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Manic Pixie Dream Niece


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"You know what I mean, Katelyn. Why aren't you with your parents?"

"It sounded lame, so I bailed on it. Dad wasn't happy but he'll get over it. Besides, I figured they could use some time alone." She sighs. "It may be good for them to not have me around to fall back on if they don't want to face their problems," she adds. I nod, knowing that without Katelyn around there would be a better chance of the two of them opening up to each other. It was a surprising insight.

"Still, I'll take you back to your house. We -" I'm cut off by the sound of sirens in the distance. I look through the trees, no one else seems to have heard them over the noise. I look to Katelyn and she rolls her eyes and nods, taking my hand.

We rush through the back and out into the front yard. We hop in the car and we're at the corner when we see the cruisers rush past us as the party empties onto the street in an attempt to get away. We got out just in time.

We drive in silence for a while, Katelyn takes off her ridiculously high-heeled boots and stretches her feet out on the dash. She leans over and rubs her feet and ankles, and I spot one of her latest tattoos - an 8-bit fire flower on her left ankle. Her milky cleavage is entrancing, so deep and so inviting.

She leans back again, the angle of her legs causes the hem of her skirt to fall up a few inches, exposing more of her thighs to the air. I glance over when I think she's not looking. She does the same to me, I see her look at my lap every now and then, biting her lip and smiling knowingly. I clear my throat and break the tension.

"How the hell did that party get that way? I've never seen anything like that."

Katelyn smiles. "They ran out of booze early. One of the overage guys there said he knew someone who could bring in a few fresh kegs. This enterprising young man decided to monetize the gathering a few hours ago."

"Yeah, he made he fork over 50 dollars to get in the house. Gave me a cup and all, I haven't done that since high school." I chuckle, "...and that's how babies are made."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, we all know how Amelia was conceived, thank you." She continues, "Well they ended up tainting the drinks. I'm not sure what they put in it, but..." She trails off. "Did you drink what they gave you?"

"Yeah. I remember it tasting off."

"Well, whatever it was, I think it just ended up making the drunks drunker and pushing the buzzed ones over the edge. The music got louder, people got wilder. Someone found some holiday supplies in the basement, a few people helped set up those lights that play in time to the music at Christmas and some decided it was the 4th of July. A few others..."

She winked. "But you'd know all about that, Brian." Ouch.

I take a quick mental faculty check and all systems normal. I realize that she isn't slurring or acting intoxicated either.

"You didn't drink," I state.

"Nope." She shakes her head, purple curls bouncing, "I'm naturally like this, buddy."

"But the dancing...?" I ask.

"Just for fun. I like the attention." She lowers her voice and adds, "I like feeling wanted, sexy."

I think for a minute. "We never actually talk about this side of you. I don't know why."

She's quiet, introspective for a long while. She takes her feet off the dash and turns to face me. She sighs a deep sigh. "Stop the car," she orders.

I pull off on the side of a residential street. We're close to her house, I'm not sure why we have to stop here. I turn to her and give her my full attention. She looks terrified, small. She steels herself, takes a deep breath and starts talking.

"You know two sides of me. One you know so well because you helped me become that. You see your niece, the little girl who snuck into your book collection and nearly ruined your signed copy of Neuromancer. The one you dress up with for Comic Con. So that's who I am with you. Your best friend. And you're mine, Uncle Brian."

She hasn't called me that in years. She looks down and continues, "In some ways, we're closer than you and Lia are. In others, we aren't. That's the other side. Lia is completely honest with you. I can't be. With me, the other side you only know through rumors, reputation. It's not true." She has tears in her eyes.

"I know I act out. I know I am a handful at times. But I do that because I can't truly express myself in other ways. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I don't sleep around. Hell, the only guy I've ever fucked is Steve, and he was my first real boyfriend."

She takes a deep breath. "I work out my issues through rumors that I mostly start, dancing, dressing like this," she motions to her outfit, "and teasing guys at parties like the one tonight. But that's all I am. A tease. A rumor. A reputation. I'm emotional turmoil personified. The girl I am with you is the real me, Brian. The other side is an outlet for my own frustrations."

I'm in awe. She's never spoken this honestly with me before. She is naked, exposed, raw. My heart is breaking for her. I reach over and hold her hand. She squeezes it and sniffs. I have to know.

"Is it because of your parents?" I ask her. She looks at me in disbelief.

"What? No. Nooooo," she laughs, shaking her head. "Is that what everyone thinks? That I'm messed up because of them? They have their issues, but they love me. I love them. Why do you think I bailed on the trip? I would be a distraction. They haven't had a vacation in 15 years."

She continues, in a quieter voice, "Someone from the outside looking in would see me rebelling against them. In truth, I'm doing it for them. They don't make me act out. No, I did this to myself. You really don't realize why?"

I do. I really do, but I don't want to admit it to myself. Admitting it makes it real. Speaking it out loud makes it fact. I look away. I can't look at her anymore.

She unbuckles and takes my face in her hands, making me look at her. Her eyes are red, and tears are flowing freely, but she is as beautiful as I've ever seen her. This is it. The windmill. The point of no return.

I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest. She is breathing just as heavily as I am, and she's shaking. This is the first day of school and she just asked me to introduce myself in front of the class. I take a deep breath, even though the words that come out are barely audible. It's all the volume I can muster.

"You're in love with me," I say quietly, whispering the words as if the lack of volume would prevent them from becoming truths.

"And it's wrong. You're my uncle. But you never pushed that relationship. So we were friends. It became easier to rationalize it not having to address you as 'Uncle Brian'. I fell in love with my best friend, not my uncle. Look at you Brian, you're everything I ever wanted. Hard working, smart, patient, kind, funny, a great dad-bod," she says, laughing.

"So I do what I do to get the attention I desperately want from you. Attention I could never, ever get because I'm your niece. You've been my standard for guys for so long, you became my dream guy. And I became your dream girl."

I look at her incredulously. "What?"

"Your dream girl, Brian. Your manic pixie dream niece. You think I don't see the ways you look at me? You can't stop yourself. I already have the body. Don't think I don't see the kind of girls that turn your head when we're out. Don't think I haven't seen what kind of reaction I have on you," she said, motioning to my crotch with her eyes.

"But it's not just that Brian. You inspire me. I'm who I am because of your influence. A geeky girl who's best friends with her uncle...with huge tits and a killer ass," she laughs.

That catches me off guard. "I didn't influence those," I laugh with her. She holds my hand tighter and stares into me with those stormy blue-grey eyes. It's my turn now. We knew it was heading to this after that night two years ago.

It was an oasis that was on the horizon when I wished that the desert would stay beneath my feet forever. Two years of cat and mouse, will they or won't they, to be or not to be, all coming to a crashing end with the next words out of my mouth. I swallow hard.

"You're right. About all of it. You are my dream girl. I'm in love with you too Katiebear," I say, using my nickname from when she was a little girl. She gapes, covering her mouth with her hands - she thought I had forgotten my pet name for her.

I have to go on. "But it kills me every day. I didn't intend for this to happen. An uncle shouldn't feel this way about his niece. So I hide it the best I'm able to-"

"Not very well," she comments.

"Shush. I have to say this. I hide it the best I can because it can never be real. It would never be accepted. I would never hurt you, Katelyn. I can't do that to you. I don't even know how we can go backwards from this," I admit. Now I'm tearing up, I may be losing my best friend after this.

"You can never hurt me," she says as she moves closer and places her hand on my cheek. She's millimeters away. I don't know how she got so close so fast. I can smell her perfume mixed with sweat from dancing all night, it's flowery and musky and intoxicating. Her eyes meet mine. She speaks in a small whisper, "So lets go forward," and places her lips on mine.

The feel of her lips on mine is a physical shock, a cattle prod directly to my heart. She tastes of some vaguely fruity lip gloss. Her lips are soft, warm, and the best thing I've ever felt. I feel as if we are vibrating, the heat of our bodies threatening to reach critical mass. Her mouth opens partly, I take advantage and slip my tongue into her mouth.

Our tongues intertwine as I run my hands through her hair and down her back to where her shirt has ridden up, onto her bare back. It's the first time I am able to touch her like this, and it snaps me to attention. I pull away. Katelyn looks at me, expecting some kind of fallout.

I have to fight it one last time, if only for my own sanity. "I can't. God knows I want this Katelyn. But -"

"Brian, I'm an adult. I can decide what and who I want. If that includes a little bit of incest so be it," she interjects with a wave of her hand. She isn't backing down.

"But Jen-," I start, but she puts her finger to my lips.

"Aunt Jen knows, Brian. She always has." I'm taken aback. Katelyn sits back in the seat and motions for me to do the same.

She continues, "She spoke to me a few months ago. She noticed that I was dressing differently when you were around, versus when I was hanging out with Lia. She had an idea of what was happening between us. We went out for coffee, and I confessed everything. She already knew how you feel about me. She noticed, without noticing. It's like that line from Snow Crash," she pauses to think.

Her eyes widen as she remembers, "'To condense fact from the vapor of nuance.' She should really be telling you this, but she said if it ever came to a boiling point, she would understand. You've been together since you were 18, with a baby, and missed out on so much of your youths. That's why I'm saying that she should be telling you this, because she truly understands. She just wants you to come home to her. And maybe give her a few concessions as well."

I study her face for any hint of deceit, making sure that she isn't just saying this to fulfill her own desires or mine. There isn't a trace, but I can't help it. I call Jen. Katelyn sits smiling, knowing how this conversation will play out.

"Honey, Katelyn and I just had a very interesting conversation about you and her."

I hear my wife sigh over the phone. It's a relieved sigh. "I've been up waiting to see if I was going to get this call tonight. Is it about the talk we had in the coffee shop? Thank God. Tell her I said Hi. Just be careful, both of you."

"So you know?" She starts laughing.

"Brian, darling, you oblivious man. It's been almost 20 years, and sometimes you still surprise me. Yes, I know. I know you much you love her. I know how much you desire her. I know how much she desires you. This is good for both of you. I love you, and I love Katelyn. We can talk about it later and what it means for us, because if you're getting something you want there are things I want as well. In and out of bed. Just remember, I was yours first."

My heart is pounding. I can't believe my ears. "I love you, Jennifer. Thank you."

"I love you too. Now go fuck the brains out of that little sexpot and come home in the morning and tell me all about it," she says laughing.

We hang up. Katelyn is grinning ear to ear, so am I. She buckles in. "You heard the lady," she says. I leadfoot it back over to my sister's house, well aware that there's no one home. I pull into the driveway, and before I'm even all the way out of the car, Katelyn jumps on me.

I didn't even realize she had gotten out of the car. Her hands are in my hair, on my ass. Her breath is hot in my ear as she kisses up my neck to my mouth. Our mouths part and we're kissing again. I grab her ass and lift her up, spinning her around and pinning her hard against the car.

Her legs wrap around me, straddling me as I press my erection against her mound through her panties. I can feel her heat like an inferno through our clothes. She pulls her mouth away and shudders at this contact. She's flushed, her cheeks and chest scarlet with excitement. She looks at me and grins. I grin back, I can't help it, I'm giddy.

She grinds against me, closing her eyes and pulling me closer with her legs. She is panting now, and I'm moving in time with her gyrations. I feel like my cock is going to burst at any moment, but she beats me to it.

She pulls me close with her arms, and yelps as her orgasm rips through her, shaking as she does. As she comes down, she lets go with her legs and stands unsteadily on the pavement.

"Holy shit," she says, breathless, "That was...that was fucking awesome. And we were just grinding!" I laugh and she takes me by the hand, rushing me to the front door.

She fumbles with the keys, rushing to fit the right one. When she gets it, she pushes me inside and closes the door. She's in my arms in a heartbeat. I carry her to her room and toss her down on the bed.

She rips off her shirt, reaches around and undoes her bra. I see her exposed breasts for the first time. They're perfectly shaped with large dark pink areola and capped with thick nipples, standing at attention and begging to be sucked. Each nipple has a tattoo of a heart surrounding it.

"Now it's my turn to say holy shit, Katiebear - you're absolutely beautiful," She smiles, radiating warmth that could melt the arctic. Her hair falls in curly waves over her shoulders and tickles her breasts. She's nervous, I can tell. So am I.

I join her on the bed, taking off my shirt in the process. I kiss her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth and she moans, running her hands across my shirtless back, scratching at my shoulders and back lightly as she moves down to grab my ass through my pants. I pull away, trailing kisses down her neck. She moans in frustration but her breath catches as I move to her left breast, and run my tongue over the edges of her areola, slowly, teasingly. I make a show of tracing the outline of her heart tattoos.

She makes small panting breaths, anticipating what is coming, arching her back and trying to guide her nipple toward my mouth impatiently. One hand is on the back of my head, the other is kneading her other breast and pulling hard on her engorged nipple. I give her what she wants, enclosing her nipple in my mouth and sucking gently while flicking it with my tongue. Katelyn lets out a long contented sigh and arches her back. Her other hand lets go from her breast and finds mine. She places my hand on her other breast to pick up where she left off, and I start rolling her other nipple between my fingers for a bit then swap places.

She gasps when I let her nipple fall from my mouth, the cold air a shock. My free hand moves down her belly, lightly touching and stroking along the way to the hem of her skirt. I reach under to caress the outline of her pussy through her panties. She is on fire. She squirms, moaning, and her nipple pops out of my mouth. I smile and look up at her, and start to remove her panties to get better access. She reaches down and stops me.

"Wait," she pants, grunting in frustration that she made herself stop what was about to happen. "Wait dammit. I want to show you. I've been waiting for two years." She gets up and motions for me to sit on the bed right in front of her. "Remember when I came to you about that tattoo?"

I nod. She's smiling and running her hands over my bare shoulders. Her bare breasts are eye level and I can't help but caress them as she talks.

"The rest of them are for me. That one is for you. I hoped you would get to see it one day. But...if you want to, you have to say the magic words," she teases, putting emphasis on 'magic'. I know what she wants. I reach up and pull her down to whisper in her ear, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

She giggles and bounces up and down, clapping like a little girl who was just told she could have ice cream for dinner. Her generous tits jiggle and sway as she bounces. They're entrancing.

She bends down and kisses me hard, breaking the spell, then pushes me away. She steps back and turns so her rear is facing me. She looks back at me slyly and unzips her skirt, letting it fall and stepping out of it. She sways from side to side and looks back at me, working her panties off a millimeter at a time. It's my turn to make frustrated grunts now.

She giggles, knowing what the display is doing to me. She works her panties down past her ass then bends over to remove them, showing me the barest view of her swollen pussy. My breath catches.

She turns around and shows me the tattoo she picked out for me. Where her pubic hair would be if it wasn't shaved bare are the words 'Mischief Managed' with tiny footprints leading the way down to just above her slit.

The location explains why I never saw it, and here it is - here she is, all of her - in front of me. I stand up, and she's grinning wildly, flushed with excitement. She's radiant.

I kiss her tenderly, wordlessly putting all the love I can into the action. She hugs me, whispering, "I love you, Uncle Brian." She emphasizes the word uncle, drawing it out breathily. It is an acknowledgement of the taboo that we are now a part of.

"I love you, Katiebear. I've loved you for so long." She melts against me, then slowly goes to her knees. She looks up at me, biting her lip. She unzips my jeans and lets them fall to the floor to join her clothes.

The last piece of clothing either one of us has on is my boxers, which she pulls down and out from under my legs and tosses across the room, saying "We won't be needing these for a while..." as she gazes at my cock.

I'm as hard as I've ever been, I feel as if it is double its usual size and as she wraps her hand around it and starts stroking she can't touch her fingers together.

"You keep this guy pretty well trimmed down here," she observes as she is lifting it and peeking at my bare balls.

"Jen likes it that way, I do too," I admit, groaning at her touch and the tease of her hot breath on my sensitive tip.

"I do too, it should make this a lot better than the last times," she says as she engulfs the head of my dick in her mouth. She teases the tip with her tongue while sucking gently.

The combination is overwhelming and I instinctively push against her lips. She takes it, allowing my shaft to deepen into her mouth.

She takes as much as she can, but there's still more left that she squeezes while she swirls her tongue around what's in her mouth.

She pulls back, lets the tip pop out then dives back in, using one hand to steady herself on my hip while the other moves from the base to fondle the sensitive underside of my scrotum.

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