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Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 11

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Red returns to school-Where's Leslie?
7k words

Part 12 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2013
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Note: All characters in this story are of legal age. All of the characters are well over eighteen years of age.

I neither judge nor condone any of the heinous actions detailed in this chapter of MEAN GIRLS of MAPLEWOOD. That being said, I appreciate all comments on this story good and bad. Feedback feeds this tale of GIRLS GONE WILD and I would love to continue hearing from my audience.


The two deputies considered themselves battle soaked veterans who'd pretty much seen it all but even they weren't prepared for the sight that accosted them as they drove down the interstate. There were two of them standing there in the middle of the road staring off into space. Both of the guys appeared to be in their early twenties and in an extreme state of shock. Neither one of them would speak when addressed appearing oblivious to even their surroundings.

Both of the young men were covered in bruises and caked in blood from the waist down.

...they were holding hands.


The hallways of Maplewood High were abuzz with rumors and gossip of the fall of one of their elite. Leslie Kennedy one half of the most popular BFF's on campus had been destroyed in spectacular fashion and most of the campus was abuzz with the fragmented details of her forced tryst with over a third of the male populace. There were numerous videos featuring the stunning brunette in various entanglements with guys from all walks of life. Some people were actually sharing the videos with one aspiring "adult" filmmaker declaring that he would cobble the footage together into a complete movie.

"How's she going to deal?" Was the question on nearly everyone's lips as most believed that she would never return to Maplewood High after being humiliated to the core of her being. There would be no way she could retrieve her reputation as an untouchable "Ice Queen" with the war stories being swapped in the congested halls. There was even a rumor going around that she'd been slipped an overdose of "Spanish Fly" going on a sexual rampage in the boy's locker room. Coach Hamblen was conspicuous by his absence after taking his wife and three kids on an extended vacation in Yosemite. Everybody not directly involved wondered what would happen when Leslie returned.

Red appeared to be going about her day as usual holding court at her locker and advising anyone in the know to keep their mouths shut. She had to reiterate her "advice" to Patty several times before outright threatening the thin cheerleader. Red was intent on getting things back to normal after the drama of the past few weeks.

"Tom Duggard?"


"Jennie Hampson?"


"Melissa Reed?"

"Here." She sat in her usual position at the front of the classroom looking none the worse for wear sporting a little more makeup than to hide some apparent bruising on her otherwise perfect, alabaster skin. A pair of shades covered her green eyes hiding a shiner from her episode with Robert and Derrick.

"Leslie Kennedy?"


"Kennedy?" Her seat had been reserved next to her former BFF and remained empty as everyone in class seemed to focus on it. There was a long dead pause in the room before the teacher continued roll call.

"Humbert Jenkins?"


Sheriff Reed pulled up to his home genuinely perplexed after having been alerted that his home alarm system had been activated. He'd received the call from his alarm company becoming irritated at what he believed was probably his daughter playing hooky from school again. She'd been more than a handful recently and he'd even considered pulling her from school considering all of her recent troubles were threatening his livelihood. His mind kept wondering back to the morning after she'd disappeared only to suddenly return behaving distant and weird. Something kept bringing him back to the strange expression on her face and troubling him more every time. Parenting had always been a mixed bag to the sheriff leaving him only able to deal with the most basic of issues at best. He really couldn't figure out how he'd raised such a headstrong, fierce young woman. There just seemed to be this fire burning inside of Melissa since the day she was born. It reminded him of her mother at rimes but was oddly familiar whenever he got up in the morning and started in the mirror.

"What are you doing here?" He was surprised to find her sitting on the wooden fence that sectioned off his property as he drove up.


"What's going on Leslie?" She appeared somewhat aloof and troubled sitting on his fence. She was wearing a simple flannel wife beater that was tied up under her impressive chest exposing her taunt abs. Leslie was wearing a pair of obscenely cut off jean shorts that drew his eye to the unbuttoned clasp in the front. Her wide arching hips had made it impossible to fasten the single button on the front of the shorts leaving her curvy hips more than up to the task of keeping the material from sliding down her shapely legs.

"I-I wanna talk to you about something really important sheriff."

"Well; okay spill it Leslie." She held her arms out looking like a small child wanting to be held and said nothing. Even though her behavior was making him apprehensive, he reached up helping her ro her feet noticing that Leslie was barefooted.

"In there; inside." She looked up into his eyes pleadingly as her body pressed against his own eliciting a purely physical response. Deep inside her hazel corneas was a strange piercing intensity that took hold of him even as her hand softly clasped his own.

"Please take me inside."

The sheriff didn't know what to make of his daughter's best friend. There was something fragile and needy in her every movement; something that caught and held his eye as they walked up the porch to his front door. He paused just inside the door to turn off the silent alarm before looking over his shoulder to find her staring intently.


She just looked so delectable and vulnerable standing there as if she were waiting for some sort of sign. He felt guilty for his harsh words towards her in days past as her troubles threatened to engulf his own child. Her brown locks framed a perfect face other than a slight blemish on her cheek that he suspected was caused by his daughter.

"Want something to drink; like a soda or some iced tea?" He wasn't used to being nervous in front of a woman even though Leslie was a teen. Her body made her all woman and was hard to ignore particularly today. Sheriff Reed shuffled into the kitchen pouring them both large tumblers of homemade tea. He returned to the living room to find the teen missing.

"Leslie?" After checking the diamond shaped peephole in his front door; Sheriff Reed wandered down the hall to find his bedroom door ajar. The buxom brunette was reclining in his bed staring at the ceiling fan a few moments before regarding her best friend's dad.

"Oh; is that for me Sheriff Reed?" The question stated rather flatly caught him by surprise as his mind tried to come up with a response of the teen's intrusion inside his bedroom.

"Maybe we should have these drinks in the living room Leslie." He sounded as uncomfortable as he looked watching every inch of her delectable body. She took her time sitting up and sliding her gorgeous legs over the side of the bed finally leaning forward with her elbows resting on her knees. She reached forward and he made a motion to hand her the tumbler when Leslie's fingers deftly unsnapped his gun belt causing it to drop to the floor with a loud dead thud. Before he could react; she'd taken the cold drink from his hand down it in one continuous motion. Her hazel eyes bore into his until she lowered the plastic cup allowing it to hit the floor. There was an awkward silence between them as he numbly tried to figure his way out of an increasingly compromising position.

"Mmmmn; that was really good Sheriff Reed." She was staring intently at his bulging crotch transfixed.

"Please Leslie."

Her hand snaked forward nimbly drawing down his zipper exposing his underwear. There was no way to hide his apparent interest as his tumescence made itself apparent. She looked up at him from the bed with a single finger between her plump lips questioning before continuing onward. Leslie hesitantly pinched the top of his briefs pulling them outward from his abdomen before slipping her hand inside to cup his package. He shuddered from her touch as she squeezed and fondled his shaft and balls. It had been too long since he felt the willing touch of a woman and he was almost ready to burst from her attention. She abruptly pulled her hand back as if burnt only to stick her pointer finger between her lips sucking his essence from the offending digit. The reddened head of his prick was peeking over the waistband of his underwear.

This caught the attention of the attractive teen who moved forward bending only at the hips until he could feel her labored breathes on the head of his cock. Before he could react; Leslie quickly yanked his pants and underwear down mid-thigh exposing everything. It was like he was petrified stuck in place watching his daughter's best friend gaze longingly at his erect cock. He couldn't help staring at how small her waist looked in comparison to her hips even while sitting. Looking downward afforded him a glimpse of the inviting crack of her juicy ass. The jean shorts were little more than panties stretched to the limit across her backside.

Her tongue suddenly snaked outward lightly touching the sticky head of his penis. His tumbler crashed to the floor spilling its contents everywhere as his eyes widened from the continuing stimulation. Leslie wrote the letters of the alphabet on his crown before allowing a third of it to slip deep into her mouth. She pursed her lips sucking hard on his length before releasing him with an audible pop of her plump lips.

"Uhm; sorry Sheriff I should have asked first. Is it okay if I suck on your big, fat dick?" Her lips were glistening and her chest heaving in anticipation. His cock was as hard as it had ever been appearing as if it would explode cum at any second. Leslie's beautiful mouth was open and he could see her running her tongue over her teeth in anticipation. She reached up freeing her impressive rack with a hard tug at the knot that kept the two halves of the garment covering her breasts. Her large spongy, full breasts burst free of the confining cotton destroying what little morality was left in the embittered lawmaker.

"Oh God." His voice was husky as the temptress discarded her top on the hard wood floor shaking her brown locks out for effect. Control was out the window as he gathered up a fistful of her hair feeding his cock into her waiting mouth. She looked lovingly into his eyes strengthening her lustful hold on the confused father. He'd intended to be more gentle but found that he couldn't help himself pumping harder and harder as the cum boiled in his sack. Leslie seemed to find the right kind of pressure for the forty-something relaxing her jaw as he entered only to suck extremely hard as his cock withdrew from her lips.

"Shit; I'm gonna cum Leslie." He was frustrated at not being able to last longer but she was so good that he couldn't deny what she'd already earned. The manner in which she never broke eye contact was as enticing as it was unsettling.

His thighs tightened up as his member turned a nearly purplish color signaling his impending climax. For her part, Leslie sensed what was about to happen and shocked him by pushing the rest of his girth into her throat as she cupped his balls pumping.

His frame thick with sinewy muscle from hard work and frequent gym visits began to tremble uncontrollably as his cock pulsed painfully under the teen's efforts. Both of his fists were full of Leslie's silken hair as he viciously fucked her mouth seeking relief that had eluded him far too long. The shapely brunette appeared to anticipate his every reaction bobbing and twisting her head in time with his thrusts.

"OOOHHH I'M CUMMING LESLIE; OOOOOHHHHH!!" The first spurt of his cum was almost painful with a wincing sensation that almost made him cry out in joy. More followed as the brunette expertly slurped in tandem with his bursts taking everything he had to offer until he slumped back inadvertently causing the bedroom door to shut. There was this awkwardness lingering in the air as he slid down on his bedroom floor facing the teen seductress. She'd been mostly silent since invading his bedroom allowing her actions to speak volumes. Leslie wasn't done rising from the bed and closing the distance between them until he was staring directly at her crotch. His cock was already twitching back to life as he looked up at the underside of her large breasts. There was something expectant in her body language as he took hold of her jean shorts at her arching hips. Leslie was breathing hard as she cupped and rolled her nipples. With some effort, the shorts ended up in a corona around her well-manicured feet.

"Sweetest pussy." He half mumbled feeling stupid for even saying it as her clean shaven snatch came into view. She had some hard tan lines that matched ones on her breasts. Her olive tinted skin was a sight to behold with the aforementioned tan lines almost making it look like she had a bikini tattoo. Her ran his tongue over her mound taking her feminine musk bringing his hands up to cup her rounded buttocks. They were thick and meaty with just the tight amount of buoyancy. His greedy fingers dug deep into the flesh as he hungrily sought her divide slipping between her puffy lower lips. He pulled her cheeks apart running the tips of his fingers along her slit and finding the girl soaking downstairs.


Brad Tucker wasn't happy and attending school wasn't going to lift his mood anytime soon. After winning the "Big Game" and bringing glory to a campus that hadn't know it in over several decades; he was little more than a footnote. After the "Incident" in which he'd been sexually assaulted became public knowledge; Brad Tucker had become something of a pariah with his teammates avoiding being seen with him otherwise their social statuses would be negatively affected. He'd become used to the silence in recent weeks secretly happy that no one would be asking him how it was possible for such a physical specimen such as himself to be raped. Everyone assumed that his assailants were male with a select few privy to the fact that one of the culprits was his very own girlfriend Melissa Reed. No one would ever know of the horrifying night that left him a shell of his former self. He'd only recently found a way to return to school and kept regular visits with a therapist. Every time his mind wandered to that night he would hyperventilate and retreat into himself.

"Hey stranger?" Brad was retrieving some books from his locker between classes when a familiar voice greeted him. The voice filled him with dread and he didn't want to turn around and face her. The jock rummaged around in his locker looking for noting in particular.

"Uhm; hey what's up?" He mumbled feeling increasingly anxious.

"Wow Red that's cold; you guys got something going on because I'll bounce." He recognized the second voice which filled him with equal dread knowing that she put him in imminent danger and he considered running for it.

"Shut up Patty; Brad aren't you even gonna look me in the face?"

"Uhm yeah Red; I'm just trying to like find this book cause I got a makeup test and all." His voice faltered and he knew in an instant that Red would seize upon it and go for the kill. She always seemed to instinctively know when someone was vulnerable.

"Bradford?" He could already hear the edge in her voice and it made him nervous. His heart was beginning to thump hard in his barrel chest.

"Definitely looks like a thing to me Red." The athletic blonde always sounded annoying glib even when pointing out the obvious. He knew that he'd been unfaithful once more even after being personally escorted to hell by his girlfriend. Patty had been one of the two girls on that rainy afternoon some weeks ago and there was no telling if Red knew. Maybe they were together with the intent of taking him back to that dark place once more. Maybe they were gonna hurt him once more...or even castrate him.

"BRAAADFORD TUCKER YOU TURN AROUND AND FACE ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!" She reached out grabbing the muscular jock who nearly wet himself instantly spinning about to face her.

"YES RED!!" He screamed not realizing how loud he'd responded and drawing more than a few stares. There she was in front of him as beautiful as the first day they'd met. Patty was standing at her side in a pink and white tennis dress that complimented her slender athletic figure. The irritated look on Red's freckled face automatically sent chills down his spine.

"Brad; you okay?" Patty was equally confused and a little irritated at his behavior.

"Hey I-uhm, I'm really good and I'm sorry for not turning around the exact moment I heard your voice Red. I'm REALLY SORRY for doing anything that makes you mad. I'm so sorry about looking for that STUPID FUCKING BOOK!! Uhm; you want me to do something for you because I don't have NOTHING important to do than help out my-uhm...Help you Red." Brad didn't realize how much he'd been stammering as he became rigid with his back against the locker. A tremor was running through his body and his teeth started to chatter.

"Are you okay; you look kind of nasty dude." Patty leaned in examining his ashen countenance.

"I'm just fine Patty; nothing's wrong at all Red." He seemed unsure of how to stand when the girls while the girls were watching folding and unfolding his arms a number of times.

"What the fucks wrong with you Brad?"


"Why do you keep apologizing every time she says something to you?" Patty leaned against the locker uncomfortably close. He shifted in the opposite direction becoming even more anxious as Red cocked her head to one side examining his face.

"I-I was looking for that stupid ass book and just FUCKED UP when Red was talking to me. There's just no excuse for that kind of shit Red; uhm I'm just a dumb fucking jock after all." There was a wetness at the corner of his eyes as his voice cracked with emotion which was not lost on the redhead.

"Which book were you looking for Brad?" She did her best to soften her expression and put him at ease.

"U.S. History?"

"Here you can use my book alright?" She unslung her backpack removing the thick tome holding it out for him to take. He was hesitant to take it from her figuring that the gesture would have some hidden meaning. Red wriggled the book for emphasis until he took it trembling with a fake smile on his face.

"Thank you so much Mel-I-I mean Red; you're so nice to me when I'm just a fucking dumbass who doesn't deserve your kindness." A single tear ran across his cheek with others on the way as the redhead cautiously backed away finally realizing the damage done to his psyche.

"I'll get that book back later; uh take of yourself." His face was already wet with tears as he responded shaking his head furiously still smiling weakly.

"Y-yeah I'll do that because you know what's best and I'm just a retard." He was still shaking his head as the girls cautiously went on their way looking over their shoulder. His shirt was stuck to his back from the immediate perspiration that accompanied the borderline panic attack.

"Geez what crawled up his ass and died?" Patty asked when they were a good distance down the corridor.

"Shut up." Red's reply was simple and to the point but the cheerleader's thirst for information was greater than her fear.

"No seriously Red; something's fucking off about that guy." Patty was ever the consummate high school doing everything possible to add to her popularity. She'd been trying to get closer to the head cheerleader since the rift between Red and Leslie became public knowledge. She was already part of a known duo with her real BFF Chelsea but lately the girls had been drifting apart. Patty hadn't even stopped to consider Red's reaction should she discover that the girl in front of her had "hooked up" with Brad.

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