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Mark & Michelle Table for One

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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts anal sex between consenting adults where one partner is married - this is a work of fiction though, if this not to your liking or you have moral objections, please stop reading and visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Mark was used to dining alone of an evening in a strange restaurant or hotel. It came with the territory of his job, just like working as a team of one on a client site with remote support offered from his employer's head office. Tonight's restaurant was different from usual and yet so very similar to so many that he had visited in the past few years. Judging by the number of people here, the establishment had a promotion on, and he was glad that he had booked well ahead of time.

As he made his way past the maître d's desk from his visit to the toilet, he couldn't help but make out a conversation between a lone woman and the maître d' "Can you not find room for just one person. I've been travelling most of the afternoon and don't really want to have to go searching across town when my hotel is straight across the road."

The maître d' had just started to answer, "I'm sorry madam but we are fully booked, you can see for yourself how busy we are." The woman sighed heavily as she surveyed the scene in the restaurant.

Mark took a detour back to his table and approached the two offering to the woman "I'm dining alone, taking up a whole table by myself. If I promise not to hit on you, you are more than welcome to share my table."

The woman looked a bit stunned but then pulled herself up and replied, "Yes please, you have no idea who much that is music to my ears."

Mark smiled his most charming smile "Not a problem, I dine alone so often because of my work it's second nature to me now, why don't you follow me and I'll show you the table." He turned to the maître d' to say, "Would you mind having someone come set an extra place on table 22 and we'll need a menu as I've just ordered." Mark led the way to his table that was tucked in a remote corner and pulled out the chair facing him. Once the lady had sat down, he took his own seat and extended his hand "I'm Mark by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The lady took his hand and shook it replying "Michelle. I can't thank you enough for doing this, I can't believe how busy this place is. I don't normally travel for work, but it was landed on me short notice."

Mark bowed slightly and said "Think nothing of it. I would normally say it will be a pleasure having such a glamourous dining companion, but I don't want it construed as a cheesy pick up. Instead, I'll say it's a pleasure having a fellow traveller for company. In my line of work, you get sent to some random places and so always checkout the review sites on a first visit although I heard someone say earlier that this place has a promotion on tonight. I guess it was just bad luck you were here tonight. It sounds like we're stopping at the same hotel across the road, the Astoria?"

Michelle just had time to say "Mmmm, yes that's right" before the waitress appeared with the table setting and menu. The woman turned to the waitress and said, "Don't worry it won't take me a minute to scan the menu."

Mark took this opportunity to ask "We'll need separate bills but would you mind asking the kitchen to serve my meal with the ladies. I can't think of anything worse than one of us trying to make conversation while the other has a mouthful of food."

Drinks and food ordered the two got down to the business of exchanging pleasantries in an effort not make the encounter uncomfortable and as it turned out they had a shared interest in stand-up comics, food and traveling. They were both enjoying the others company when Michelle wandered into dangerous territory asking, "So how does your significant other feel about your frequent travels."

Mark paused while he composed his answer "Errr... I don't exactly have a significant other. I haven't found the one just yet although I suspect they'd get in the way; I'm having too much fun at the moment to be swayed from my lifestyle."

Michelle looked across at him quizzically "Hmmm, that was a lot of words without actually saying much apart from you are single."

Mark fidgeted in his seat before rephrasing "I don't know you that well and I don't want to give the impression that I'm some kind of philanderer or gigolo. I have a number of 'acquaintances' at my employer and some of my customers that means I don't go without for pleasant company. They are all nice, respectable ladies who, like me, are very picky about who they associate with and therefore I get to play in safety. Does that make sense and does it make me sound like some deviant?"

"Ah" exclaimed Michelle, immediately getting his reference to 'acquaintances' and chuckled slightly as she replied "No it doesn't make you sound like a deviant. Nor does it make you sound like a philanderer if as you say you are picky."

"Thank you" Mark nodded adding "It has killed the conversation a little bit though."

"Not at all" replied Michelle "I'm intrigued to see if these ladies have partners at home? You don't have to answer if you'd prefer not to."

He nodded again saying "Some do go behind their partners back although many don't have significant others and there are a couple with partners that know all the goings on. It's a bit difficult to say one size fits all but I admit this is one conversation I never thought I'd be having when I walked in here earlier this evening."

Michelle smiled a homely smile and stated "I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I suppose I was comparing those with partners to my own home setup. I can't see a circumstance where I would find myself in that situation. Please change the subject if I've pried too far."

Mark considered her words for a moment before replying "I'm happy to continue as long as I don't come across as a player. I can't help thinking about your current circumstance and how it could so easily present you with just that situation -- you know, working away, stopping at a strange hotel in strange town sat across from some strange bloke doing exactly the same as you."

Michelle's face dropped for a moment as it dawned on her although it soon coloured up as the realisation dawned on her "But..."

"The penny has dropped" Mark replied with a broad grin as he sat back in the chair. "Look, don't let this one stray conversation skew your view on life."

Michelle couldn't let it go though "So you're suggesting I pick up a bloke and not mention it to my husband?"

Mark shot back with "I'm merely saying don't discount how these situations arise and as for your husband well that is down to you. One of more frequent acquaintances is happily married but her husband is a very vanilla, once a week lights out in the missionary and this lady has some unique needs that I've told her I can happily provide. A different lady hasn't told her husband because she only counts straight forward vaginal sex as cheating. That's strictly off limits for me but anything goes outside of that."

Michelle gasped and brought her hand up to cover her mouth "You mean... you... that is... you have... anal sex with them?"

"Yep" Mark nodded and waited for her to come to terms with what this meant eventually asking "I take it you don't engage in such things as you don't cheat on your husband and that is to be applauded."

Michelle was sat looking at her plate and said somewhat distractedly "That's right." Mark was sat there trying to work out how a perfectly fine conversation had descended so quickly but then surmised that he had actually tried a number of times to ster the conversation elsewhere but it was the lady that kept dragging the topic back to the fore. Eventually she looked back at Mark and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Mark was feeling mischievous and asked "What? Telling a husband? I doubt it ever goes well."

Michelle looked annoyed and answered, "No. The actual act of being inside a woman's ass?"

Mark shook his head "Not for me. It feels different than the other side but it's still very nice. My partner though is a different matter altogether. Preparation is the key; the muscles have evolved to work one way. To expel rather than receive but with patience and a generous amount of lubrication great sensations are normally the outcome."

Again, the lady sat contemplating his words before she asked, "So do you have a type with your women?"

Another shake of the head from Mark "Not really, they come in a range of ages, colours, body types and hair colour."

Michelle leant forward and asked, "But what would be your ideal type?"

Mark decided to have a bit more fun with her "Well I'd have to say early to mid-thirties dark or brown hair, pretty, a nice person to be around and without sounding misogynistic a nice pair of those" waving his hand towards her chest.

The look of shock returned as she gasped "That's describing me. You've said this is an ideal situation for me to betray my marriage vows and that I'm your ideal woman."

Mark leant back in his chair hold up his hands in submission "Forgive me, I was just tugging your chain. Yes, you are very attractive but that is no basis for you to cheat on your husband. I sincerely hope you have a very contented marriage that would never see either of you betraying the other. What works in my life should have absolutely zero impact on anyone else's."

Michelle did reply but moved the conversation on to other topics. She however surprised Mark once desserts had been finished on their respective bills paid. As they walked out the restaurant she asked, "Do you mind if I ask you some more about our conversation earlier?"

Mark's expression demonstrated his shock but asked "Which part? The cheating bit or the derriere bit?"

"Well both" she replied somewhat nervously as she looked around her to make sure no-one was close enough to hear. "You got me thinking, I've never actually done it there and never contemplated it until you said."

"Well," Mark began "Talk it over with your partner, do lots and lots of research and take your time. Based on feedback I've received; the recipient gets a great deal of pleasure from it and certainly nothing like they were used to as long as you prepare properly."

They were stood outside their hotel now. He could see Michelle physically shaking as her face reddened and she looked down at her feet as she added "That's the thing. My husband is very straight laced and almost certainly wouldn't go for it but you've got me intrigued. When you described your ideal woman and it sounded like me, did you mean it or were you tugging my chain?"

Mark considered his response for a moment and confessed "Yes, I was tugging your chain a little bit but if it helps most of it was true. You are a very attractive woman and your husband is a very lucky man as for being straight laced I'm afraid I can't help much there other than to say talk about with him. Involve a counsellor if it helps. I'm not encouraging anyone to destroy any marriages based on my glib approach to life. I was raised to consider every day as though it were your last; you just don't know what is around the corner but that is not the right recipe for everyone."

Michelle was perhaps shaking more than she was previously. She reached out a hand to his arm but didn't speak for some time but eventually announced "If I tell the truth, things could be better at home." Another pause "If you think I'm attractive would you consider showing me what IT is like?" She cautiously looked up to gauge his reaction hoping he would be kind with his reply.

Mark gave her his most earnest expression "I will happily show you but have you thought long and hard about this? It's a big step especially when you consider what you are proposing is based on a random conversation with a stranger you were sat with because the restaurant happened to be busy tonight."

Michelle gave something of a relieved gasp as she replied "When you put it like that it sounds bizarre but ever since you mentioned it, I can't think of anything else. Based on our time this evening I think I can trust you. I think I'd like to try it and your obviously experienced doing it. Seeing as it could be painful, I'd prefer someone like you to show me if you are serious?"

Mark placed his hand over hers on his other arm and replied "I was serious in my offer and based on what you have said you have convinced me you'd like to try it. But I would be remiss if I didn't ask if you are prepared to undress in front of me -- if you have any hang ups about your body, I promise not to put it under the spotlight." She smiled and nodded as he continued "Good, once you are naked, are you okay with me playing with you, is anything off limits?"

Michelle drew in a deep breath and reeled off "I don't think I'm ready for full blown intercourse, do you mind if we avoid that?"

Mark shrugged as he gently patted her hand with his "You make the ground rules so that we ensure you have as pleasurable time as we can manage. I suggest we adjourn to my room as I always pack lubricant with me." Michelle nodded and followed half a step behind Mark as he entered the hotel and made his way to the lift. As they stood there, he could tell Michelle was still shaking and Mark leant over to whisper "You are still okay with this aren't you?" Michelle tentatively nodded once so Mark continued "At any time you can stop proceedings if you feel in any way uncomfortable, okay?" Again, another nod.

They rode the lift in silence and Mark led the way to his room before he opened the door and stood aside to allow her access. Michelle stepped in and went and stood in the open area near the room's seating. Mark walked behind her and once she came to a halt placed both his hands on her upper arms so that he could lean forward and whisper "You are doing perfectly; remember we go as slowly as you need. Shall we get some of this clothing removed?" She looked over her shoulder at him and nodded. She lifted her jumper over her head to discard it in a heap on one of the chairs and on instinct started to unbutton her blouse so that it too could be cast aside. Mark resumed his hold on her while she remained facing away from it; he kissed her gently on her shoulder and looked down at a very inviting cleavage saying, "You look amazing, you smell sweet and you taste delicious."

This kind of treatment just made her melt. She was dubious what his reaction would be after removing her blouse but he played it perfectly. All her cares just melted away and she was now willing to give herself to him fully so much so that she turned round so he got a better look at her and said "Thank you" as she wrapped her arms around his neck and then closed the gap between their faces to kiss him squarely on the lips.

Mark wrapped his own arms around her sides and held her close, kissing back with equal fervour but then stepping back and looking at her appraisingly saying "You looked very attractive clothed but the more I see, the more I like." That earned him another deep heartfelt kiss from her as he pushed the waist of her skirt down so that it lay at her feet and she was left in just her bra and panties.

One aspect that her husband liked her to do was take his cock in her mouth and so she slipped down to her knees in front of him, drawing his zip down so that she could delve her hand in there to extract his inflating cock "Mmmm, nice" she whispered approvingly before taking him between her lips and deep into her mouth. Her skill proved that she was no stranger to this and Mark groaned approvingly as her actions. He let the lady work away for a few minutes before he decided to take back control, lifting her up by her arms until she stood up again only to be stered back to the bed behind them.

This time it was Mark who slid to his knees, prising her legs apart and hooking her panties aside so that he was presented with a view of her very moist pussy. Without a moment's hesitation Mark leant forward and raked his extended tongue along the length of her furrow making the lady squirm and whimper. He mercilessly worked her tongue over every fold lapping away at her juices until she found herself humping her crotch against his face until she gave one final lunge, she gave a combined groan and scream and then collapsed on the bed spent from the best climax she had experienced in quite some time.

Michelle was hoping to have some time languishing in the afterglow but Mark pressed on. He rolled her over so that she was face down on the bed covering. He quickly dispensed with his clothing before grabbing a tube of lubricant and spreading her legs apart to allow him access to her little sphincter. The lubricant he chose was one of his favourites that provided a tingling sensation while numbing the immediate area, figuring it was best for her first time. He worked a single finger inside making her gasp in surprise, however her surprise didn't stop her from pushing herself back against the invader. Although it felt strange to have something lodged there, the gel started to work its making and made everywhere tingle appropriately.

Mark applied more lubricant and worked a second finger inside her prompting Michelle to take a sharp intake of breathe and look over her at her shoulder at him. Mark shrugged and asked, "Are you still okay?"

Michelle forehead was beaded with sweat but she nodded and replied, "It was just a little strange that's all but yes okay so far." Mark worked the digits in and out for a while but then started to work his fingers apart to stretch her muscles. He initially felt resistance but the more he persisted, the more she relaxed until he was satisfied that he had stretched her sufficiently. The lube came out again and was worked along the length of his cock. Michelle could feel the bed jiggle about as he knelt behind her and then a small stab of pain shot up her spin as the head was lodged insider her but then he held still as she gave a little yelp. He stroked her back tenderly and held still; it was the perfect thing for him to do. They stayed like that for a good five minutes, by then the pain had dissipated and she looked over her shoulder at him again, nodding her consent to try again.

Again, he pushed forward, again there was another yelp from Michelle and again he held still for her once more. This went on for a good fifteen minutes until he was fully embedded in her anus. When she felt his pubic hair tickling her tender entrance she looked over her shoulder again. This time it was a look of surprise asking, "Have I taken it all?"

Her delight was infectious and Mark replied "Yes." Held still for a minute or so and then slowly pulled back so that he could slowly re-insert himself.

He did this repeatedly, slowly gaining momentum. "Oh god" Michelle gasped, adding a short while later "That feels so very good back there feeling you work yourself over and over and that tingling really does help. Thank you, it's everything you promised it would be."

Mark grasped her hips and really went to town laying into her ass as he replied "Good, that was the intended outcome." A short while later Mark leant forward, reach around her hip and ran his fingertips over her clitoris.

Michelle reacted immediately to this change in dynamic and exclaimed "Oh my god" as she pushed her hips back. The way her clit jumped and sphincter clasped at his cock, it was obvious to Mark that he had coaxed another climax out of her. Michelle upper body slumped done to the bed while Mark kept a firm grasp on her hips. She remained lifeless as Mark continued to power away at her butt until he could feel his balls bubble. With one final thrust, he buried himself deep in her bowels and let his come fly.


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