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Me and the Porn Star

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Cab driver and Porn Star get together.
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She walked from the terminal building with a purposeful stride that spoke of self-confidence. I was first cab on the rank and because of the system in place at the airport, she had no option but to choose mine, some guys have all the luck. She looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it so, as I got out to load her black wheelie bag into the boot I took a closer look at her. She wore those huge sunglasses that Victoria Beckham made popular and that covered almost half of what appeared to be a face that I was sure that I had seen somewhere before. The collar of her jacket was turned up, I didn't know whether it was as protection from the icy blast that originated in the Antarctic or to hide her features even more.

"Where to Ma'am."

"I need to get to Melrose, is that okay?"

"Do you mean Melrose Park?" I assumed that she was unfamiliar with South Australia and had mistaken the country town for the suburb.

"No, I want to go to Melrose."

"Very Well. Because it's a long way I will have to ask you for the fare up front. It'll cost," I thought for a second or two, how much could I charge her before she thought it was too much and go elsewhere, "six seventy-five dollars."

She let out a frustrated sigh and opened her wallet and extracted seven green hundred dollar bills. "Is that enough?"

"Yeah, sure. Thank you, look I'm sorry I had to do that but I've been stiffed a few times in the past so I make it a pre-requisite before I undertake a long journey."

"That's all right, I would most likely do the same thing if I was you. Don't worry about it, you were protecting yourself."

I opened the back door for her but she declined and instead climbed in the front, wow!

"How long have you been driving cabs?" Through the dark lenses of her sunnies I could see that she had her eyes closed.

"For the last five years or so, I'm in the last year of my part-time degree at university and after I graduate I'll have a job in my chosen field."

"And what is your chosen field?"

"I'm studying to be an Electrical Engineer and I'm working with a group that is funded by a private company researching the next generation photovoltaic technology. After graduation I will be working with their manufacturing company."

"You sound as if you have your future planned, I just wish that I had your opportunities five years ago when I graduated high school."

"You can always apply for mature entry into university."

"I'm not that old."

"What I meant was that if you're over twenty-five, or if your high school grades were good enough, you can apply for courses at University that won't require you to go back to school to matriculate."

"I don't think that will be possible."

"Why not? You look capable of anything if you set your mind to it."

"I can't because I've burnt too many bridges, my looks are the problem."

I looked at her more closely and suddenly I remembered where I had recognized her from and I understood her concern. "Oh my God, you're a porn star aren't you? What was your name, Candy Rappa, that's it. I saw one of your videos, you were great but the story line, what there was of it, sucked."

She took off her sunglasses and looked at me. "You see, that's the problem, I'm scared that people will recognize me and make life intolerable for me."

"If you don't mind me asking, and I have to admit to a lack of extensive experience in the world of porn videos, I only saw the one, why? Why did you get into this industry?"

"As a form of revenge on the high school I went to, stuck-up bitches."

"What happened?"

"I was the victim of tokenism in its worst form, I was from an ethnic minority at a time when schools thought that by allowing students from differing backgrounds in as scholarship students their Alumni could pat themselves on the back and tell themselves that they were liberal people. Then my parents were killed in a motor vehicle accident just before I graduated and the school magnanimously allowed me to complete my course, the fact that my tuition fees had already been paid didn't enter into their thinking."

"So what was the problem? Why were you so angry at them?"

"It was the name that I was called. My real name is Candace Rappaport and this was shortened to 'Candy Wrapper'. I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't for the derision used. I was hurt and determined to rise above it while at school and seek revenge afterwards which is why I chose that name when I went into the porn industry. Would you believe me if I told you that what the stuck up bitches were doing was just as bad as the things I did on video, the stupid part about it was that I got paid for it, they didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"There seemed to be a party every weekend and they all seemed to be some sort of contest to see how many boys they could do over the course of the evening, and what they did, well what I allowed on video seemed tame by comparison. Before I started in the industry I made sure that there was no anal, no DP's and definitely no creampies, but these girls, they had it in every available hole, sometimes two at a time and they allowed vaginal and anal creampies and were happy to swallow any amount of it."

"Why Porn?"

"Money, pure and simple. My grandmother had to look after me until I left school and she has a small property at Melrose that doesn't earn enough to support us both so I looked for an industry where I could earn good money quickly and take care of her."

"Wait a minute, the video I saw, didn't the guy come inside you?"

"You don't know much about the industry do you? When you want it to look like you've had some stud cream inside you he shoves it as far as possible inside you and yells like his balls are being squeezed, then there's a cut away shot while some stage hand rushes in with a syringe full of rice starch or something like it and injects it into your pussy. Then back to a close-up while you push it out again, usually accompanied but some bullshit about him cumming inside you when you specifically told him not to and what you are going to do if you get pregnant. If you must know half the guys are using Viagra to keep it up, if they had to rely on being aroused they'd never get it up."

"It must be hard work, having some cock in your pussy for ages while it's being filmed."

"I don't know about hard work so much but my cunt gets sore after a while, we have to use literally bottles of lube."

"The one I saw you were at it for some thirty minutes, is that normal?"

"No. That scene took all day to shoot, what with the lighting and make up and the set up. The actual action took about half of the time and most of it ends up being edited out."

"How did you get into the industry, after all you are here and the video was shot in the US?"

"I was visiting my Grandmother during the school holidays and there was a film crew shooting a feature film in the area. They were looking for extras so I went along thinking that I'd be able to stay in the background and earn a few bucks. The director saw me and decided that he'd give me a walk-on part, and this went fine. He then approached me with the usual bullshit story about how I have the potential to be the next Nicole Kidman or whoever and if I were to sleep with him he'd make sure that doors were opened for me in Hollywood. I told him that when the doors opened I'd consider opening my legs for him. I thought no more about it until six months later when I got a package in the mail that contained an airline ticket to LA, a work permit and the keys to an apartment along with the phone number of a director that was interested in testing me for an upcoming role."

"And the role was in porn?"

"Yeah but it didn't happen right away. These guys are really sleazy, when I got to LA I called the number and was told that he was on location and wouldn't be back for a month. This month turned into three during which time I found that the rent on my apartment had only been paid for one month so I was behind and in danger of being kicked out. It was then that he returned my calls and I was directed to go to this warehouse building the next day."

This is her story pretty much as she told it to me:

When I arrived I was taken into a studio of sorts and told to put on these clothes, a skirt that short that it covered not much and a top that was cut that low that it just as well not be there and then there were the shoes, platform stilettos that were so hard to walk in that I thought that I was going to break my ankle.

I then had to come through a door into this room set up like a photographic studio with one extra bit of equipment, a video camera. There was a man and a woman seated on a sofa. They introduced themselves as Peter and Suzie, and that they were scouting for modelling talent. I had to say that I was there to test for a modelling assignment. Peter got up and walked around me looking at me from every angle, "What do you think?" Suzie asked him.

"She looks fine to me, although," he hesitated as if he was really reluctant to ask me to strip, "I will need to see her with her top off."

I was instructed to take my top off but I didn't. 'Why do you want me to take my top off, there's hardly any of it here?" I of course knew where this was heading and was going to make the most of it, after all I needed money in a hurry. "If you want the top off you will have to come up with some serious green."

"How much are you talking about?"

"I need a couple of hundred up front for rent and food."

"If we give you two hundred will you take off your top?"

"As they say in the classics, 'show me the money!'"

He took a wad of notes from his pocket and peeled off two hundred dollars and placed it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, so I took off my top. He did another lap around me and then he reached out and squeezed my right tit. "Very nice." He pulled my nipple to see if it would stand up, it did.

"Would you take off your skirt." Suzie told me.

"It'll cost you." Another two hundred dollars hit the coffee table and the skirt hit the floor, and because I wasn't wearing any lingerie I was starkers.

Yet another lap which included a slap on the butt followed by a finger sliding between my legs and rubbing between my pussy lips. I slapped his hand away. "That will cost more." More it was. From the way that the money was coming out I assumed that they had already seen my performance in the movie and knew that they wanted me so I was going to work this for all I was worth.

"Tell me Candy, are you a virgin?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Do you enjoy sex?"

"Yes, with the right person, I don't just jump into bed with anyone."

"Would you be willing to have sex on camera with the right person?"

"So this is a try-out for a porn film, not some straight modelling job?"

"Yes. We are always on the look-out for new and special talent and we think you have what it takes to succeed in this industry."

"How much does it pay?"

"Let's put it this way, you stand to make more in one year doing porn than you will competing against the millions of young girls for the few roles available to them in straight film."

"Can I make conditions?"

"Such as?"

"Definitely no anal, no DP's, facials are okay as long as I don't have to swallow, and last but not least, no creampies."

"Okay we'll see how we go with that. Would you be willing to have sex with a man now?"

"So you just happen to have one standing by, huh?"

"This is an audition, and yes Rod is in the next room, and he has been watching you while we have been speaking and knowing him he's probably been jerking off."

"Very well, pay me an extra five hundred and wheel him in." The door opened and Rod walked in with his cock at the ready, I either turned him on big time or he's been flogging his cock.

"What do you think Rod?"

Rod walked around me several times, fondling my tits and rubbing me between the legs. "Very nice."

It was around this time that I realized that one of the reasons they used tiny girls but made them wear those ridiculously high heels, small girls made medium sized cocks look huge in close-up, especially when the angle of the shot is down the cock to her face, while the heels brought me up to somewhere near his height. The other reason is to cater for the fantasy that many men have of fucking underage girls.

"Let's do this." Peter and Suzie walked over and stood behind the camera.

I had to get dressed, if you can call getting into that short skirt and almost non-existent top getting dressed, and sit on the sofa with a fully clothed Rod. He kissed me and fondled my tit through the top while my hand stroked his cock through his jeans. I then got on my knees in front of him and opened his flies releasing his already hard cock for me to suck. After several minutes of bobbing up and down while the camera tracked around us and zoomed in for close-up from every possible angle Rod lifted my top and began to fondle my tits.

This took up several more minutes before I was stripped naked at which time there was a pause while my skin was examined for blemishes that would need to be avoided in close-ups. There were none. Rod stripped off and the action resumed with him licking my pussy so that it was wet when he stuck his cock into it.

We tried many positions looking for the ones that looked best on film, doggy was probably my favourite because my natural tits were firm enough that they didn't flap around when he shoved into me and they weren't that firm that they looked as if they were nearly all silicon. Rod liked froggy and the camera was able to move if for extreme close-ups that even I had to admit were pretty damn good. We did it cowgirl, both facing toward him and away from him, on the side, not very successful because he kept slipping out, before, after over an hour that would probably be edited down to twenty minutes, I knelt in front of him while he jerked off over my face.

We then had to sit through the whole thing while they decided if the video was of merchantable quality or not. Eventually I was allowed to go home, sore from all of that fucking but nonetheless richer by eleven hundred dollars. That was where the career of Candy Rappa, porn star began and in the ensuing thirty months I did probably some forty scenes, earning more from each as I went along and my fame spread until the last one I did earned me eight thousand dollars.

Unfortunately the demands on me were getting even more difficult to cope with. The first was to do anal, but I dug my heels in over that one and eventually the word got around to not bother asking me to do it. I allowed simulated creampies but there was no way that anyone was going to cum into me, ever. I eventually, reluctantly agreed to a gang bang video on the understanding that it was oral and vaginal sex only and that was a real eye-opener, believe me, there I was with a cock in my pussy and one in my mouth while there were a couple of other guys jerking off to maintain a hard on while they waited their turn on camera. It caused me to think that I wasn't attractive to men any more and then I was told that this was fairly common, it was even suggested that these guys may not be able to get it off with girls.

The other demand that was put on me was to be fucked by bigger and bigger cocks, I was even asked to do a scene with these dudes with eighteen inch long prosthetic cocks that shot half a pint of cream over the girls face and this was supposed to look like the real thing. Give me a break! I wanted no part of that one. Some of the black men were really nice and considerate while a couple of the white guys with big cocks had egos to match and all that they wanted to do was to choke me on it, you know the ones, 'gag on my dick bitch' as they rammed it into my mouth, and once they got it into my pussy it was go at it hammer and tongs until I was so sore I could hardly do it without flinching. It was almost as if they had to prove that they could inflict more pain than the black guys.

I did a couple of lesbian scenes that were pretty cool but I am definitely not one, and a couple where I worked with another girl in a three-way, and that was okay as well.

We were well into the country by this time and I had taken the opportunity to get a closer look at my passenger. The video that I had seen did not do her justice at all, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was shoulder length and streaked with a slightly darker shade of blonde. Her face was unlined and tanned from the sun, not a salon. She had taken her jacket off some time ago because the temperature in the cab was high enough for her not to need it, and the thrust of her breasts against her top was a turn on for me.

Her skirt was long enough with a slit in front that was open and while I could only just see her knees the legs that I could see stretching in front of her were very nice, again tanned and smooth.

"Like what you see?"

I was caught out. What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound, "Very much so, to the point that I might just go out and buy all of your videos just so that I can admire you at any time, day or night."

"How sweet of you to say that, even if you don't mean it." There was a smile in her voice, she was pleased at my response. "Were coming into a town soon, I think that we should stop for a rest, I'll buy you a coffee."

"Cool." Cool? This is the coolest thing to ever happen to me, having coffee with a beautiful woman. The fact that she is a porn star doesn't enter into it, I realize that any ambition that I may have in that direction was doomed to failure.

I pulled into the roadhouse and shut off the motor. We both sat there for some time, me not wanting to spoil the moment, she, well why she didn't want to move was a mystery to me. Eventually I opened my door and got out. As I walked around to her side of the cab to open the door for her, she opened it and, I can't believe this is happening, as she put her leg on the ground to get out her skirt rode up and the slit in front opened revealing a very shapely thigh. I quickly looked away before my fantasy caused me to get an erection. She saw my predicament and smiled at me and her hand touched my shoulder as she walked past.

"What do you do when you aren't driving a cab or studying?"

"When I have time I play a little football but, because I can't always make training I'll never make the A team, and I like reading crime novels and listening to music, I can do those on my own and they're relatively cheap."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No. I had one, but the hours I work and study leave little time for any relationship."

"How sad for you." Her hand reached across the table and rested on mine. "One of the things that I've come to realize is that we have to have some sort of relationship, whatever form that takes. We were never meant to be solitary beasts. Sex in its place is fine but it will never replace a good relationship."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No." Her hand squeezed mine, was this an invitation? "I've never believed that it would be fair on a partner if it was common knowledge that his lover was seen on video fucking a whole bunch of different guys." There was an emphasis on the word 'fucking' that suggested that she differentiated between fucking and love. "It seems that we are both in the situation of not wanting to commit to a relationship because of our work. How sad are we?"

"Maybe, nah forget it."

"You were about to say that maybe we could get together?"

"It was a thought that flashed through my head at a hundred miles an hour. Forget I even thought it."

"No, I'm flattered that you would even think it, knowing what you know about me, most men look at me and immediately think about what it would be like to fuck me."

"Believe me that thought was a part of what went through my mind, but only after an appropriate period of getting to know each other, say half an hour." I said it with a broad grin on my face and she took it in the manner intended.

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