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Male Model - Experience Required Ch. 01

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Exibitionist gets paid to show off!
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Male model experience required.

My name is Dane. I just turned 41 this Halloween. Yes Halloween is my birthday. I have always stayed in pretty good shape but in the last year I've been asked to do some modeling for several things, runway fashion show, a place that wanted to put on weddings, so I was the groom, and a photographers promotional shots for their website and brochures. When this started I decided to really get in shape and have been doing Pilates, running and weights and core fitness to add some definition.

Two months ago my girlfriend broke up with me because of my behavior while drinking so I stopped drinking and have gotten down to 170 lbs from 186. At 6' tall I don't have much fat left at all on me and am quite defined. I've never been modest and I frequent nude beaches in the summer quite often. I also keep most of my body hair trimmed and my chest and genitals shaved completely.

So I really would like to get paid for modeling and started looking for ads requiring a model. I found one for an advanced art class being held at nearby adult school that read, Male Model - experience required. I have experience so I emailed the address and and got s reply a few hours later.

The reply was from the instructor Marie. She asked to send some photos and I emailed the ones I've had done. She emailed back asking if I have ever modeled nude. I replied no but I would be willing. She said that's fine but she needed to know what I looked like nude. She asked that I just take some photos myself and email them. I asked how much it paid and she said it was based on the number of students that showed up but a full class could earn me $300.

For that amount for a 6 hours work over three days I was all for it and proceeded to work out to make sure I looked my best and then took some photos in my closet mirror and emailed them to her. I promptly heard back from her, that I was perfect and to show up to class a half hour early the first day, the following Monday at 6:30. I was very excited about this job and being a bit of an exhibitionist I was sexually excited at the thought of being nude for two hours a night in front of clothed people I, hopefully, didn't know.

I worked out and took a shower, put on some gym clothing so I didn't have any lines from tight clothing and arrived promptly at 6:30. I followed the directions to the studio and went inside. Marie was there setting up easels. I introduced myself and took in her beauty. She was a little over 5 ft tall and looked to be about 30. She had almost black hair down to her shoulders, brown eyes and was in very good shape. Her blouse was very low cut and it looked like her nipples would show if she bent over. I felt a stirring and new I may have a problem later. She showed me a changing area to get undressed.

I've turned up the heat so you're comfortable. Please get undressed now so we can go over a few poses before everybody arrives.

I complied and undressed. When I came out Marie's mouth opened a bit more and she paused looking me over. This caused some more stirring and I could feel myself getting flushed and a little thicker. Marie? I said.

Oh, yes, you're much better looking in person than the photos you took. Over here my dear. She indicated a bench that was on a riser in the middle of the room. The easels were set up in a semicircle around the platform. I went over and she said, first, I want you to sit with your right leg up on the bench and your left extended out in front to the front. Put your hands on your raised knee and lift your chin up like you're pondering something.

OK, so I thought this was odd. I did as she asked and it resulting pose left my junk resting out in the open clearly exposed hanging under my raised knee for a full view in almost every direction. The heat in the room was allowing my balls to come out in a relaxed state and made them hang low and large.

Great, just like that for the first one. Now put both knees up and rest your head on your knees wrapping your arms around your legs. So I did and again this pose left my junk hanging under me but also pushed it out further. I really started to get hard now. She had to notice what this pose was doing to me. My cock was no longer resting on the bench but lifting up a bit, and pulsing slightly to my racing heart beat.

Yes! That's perfect. You're a natural. I'll just pose you as we go for the rest since you take directions so well. Oh, and don't worry about the erection. Its much more beautiful when it's hard so that's what the artists want anyway.

Really? I said. I had no idea. I don't think that will be a problem then.

Oh sure. It's totally natural and these poses are a bit on the erotic side. If they like your work, word will get out and the next class will have more students, which means you get paid more.

No problem with that, I replied.

OK, go have a seat in the changing area until we're ready and I'll call you out.

I went in, put on a robe and sat down. I listened to people shuffle in and get set up. Marie went over a few things with the class then called me out. I removed my robe and waked out nude, my erection subsided but was still thick. I heard some gasps and tried to ignore them as I proceeded to make my first pose. The pressure helped me not get erect right away and I really couldn't look around much since I was looking up. After 15 minutes Marie came up and quietly asked me to take my second pose. I moved into position. In doing so my cock pushed down to the bench and moved into a curled position back under my large balls. I put my head down as instructed and wrapped my arms around my legs. Them I felt a hand grab my cock and adjust it so it was laying straight out. I tried not to jump but was not expecting that. It needed to be posed too. Marie said. Well, she got what she wanted because her touch gave me and immediate erection. Again I heard gasps and really started wondering who these artists were.

Now class, you'll notice our model now has an erection so you can draw what it truly looks like. I doubt it will be going away any time soon so take your time with your work and get it right.

She was correct in that assumption. For the next 15 minutes I had an incredible erection I could feel throbbing in mid air with every heart beat, and my heart was beating hard!

OK, we're going to take a 5 min break and be back for the next pose. I slowly stood up, not sure what to do. Marie saw my wonder and told me I was free to roam about and stretch. I walked to the changing room with my erection leading the way, wagging back and forth. I did some stretching in the changing area to loosen up. My erection was slowly going down but not much. I can be hard for hours and not get off unless I'm ready. I always want my partner to be fully satisfied before I release. I knew I could make it through this. It's not like it's not fun to be hard in front of a bunch of strangers.

Marie called the class back in and I walked to the riser and stood there. Marie came up to me and said, OK, now lie back on the bench with a leg on either side and lay back with your arms hanging out to the side.

OK, I said, and laid down as she instructed. Now THIS pose was hot. At first my cock was laying over my balls to the front, but after just a minute, I felt it raise a bit, then fully spin around to my left and on up so it was pointing up at my head raised of my abs a couple inches, throbbing. I then felt a familiar wetness drip off the tip onto my abs. Again, since I had my head back I couldn't see anyone or even myself. Marie walked up and wiped the tip off and my belly with her finger and I heard a slight kiss sound as she put her finger in her mouth, licking it off. Omg! I thought. My head was spinning. Really? Did she just do that in front of her class? Yes she did was my answer to myself. I was throbbing intensely now. I couldn't help but tighten my buttocks and thrust into the air once. Oh that's perfect! Can you hold that position? Every muscle in your body is tight when you do that! She didn't have to ask me twice. I thrust up and held that pose for quite a while. When I needed I relaxed a moment then resumed the thrusted position. I took the opportunity to look around and realized who was in the class. There were about ten girls and one guy. I hadn't expected that. All were probably between 25 & 35. Most looked to be in nice shape. One brunette in particular really caught my eye. She looked just like my last girlfriend. She wasn't though. But she was even hotter. My last girlfriend, Christy, had a bit too much in the saddlebag department. This girl was in top shape. She had on a light sun dress that didn't go very low down her legs, the way she was sitting on her stool. Her legs were spread and she was moving her knees back and forth slightly. I knew she was getting worked up, like I imagined everybody there was. Even the dude that was there had a visible hard-on going. He was wearing sweats and a t-shirt and it wasn't hiding his sizable bulge at all. A couple other girls were licking there lips as they looked from me back to their work.

New pose. Then a longer break. Marie came up and had me kneel on the bench, raised up and put my head down like I was praying, but with my ass in the air. It's a good thing I shave, I thought. Somebody back there is getting a nice ass shot. This was an easy pose and seemed to go by quickly. Marie called break again for ten minutes this time. That would leave 45 minutes for the last poses.

The brunette in the sun dress came to my dressing area while I was sitting there in my robe. I really didn't think that was allowed but also, I really didn't care. She said, "hi, I'm Karey. I just had to tell you, I think you have a beautiful body. I didn't see a ring. Are you single?"

"Actually, yes I am. I last girlfriend recently left me and it has inspired me to really start taking care of myself and do some things I've always wanted to do, like model."

Well, you're very good at modeling and you are certainly doing the right thing with your body. You don't look a day older than 25. How old are you?

Actually, I'm 41. Thank you for the complement. How old are you?

I'm 29. I think it's fantastic how open you are with your body. If I can get your number I would like to call you some time. Maybe we could go out, stay in, or possibly I could invite some friends over for another modeling session.

I would love any of those ideas. I replied and gave her my cell phone number. 321-5119. Please call me after class so I can save your number in my phone.

Oh, you can be sure I'll call you. With that she left with a turn of her head and an extra wiggle in her ass as she walked away.

A couple minutes later the break was over. Marie called me back out. She had replaced the bench with a stool with a back on it. She also had a podium set up next to the stool with a drink.

OK Dane, for this pose, we are going to pretend you are sitting at a bar having a drink. Class, the podium will serve as the bar so extend the sides out as if it were a real bar, to the edges of the paper or any way you see fit to make it seem like a bar. Dane, take the drink and go ahead and have some. But, when you take a drink, hold the pose so the class can see you taking a drink so the can visualize and reproduce it if the want.

OK I said. I sat on the stool, leaned back to get into a comfortable position with my abs tight, and reached for the glass on the bar. I just belt it like I was about to take a drink for quite some time. I was still sporting a full erection which started to go away on he break but came back as Karey was walking off and I watched her ass wiggle. My legs were spread like any guys would be sitting at a bar. I got a whiff of the drink and realized there was real alcohol in the drink. I hadn't had a drop in months but I honestly didn't mind having one now. I took a very slow sip and realized it was whiskey. Crown on the rocks to be exact, my favorite. I held the glass to my lips pretending to continue the sip but only took a small one. I knew that since I had nit had a drink in a while or anything to eat all day that it was gonna hit me fast.

Marie spoke up, Don't worry Dane, there's plenty more where that came from.

She seems to be trying to get me drunk. There's no telling where this is going, I thought. My cock was hard and throbbing, dripping pre-cum over the front edge of the stool, I'm drinking crown and getting paid. How much better could hints get? I decided to just go with it and continued to drink. When it was empty, Marie came up with a new glass, tool my old one and tugged my erection several times before she stepped away. I thought I couldn't get any harder but she made it happen. I was already starting to feel a buzz.

After another drink and 5 minutes later, Marie said new pose. For this one until the end of the session, I'm going to have you get the bench back, but this time just face the end of it towards the class.

I hadn't moved the props myself yet but helped as instructed. I was tipsy, and feeling like a comic. I could lift this bench with my hard on! I said out loud. The class laughed. I put It into position. As I sat down, Marie handed me another drink. I downed it and handed it back.

OK, she said, now, lie back on the bench with one leg on each side. I'm placing a pillow for your head.

OK, this was easy enough. My cock and balls were on full display similar to before but the class was now looking straight up my crotch. I was feeling drunk now.

OK, Dane, now grab your cock and just hold onto it like you're masturbating.

Not a problem! I said. I grabbed on and held it so it pointed straight up into the air. I squeezed a little as I held on. I had 20 minutes that I had to pose this way. I was certainly testing my limits for holding out. I loved the tension. I loved everybody starring at me and my cock. It stood up my full 8.5 inches with my balls hanging low. I couldn't help not moving my hand up and down a little, but just once every few minutes. With my head propped up with the pillow, I looked past my cock to the class and watched them watch me. Karey was right in the middle and had her dress up enough, wither legs open, that I could see her smooth shaved pussy dripping on her stool. Several other ladies were squirming in their seats. The one guy, who must have either been gay getting off on me or strait and watching all the girls getting hot and bothered, had a tent in his sweats that was huge. He must have been bigger than me, and either had no underwear on or wearing boxers. His t shirt was pulled out over it like he was trying to hide it but it didn't help.

Just then, Marie walked up with another drink. You don't have to drive home. Have another! I took the whiskey and slammed it so I could go back to my erotic pose. Thank you! I said. I don't live that far away. I grabbed my cock again and held the pose for another ten minutes. When the class was done, I got a round of applause from he class. Marie walked up and said to just wait in the back for a ride. I went back but did not put my clothes on yet. I listened to the class as they left and heard ladies say stuff like, that had to be the hottest thing I've ever seen, and I'll be back for this class if I have to pay double! My self esteem was shooting through the roof, but my hard on was left not shooting anything. After a few moments, Marie and Karey both showed up. Marie said, Karey here said she would like to model with you next time for some erotic couples posing. Would you be "up" for that?

Well, of course I would! What type of poses did you have in mind?

Well, if you'd like, I can set you up now so you now so you know what poses work best, and I'll take some photos to keep track of them for wed. night.

OK! Let's go for it! Karey said, This will be fun!

We'll be in a few Kama Sutra poses tonight. Still good with that?

Sure, I said. In my head thinking, I'm getting paid for this?

Karey got undressed revealing the most unbelievable body I had ever laid eyes on! I immediately started to get hard again.

Looks like staying hard won't be a problem! As she laughed. That's what Marie is looking for, big boy!

Well, she's getting it then cause this isn't going away soon! I said.

A minute later Marie called us in. We walked out together. She then told me to sit on the bench and I did. She then told the naked Karey to face me, step over the bench and straddle me sitting on my lap. Holy heck I was about to die and go to heaven! Karey did this and sitting this way, sat right on my cock like a coat hook, pressing down, with her now wet, spread open pussy. It was warm and silky. Omg the self restraint not to start sliding it back and forth was unbelievable! Karey on the other hand was enjoying herself, subtly moving her muscles massaging my cock while Marie snapped photos from different angles.

Yes! That's it. Now you'll stay just like that for the first 15 minute period. Said Marie.

I just nodded a bit. Karey's breasts were pushing into my chest. I was holding her around her waist. I looked up at her, and she looked down at me knowing what she was doing. I could only smile and enjoy myself.

Changing to the next pose will be easy. Dane, lie back from where you are. Karey, stay on top like you're riding a horse. I leaned back. My cock was so hard that it hurt, in a good way, to be pressing up against Karey without actually going in. My cock rested up against her ass now, but was so slick from her juices that I could have slipped in her ass if I tried.

OK, the next one is a little different, this will be one showing anticipation. Karey, lie on the bench, and Dane, start to lay down on top of her, but hold yourself above her with your cock looking like you're about to go in but show some space between you. This way, all of you is visible and your entire body will be flexing. She snapped some pictures from different angles again and remarked that I would be paid extra if these get published.

Whoa! Published? I broke my pose and asked her to clarify. Marie stated that I signed a contract that said she could take photos and publish them online or in print. I would be paid for each publishing and more for larger media outlets. What about Karey? I asked. Oh, she can signs contract too or I can alter her face with someone else's.

How much were we talking about? I had not wanted my body to be a published display. Artistic representations of me were one thing but photos on sexual positions was another.

Oh, thousands, I'm sure. We'll see once I submit this first set but I'm sure the will be well received!

OK, I had lost all control of the situation. And really, all I wanted to do right now was fuck Karey and let Marie watch or take photos or whatever. I went back to my previous position, holding myself over Karey and spoke quietly... Is this what you want baby?

She nodded yes. I then proceeded to lower my body to hers. My prick touched her. She was so wet. I heard clicking but began to block it out. All of me was now consumed with Karey and making real love to her. I moved my hips so my prick slid up and around her wet slit. I pushed it against her clit and moved it slowly around till her eyes rolled back. She grabbed my hips and pulled me into her like an animal. I slid all the way in on the first thrust and touched her cervix with my tip. I stayed there for a moment finally enjoying what I had been after for so long. Marie brought me back to reality a bit when she thanked me for holding the pose. I then started slowly moving all the way out, then plunging back in again. We were both so worked up from all the foreplay that I knew this wasn't going to last very long.

Karey was orgasming continuously now. I was going slow with long, deep strokes trying to hold off the inevitable. It was then that I felt a hand on my back. I looked over and Marie was naked and fingering herself and she rubbed my ass.


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