sex?"

I couldn't believe they were asking these questions. I wondered if they asked this of the other girls or whether this was just to lower me, making it clear how low I had fallen. It also occurred to me the fitness test, if the other girls even had to do it, was performed fully clothed, the ultimate humiliation reserved for me.

"Yes sir."

I don't know why I answered honestly, I guess it really didn't matter. I just kept doing my push ups, I was sweating now and was getting embarrassed at the idea of being a mess. Plus my legs being pressed tightly together along with all sorts of other sensations was making me wetter.

"Given or received?"

"Both, sir."

"Have you ever had anal sex?"

"No sir."

That was also the truth, I had been asked but always declined.

I was half way through my push ups and now covered in more than just a light sweat. My breasts ached as did my arms and legs. Every time I dipped my nipples pressed against the cold tile floor sending shivers through my body.

"What size breasts do you have?"

"34B sir"

I had always thought they were plenty but now have exposed like this I wondered if they were a little small. I have quarter sized nipples and they were very much erect right now.

"And your waist and hip size?"

"26, and 34 sir."

It felt so humiliating cataloging all my information for them and they were very much writing it down. Only one week and then back to my old job I kept telling myself. I finished my push ups and stood with sweat now dripping down my body and I could feel my vaginal moisture trickling down my leg. I somehow was still smiling as directed. I hoped I didn't smell. This was hell.

"20 sit ups."

I laid down on the cold tile floor my butt shivering but I put my legs in front of me and pressed them together firmly blocking view of my butt and the lips of my womanhood which was now spread from arousal. I wasn't turned on but my body was taking all these sensations and was taking cues on it's own.

"Cross legged sit ups."

Oh god no, I couldn't believe how cruel he was being. Maybe I should just take a chance and try and find a new job, I had thought, but I was not going to get anywhere near what I was making now without a recommendation, especially given 5 years of absent work history.

"Yes sir."

I crossed my legs spreading my pussy, I remember that was the first time I started to lose sense of my values, I was just a thing, but only for a week I thought to myself, they could down see my spread pussy, even my anus was exposed in this positions. I couldn't believe what they were doing to me, what I was doing to myself. I performed my first sit up moving my breasts closer to their eyes. Truly everything was on display.

"Is your brown hair its natural color?"

I wanted to shout that obviously the carpet matches the drapes but I just mustered a weak "yes, sir."

I performed more sits ups, sweating more, aching more, and with my legs spread like this my pussy dripped even more. My pubes were a wet mess.

"Is your anus bleached?"

It took all my strength to keep smiling and not scream "Excuse me?" At the top of my lungs and then to not say "What do you think?"

"No sir."

"See that it is."

I just kept doing my sit ups, knowing the show I was giving them, I guess it really didn't matter what I wanted or thought.

"Yes sir."

"We'll cover the cost." Another piped in, as if that was my major concern.

"Are you experiencing vaginal wetness?"

Of course they could already tell, but they wanted to pretend I was enjoying this.

"Yes, sir." My humiliation knew know bounds it would seem. I finished my sit ups. Now I was exhausted. I laid there an extra minute not realizing he extra time I exposed my pussy and asshole to their gaze. When I did I shot up and stood their awaiting their next command and/or inquiry.

"Okay, now your first test as a mail girl. Cleanliness is incredibly important. Clean the area where you performed your exercises."

On the floor was the outline of my body in sweat, and towards the bottom was of course towards the bottom was my pussy juices as well. I looked for a mop or anything but they threw a small hand towel in front of the table 3 feet from me, I walked forward to grab it and then turned around exposing my backside to them.

"Oh before you do that I forgot, bend forward and touch your toes."

Of course they waited for my ass to be facing them before they have this command. "Yes, sir." I bent forward and touched my toes, exposing my asshole and pussy again to them.

"Now get cleaning."

"Yes, sir."

I got down on my hands and knees, well aware they could see everything and wiped the entire area until you couldn't tell I'd been there. My body was still covered in sweat and my pussy was dripping, meaning every time I moved there was a new area to clean. It took a lot longer than I thought. I knew they were soaking in my breasts, ass, and pussy, the only good part of not facing them was I didn't have to smile and could let the tears run a little.

"Okay, 14, you've got the job, after you meet the last few requirements. However your first task is to stack these chairs and return the meeting room to normal. Hurry, time is of the essence."

"Yes sir."

They stood from their chairs and I ran over and bent down to grab The first chair knowing my cheeks parted as I bent and put that chair on top of the next, then lifted those two which was twice as heavy onto the next one. Taking longer left my cheeks parted longer exposing my asshole and pussy more, so I tried to be quick but now three of them were very heavy. I lifted those onto the fourth. My sweat covered body was making me lose my grip and by the time I tried to lift the fourth I slipped. I fell to my knees and was in a lot of pain. I was hoping doing them in a row like this would be quicker but now I had to get up, still smiling of course, and run to the next chair, and move it back to stack, then run to the next one and bring that back to the stack. I kept doing this, and each time the person standing behind that chair got to see an eyeful of my posterior.

Finally done and now even more sweaty.

"Now follow us to the mailgirls locker room."

Realizing what that meant I turned around to see the first member of management open the door to the hall. My nudity had been limited to this room to this point but now I was going to be seen by everyone else in the building. Everyone was about to see all of me. Worst yet I was supposed to smile and feel no shame.

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