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Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 14

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"The Left Hand of God".
71.5k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/17/2021
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"I'm done talking, wanna fuck?"

Her blouse was open revealing her sweaty bare breasts. Tressie looked down at her exposed cleavage grinning crazily, then arched her back in my direction making the short halves part further. Her flat stomach and the beginnings of her hips came into view out in public.

"Come on, I wanna give you some coffee." Tressie started chuckling letting her head rock backward on her shoulders staring up at the night sky.

"BULL-SHIT!! You're gonna fuck, right?!! Fuck my thrown away pussy, right nigga?!! I DON'T WANT NO FUCKING COFFEE!! I WANT SOME DICK RIGHT NOW!!" It was dark outside but I was worried somebody would show up, more worried she might stalk off and run into some guys who would be less than discerning.

"Come on Tressie, let's go inside." She started snickering raising the bottle to her lips.

I made a play for the keys, but she was too quick jumping backwards nearly falling over. The insane grin on her flushed face and her random outbursts had me worried a neighbor or two might phone the police. I kept moving in her direction while Tressie walked backward trying to lose her blouse. Her breasts were exposed under the street lights as I rushed forward getting some of the liquid thrown in my face while she laughed.

"Yeah fuck me, COME ON BABY!!!"

Tressie fumbled with the waistband of her denim skirt beginning to shimmy out of it revealing her narrow waist and wide hips. She settled forcing and walking the material down her shapely gams exposing some black bikini panties covering her virtue.


I forward jostling with the inebriated woman who poured a good portion of the bottle all over my head before shoving me with all of her might. My actions ended up accidentally stripping her lower half as my right foot caught in the material causing me to faceplant on the concrete.

She ran around the back of my garage as I recovered with a handful of her dress.

"TRESSIE!!" I bolted after her half stumbling with the skirt in hand. My wrist felt twisted along with my ankle from the fall.

Tressie Fisher was standing there unmoving staring at my face, emotionless and quiet.

"Hey?" Her eyes were so wide, the pupils were tiny dots making her look crazed under the streetlights.

I found myself suddenly in a chokehold snatched backwards so that I had no leverage. Strong arms coiled about my neck tightening like an anaconda as I began to quickly lose consciousness. My vision blurred making Tressie shimmer and shift in dream-like fashion.

For that one tiny instant, I was looking into some familiar cold, unfeeling eyes; something prophetic in that microsecond.





"GET THE FUCK OUT!" She screamed.

I was tossed out before I even realized the concrete was coming up to give me a wet sloppy kiss. Luckily however you looked at it, I hit right shoulder first rolling uncontrollably for a while ending up on my stomach. I was regaining consciousness finding myself peering at the opened door from the backseat of Demon's car.

I started flopping about only to be tossed head first out of the vehicle. I was groggy from being choked out but knew I had to keep it moving first hearing the roar of the engine in the distance speeding off. I got on all fours realizing the car wasn't speeding off, but returning high beams lit in the darkness like twin balls of St. Elmo's fire.


Somehow, I was able to start running in the opposite direction doing my best imitation of an Olympic athlete failing miserably as the Monte Carlo nearly clipped me racing in the direction I was running likely at a hundred miles or more. I ran for a ten of fifteen feet stopping abruptly as my heart lept into my throat.

They were coming back horn honking incessantly, the car bumping and hopping a bit due to its speed. I was about to become a bug on their windshield running backwards too scared to turn around. At the last moment, they veered off to the right barely missing me as I realized we were playing a horrific game of chicken, man versus car.

"OH FUCK, OH SHIT MAN!! GAWDDAMMIT!!" Even though I'd figured out the game, there was really nowhere for me to run they couldn't catch up to me in seconds. I was in a concrete basin, some elevated freeway underpass with its sides too wide to run up without getting mowed down.

Demon's Monte Carlo skidded into a loud screeching turn approaching me bobbing and weaving side to side with the high beams illuminating me in the darkness. I turned about running for my life with the hood at my back screaming for my life uncontrollably sobbing.

The Fishers weren't playing with me with the car on my ass getting me to achieve that adrenaline rush running arms outstretched in front of me. The closest houses nearby were a block and a half away, my screams would be drowned out by the sounds of the freeway above.

I figured I was done and it wasn't even my fault.

The honking of the horn got louder and louder scaring the shit out of me making me lose my footing. I tumbled over like a pile of bricks going into a fetal position. The car barreled past me screeching into a final turn as I prepared to meet my maker.

My legs were shot out, chest and stomach aflame as I tightened up into a ball praying. I squeezed my eyes shut face twisted into a mask reflecting my anguish at my pending murder. The honking horn got louder making me scream at the top of my lungs.

Then, nothing...

"Huh?" I carefully peered up finding myself looking at the grill of Demon's car. I could feel the heat of the engine on my face completely terrorized and addled when the horn blared in my face making me tumbled backward on my butt.

The car backed up quickly brakes screeching, then loudly revving the engine obviously wanting me to get up, but I waved off expecting the worst. They inched the car forward making it lunge at me a couple of times but I didn't bulge completely blown out and raggedy, breathing from the mouth.

I was completely illuminated in the headlights raising a hand to shield my eyes as I heard the driver's side door open, noticing through the light the passenger side door opening as well.

Tressie Fisher was behind the wheel.

Demon emerged from the passenger side of the car with a look on his face that spoke to his street moniker. Tressie was still in a state of undress, shirt opened partially displaying her huge breasts, skirt missing bare footed and crazed looking.

Her face underlit by the headlights was equally sinister with streaks of mascara running down her cheeks, nose flushed and reddened while her mouth hung open making her face a twisted mask of insanity. That fucking Demon was laughing his ass off for a few seconds before silencing himself as Tressie's head craned towards him. I wisely remained silent as she focused on me again.

"Hey! Hey nigga, how you like my style bitch?" Her chest was heaving with emotion as she glared at me like some she wolf in the darkness. I found myself unable to articulate a response, not knowing what was next.

"Aw he look fucked up!! Sis, you got him so fucked up, that cat got his forked tongue and shit! Bet money this lightweight nigga shit his pants! HEY, YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS MOTHERFUCKA?!!"

My head bobbed between them as I tried to figure out what to do.

"He looks thirsty little brother; get my drink nigga." It was definitely Tressie Fisher standing there in front of me in the flesh but whatever spoke sounded wholly thuggish, in charge as I inched back under her piercing gaze. Demon reached into the car retrieving the bottle she'd been drinking from staring at me, then Tressie.

"Give that pussy a drink nigga!" The expression on her face was murderous, no humanity in her eyes whatsoever.

"NO WAIT!!" Demon pounced on me forcing the bottle into my mouth filling my gullet with his mitt-like hands mauling the lower half of my face. I jostled uselessly with him for a second or two before Demon backed off as I went on all fours coughing up the liquid in my windpipe.

"It's...IT'S FUCKING WATER?!!" Tressie Fisher's drunken state was a work designed to lure me into the alley behind my house so that I could be subdued by her brother.

"Bitch, you lucky; that other nigga, THE ONE I HATE, got a mouthful of gasoline!! Yeah bruh, you niggas are so fucking dumb! A little bit of titty and some ass, you come running like motherfucking sheep!! You like playing games with me, huh? YOU SHOULD'VE TOOK THE PUSSY!! Oh yeah, but a supposed "smart mark" like yourself ALWAYS GOTTA GO THE EXTRA MILE WITH THEIR BULLSHIT!! Still laughing at me now, bitch?!!"

"What're you talking about?" I wiped my lips with my forearm noticing my shirt was tattered as her eyes narrowed. Tressie glanced over at Demon, brow furrowed teeth gritted looking like some earthbound succubus.

"Demon get my coin purse off the dashboard." She said coldly.

"Wait a minute, you said we was just scaring him!" Tressie pancaked his face with authority.

"Get my fucking coin purse."

Tressie grabbed a handful of the red flannel shirt he was wearing as a jacket not even looking at his face. Her tone left no doubt about the power dynamic between them. Tressie Fisher was the boss, undisputed glaring at me with murderous intent.

I put up a hand trying to calm things between the siblings, but Demon was already hidden from the waist up, his upper half inside the open passenger side window.

"Hey nigga, you thought sending me that shit was funny, huh?"

"Tressie, I-don't know..."

"Yeah beg me bitch; you gonna be just like that other motherfucker on your knees looking at my pussy before I put your goddam lights out nigga. You wanna fucking play with me, huh?!! Hey nigga, see what happen when you push a good girl over the fucking ledge?" Demon handed Tressie the vintage flower print coin purse.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT?!!" Her phone was hanging attached to the purse by a clip.

"Yes you do nigga; you and that little BITCH Charity were laying up together bumping uglies and thought it would be fun to take a poke at the hornet's nest, didn't you bitch?!! Her nappy tits don't compare to mine, huh? You all up in your feelings cause I wouldn't let you fuck that night!! SO YOU WANNA PLAY?!! I'MMA SHOW YOU HOW I PLAY WITH FOOLS!!"


"Yeah sure, I wouldn't know either if I was about to get my head ventilated over some kiddie shit. Man, I was gonna fuck your brains out, but you had to play the role. Kept sending me that SHIT WE DID AT CHURCH!! OVER AND OVER AGAIN ALL FUCKING MORNING!! So. I thought some hot, nasty sex would shut you up, but now I realize your punk ass was always gonna end up down here with us and this fucking coin purse nigga. YOU AIN'T GONNA EXPOSE NOTHING!!"


"William was the best thing that ever happened to me; best thing in my life and I could never hurt his stank, bitch daughter no matter how much I DESPISE HER SPOILED, STUCK UP ASS!! So, I lost the one thing that made me happy enough to look at my reflection in the mirror; and its all thanks to well, you nigga! Charity's gonna be living her best fucking life in college real soon and you know what fool? I bet my big ass titties that she ain't gonna remember your soon to be missing ass, a year from now. Hey man, still want some pussy, huh nigga?"

"What're you gonna tell Vicky?" I half coughed.

"HEY, WHAT'S HE TALKING ABOUT?!!" Demon interrupted.

"Shut up and pop the trunk."

"You didn't tell him shit, did you?" I added in near hushed tones as Demon took notice turning back to his sister.

My eyes were darting around between the far side of the concrete basin and the coin purse which likely held my doom. A three way, two on one scuffle didn't look good for me.


"SHUT YOUR DUMB ASS UP!!" Tressie shoved Demon in the temple dismissively.

I wouldn't have believed my eyes knowing he had a high bit of autonomy outside of her influence. Disgusted by Vicky's duplicity and nondisclosure of her streetwalking status, he'd even brought her to my house tossing his cousin out of the car.

"Tell him about Vicky." I was obscure and calm agitating Demon's volatile nature even more.



Tressie yelled back as he grabbed handfuls of her shirt getting slapped in the forehead with the palm of her free hand, followed with another slap to the side of his face. The siblings began to get physical as I considered running behind the wheel, but there was the question of the coin purse in her possession and what it likely possessed. I could be killed outright before I even turned the key still in the ignition.

"YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME NOW BITCH!!" Demon yelled in her face while they were shoving one another. Tressie's face scrunched up as her fist collided with his nose. He retaliated by pawing the right side of her head, noticeably pulling his punch. Perhaps it was a conditioned response; I didn't know what to do other than adding to the discord.

"Tell him Tee-Tee." Demon's head shot in my direction, then back at his sister enraged.


"He's fucking with you like he fucked with me, playing mind games and shit! He don't know shit, now shut the fuck up and pop the trunk nigga! We've been through too much together and you wanna mess it up now, huh?!! I'm your family, Vicky's your family too even though we don't share blood with her nigga!! We'll help her get out of jail some other kind of way, alright?!!" It was a Freudian slip of epic proportions.


"HE'S LYING!!" Tressie shot back half-panicking when he bodied up to her doubling down on the fistfuls of his half naked sister's shirt.

"Ask her about that bombed out garage down the street from Vicky's house!" I yelled knowing Demon was aware of its existence.

He would have to be considering the story his sister told of her encounter with another street tough and what she'd done that led to him righteously assaulting an early abuser in their neighborhood. Looking at the siblings together told me one thing.

Tressie fisher was a functioning disaster zone able to mask her shit behind a façade of devout kindness stripping it away when threatened. Becoming something akin to "Grendel's Mother" when the situation called for it. Despite his freckled albino countenance, Demon was every bit the dutiful brother when it was all said and done. There was no doubt it would be his downfall one day.

"MUTHAFUCKA, I'M GONNA FIX YOU!!" Tressie's shaking hands went frantically for the zipper on the coin purse, but Demon struggled with her giving me a chance to do something, anything. It was a game time moment.

I lunged forward intent on grabbing the coin purse myself but came away with the phone as Tressie delivered a knee to her brother's crotch finally unzipping the purse. I squeezed my eyes tight expecting oblivion as my fingers mashed and slid all over the face of her iPhone.



"Hello, is anybody there?" It was Mr. Gilbert's voice coming from the phone in both of my hands. I kept my eyes closed still on my knees unwilling to look at Tressie's face as she pulled the trigger.

"Tressie, is that you? I can hear you breathing. Are you okay; I don't want you to be upset with me because I broke it off. I'm sorry baby, sorry about getting into this thing with you in the first place. I'm in my fifties and you're so young, beautiful, and full of life. Tressie, are you there?"

"It's okay if you hate me, but I'll always love you. I know I didn't give you a reason for our breakup, but maybe now is a good time. You see, we were out the other day and I just kept noticing the looks we got, then all of the times you had to explain our relationship made me feel like shit. Baby, I didn't wanna do it, but you've got a whole life in front of you Tressie."

"Even though you're a bit older than my girl Charity, you're still too young to be with an old man. I was so devastated when my daughter caught us together. Both of you fighting so viciously, but I have to be honest with you baby. I can't get the look on Charity's face out of my head. I keep seeing that look of betrayal, that look of pain on my baby girl."

"She's my daughter and if she decides to come home, I'm gonna do everything in my power to make it up to her and that's not on you Tressie. I love you both with everything I have, and right now, my girl is out there somewhere on the streets. I hope she's with her friend, that's what she told me before she left. Said I couldn't control her life anymore because I picked my dick over my daughter. Do you know how it feels to lose the respect of your only child? I've been calling her and she isn't picking up. Tressie, I'm sorry for hurting you."


"It's okay alright, just hear me out and hopefully understand. When I was married to Charity's mother, everything was good at first, but then she became distant when we had trouble conceiving. We did it all, appointments with specialists, fertility clinics and even considered having a surrogate involved when we didn't have the money. Having my little girl, Charity was the greatest thing in my life; but it also took a toll on the marriage. Janet couldn't have any more kids after an emergency hysterectomy. Charity was the only child we were ever going to have and it killed the marriage. Janet went to law school and never came back. She took my baby in the divorce and turned her into a monster."

"I'm sorry Tressie; you don't deserve this mess, this shit life of mine with my wayward daughter."

"Baby, I want you to have a chance in life; want you to find someone else to love, some guy your own age who won't be in an old folks home when you're at the cusp of middle age. I love you too much to curse you with my old age. A vibrant beautiful young woman with so much life in front of her, don't need a millstone around her ankle. You're meant for greatness; I've known that for a while but especially every time I hear you sing and play your piano at that church. To my uh, great shame; I come to church to see you, Tressie. Just looking at you gives me a charge, this energy I can't explain. How could I, take this gift away from the world?"


"Tressie?" Someone gently took the phone from my hands. I opened my eyes to find Demon giving his sister the phone while lightly taking the coin purse away.

"Tressie, live your life to the fullest. I'm just hoping I can make it up to my daughter for being a failure as a parent."

She was leaning against the car partially backlit holding the phone face upward weakly listening. Tressie Fisher was a silhouette of emotional agony everything on display caring about nothing else in the world other than the sound of his voice. Demon stood a foot or two back in custody of her bag watching intently. Her head rolled back on her shoulders, chest heaving as she silently sobbed. I was kneeling there unsure if I should make good my escape.

"Well, I don't know what else to say; I wanna tell you how much I miss you already, but that's selfish. Uhm, I'm gonna hang up now, it you don't mind?" Tressie hunched over face palming. I noticed Demon motion towards her worried she would swoon.

"Are you there?" Tressie nodded mutely answering him. It looked as if she were too distraught to speak as her brother dipped in pulling her shirt over her exposed body.

"PLEASE, SAY YOU FORGIVE ME FOR-!!" The call was suddenly cut abruptly with an incoming call just as Tressie was about to speak. Both of the siblings fumbled with the phone activating the incoming call.

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