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Mao Cun & Qing

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Beginnings of my sexual relatioship with a Chinese couple.
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Six years ago, I had an interesting encounter with a Chinese couple in the city of Suzhou, China. I've never spoken to anyone about this incident that led to the blossoming of my sexual relationship with a most loving couple. Not to my peers, not to my wife, not to my best friends, not to anyone. It's one of those secrets that's too private to tell, but too erotic to keep to oneself forever. It's something I've romanced about over and over in my mind many, many times since it happened, each time bringing back at least a little bit of the happy feelings and memories I experienced that night.

Over the last ten years, I've enjoyed reading erotic stories from books and in recent times from the Internet. The Internet does indeed offer the anonymity to share secrets, which might be too sensitive or private with those you know. I am not a natural writer of English classical erotica, but I've decided now to use this medium to get this joyful secret off my chest. To share it with someone... anyone... by writing down what happened that night.

This story is unlike most of the stories on this site. It is not a fantasy. What I am telling here really happened. But for the sake of preserving the anonymity, names of places and the participants have been changed so that my real life friends would not be embarrassed. As that incident took place many years ago, some of the intimate details may have escaped me. However I can still vividly remember the happy happenings of that night. More clearly in fact than any other nights of my present life.

What happened involved my friends Mao Cun, his wife Qing (not her real name) and I. We are intimate friends now. At the time of the incident, we had known each other for about six months. We met during the course of my work. Earlier that year, my company had established a new business unit in their city and I had to make monthly visits to oversee the operations. Mr. Mao was then an official in the local security bureau. He was a helpful person, sincere and always going that extra mile to get things done. As anyone who had done business overseas, good relationships with the right local partners can make the difference between success and failure of the deal or venture. And good partners include people in governmental positions.

Mr. Mao then looked a few years older than his true age of 45. He had experienced the hardships of life during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution. It was only with the opening up of the Chinese economy in the 1980s that he found life getting easier.

Mr. Mao’s wife Qing (not her real name) was of the same age of him. She was still beautiful and youthful with a curvaceous body that would have been the envy of other young local women. Standing at 5’ 5” she looked like a woman in her late thirties, especially when she was dressed in skirts and stockings. Through our frequent contacts, it was common for me to invite the couple for meals and drinks. Initially we met with larger groupings, as it was the custom to include Mao’s colleagues and people from my own company. However with frequent contacts, we developed a friendship, which allowed us to treat each other as friends. I was sometimes invited to their home for dinner and likewise I could entertain them in the privacy of my hotel suite.

Mao and Qing were a most loving couple who sometimes held hands in public. However Qing was more traditional in her thoughts and held more firm beliefs in the propriety of female behaviors in olden Chinese society. Her husband on the other hand was open minded and free with his thinking of moral rights and wrongs. As China continue to develop, he felt it inevitable that moral standards would change with the times. Divorces, pre-marital sex, co-habitation would become less frown upon even by people of his generation. Needless to say, Mao and Qing felt the need to catch up with the times. We often went out dancing at local clubs and drinking at KTV lounges where ‘san pai’ or social escorts were available. Even though intimate contact between unfamiliar girls and men were specifically proscribed by local Chinese regulations, Mao tolerated their presence as he felt it something normal and natural.

In Mao’s presence, Qing grew increasingly uninhibited in my company. She would dance slow dances holding her bosom firmly to my chest. Sometimes she would even grind her crotch against my bulge when the lighting was dimmed as the evening wore on. She became more expressive about things sexual and was curious and asked a lot about how women lived overseas. She had learnt about orgies and other forms of explicit sex through watching pornographic VCDs that were easily available in the streets and was quite fascinated with group sex, public nudity, and swinging in the more liberated societies outside.

As my visits became more frequent and of a longer duration, the frequency of our contacts increased. Sometimes Mao and Qing would visit me in the hotel singly collecting gifts I had brought for them or sending me my normal replenishment of Chinese tea or drinks. They would stay and talk socially for hours at a stretch and made use of the toilet facilities which are much more comfortable than those at their own home. We began calling each other by first names dropping all formalities when we met with each other.

I began to look forward to meeting with them each day. The restaurants around my hotel provided good food and they became regular guests unless Mao had other more pressing commitments.

It was in early or middle December, a Friday night that I was drinking beer and Chinese spirit in my hotel room. We had earlier had a filling dinner at the hotel restaurant and had returned to my room to continue with our conversation and drinking. It was the sort of night that we'd had many times before. After dinner, we liked to socialize a little bit more, and when it got late, Mao and Cun would either take public transport of a taxi home. However that night, Mao had brought along three full bottles of Wuliangye, one of the best Chinese white spirits that he had received as a gift from a local Chinese company. As we had downed two full bottles of red wine during dinner, I decided to drink the beer I had stocked in the fridge. Mao was against the idea as he felt that cold beer was not good for health during winter. So we stopped after having only a single can each and switched to the spirit he had brought along.

An hour later, we could see through the window that there was a huge snowstorm outside. Heavy snowfall was rare in Suzhou, but for that year, the Siberian cold front was slow moving and the temperature had remained near zero degrees for a few days. None of us however was expecting that the rapid build-up of snow outside. I thought it unwise for Mao and Qing to return home and invited them to use the extra bed in the room. It was unlikely that there would be buses or taxis outside given the adverse weather conditions. They agreed and Qing called her daughter up and told her she and the father were going to spend the night with me at the hotel.

I invited them to have their bath in the hotel room and offered them the use of my spare night clothing from the suitcase. We took turns to clean up but we wore back our clothing, as it was too early to change for the night. We left the pajamas and boxer shorts on the dressing table as we continued to talk. The spirit was having its effects on Qing and me as we had drank more wine before. Qing decided to switch to Chinese tea while Mao continued topping up my cup and his. The TV was on, but no one was interested in watching it, so Qing turned it off. Instead we began talking more inhibitedly as we recounted our early day experiences.

I told them of my experience as a student in England where my cherry was popped by a hostel maid. She was eighteen, and had a hairy pussy and she loved sex. We made love a few times every night. Qing wanted to know more about the differences between the Chinese and the Western as she seemed to believe that they have more fleshly organs and are more lusted after by Asian men.

She continued, ‘Cun thinks I have a better and tighter pussy as I grow older. He is always fantasizing about oral sex. I think it’s quite sexy, but I am scare it is so dirty for a man to put his mouth there. I may bring him sickness or bad luck. Hung, do you think it’s alright.’

I confessed that I was addicted to pussy eating, especially that of my first wife. She was a Western girl with large boobs and had very tight and fleshy pubes. I could lick and orally masturbate her to climax for an hour each night. She divorced me after twenty years to return to England as she was missing life there. My second marriage was to a woman of 45. A widow, she held more traditional beliefs and hence we were not into oral sex.

Mao confessed that Qing was the first woman he had sex with. He had remained celibate during years of separation in the early 1980s and had only two weeks of sex during his annual visit home during the lunar New Year holidays. ‘We were young and so in need for sex that we fucked every night and even when she was menstruating. There was so little time and we had to use every available minute in bed to satisfy that longing before our next separation. The last ten years had been good, but with progress we need changes in our attitude to sex. Really I want Qing to know that oral sex is not abnormal. I want to try it with her before I die. I won’t lick another woman there, but I do not mind having someone else suck me.’

The evening wore on and Qing recounted a secret she had never revealed even to her own husband. It was during those period of forced separation. ‘I never dare tell Cun, even during those conservative times, there were bed things going on between those in power and those whom they controlled. I knew that some officials had sex with other women when their husbands had to work in other provinces.’

Like me, Cun was all ears as Qing continued recanting her story, ‘We need those leaders to help with our needs. Once I asked the village chief to repair my house tap. He did so personally. When I went to his house to give him a present to thank him, his wife was out working. He offered me a drink then. I believed he put some drugs into the drink. I soon felt hot all over and my pussy was itchy for sex. He was smiling as he asked me if I would come into his bedroom. Luckily, my love for Cun was so strong that I stood up and just left the house. On the way home, I felt uncomfortable and long for something to rub my pussy on because it was getting so hot. When I reached home, I picked up a candle and used it to poke myself until I had cummed a few times. Late I cried the whole evening thinking of the shame. My pussy remained swollen and wet until the next day. I decided them that I would avoid contact with that chief. If I had told Cun at that time, maybe he would have killed him and get the whole family in trouble. It was the powerful bullying the ordinary people and they could get away with it.’

Qing decided to join us in drinking the white spirit. I felt heaviness on the head as the effects of the 50 proof alcohol built up in my system. I could not remember much after that because I stood up, walked to my bed, lay down and lost consciousness.

Qing and Cun must have continued drinking, as all three bottles were empty the next morning. I must have dozed off for an hour before I became conscious of the light in the room. My mind was spinning and I lay still on the bedspread. I heard Cun and Qing got up and extinguished the lamps in the room leaving only the table light on.

Qing had taken a pair of my pajama bottoms and a t-shirt from my suitcase. Cun had selected a pair of boxer shorts. I heard them stripping and changing into my nightwear. Qing told her husband that they could not leave me sleeping that way and asked him to change me. He moved to my bed and began shaking my body. I was lethargic and felt no incentive to move or respond. Thinking that I was in deep sleep, Cun asked Qing to help him shift my body to one side as he pulled away the bedspread from beneath me. They then lifted the first layer of bed sheet to cover my body. I heard Qing suggesting that they made me more uncomfortable by changing me into the boxer short I had left on the table.

The couple expertly divested me of my outer clothing leaving my brief on. Cun pulled the tee shirt over my body while Qing held my back up. I was too tired to move and enjoyed what they were doing to my body. It was at this moment that I felt Qing’s palm beneath the sheet brushing against my manhood. She seemed to stop and then she pressed it downwards to size up the contents within my brief. My cock was in a retracted state, but even then it measured about 4 inches. It was something, which fascinated her as she briefly gripped it with her fingers. I heard her whispering to Cun, ‘ Lets put on his boxer short. You remove his brief.’

He hesitated and then replied, ‘He’s so soundly asleep. You can do it alone. Maybe it will be fun for you to do so.’

She moved away from me to fetch the pair of shorts. Returning, she pulled back the sheet and used both hands to tug at elastic of my brief. I cooperated by lifting my buttock slightly to ease the passage of the under clothing. My lower body was completely naked to her gaze and she was breathing faster at the excitement of seeing that most private part of my body. I was enjoying exposing myself to this conservative woman and pretending to sleep. I did manage to open my eyes slightly to see what was going on. Qing seemed to be dazzled and was staring so intently at my genitals. She seemed in no hurry to put on my shorts for me. Lifting her right hand, she placed her fingers to feel the skin of my penis. As she moved the index finger up and down its length, she became bolder and used her thumb and the finger to lift up and shake the organ to test its weight. She then put it down and used her fist to grip and feel my two larges testicles. She was breathing heavily with excitement as she naughtily explored the manly delights before her eyes.

Despite my drunken state, I was still not oblivious of the presence of my two friends. I wished then that I could have the energy to wake up and invite them to play sexual games. But I simply could not lift up my body, so I chose the next best option. I decided to pretend to sleep more soundly and began snoring lightly.

Qing called Cun to come and take a look at my cock. ‘Let’s switch on the bed light so that you can see better. He won’t wake up till morning and even if we lift him and place him on the floor now, he will be sleeping through.’ Cun switched on the lamp and joined his wife in gazing at my manhood. He whispered, ‘Don’t be shy, hold it and feel what another man’s cock feels like.’ He returned to sit on his bed.

She took his encouragement as permission for her to play with me. She was boldly holding the cock and masturbating it by pulling it up and down. Her free hand was dishing and tickling my balls. I felt a sense of eroticism I had never experienced before and my cock began to swell and lengthen under her ministration. Her excitement increased, as she knew that it was a sign of my arousal, even if I was in a semi conscious state. Her curiosity was having the better of her. She leaned her head forward to smell the instrument of pleasure, her nose nearly coming in contact with the seminal fluid seeping from the cock head orifice. I sensed a slight touch with the sensitive glans, but from my position, her head blocked my limited view.

Suddenly I saw Cun moving towards my bed. He was sprouting a magnificent bulge at his pubes. He was silent, and obviously enjoying the sight of his wife of 20 years having her first experience toying with another man’s cock. He must have felt extremely randy and hot for he was stroking himself without wanting to distract her.

Cun sensed his presence and moved her head to face his bulging shorts. She must have felt a bit unfair and guilty for her past refusal to his approach for oral sex. She moved her face towards the bulge and began rubbing it through sideway movements. Cun held her head tightly pressing her face to gain that additional pressure. He whispered, ‘Let’s fuck now. You can have more fun later. He is dead drunk.’

Cun switched off the room lights. They went over to the bed and stripped each other before she lay on top of him kissing furiously. She was then a like a tigress in heat and nothing could stop her from seeking fulfillment for her needs. I turned my head slight to watch them. I could open my eyes wider because they could not see me so clearly in the dimness of that room.

Qing asked Cun if he wanted to be taken orally. He was delighted for her agreement to this first occasion for engaging in fellatio. He pushed her head downwards to his lower abdomen and she responding by licking him all the way to his pubes. Without stopping she moved to the vital organ that had in the past engaged her solely in her wet slimy love tunnel. Her mouth widened to receive the mushroom cock head that initially seemed a bit too large to fit into her smallish mouth. With a little bit of adjustment and help from her husband, she was soon accommodating half his external penile length.

She might be having her first experience in sucking cock, but in a few minutes she had adjusted her oral position and style to give him that most comfortable of feelings in male human sexual responses. She gulped, and drooled as the sound of her slicky saliva created sloppy noises in the silence of the night. She was displaying her newfound enthusiasm as she easily moved his cock in and out of her mouth. Perhaps it was too early to harness the skills needed to be a deep throat expert, but Qing was close to be one as she soon took the larger portion of his 6 inch male pointer without much effort. Cun was bucking his lower up and down as he furiously fucked his wife’s mouth for the first time. The novelty for them was such that one would have imagined that they were in ferocious combat rather than in making love. But such is the irony of sex, for in attaining that ultimate of bodily pleasures, vigor and sometimes even some pain become part of that engagement.

They continued their oral sex for some ten minutes and Cun was whispering sensual words. Qing could only grunt in reply. Even for that first time, she could sense the coming of his climax and she possibly wanted to have more fun for the evening. Or perhaps she was afraid of tasting his sperm. Whatever the reason, she began to slow down her movements to allow him a respite and then she moved upwards and sat astride his hip to position his large cock into her pussy.

With his stub secured tightly inside her cockpit, Qing began rocking her body. She combined an up and down movement with a forward sliding interlude to massage her sensitive clit against his cock. As my eyes began to see better in the darkness of the night, I began to notice the magnificent feminine shape of Qing. For such a small sized woman, she had firm protrusions that could equate to three quarters of well size cantaloupes. So firm and obviously so hard. Perhaps just like hose hanging proudly on the chest of my previous wife who was much taller and had broader shoulders. Her nipples appeared delicate and not oversized, but obviously something fit for any nut connoisseur. She must have sensitive tits for she was holding them with her fingers, pressing and pulling them till the distensions were notable even from the distance of my bed. She suddenly bent forward and pressed her busts to Cun’s waiting mouth and he was totally prepared as he sucked her teats and pulled them with his lips. ‘Bite them.. bite them hard… ‘ she ordered.

Suddenly a transformation came over Qing’s otherwise shy nature. She suddenly quieted while maintaining her rocking motions. She kissed Cun and gently asked him, ’Do you want to see me fuck Hung like they do in the porno films?’


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