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Master SHANGO's Party

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A 'Black-Owned' couple submit to a Black Master.
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The car's interior light remained on. There was a wine bucket with us in the car and a bottle of wine nestled inside it. Olu Shango picked it up and popped the cork. Anya and Heidi and myself held up our glasses as he filled it for us and we made a toast to a fun-filled evening. Anya was all giddy with excitement; Heidi too seemed expectant of what the evening might bring; I was the only one who remained clueless and had nothing to do except sip my drink and I smacked my lips as I savoured the taste.

"Wow! It's getting hot in here, isn't it?" Anya fanned at herself after draining what was in her glass. She pushed down the 'V' section of her blouse; I could make out the tan outline of her bra though she wasn't wearing any. "If I were a cat right now, I'd purr."

She and Heidi gave a giggling fit. I watched as she stretched her legs and dropped one over her black boyfriend's thigh. Her skirt rode up her thigh, giving me an excellent view of her naked pussy. I wouldn't be surprised Heidi too wouldn't have on any panties and that got my erection squirming inside my jeans.

The car went over several potholes and bumps on the road; it added to the frolicking erociticity taking place inside the limo. Anya was kissing Olu, her hand grasping his hardened crotch. Heidi left where she sat beside me and went to sit next to them. She too joined in kissing Olu; afterwards he allowed both women to share an intimate long kiss. I sipped my drink, rubbing my hard-on, watched as Heidi unzipped Olu Shango's pants and fished out his erect snake. She gave me a look before lowering her face down his crotch and wrapping her lips around his prick's head. I was a little flustered and angry sitting there watching all of that. I didn't deserve to be there—I thought she and I had something going on. I was fuming within myself as I watched her continue to swallow that thick black cock and barely get it all down her mouth. Her niece came down and joined her. Now both women were taking turns flicking their tongue and sucking on Olu's cock like a popsicle and he lounged back in his chair sipping his wine, groaning and pushing either woman's head down on him. At one time he looked at me and grinned.

"You like what you're seeing, white boi?"

Where it not that I was in a vehicle and we were moving past traffic I probably would have opened the door and jumped out and taken my chances and walked back to the resort ... if I could find it since right at that moment I couldn't tell what section of the city we were heading to. Street lights shone their glare through the tinted glass at us and the city moved at frenetic speed and that was all I could make of the city around it. I turned my face to look out the dark window but couldn't shut out the sound of lips smacking, the moaning voices or that of Olu telling the women what to do. I turned to watch them and now he had his jeans down his thighs and Heidi had near loosened her dress, hiked up her skirt and now was about straddling him.

"Go on get that black dick, dear," Anya urged her. She stroked Olu's cock in her hand and I watched her hold it as Heidi lowered her ass down on him.

I couldn't take the sound or sight of Heidi riding Shango's cock from my mind even as I'm telling this story. I watched the roundness of her white butt grind against his black skin as she leaned against him. Her niece knelt down and kissed her butt and sucked on Olu's cock. She caressed her tits behind her dress and fingered herself. She turned to look at me sitting there feeling miserable and came to seat next to me.

"You enjoying the show, Michael? I know you'd like to get a taste of my niece," she cooed into my ear. She picked up my hand and directed it to her pussy. "I know you'd love to get some of this pussy too, wouldn't you?"

Her face was inches from mine; her nose breathed against me; I could smell the taste of wine coming from her. Yes, I wanted her in every worse way. I wanted to do to her the things that her black boyfriend was right now doing to her niece. I wanted to fuck her hard and more ...

She crackled and pushed my hand away from my cunt, sliding away from me as if I were poison.

"Too bad you're not going to get any. Don't take it personal, but I don't fuck white men; my Master wouldn't like it if I did," she cocked her thumb at Olu. "Neither does Heidi."

Heidi was moaning and jerking back and forth in a frenzy by now. The car bumping over potholes only exacerbated her cries. Olu Shango had his hands all over her ass cheeks and kept bouncing her hard on his shaft. I kept rubbing at my erection inside my jeans and watched like a love-sick pussy at the sight of her ass cheeks sliding up and down that black monster; I could make out her pussy juice pouring down his thighs. I didn't realize that I was licking my tongue over my lips, enjoying every second of the action.

Anya buried her face between her niece's ass cheeks and when Olu's cock slipped out of her, groaning, she took his cock into her mouth and sucked and cleaned every trace of cum he spewed out. He thrust his thighs upward even with Heidi still hanging on to him, pushing his prick into her niece's mouth. Anya kept on sucking him even as he grew soft then she withdrew.

There came a knock on the plexi-glass separating us from the driver. Olu pushed on a button that lowered the glass down some inches. The driver told him we were soon arriving at our destination. Olu pressed the glass back up and brought Heidi down from him. Both women straightened out their dresses. They opened their handbags and quickly reapplied their make-up while Olu pulled back his jeans and inner shorts and fixed his belt back. I could feel my cock dying back inside my jeans, too disappointed. I looked out the window and saw that we'd just driven into a compound and were now approaching a mansion-like house. The limousine drove round a wide circle and came to a stop in front of the house. Two thick black men in tuxedos manned the doorway. One of them approached our door and held it open for us to climb out. Olu had his arms around both nieces and led them inside; I followed behind.

The other man in the tuxedo opened the door for us and we walked inside to join the party ongoing.


It looked like a tuxedo party to me; nearly all the men in the room were in white or black tuxedo except Olu Shango and myself. There were lot of white couples there with their wives, everybody sipping wine, conversing, laughing ... looking here and there. Soft music played above our heads.

We were in a large ballroom; the furniture was arranged in a sort of wide circle formation with a set of long chairs aligned head to toe in the centre like a long 'I'. Nobody sat on the long chairs. I looked around and couldn't find Olu anywhere though I saw Anya and Heidi mingling with the crowd, laughing and talking as if they were familiar with the people here. I notice there were some white men walking about serving drinks on trays. They were naked except for the pair of loin clothes they wore that covered their crotch region; neither seemed to care as to their nakedness. One of them stopped in front of me and asked if I cared for some Champagne. He offered me a glass of bubbly before moving along past me. I watched him go, cringing with revulsion at the sight of his loin cloth barely covering his ass cheeks. So repulsed was I wondered if this was some gay enclave I'd allowed Olu to bring me to. If it were then how come the white women?

I wandered amongst the crowd, said hello to several before finding myself a couch and sat on it with my drink still in my hand. I turned to my left and there was an older man seated there sipping wine off his glass. He looked to be in his forties. We exchanged handshake and I found out he was an American.

"Tim SImmons," he introduced himself.

"Michael Paymer. This is some strange party," I said, making conversation.

He smiled. "Don't get down about it. The fun part hasn't even begun."

We kept talking. One of the naked white men servants came and filled our glass before heading over to do the same to some group of women who stood chatting with each other. Tim pointed out his wife, Monica, to me, standing across the room chatting and laughing with some other white woman.

"What's the deal with the naked white men," I said to Tim. "Is this some crazy party or something?"

"You don't know about this party?"

I shook my head. "Some black guy, Olu Shango was the one who brought me here along with two other women."

The man looked at me with amazement. "You came here with Shango, is that what you just said?" he turned his head all round the room looking for whom I'd just mentioned. "He's not here. He's probably upstairs getting ready," he said.

I was confused now. "Getting ready for what? What did you say was going to happen afterwards?"

"Excuse me."

He drained his glass and got up leaving me still confused over whatever was about to happen. He went over to where his wife was and whispered into her ear. Her features appeared delighted with whatever he'd told her and she too shared it with her friends as he left her and went to a gathering of other white men and talked to them. Someone came and sat next to me. It was Heidi.

"Having a good time?" she asked.

"Having a swell time. What're you doing here?"

"What does it look like? I'm waiting for the party to begin. It should happen anytime from now. The boys ought to be coming out soon."

"What boys?"

"I'm still mad at what you did to me," she said.

I thought she was joking. "You're mad at me after I've seen you sucking Olu's cock in the limo we rode it?"

"Don't take that personal. Anya and I don't fuck white bois. Not since we hooked up with Master Shango."

"What? What did you just call him?"

"He's our Black Master," she looked at me as if I was dumb. In a way I was.

"What does that mean 'he's your Black Master'? What is he, some karate black-belt sex freak body-builder or something? And if you say you don't fuck white guys, then what were we doing in bathroom then?"

"I wanted to suck your cock," she declared. "What did we think we were doing besides that. I'll see you when the party's over."

She got up and left me sitting there looking and feeling like the world's biggest fool. I finished my drink.

I noticed the white men were now leaving the room. I saw some kiss their wives before trooping out; the black men in the room remained as they were till it was just them and the white women and they were nearly all in equal number. Some time later the lights in the room dimmed. The soft music that had earlier been playing died away and a drum roll sounded like something about to reveal itself on a stage. I got up from where I sat as several of the naked white men came and started pushing aside the furniture, leaving just the long line of chairs in the centre of the room. One of them set a podium stand in front of the long chairs. Myself and everybody else stood further away from the centre of the room. A black man in a priest's cloth holding a Bible approached the podium. The lights became bright once again and I saw it was Olu Shango himself. A church hymn began to play—the familiar church tune announcing that a wedding about to take place. I was still craving for answers at whatever was about to happened when a double door at the other side of the room opened and a marriage procession strolled into the ballroom.

A white man, probably in his fifties or late-forties with grey hair and naked except for the similar loin cloth he was wearing escorted a white woman—his daughter?—into the room; she wore a white wedding dress. A trail of five bridesmaids followed them, holding flower bouquets. The bridesmaids all wore similar bras, panties and nylon stocks and garter belts and high heels. Behind the bridesmaids came a trail of white men—the same white men who'd earlier being in the room—all dressed in loin cloth attire. It had the atmosphere of some strange gothic wedding.

I must have felt my jaw hit the ground. I rubbed a hand over my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

The white men stopped and watched as the procession went on towards the podium. From another doorway the other side of the room a white man, dressed in similar outfit, walked into the room followed behind by a group of black men, and came and stopped at the other side of the podium. The white women all seemed to moan from the sight of the near naked black men. Their skin glistened with some oily sheen; they wore Speedos with noticeable bulges in the middle.

The older man let go of his daughter's arm and handed her to the younger white man who just entered the room and he then went to join the gathered naked white men at the back of the precession to watch. My eyes went back and forth at everybody in the room and I wondered if everyone in there was insane or getting close to it. What sort of debauchery was this?

Olu Shango, the man dressed in the priest clothing, began to officiate; the hymn music died to a low murmur.

"Ladies and gents," he spoke out loud. "White married sluts and married white bois as well. We're gathered here to witness the marriage and submission of Wendy Parkes from Rhode Island, to Donald Murray from Chicago. Anyone who don't think this event should take place, speak right now and get out or shut the fuck up forever."

Nobody in the room said anything.

"Good. Now, would the ring bearers step forward."

One of the bridesmaids and one of the black men from the groom's section came forward and handed a pair of ring to the groom and bride. The room was quiet you could hear a pin drop. Shango officiated on the couple saying their marriage vows. It was something I'd never heard before ever in my life.

The Groom: "I swear and promise on my honour and life to love and cherish you with all my heart. To submit to you. To be your unswerving sissy white boi. To perform whatever cuck hubby duties you demand of me and never deny your need and desires to your Black Master. Also to uphold whatever demands that's required to keep you and him happy and together."

He slipped his ring into her finger.

The Bride: "I swear and promise on my honour and life to love and cherish you with all my heart and soul. To dominate you in whichever means I'm meant to. To keep you in line in faith and duty to whatever demands and desires my Black Master wants of me, and make sure we remain submissive and devoted to his love together."

She slipped her ring into his finger; behind me I heard one of the women behind me exhale like she was watching a heartfelt scene in a soap-opera drama. I saw one or two of the bridesmaids holding a handkerchief to their eyes. It was crazy.

"By the power vested me in," Olu Shango's voice boomed out. "I now pronounce two man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Loud cheers, hurrahs and hand-claps went off in the room as the newly wedded couple shared a brief kiss. Two of the white men servants came forward and lifted the podium away. Olu Shango took off his priestly robe and threw it aside; he stood naked underneath wearing Speedos too. The bulge in his crotch apparent.

"And now, as your Black Master concerned, you're both going to fulfil your matrimonial duties to me. On your knees, both of you."

The groom and bride did as he ordered them to and knelt before him. The bride cast her bouquet over her head; one of her bridesmaids caught it. Olu seemed to be enjoying himself. I couldn't believe I was in that room at that place, at such moment in time watching what was about to happen.

"Take down my Speedos and worship me," he said to the couple.

Groom and bride—white husband and white wife—I watched as they pulled down his Speedo pants and the room went in awe as his cock fell out into full view; his cock seemed to have grown in size since last time I saw him wielding it. The wife held his cock her face with what looked like love. She wrapped her mouth around his shaft and pulled back on it. It gave a slight 'pop' sound. She sucked on it some more ... then I watched horrified as she passed it to her hubby. I watched the white married groom suck Shango's cock just as his wife had done while everyone in the room watched. He passed his cock back to the wife and she resumed sucking it. Shango held their heads in both hands and thrust his cock back and forth between their lips. Both of them slobbered over his cock's foreskin like the world's most edible banana.

He pulled the bride up to her feet and pushed down the top of her white dress and sucked on her breasts while her husband went on sucking his cock. Two black men from the groom's train came over and ran their hands over the bride's backside as the groom moved back away from them.

The bride went back on her knees and took turns sucking Shango's cock and the other two black men's shaft. One of the black men pulled the groom's head towards his crotch and he was sucking his black cock within seconds.

"Don't she look wonderful?"

I turned to look who it was that said that to me and was surprised to see it was Anya, smiling at me. She had her glass before her lips and rolled her tongue seductively over the rim and flashed her eyes at me in a sort of 'come-on' gesture.

"Yes ... yes, she does," it was all I could say.

She giggled. "I'd love to find me a white hubby to marry like this."

"I'll bet."

Shango now had the bride bent over, reclining against one of the other black men who held on to her. I watched her suck the black man's cock while Shango fucked her from behind. She had a mouthful of the man's cock in her mouth but that didn't stop her noise from escaping her mouth. I could hear her loud and clear from where I stood; the smell of sex pervaded the room like an aftershave lotion. Around me the crowd in the room cheered what was happening; I looked at them as if they'd all gone mad.

Yet something strange was happening to me. The squirming down in my crotch was getting harder and harder I couldn't stem it down. I looked around and saw that some of the white women, even the bridesmaids, were fingering and caressing themselves as they watched; some were kissing the black men standing beside them. The white men all near-naked in their loin cloth stroked their pricks. I couldn't help grabbing my jeans crotch while I continued to watch what was happening.

The brides' cries now enveloped the room. Shango groaned behind her. His hands held her arms hard and strong, her dress packed in a parachute-like fold over her backside while he kept fucking her. Her hubby was sucking two cocks of the other black men before him. His wife kept hollering and whimpering from the sex she was getting. Shango gave a final cry and brought her down to her knees and we all watched with awe as he squirted his cum and sprayed it over her face.

It was mesmerizing, and everybody in the room moaned as they watched it happen. Some of them whipped out their cell phones and took snapshots of it. They needn't have bothered as I observed a three-man camera crew walking in the out rim of the event capturing every intimate moment on film.

The bride licked his prick when he was done; her face covered with his cum. Her hubby came to her and he helped lick off some of Shango's sperm from her face and shared it with her. The room exploded with a standing ovation after that. The moment seemed to seal their marriage; I too couldn't help being moved by it.

Now the black men came and arranged themselves and stood on top of the long set of chairs facing us; they'd removed their Speedo pants and all the women in the room marvelled at the sight of erect black penises staring at them. There were seven black men in number, aside from the ones standing with the crowd.

Shango had amazingly recovered from his sex bout and was standing beside the long chairs facing the crowd, still looking authoritative even when naked.


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