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Making the Best of a Bad Situation

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Hedonistic fun in the sun.
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I'd fucked up.

No two ways about it. I had fucked up good style. The worst thing about it was Tina, my wife, would never believe this was a genuine mistake no matter how much I pleaded my innocence. She would always have the thought in her mind that I had planned this all along.

The furious "what the fuck" look on her face told me all I needed to know. The indignant "you're fucking kidding me" comment just added to the huge weight crushing me at that moment. I was squirming.

It was to be our first holiday without the kids. Just the two of us. Something special where we could try and reconnect 'us' after 20 years of being devoted parents.

I asked her to leave it to me. I wanted to make it special for her, as my way of showing her how much I still loved her. A grand gesture it was meant to be, and so it proved. Only the gesture I had made in the end was not welcome.

I had sought out something exclusive; an adults only resort in paradise. No families. No kids. Just grown ups relaxing and chilling, and being with each other, being waited on hand and foot, on white beaches wetted by sky blue seas.

Now the thing about me is I am impatient, and I don't shop around or research. I am a busy guy, so although I wanted our trip to be mind blowing for her, I just could not afford to spend days trawling through the net, or hours in a travel agents going over the options.

I simply typed in "adult only resort, Caribbean" in to Google and got a load of hits. Then skimmed through a few; though I confess I looked mainly at the photos. Again time saving. What you see is what you get, right? No need to read the small print as places this exclusive would be the lap of luxury anyway, compared to what someone like us is normally used to.

I settled on one that looked the nuts based on images of idyllic surroundings and facilities that defined exclusivity, and whipped out the credit card there and then. It was all booked in half an hour.

When we arrived, nothing amiss was immediately obvious. We got to reception, checked in, and were taken to our beach hut type dwelling just off the edge of the beach, without seeing anyone except our escort.

We embraced and kissed when the guy left us to unpack, genuinely thrilled to be in such a beautiful place without the distraction of kids.

The issue came to light after we had changed for the beach / pool to go and relax for the rest of the day and get over the long journey.

We sauntered out to a spot on the beach (as you would expect a private beach) exclusive to the resort only, with guards preventing unwanted guests. Although the beach was not full of bodies, it was immediately obvious that the only dressed persons on it were the guards (had to put their gear somewhere) and to some extent, us.

Everyone else was naked. Be they swimming, strolling, sun bathing or even making out in some cases, they were all butt naked.

Tina whispered the obvious. "Bri, we are the only ones wearing anything...this bit must be the nudist beach, we can't stay here, we need to go and ask someone where the 'normal' beach is."

So we turned and started to make our way to reception, or to find a staff member on the way. We walked around the large main pool area in the centre of the complex and Tina gripped my arm as if in fear of her life. Everyone in and around the pool was bollock naked too. Tits and cocks and arses of all shapes and sizes accosted our eyes, we didn't know where too look.

Before we made it to reception, a big (in every sense of the word) guy stepped in front of us and said rather gruffly in a yank accent. "Hey what gives, no clothes allowed here, thems the rules."

I stammered my reply. "Sssorry mate, think we're lost, we are looking for the non-nudist areas, if you could point us in the right direction we'll get out of your way."

The guy just stared at me nonplused for a few seconds then said. "What non-nudist area? What the hell you talking about, there ain't no such thing here Sir."

I exchanged a look with Tina and gulped. My stammer continued in my embarrassment. "Sssorry? I don't understand, what do you mean?"

"Sir, are you having me over?" (I shook my head vigorously). He decided I was being genuine and said, "Well then Sir, it looks like you made a mistake with your holiday booking. This here is an adult only resort. But not as in just no kids allowed but as in adult entertainment resort. It's a hedonistic adult exclusive place, where clothes are banned, and thats about all."

Now I took the hint alright in the last words he spoke. But I had to ask him to clarify and he was happy to oblige.

"Sir, with all respect to you and your wife here, this is effectively a resort were most things go from a sex point of view. It's a swingers paradise. And to emphasise without being too crude I do mean most things...all you can imagine and then some you probably cannot given you appear to be camp virgins."

That's when I knew I had fucked up. And when I also knew from the look on Tina's face that she thought I had set her up. I swore blind I had not. It did no good.

After her outburst, she stormed off to the room, with me in tow pleading my innocence and the yank laughing behind me shouting to the entire pool area. "Looks like someone fucked up big time...they had no idea what this place is." Followed by giggles and cheers and a few lewd comments about "new recruits".

Once in the room Tina let fly with a tirade. I won't repeat the entirety of the accusations otherwise it would fill multiple paragraphs of the story, but basically it boiled down to me knowing exactly what this place was when I booked it, and that I was a sick dirty bastard for trying to trick her and trap her in a place like this, when it was supposed to be a romantic, quiet holiday for us to build our relationship again after the sacrifices of bringing up a family.

Unfortunately, I was on very weak ground here. She knew my fantasy was watching her fuck another guy. It had been for a long time. We were both having drunk sex when we were staying in a hotel for a family wedding some years ago when I confessed this to her.

Just the right amount of alcohol seems to make her horny, and a little more adventurous in bed. It is a fine balance, somewhere between having drunk so much that she feels sick or wants to just sleep, and not having enough to let herself go a little.

That night the balance was perfect and she was acting like a little whore in bed, something that only happened on these rare booze mixed occasions. I was so turned on by her begging to be fucked, telling me not to stop, pleading to make her cum hard, that I just blurted out what was in my head..."I'll do my best Tina, but you might need to fuck a bull with a big cock to satisfy you right now (I am average sized)...I don't think I can meet your demands my lady." I said mockingly.

She responded as I continued to fuck her. "Would you really like that? Would you want to watch another guy fuck me, a guy with a bigger cock than you?"

"Wouldn't you get jealous?"

I confessed I had thought about it quite a bit, especially when knocking one out by myself, but didn't know if I could go through with it.

Surprisingly she wasn't angry about it. In fact she made me tell her one of the scenarios I thought of when I played with myself as I fucked her, and her body responded by squirting hard on my cock. It was a fantastic experience and the best sex we had had in years.

I assumed I was ok to bring it up again some weeks later, when I coaxed her in to a fuck on a Sunday morning, but she stopped me in my tracks. Told me it was the booze that night and she wanted no part of it, or talk of it, during our love making. (Unless I thought, I got her pissed again).

Now a few months later, here we were at a sex resort for swingers and she was convinced I had done it to push her in to fulfilling my fantasy. I honestly had not, but I couldn't help notice my cock twitch every time she accused me of wanting her to give herself to any Tom, Dick or Harry. Nor could I help think that of the three choices, I would prefer her to chose dick, over Tom or Harry.

Eventually the shouting and accusations had to stop, and we had to talk about what we did next. Go home? Or tough it out? (I figured suggesting joining in was not an option, or I would have become an instant eunuch).

She was all for packing and finding somewhere else to stay, but we didn't have the money to pay for alternative accommodation like that. We are not wealthy. This trip took all my savings. Likewise, we could not afford to pay for flights back and just scupper the whole holiday.

We had no choice but to stay put, but I also said I was not just going to hang around locked inside our "hut" for 2 weeks so we had to work something out, some kind of compromise to try and fit in a little, but keep out of the way of the swinging / sex scene.

In the end we reluctantly settled on us removing our clothes, but restricting ourselves to the beach in proximity to our hut. We could order room service, and during the day waiters wandered around for snack and drink orders so we could eat and socialise alone too.

It wasn't what either of us imagined this holiday would be, but our compromise would at least allow us to get through it with some respectability and some relaxation in each others company, whilst conceding our clothing to not offend any of the purists.

So the next morning, somewhat very self consciously, we emerged from the patio doors of our hut on to the beach and placed towels on loungers that came with the room, just a few yards from the doors. We had already put suncream on in the room to avoid that ritual in front of prying eyes.

We lay down, me on my back cock on show, her on her front, legs clamped together so only the flesh of her arse was visible.

We were tense and skittish every-time someone strolled by, and where possible tried not to make eye contact, or we acted like we were sleeping, or had earphones in so we would not have to reply to any greetings cast in our direction.

Eventually we relaxed a little, as no-one bothered us, and we we able to keep the drinks and snacks coming fairly regularly through the day. Of course, she had to turn over at some point, she couldn't lie on her front all day. But it took a few hours, and I could tell she was dying of embarrassment under the veneer of her stoic face.

She kept one hand over her muff for a good hour, and her other arm folded under her breasts to try and shield them from view from anyone passing by further down the beach.

And so it continued for pretty much the first week, though each day we grew less self conscious; given that everyone else apart from waiters, most staff and the guards was naked to the world. We had also been swimming in the sea, bored by lying on the beach. Skinny dipping at our age. It felt so invigorating, we had a good giggle at our predicament then.

By the seventh day we were relaxed, and despite the confinement to our patch so to speak, we were actually enjoying the rest and relaxation.

As her body became more tanned, and she became more at ease lying naked on the beach or on a lounger I had begun to admire her figure. I noted I wasn't the only one, with many a cursive glance from guys on the beach or those just strolling past. One or two had also dared to wander over and see if we were up for some fun, but were sent away politely.

She is no spring chicken my Tina, but you would definitely put her in the hot milf category. Smooth legs, well defined calves and thighs, soft fleshy buttocks, but no wrinkles or flab to speak of and ample breasts with brown areola and pink protruding nipples.

Her trimmed pussy was mousy blonde, and in her case the cuffs did not match the collar, as her hair had been dyed from a bottle to some kind of reddish tint.

The newly acquired tan turned her usually milky pale skin in to a honey colour and showed of her petite curvaceous figure to its absolute best.

I was feeling more than a little horny right then. Both from looking at her nakedness next to me, and I have to confess the nakedness of some very attractive women around us. It was very difficult to be discrete when ogling. So much so I had noticed that Tina had been doing some ogling of her own, looking at some truly impressive flaccid cocks swinging from side to side like elephants trunks, or even being thrown about frantically as couples played beach games...cocks slapping up and down as the men ran and jumped.

I could see she was not only looking at them, but was thinking 'things' too, as her leg bounced slightly, or she bit her lip a little, or her fingers stroked her stomach as she took in the abundant supply and choice of cock on show. She appeared particularly attentive whenever a black man walked by I noticed. I began to wonder what she was thinking, and the thoughts soon turned to visions of her riding one of those cocks as I stood watching, pleasuring myself.

Before I knew it, my cock was rock hard. I was lay in the open with a boner for all the world to see. I tried to hide it but Tina saw it.

"What the fuck?"

A bit bashfully I said. "Jesus Tina, I couldn't help lying there naked, and tanned and sexy as hell is enough to make me hard alone, and we haven't had sex since we got here, but christ I have to confess all these naked bodies on show is adding to the mix too. I have seen blokes eyeing you up, and you know people have asked us if we want some fun so they must like what they see, and don't deny it, you've been doing some window shopping yourself. (At which she blushed, but she did not deny it). I have to be honest and tell you I was lay here imagining you riding one of them big cocks, and it got me rock hard. Im so fucking horny right now."

She looked at me very suspiciously, as if she was thinking "Here we go, its took a week, but now the real reason we are here is out".

I shook my head. "No Tina, its not a set up, I do not want you to do anything except maybe let me fuck you and release some of this fucking tension."

She surprised me by get up, grabbing my hand and leading me back in to the beach hut apartment, where she immediately pounced on me, kissing me hungrily and gripping my cock in a hand like a vice. I concluded that I was not the only one who needed a release, confirming that she had been having fantasies of her own.

If the sex at the wedding was an experience, the sex we had right then in that beach hut was off the scale. I didn't mention my fantasies as we fucked, and she didn't say much either, but we both knew that the place was getting to us. The amount of flesh on show everyday was subconsciously teasing us and invading our thoughts, goading us in to lurid dreams of 'what if' that led to this point right now. The need for some base, raw fucking to get some of it out of our system.

Being at the resort, felt like that scene in the classic movie The Wicker Man, where the pretty, young, naked girl is dancing and banging her hands on the wall, driving Edward Woodwards character insane with desire and lust in the room next door.

Its all there for you, just out of reach, you just have to be brave enough to take it.

Two days later, our ninth day, we were lying on towels on the beach, a few yards from our hut as always. I was bored, so being quite relaxed now about being naked I told Tina I was going for a swim.

She was on her back, eyes closed, listening to some music and I had to pull out an earphone so she could hear me tell her where I was going.

I sauntered down the beach, and strode slowly in to the sea, getting used to the temperature before plunging in head first. I had developed this weird thing about swimming naked in the sea. I began worrying that a fish might mistake my cock for a worm, or a snack at least, and latch on to it, and therefore I don't swim long. I tended to float on my back more, cock to the sky.

I'd been away about 10 minutes when I stood in the shallow edge of the sea, and glanced back to Tina. I saw three guys approach her, one big black fella and two middle aged, but toned white guys. Even from my view a hundred yards away, I could see they were all hung. It looked like one of them was asking her something, but it looked like she didnt reply...and I realised she hadn't seen or heard them. Eyes closed or dozing. Music in her ears.

As I watched the two white guys lay down either side of her, possibly taking her silence as a lack of objection, and the black guy stood behind her, above her head.

I started making my way back towards her. My gaze intent on them all.

Both the white guys rolled on their sides inwardly to face her, one on each side, and as they did, their large flaccid cocks flopped on to her hips in unison.

She woke startled, and seeing the men on either side of her tried to back up, only to come up against the tree trunks the black guy had for legs. She made the mistake of looking up, only to be faced with a massive one eyed monster hanging over her like the sword of Damocles.

Her gaze was frozen upward, so she was shocked when the guy to her right (my left as I looked from the beach) placed his hand on her thigh and slowly moved it upward to her pelvis.

"Stop...what the fuck do you think your all doing...Bri...where are you..."

I saw him touch her thigh. And I knew what they wanted. And that was my dilemma. If I ran to her aid and chased them off, I would probably not see my fantasy come to life. If i didn't then I was throwing my wife to the wolves and she would never forgive me.

I jogged up the beach..."Whats up guys...what you doing with my wife?"

"We asked if we could join her, and she made no objection so we thought we were welcome."

"I didn't hear you...snoozing and headphones." She protested and confirmed my earlier observation.

"Oh...erm sorry for any misunderstanding. No offence. We just thought you were up for some fun when you didn't say no when I asked you. Everything has to be consensual here, but no objection is taken as a yes according to the rules - unless your pissed."

I don't know why, but I blurted out "And what did you ask her?"

"Well, that would be obvious really, we wondered if she would like to be pleasured by three well hung men, as we find her extremely attractive. We've seen you a few times and noted you kept yourselves to yourself, but we figured nothing ventured nothing gained. When you didn't reply we thought you were waiting for us to...well you know...begin."

I saw the look on Tina's face, and she mine. She was trapped with men all around her. Three strangers all hung, one of them a bbc, and her husband at her feet - and I knew that she knew what was racing through my mind. She knew for sure when my cock began to stiffen.

She sighed, shook her head slightly, but not in a "no-way" gesture but more in submission, more of a "lets get on with it then".

She turned to the guy on her right, my left, and casually said "So, what were you about to do when I stopped you?"

The guy looked up at me, and I said. "Answer the lady."

"Well, I was about to trace my fingers up and down your thigh, working them slowly inwards to part your legs a little, so I could then prise your cunt lips open and feel your wetness."

I saw her shiver at his words.

"And you?" She said to the guy on her other side, as guy one's fingers started to do what he said. Softly stroking her pubes and reaching in to her groin.

"I was going to suck your left breast and tease the nipple with my tongue and teeth, whilst kneading your other tit with my left hand." And so he did just that.

Tina looked up at the big black cock above her. "Now let me guess she said." And he slowly lowered himself on his knees, and dropped the tip of his thick cock on to her lips, upon which they duly parted to vacuum his member in to her warm welcoming mouth.


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