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Master of Elves Ch. 17-19

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Jorgen deals with the fallout from imprinting.
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Hi all. Two potential squicks here, though I don't think they should be a problem for most readers.

The first is what some might consider "sharing," but it's nothing remotely threatening to MC, just a frustrated elf trying to care for her effeminate husband. The second is male-on-sissy with feminization. So, there is a (tiny) penis other than MC's involved. I know that some people won't love that, but there it is. This is going to be a recurring theme, as anyone following the plot knows, but it won't be frequent nor as explicit as it is in chapter 19.

Beyond that, enjoy!


Chapter Seventeen: Imprint Sickness, and a Vampire

Selene was laying in her small, cozy marital bed, wrapped around her petite inorei husband. He was naked, trembling and writhing. She had been trying to get him through this. He was almost paralyzed with lust.

The beautiful elven huntress had tried everything. Her poor little Lyn.

She looked at the carrot on Lyn's pillow. It was covered in oil and had been in her husband's ass for most of the afternoon and night. She had milked dry orgasm after dry orgasm out of the little guy. Sucking on his little penis like a sugarcane root and sliding that big carrot furiously in and out of his ass for almost two hours. That was just the latest session.

Emotionally, Lyn seemed fine. She'd hugged him and he'd hugged her and they kissed and made up and Selene told him about their new master. She touched him and pet him and made sure he knew he would be secure with their new trio.

That was before Lyn's symptoms got out of control. The little effeminate inorei was more aroused than Selene thought possible. But he was so uncomfortable initiating or being on top that his tall, athletic wife had to take charge. She'd tried it all. She even got a tiny load in her pussy. It didn't take, unfortunately. She knew her big barbarian would help with that.

She had told Lyn about that too, and he seemed to like the idea. He had soured on trying to procreate over the past year, but Selene hoped master would make that easier on her little husband.

There was just this problem of the pretty little inorei who was coming and coming but never COMING. Hours and hours. Tiny, bouncy little erection, 20 seconds of anal and/or a blowjob, 5 minutes rest, tiny, bouncy little erection, repeat. Selene was exhausted. She never, ever pictured a world where sex in any capacity with Lyn would exhaust her. Unfortunately it wasn't in a good way.

Imprinting on the big barbarian had certainly affected Lyn's arousal, but the side effects were deadly.

The elven huntress was pretty sure what Lyn needed. It was the only thing that had relieved her misery. She didn't know if her master was ready and didn't know how to make it happen. She squeezed Lyn and hoped he'd let her get a couple of hours sleep. But she already felt his little hips beginning to thrust. Backwards, as if she had a cock. It was hopeless. She reached for the poor carrot.


Jorgen found Lys in the bath, cooling water up to her neck. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was moaning and whining miserably. It wasn't hard for the barbarian to figure out what was going on. The sloshing was a clue as well.



"I think I need to help you. What do you think?"


"How do you think, little one?"

"Are you going to fuck me?"

It was early morning by now, and the big man was starting to feel it. It had been a very, very long day. He couldn't imagine that his new eighteen-year-old sex slave was feeling much better.

"No, you're not ready for that little one. Let's add some hot water to the bath, and I'll get in with you. How does that sound?"

"Yes please," she answered meekly, but without hesitation.

Jorgen reached over the little elf's shoulder and reached down to pull the drain. He wanted the water hot.

A pair of little hands grabbed his long muscular arm and pulled it between her legs with that elven strength. She pushed his thick fingers against her slippery smooth mound and began grinding.

"Be patient," the big man growled. Lys felt it in the vicinity of her gut, and she moaned and thrust harder against Jorgen's hand.

The barbarian extricated his hand, ignoring her wordless whining protest, and pulled the drain from the tub. Standing above and behind Lys as the water drained, Jorgen took a good long look at his newest addition.

The elven maiden was slender. Her hips barely flared and her breasts where small, but she had shapely, soft pink nipples that were slightly puffy, that complimented her small breasts well.

She had the face and body of an adolescent, albeit a beautiful one, with large, lavender eyes and a soft, pointed chin. Her hair was a light, golden blonde, and was currently a frizzy mess of small braids and loose locks. Her skin was a creamy pale color that looked healthy and youthful, but she did not spend much time outside, he could see.

Lys's nose and cheeks reminded him of Selene, as well as her lips. That was about where the similarities ended. The younger elf was feminine and meek compared to Jorgen's fierce, confident tomboy princess.

The elfling's legs were awkward, coltish, and absolutely adorable. They were among her best features. The barbarian could see that they would fill out a bit and be long and elegant like her sister's, but never as athletic.

"Move your hands, little one," he said. She did without a word.

"Keep your legs spread for me."

She did. Her hips were still rolling subtly.

Her hairless elven mound was smooth, with her inner lips hidden. It was swollen with arousal and self-abuse right now, but Jorgen thought it probably looked somewhat androgynous, most of the time. Just a slit.

"Alright, let's get a nice relaxing hot bath going and then I'll take care of you and we can get some sleep."

The big man plugged the bath drain and ran hot water, moving gently around the dazed young elf. He found the last towels on the shelf and set them aside. Finally, he removed his dirty clothes and stepped into the tub, savoring the hot water as it relieved the tension in his calves. It was a start.

He turned to check on the pathetic little elf, and watched her come alive.

Lys saw Jorgen's long, muscular legs first, and her dazed, glassy eyes began to focus, until they snapped to his midsection. The big man knew that worshipping his cock was not what she needed, even if it's what she thought wanted, so he was ready when she launched herself at his swinging shaft.

The muscular barbarian spun, grabbing her slender arms as they passed by, both of them in one massive hand. He smoothly followed through on the spin, until he dropped down, pulling the little elf into his lap. Five gallons of water sloshed to the floor. That's what the drain was for, Jorgen figured.

Lys's nubile young body slid easily into a princess position. The massive barbarian cradled her long legs in his right arm, with his hand gripping her thigh, and her back and head rested on his left bicep and shoulder.

The slender elfling was still struggling a bit, so Jorgen hadn't released her arms. One big hand was holding both wrists. The elfling's head was against his chest and her cute little butt was resting on his swelling cock.

Which she noticed. And baroness slutty elf was a biter. Jorgen never saw it coming.


Lys was in a daze. She knew master was with her now, but she felt really weird. The huge human was pulling her and holding her and it felt wonderful. But then she felt it, and everything came flooding back. She wasn't in a daze anymore. She remembered every detail. Of the cock that was currently under her butt.

"Let go let go!" she screamed in her head. But the only sounds that came out of her were mouth were moaning and whining.

There was a wall of flesh in Lys's face. She needed to get free. She was squishing and grinding her butt on the monster now, and it was getting hard.

So Lys pressed her delicate elfin face into Jorgen's left pec. She opened her mouth, and her tongue ran through the barbarian's soft golden fur. She sampled his salty, musky, manly skin. Then she bit down, hard. Her sharp incisors sliced easily into the meat of his muscular chest. She tasted his salty, coppery blood fill her mouth. She sucked. She swallowed.


Jorgen didn't panic. Nobody died. There wasn't even much yelling.

Jorgen did, however, shove his massive thumb up the slender elf's tiny virgin asshole. The water provided just enough lube that he knew he wouldn't hurt her physically. But there was pain. His thumb was the size of Areisian cock, or thee elven ones.

He had no choice. The royal pain would not let go. She had still been sucking his fucking blood, apparently forgetting about Jorgen's hard cock in a fit of bloodlust.

"How am I still hard?" Jorgen wondered as his blood was drained.

In any case, the thumb did the trick. Not only did she let go, she came. The slender adolescent's eyes rolled back into her head, her thighs shook, and her slippery little body thrashed around in the barbarian's massive grip. Her tight little asshole clenched rhythmically. Jorgen could feel the muscles spasm.

After two full minutes of blissful release, the little elf collapsed into a quivering heap of wet flesh, cuddling into the big gentle barbarian's chest. Blood flowing over their conjoined skin. Jorgen carefully extricated his thumb from the warm, grasping embrace of her tiny elven asshole.

Lys's explosive release in Jorgen's arms seemed to be what she needed. The imprint was complete.

The big man carried her slender figure and deposited her in the bed. He managed this while holding a dirty towel tightly against his chest, hoping to stem the bleeding. There was blood everywhere. But nobody died.

Laying on his back, dirty, bloody towel stuck to his chest, the big man reviewed his day.

"No. Fuck that."

He was asleep a moment later.


Chapter Eighteen: Taking Responsibility

Jorgen woke with a skinny elf draped over his large body. This was his life now, it seemed. This particular elf was all elbows and knees.

He noticed that the bloody towel was still stuck to his skin, and it made a nice pillow for the young elven baroness.

The barbarian had decided that he wasn't going to become distressed, depressed, or any of that. He had started a new life from the ashes of his old. He had killed thousands of orcs in a killing haze, in a glorious blaze, burning away the last vestiges of who and what he was. Before.

This was his new life and he was going to enjoy it. Aleisa had sent him here to unbalance the elves, he understood now. She thought her plan would work, but not without some chaos. And Jorgen was almost certain that she had done something to his life energy.

In any case, today he was going to get settled in, take care of a few things, enjoy the tree village, and hopefully see Selene. All of her, preferably. He just had to find the right way to tell her about imprinting her sister.

"Master!," he heard from the hallway.

So much for finding the right way, he thought, petting the vampire who was currently adhered to his chest. With blood.

This would be interesting, but he wouldn't hide anything from his best elf. Not ever, Jorgen decided.

"Come in princess."

The athletic elf strode in, and froze. She was in terrible shape. Her hair was limp and messy, she had circles under her eyes, her blue tunic and tan trousers were crumpled and stained. And she was as beautiful as ever.

"You need me," he said. "I'm yours. Just help me get this vampire off."


"Northern thing. Bloodsuckers."

Selene moved to the bed to get a better handle on the situation. Her expression was cryptic, and she looked depressed, exhausted. She also smelled strongly of sex. The barbarian smelled oils and sour sweat mixed with cum.

"Do you know who she is?" Selene asked.


"Do you know who she is to me?"

The big man smiled ruefully.


"So how.."

"Big picture, your mother set it up.

"You'll get details when you don't look half dead. It might be the kind of story that a certain slutty elf would enjoy while riding a certain barbarian's cock."

Selene nodded, and then in an impressive demonstration of athleticism, she violently flipped her little sister off the barbarian, tossing her to the other side of the bed like a throw pillow.

The elfling just rolled over and went back to sleep. The towel was stuck to her face now, and Jorgen's chest was bleeding a little.

Selene took a deep breath, and it looked like she was about to cry.

"I love you," Selene whispered.

"I love you too, princess," he said, reaching out with a big hand. She put her dainty one over his palm and studied the enormous size difference. Selene's hands were on the large side for elves.

"Not 'slutty elf'?" she asked, looking up with a sad, tired smile.

"Not 'slutty elf.' Let's save that for the orgasms. besides, 'slutty elf' seems to be redundant"

That earned a brief flash of her brilliant smile. Worth it.

Jorgen pulled himself out of bed and Selene followed the naked barbarian to the bathroom. That improved her mood.

"Help me clean up my battlefield injury?" he asked

She turned up the light over the mirror and studied the vicious bitemark for the first time. She gasped, but then the gorgeous elf's jaw clenched and her steely eyes flashed and she glared at the wound like it had insulted her.

"Elven magic can heal this. Life magic."

"I was hoping you'd say that. Who has that?"

"I do. I'm not.. the best."

"And you hate not being the best."

The tomboy princess found his eyes with a gleam and a smirk. Things were looking up.


"Well here I am, injured and everything. Practice."

But Selene looked unconfident. The barbarian didn't like it. He lifted her chin and gave her a gentle, loving kiss.


She didn't argue and followed the big man to the balcony. He turned one of the sofas around so they could see the morning forest through the balcony's lattice railing.

Jorgen casually took a seat in the center of the sofa, leaving only a little room on either side.

"Sit Selene, look at your little sister's handiwork and tell me about last night. If magic anxiety is anything like sex anxiety, you need a distraction. I figure your story will be as distracting as mine. We'll swap, and you'll heal me when the time is right."

Selene shrugged, then her lithe, athletic form leapt gracefully into action, and flowed like water over the back of the sofa. The barbarian was truly impressed by how effortlessly she rolled into his lap. Like she was all muscle and no bone.

He caught the limber elf in his massive embrace, and she ended up in the same position her sister had been in a few hours earlier. She snuggled in and started tracing the skin of his injured pec, gathering her thoughts.

"It started off alright," Selene started. She told him about reassuring Lyn, about telling Lyn how Jorgen could help them get pregnant.

"It was going well, but then the arousal took over. He was so helpless, master. It was like he'd never really felt it before. I helped him come, a lot. You can probably guess all that entailed. Whatever you can imagine, I probably tried it. "

"Goddess you smell good," slutty elf said. nose buried in the barbarians big chest. "I missed you."

Jorgen kissed the top of her head. Her smell was.. intense.

"So," she said, continuing her story, "Lyn would get hard, I'd suck his little dick with a fat carrot in his ass, he would whine and moan and try to thrust, but he basically just flopped around for a moment and then went still. Nothing even came out most of the time, his little balls were completely drained.

"Five minutes later he'd be hard and miserable again. Miserable and useless. He can't even take care of himself. He gets his little dick in his little fist and doesn't know what to do with it. I don't remember thinking that Lyn was THAT horrible at sex. I guess having the memories and actually experiencing sex with a human are not quite the same thing."

"I was ruined as an elf by the downfall, but I was ruined for elves by you. Master."

Jorgen was having fun picturing all of this, his dominant fantasies swirled.

"Just 'a human'?" he teased.

"You hardly need reassurance, master."

"That's true. My ego is getting a little out of hand."

"In any case, I am beyond exhausted. We finally sedated him this morning. My mother brought Lilonde with some tea and they made him drink three cups.

"Mother jerked him off with a finger in his ass to try to get him to relax. That was a sight. She was as casual as can be, like she was doing her hair. I was just happy to pass the torch for a while. Anyway, he's out for now."

"Alright, not great. What do you need from me?

"Or, rather, I think I know what you're hoping for. I did just deal with the bitey baroness, and she was in a similar state."

"Don't think you're getting out of explaining that in detail."

"I wouldn't dream of it princess."

"I think I miss slutty elf."

"She's always with you."

Selene had a beautiful snort.

"Ahem. So..."

"So I want to try some things. Maybe I don't need to.. Everything else aside, Selene, you know how big I am. He's so tiny. There's no way, right?"

"Didn't you say something about elves being stretchy?"

"Did I?"


"Ok, fine, but his little butt?"

She wiggled hers in his lap. Slutty elf.

"Master, are you saying you're afraid to hurt him?"

Selene was playing with his nipple now, he noticed.

"Of course I'm saying that."

"Do you want to practice on me?"

Wiggle. Jorgen was not all that surprised by slutty elf's resurgence.

"Is that really the solution right now?"

"Maybe. I think it would be fine. I mean, I've never seen a carrot as big as your cock, but little Lyn took a big fat one like a champion. I haven't tried but I'm sure mine's no different."

Jorgen sighed. This wasn't going the way he wanted.

"I think maybe my presence might make a difference. I mean, all I had to do with Lys, in the end, was hold her and shove a thumb up her ass. Just the one time."

"Details later. Are you not attracted to him at all? Because that's what I'm hearing."

"I wish we didn't have to call him a 'him'. It's a mental barrier. Part of me is very attracted. I was turned on as hell when he humiliated himself in front of me. His cute little penis twitching, then squirting two drops into his tights, the look on his face. That was fantastic for me. It would have been better if I could have comforted him afterwards."

The elven huntress scowled, and dug her short but surprisingly sharp fingernails into his chest, all too close to the bitemark. He needed a healer.

"If you had comforted him afterwards I don't think we would be having this conversation, master."

Fuck. The big man groaned and squeezed Selene's body to his chest. She almost had to beg for air, but he relented and started to speak.

"I am truly sorry, princess. That would have been the right thing to do, and I failed him, and you."

"So how. Are you." the slutty elf asked, while grinding her athletic ass onto his hard cock with significant force, in time with her words, "Going. To make. It up. To him?" The barbarian groaned in pleasure and pain.

Selene felt powerful.


"I'm going to try the baroness technique first."

Selene laughed, it was beautiful. Jorgen had really missed it.

"Alright, give me a minute here," she said.

Then the silver-haired, steely-eyed wizard placed her palm over Jorgen's wound. He could feel the callouses from her archery and swordplay on his tender skin

She rested her forehead against the back of her hand and whispered under her breath. It might have been an incantation, but the barbarian believed she was just psyching herself up.

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