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Max Porn Inc. Pt. 04

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The Porn business expands.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/22/2015
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"All characters are at least 18 years old."


And so, it came to pass that I gave up my bachelor pad and moved into Joe's house with the girls. I mean what guy could pass up an offer like that? To top it off Joe had paid off our leases and told us to sell off our furniture unless we couldn't live without it.

Not a problem for me and I just kept my clothes. Jan and Kacey kept their dressers, but everything else was sold for some more cash. Our first night was a huge party, and we all got too drunk to fuck, but I wasn't worried about it. From then on I would have all the pussy I wanted, anytime I wanted, and life was good as I staggered to my own room and fell into a deep drunken slumber almost immediately.

As I nursed my hangover the next day at work, I looked around and wondered why I was even working anymore. Now that I was spoiled I didn't want to work unless it involved using my cock in front of a camera. I hoped that the website did well. Then I could retire early and make a living fucking! After all, that is the American dream.


Back at the big house Jan and Kacey were both getting dressed. Jan to go to her new job and Kacey to look for work since she'd quit her fast food gig. Their relationship had changed since they'd done the threesome with Max. Mom and daughter now seemed much closer, and it was almost as if they were best friends instead of parent and child. Kacey had grown up fast thanks to a few movies.

Kacey was standing in her panties and putting on her bra, in the big walk-in closet when Jan came in.

"Hi," Jan said and went to the rack of her clothes and looked for her business suit.

"Hey mom," Kacey replied, "It's too bad we have to work."

Jan pulled out her suit, "Just because we get to live here doesn't mean we can't pitch in."


Jan was in her pantyhose as she pulled up her skirt and tucked in her blouse. "Maybe someday we won't have to work."

"I wouldn't mind just making movies," Kacey grinned, "That doesn't seem like work to me."

Jan laughed, "No, I have to admit that would be a great full-time job."

"Yeah, getting paid to enjoy sex," Kacey laughed, "That's a win-win in my book."

Jan was done except for her shoes in one hand, "Well until we make it rich. Let's do the best we can."

"Sure mom," Kacey replied, "But if I have to choose between fast food and sex..."

Jan smiled, "Not really any contest is there?"


"See you later I need to run," Jan said, "Good luck!"

"I'll need it."

Jan stopped and kissed her beautiful daughter on the lips, "See you tonight."

"Bye mom," Kacey replied and finished getting dressed.


It turned out that Joe had been keeping a surprise from us. She had let the website go live without telling me almost from the start.

I didn't mind, especially when she broke the news to us and handed out the profit checks. We'd done very well, and people were signing up, and also profits were coming in from some pay-per-view accounts Joe had set up with hotels all over Europe. It seems that sex is the universal language, and taboo was in wide demand...thanks to my idea.

We all seemed to settle into our separate routines reasonably quickly. Evening meals were taken together, and Joe had become part of our little family. We hadn't done any new films, but the profits were still rising. I attribute that to getting into the incest filming before anyone else had done it. For the time being, we had a corner on the market, and we intended to keep it rolling for as long as we could.

We'd decided we needed to do some recruiting to match some of the scene idea's we were coming up with. Plus, Joe had told me I couldn't do it all by myself. I didn't want anyone else getting in on my harem, but I realized that if I wanted to make a big pile of cash, I'd have to give in. I just wasn't sure about how to recruit some new actors without getting into trouble.

A week later part of that problem fixed itself. None of us were expecting what happened next.


We were sitting around the table finishing off a pizza with a few beers and talking ideas for some new films or maybe even a series of some kind when the doorbell rang.

I said I'd get it thinking it was a package delivery. But man was I shocked when standing there all tan was my dad!

"Hey Son." He said.


"Anyone else calling you son lately?" He replied.

"Damn I thought you were dead!" I told him.

"Not yet," he said as we shook hands, "You going to leave me standing out here all night?"

"Oh yeah," I told him, "Come on in, Jan and Kacey are here."

"Really? Been a long time since I've seen them."

"Its been a long time since anyone has seen or heard from you."

"Yeah, well I've been busy."

I led him to the kitchen, and the girls looked up at the stranger.

Jan was first to react and jumped up and gave him a hug.


"That's me."

Kacey went next for a hug, "Hey Gramps!"

I introduced Joe, and they shook hands.

"Come on and sit down," Joe told him, "You want some pizza?"

"No Ma'am, but a beer Shure would taste good."

Joe grabbed him a beer from the icebox as he sat down and took off his fedora. I was still amazed to see him. It had been almost two years since my mom, and he had called it quits. Then he'd just sort of disappeared. No phone calls, letters, or anything.

My dad looked 10 years younger than 62 and was still in good shape from what I could tell. His mustache and hair had some grey mixed in, but his eyes were still bright, and his mind was working fine.

"So, what have you been doing the last 2 years?" Kacey asked her gramps.

"Been traveling around here and there...and everywhere I guess."

"So, tell us all about it," Jan replied excitedly.

Now our dad always could tell stories, right up to the edge of not believing them. The next hour was spent listening and laughing at his commentary while polishing off several beers. Dad could out drink any of us including Jan which is hard to believe.

My dad had all of us laughing about how he fought off a rabid squirrel that attacked him on a golf course in Florida. He said the critter stole his ball off the green and when he chased it down it turned on him, and he had to fend it off with a golf club until help arrived. I guess you would have had to be there to witness his pantomiming and storytelling, but it was hilarious!

When we all settled down again, dad looked down at the table for a moment, then looked up and hit us with another bomb.

"So, tell me who is the brains behind Max Porn Inc.?"

Kacey sprayed beer all over the table from her mouth and began to choke. Jan turned white, and Joe's eyes got big, but she didn't lose her cool.

Dad laughed, "I guess that answers my question." Looking over at Joe.

Joe didn't answer and looked over at me as Kacey grabbed a washcloth and wiped up the beer mess.

Dad turned and looked over at me, "Fess up Max, I saw all of the movies."

"Jesus!" Kacey said and ran to the sink like she was going to throw up.

Jan put her elbow on the table and covered her eyes with her hand as she turned red.

Joe just watched wondering what was going to happen. Now I never had much luck lying to the old man, so I just went with the truth. I mean if he'd seen the movies then there wasn't much I could say to deny it.

"It was my idea," I told him, "Joe is the business brains."

"Not surprising," He replied, "I bet she is as smart as she is good looking."

I noticed Joe blush a little bit at that comment, but she kept her mouth shut.

"So, how did you see the movies?" I asked him since he didn't appear to be mad about it.

"Saw them in London one night on pay-per-view in my hotel room. I was intrigued by the name Max Porn. Imagine my surprise when I recognized everyone but Joe."

"I bet that was a bit of a surprise," I told him not knowing what else to say.

"You did a good job keeping them in Europe, but people do travel. Somebody was bound to see them sooner or later."

Kacey got a fresh beer and sat back down at the table. Jan was looking up again but still red.

"I tracked you down through the fake company name that own's the website," Dad told us, "With a little work I tracked Josephine to this address. You never asked me how I found out where you lived at now."

"I should have thought of that." Joe said at last, "We need to fix that right away."

"Not everybody will go through all the trouble to find you like me," Dad replied, "But I can give you a few ideas on how to better cover your tracks."

"Sorry dad," Jan let out, "Nobody was ever supposed to know about this. We did it because we needed the money."

"Hey, your all adults," he replied, "I'd have been crazy pissed off 25 years ago, but these days I have a bigger view of the world."

"You're not going to throw a fit?" Jan asked, looking afraid.

"Nope, but I will tell you what I want."

Everybody looked at him now, "What's that?" I asked.

"Who do I see for an audition?"

Joe smiled, and Kacey laughed out loud. Even Jan had a smirk on her face.

Dad stood up and grabbed his crotch, "Do you want to see my credentials?"

My dad always had enjoyed shocking his friends and family with his stunts. This time was a bit close to home, but it was still funny.

Joe laughed, "God I love this family!"

"Yeah, they have been loving you too!" Dad told her and sat back down.

I think Kacey and Jan were the most shocked. They'd never seen this side of dad before. I'd seen a bit of it growing up when all his friends were around and talking guy talk about women.

I still wasn't sure that dad was being honest or just playing us.

"You really watched all the movies?" I asked him.

Dad smiled, "Several times, made me horny as a Billy Goat. I think you got a gold mine here."

All the girls laughed this time, and the ice had been broken.

"I do have a script I've been working on that needs an older man," Joe said to me.

I wasn't sure what to do, but I told him, "Let us talk about it and give you an answer."

"Fair enough," Dad replied, "I'm staying at the Hilton." And he passed me a card with his room number scratched on it in pencil.

"Well I guess I should get back," Dad said getting up, "I'll let you board of directors talk about it."

We bid him goodnight and told him to come back over tomorrow night for dinner with us.


After dad left, we all looked at each other.

"Well?" Joe said at last, "What do you think."

"I don't know what to think right now," Jan replied, "I'm still in shock."

"Yeah," Kacey added, "I thought I was going to die when he mentioned the movies!"

I was still thinking about it. My dad wasn't always what he seemed. I thought he was being truthful and he sure could have been mad when he found out what I'd been doing...well what we all had been doing.

"So, what's this idea you had?" I asked Joe.

Joe outlined the scene that would be about a grandpa and granddaughter. I thought it would be hot if Kacey would go along with it. I mean Jan and Joe wouldn't be the right age to make it seem real.

Jan liked it as well, but Kacey wasn't saying anything.

"I don't know if I can do it?" Kacey said at last,"It seems kind of weird, not to mention he's my grandpa!"

"Hey you don't have to we can always get Amy," I told Kacey.

"Okay, now that we have that figured that out I'll negotiate a price with Max Senior if the film comes out okay," Joe said.

"Sure Joe," I told her.

"Wait!" Kacey said, "I want that money, don't give it to Amy...I want to do it.

"You sure?" Jan asked.

"Yeah mom, but don't blame me if he can't get it up."

We all had a good laugh, Kacey was something else!

It seemed kind of funny to me that my dad had named me after himself. Especially considering what sort of new business we were probably going to be partners in.


While Jan and I were at work the next day, Joe got in touch with Max Sr.

Joe used her idea and filmed that afternoon with Kacey playing the part of the granddaughter, which in actuality she was. But as far as anyone else who watched the film knew she was "Maddie Mae" in the credits.

Everyone was in good spirits for our family dinner. Dad seemed particularly happy, and Kacey looked back to her bubbly sarcastic self.

"So, you made a new film I hear," I asked Kacey.

"Yep, and it's going to make a fortune!"

"I bet it will, when can I see it?"

"I'm almost done with the edits," Joe replied, "You can watch it tonight."

"I want to see it too," Jan added.

"I thought I did pretty well for my first time," Max Sr. grinned and then took a bite of steak.

"I'll be the judge of that," Jan laughed, "Kacey was worried you wouldn't be able to get it up."


Everyone laughed at the look on my dad's face.

"The day that happens I'll just shoot myself!" Max Sr. replied.

I noticed the way Joe had been looking at my dad, and I could see the wheels turning in her head. I thought maybe she had a thing for my dad. If she did that was fine with me. The horny old goat needed someone to tie him down again.

After dinner was over, we all helped clean up the kitchen. I wasn't a bit surprised when Joe said she was going back to dad's hotel to negotiate a contract with him. I just smiled and wished them well. I had a pretty good idea that Joe had a private audition in mind with my dad.

Kacey left soon after saying she was going to a high school friends party and see if she might recruit another girl for the team. I was all for that and told her to find a girl at least as hot as she was.

That made her smile, and she gave me a kiss on the lips that made me want to strip her naked and fuck her right there in front of her mom. After she went out the door, Jan just winked at me.

"Kacey might try to play it off, but I can tell she's in love with you," Jan told me.

"I'm in love with both of you."

Jan laughed out loud, "You're in love with whoever is willing to give you some pussy!"

"You might have a point there," I told her.

"Max, I'm dying to see that movie."

"Me too," And I told her to grab some beer and let's go watch it.

We ended up in the living room. Might as well watch it on the big screen. I popped in the DVD that Joe gave me.

Dirty Grampa, was a simple enough title as it opened.

It started out with a knock on the door, and my dad answered it. Kacey was looking young and beautiful.

"Hi, Maddie, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask you a favor," Kacey asked looking sheepish.

"Sure, come on in."

Kacey had on a tight-fitting blue T-shirt and dark blue shorts with sneakers. She looked like a high school girl, and I guess she had been a few months ago before she'd graduated.

They'd filmed it in the house, and Max Sr. had her sit on the sofa. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with bold colors and loose shorts and flip-flops.

"So, tell me what's this favor you need?"

Kacey looked afraid and embarrassed at the same time.

"We are having a big party tomorrow night, and we can't find anyone to buy the booze for us," Kacey said, "I was wondering if you would do that for me?"

Max Sr. looked thoughtful, "I don't know...if someone gets caught and tells who bought it, I'd be in big trouble with the law.

"Please! I already collected the money and a list." Pulling out a handful of bills and a little piece of paper that I supposed was the list.

"I don't know," Sr. replied, "Let's have a beer, and I'll think about it."

"Okay," Kacey replied her face brightening up as they went to the kitchen.

It wasn't rocket science, but then you have to remember it was a porn movie and most people who watched it wanted the sex with a semi-believable story. I was good with the lead in, and the plot for the most part and Kacey looked young and vulnerable.

They sat at the table and Kacey downed her beer pretty quickly. So, did Sr. as they talked about her upcoming graduation and some other stuff.

Finally, Sr. looked her over and said, "Remember that time I asked you to let me take some photos of you?"

"Yeah," Kacey said, looking like it was a bad memory.

"You let me take some pictures, and I'll think about it."

"You're my grandpa, taking nude photos of me is pretty sick."

"I'm also a man that thinks you are the sexiest woman he's ever seen.

Kacey seemed to be thinking about it as she picked up her empty beer can, "If I have a few more beers I might do it."

"No, problem," Sr. told her, "Maybe a shot of Sloe gin will help?"

"What's that?"

Sr. got the bottle out of a cupboard with two shot glasses.

"Sort of cherry flavored liquor," He told her putting the shot glasses on the table and got two more beers while Kacey read the label and opened the bottle and smelled it.

"It smells good."

Sr. poured the shot glasses full and handed one to her, "Down the hatch."

Kacey sniffed it and then tossed it back making a face as it burned down her throat.

Sr. put his empty shot glass down and looked at her, "How was it."

"Good can I have another?"


They had a few more shots between sips of beers, and you could tell it was making Kacey a bit drunk. Or at least she was acting the part really well. Since she was like Jan, I suspected she could drink more than she let on.

"You still want me to buy that booze?" Sr. asked her.

"Yeah, will you do it?"

"I will if you do something for me."

"Okay, I guess."

The scene next cut to the bedroom. Kacey was leaning back against a stack of pillows on the headboard of Joe's king size bed.

"Take your shirt off." Sr. told her as he had a small digital camera in his hand.

Kacey looked reluctant but pulled it over her head and tossed it aside.

"The bra."

Kacey looked disgusted but took it off and laid back showing off her nice teen tits. Sr. took some photos and told her to smile not frown.

He walked over and touched her nipple.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I want those nice nipples to be hard and teased it again with the tip of his finger.

"You're really sick," Kacey looked away but let Sr. tease both of her nipples into hard points before he took a few more photos after giving both of her boobs a couple of squeezes.

"Take those shorts off for me."

Kacey frowned but pulled them down and struggled a bit to get them over her sneakers. She flopped back against the pillows with just bright pink panties and sneakers on.

"Happy now?" She snipped, lifting one knee up and showing a nice crotch shot of her little camel toe between her legs.

"Perfect," Sr. smiled and took some pics of her.

"Take those panties off and show me your little pussy."

"God, I need another shot," Kacey complained.

"I'll bring you one while you pull them off."

Kacey pulled her panties off still leaving her sneakers on, and Sr. showed back up and handed her the bottle. Kacey took a big pull of the gin and leaned back smiling a bit more.

"That tastes so good!" She laughed, "I'm going to have to add that to my list.

She seemed to have forgotten her grandpa was taking photos of her crotch. She just smiled and posed as he wanted.

Either Kacey was really drunk or a great actor as she giggled and rubbed her pussy while Sr. took some pictures. Probably a little of both I thought but it was great stuff, and Jan sat right next to me watching intently like me.

Sr. got her to move over to the side of the bed flat on her back with her legs hanging down from her knees over the edge. Senior pushed her legs wide apart as Kacey giggled as he took some close-ups of her little twat.

Sr. put his hand on her bare skin and started to rub her clit with his thumb.

"What are you doing?" Kacey laughed and sat partway up to look.

"Giving your little pussy a massage," Sr. replied, rubbing her little clit faster.

"Oh GOD!" Kacey moaned and flopped back down, "You never said anything about touching."


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