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Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 15

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Lies and deceit in Maplewood...
12.6k words

Part 16 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2013
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Note: All characters in this story are of legal age. All of the characters are well over eighteen years of age.

I neither judge nor condone any of the heinous actions detailed in this chapter of MEAN GIRLS of MAPLEWOOD. That being said, I appreciate all comments on this story good and bad. Feedback feeds this tale of GIRLS GONE WILD and I would love to continue hearing from my audience.


"I thought I told you to LOSE my NUMBER you DUMB BITCH!!" Chelsea hung up before Patty could even respond.

Those last words from her friend before her world crumbled reverberated in Patty's addled brain continuously as the cold, morning breeze filtered through the window of the Camaro hitting her battered body. She stared out at the oncoming freeway not knowing if she would ever be seen or heard from again. There were no more tears, only a fleeting acceptance and small satisfaction that her true best friend would be spared her fate. She'd repeatedly gone through the five stages of grief since her capture the previous evening.

"You need to find your Zen, girlfriend; I can hear you self-flagellating and honestly, it's pathetic as fuck. I-I mean, it was just a fuck Patty; you use that hole for all kinds of shit and I really don't understand your deal, bitch. You really need to suck it up and like, fucking deal." Red sounded noncommittal as she sped down the road sporting a pair or mirror shades.

"Deal; how am I supposed to do that?"

"You're a smart girl, figure it out; so, how'd you like Coach Hamblen? His cock is fucking incredible; too bad I couldn't get a little before it all went to shit."

"It hurt, a lot." A shudder ran through the lithe blonde's athletic frame at the memory.

"But you like that kind of thing, don't you, Patricia?" The trembling increased becoming visible as Red glanced over at her victim with a wistful smile.

"You made him cum inside me; what if I'm pregnant?" Her words were strained and heavy with emotion.

"That'd be fucked up; you're Pro-life, right? I guess after the initial shock, your folks would be cool with being grandparents, huh? I don't know if you'd get child support from coach on account of him probably being in jail and all; plus, the money that would go to his stupid wife too. Geez Patricia, maybe you should just get an abortion, huh?"

"Why Melissa; what's wrong with you?"

"I'm just fucking evil; besides, you fucked my boyfriend." Red stretched running a few fingers through her flowing auburn locks as Patty sobbed beside her.

"He was crying the whole time; Coach didn't want it either, but you blackmailed him into it and now I'm fucked up."

"Well, what are you gonna do, Patricia?"

"Do you even care?"

"No, it's just fun watching you squirm; maybe you shouldn't have bullied me. What did I ever do to you anyway, Patricia?"

"WHAT?!!" Patty covered her face with her hands crying loudly as Red took it all in with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You were having a great time laughing at me with that dumbass Chelsea; pretending to be my friend knowing you fucked my man. You're so cruel Patricia, so I had to FIX-YOU for picking on me. God hates the wicked and you're about as wicked as they come, bitch. I think, you should reflect on today's lesson in karma and reevaluate your life before something bad happens." Red's rationalization took a surreal turn as she depicted herself the victim.

"YOU FUCKED ME UP; YOU FED ME TO THAT FAT PIECE OF SHIT, APRIL AND MADE -MADE ME FUCK COACH!! I MIGHT BE FUCKING PREGNANT; PREGNANT MELISSA!!" Red suddenly slapped her hard across the cheek nearly sending her head out the open window.

"Only my real friends can call me by my first name."


Happy's was always busy, even in the early morning hours filled to capacity with truckers, bikers, and casual visitors. It was the way point between Maplewood and the rest of the world for many townies looking to escape the small town and this morning would be no different for two people in need of a break. Humbert sat in a booth with two menus in front of him, but he wasn't hungry, preferring to wait. There were butterflies in his stomach as he thought about calling the whole thing off before it even began. Things had been getting too complicated and intense at home with his mother becoming almost overbearingly protective of him to the point of near psychosis. He'd discovered her trying to go through his laptop and confronted her about it which led to an argument. Laura Jenkins cited some story about predators on the internet before trying to get him to press charges against his abuser. Humbert had been lethargic and numb weeks after finally explaining things to his mother, preferring to avoid the issue of Leslie Anne Kennedy altogether. He'd held fast to the identity of his rapist and was chaffing under the pressure of constant badgering from his mother. He'd allowed himself to become a prisoner in his own home as Laura sought to home school him in order to keep him safe.

"My, you sure do look intense this morning." He'd been staring down into a glass of soda pontificating his life when she managed to approach him unnoticed.

"Uhm, Good Morning; it's uhm, nice to see you."

"You're gonna have to do better than that Humbert." His eyes were level with her huge chest barely contained behind by the "Bad Kitty" t-shirt stretched to capacity by her breasts. The cotton shirt was black with the logo and a pair of cat eyes drawn onto the material that seemed to be staring into his own.


April leaned in giving him a peck on the lips as her chest pushed against his bicep. She was wearing the aforementioned t-shirt with a pair of loose fitting, cotton shorts with a lumberjack pattern and sandals. Her wet looking, blonde hair let some oily residue on his chin as she squeezed into the other side of the booth facing him. April placed a large tote bag on the seat next to the window facing the parking lot.

"That's better, you didn't order yet?"

"Not really hungry, but you can have whatever you want April."

"Oh, I like that; a man willing to give a woman whatever she wants to keep her happy." He barely heard a word she said as he sat staring at her round, cherubic face which was made up with her smoky eyeshadow and dark hued crimson lipstick. He always thought is made her look a little edgy and slightly sinister, nut it just seemed to work for her.

"Uncomfortable silence."

"Sorry, I've been going through some shit at home." She was still glancing at the menu as he felt a sensation between his legs directly on his crotch. Humbert found her bare foot between his legs noticing her black toenail polish.

"Mommy or Daddy?"

"Daddy don't give a fuck." Despite himself, Humbert picked up a menu.

"Mommy it is, then." He noticed that April seemed different, a little distant and distracted as she ordered breakfast from the waitress. Humbert had struck out right before dawn bolstered by the fact that he would be seeing her and now she was just occupying space. He wondered if he was just being hypersensitive considering calling it a day before he'd even made his proposal.

"It's nice to see you."

"Yeah, kinda."


"You're just a little bit hard and I think I rate higher on the Richter scale with the boys if you know what I mean, Humbert. You've seen my boobs and everything and I just get morning wood from you?" He almost apologized being cut short by her muffled giggling from behind the menu.

"Ha-ha, very funny; next time you stick your foot in my lap, I'll be sure to whip it out and tickle your sole, April." Humbert tried to sound like a smartass but felt stupid after saying the first thing that popped into his head.

"You promise?" He swatted at her with his menu and she laughingly responded in kind before the waitress returned snatching away the laminated booklets.

"So, we're really doing this; you know, the date thing?"

"I'm here aren't I; geez you're acting really weird and shit Humbert. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"I guess I didn't really expect you to say yes when I asked you. I mean, I spent so much time being a nerd that you just kind of expect things not to go your way." He was stammering and fidgety under her gaze struggling to keep his anxiety in check. April sat there staring with her head slightly tilted to the side taking stock of everything.



"I'm, here aren't I?" She held up her tote bag to underline her statement. He'd never know that her mother could've cared less that she would be missing for hours or days. Could've cared less if she came home or not. Their relationship had been reduced to a series of muted, silent encounters due to their proximity living in the same house. Her mother had been all but silent since the incident with Red the night Leslie has been summarily destroyed. It was a perfect storm of emotion as her girlfriend lost control finally capitulating her desperate "love" as both teens made love voraciously. April hated her mother for intruding in her room that night and disturbing something beautiful. The innate evil in Melissa Reed had bubbled to the surface in dramatic fashion with both explosive results as both she and her mother were left lying on the bedroom floor. Her mother had taken to the bottle in the following weeks, locking herself in her bedroom whenever she was home. April continued onward with her relationship needing human contact and refusing to press charges against Red.

"Sorry, I guess I just have a habit of sabotaging myself, sometimes." Humbert answered back nervously.

April squeezed out of her side of the booth, taking a seat beside him, and interlacing his fingers with her own. They stared silently at one another before kissing for an extended period of time as some patron looked onward. His heart thumped in his chest like it would burst free at any moment as a shiver ran up his spine. Her lipstick had a cheery flavor to it that remained after they stopped making out.

"Me too, me too Humbert." She caressed his knuckle on their interlocked hands with her thumb sending a jolt to his crotch.

"Uhm, can I kiss you again?"

April parted her lips on the second kiss, invading his mouth with her tongue in a slow, sensual manner. Humbert awkwardly went with it, nervously placing his arm around the chubby girl and the back of the booth. The loud chatter and thundering foot traffic of the patrons ceased to exist as the teens continued making out. Humbert broke the kiss abruptly, turning away to face the window.


"Sorry, I guess I was being too uhm, forward."

"I don't mind."

Strains of "A Summer Place" by Percy Faith ironically wafted through the truck stop / restaurant as the teens sorted things out amongst themselves. The waitress arrived bearing their order aloft on a tray as he welcomed the interruption. Two small children ran up and down the aisle near their booth loudly chasing one another as their mother yelled after them from a table full of assorted family members. More noise emanated from the arcade and a thick crowd of preteens holding court in the area. Humbert was grateful for the gathered humanity as he worked the confusion from his mind.

Leslie Anne Kennedy had intruded on his mind when their lips touched. She was there standing in the darkness silent, apparently waiting there for something. There could be no mistaking the unnatural beauty the cheerleader possessed which haunted his sleeping hours. The image returned over and over again since that afternoon when he'd discovered her looking up at his window from the street below. It had struck him like a blow to the stomach as he shrunk away from the window, trembling at the sight of her. Humbert found that he wasn't so much afraid of her, cowering at the memory of their shared history which culminated in him finally stooping to her level. He'd been dragged back to that field adjacent to the freeway leading out of Maplewood in the still dark, early morning hours. It was cold and misty as he rutted in the frayed, grass and dirt with one of the most sought after women in Maplewood High and by proxy, the small town itself.

"At least tell me you're thinking about me." April seemed to know his mind wandered giving the girl this sort of otherworldly quality.

"It's not like that."

April stared silently at him giving no indication that she was bristling with jealousy inside. The first time she'd happed upon the hapless nerd had completely coincidental. Once she learned of his identity and connection to Red and Leslie; Humbert had become sort of a fascination of hers and a side project. She recognized his strained, angry demeanor that moment in the school bleachers, empathizing with the victim's struggle to regain a semblance of normality in the aftermath of horrible circumstances. Leslie had nearly broken the nerd, but she knew the cheerleader ultimately failed. Leslie never produced the affected nerd that night she'd phoned Red claiming to have him. Her hated rival never showed up at the house and didn't offer an explanation before submitting to the inhuman gauntlet of her male peers. She'd watched the whole ordeal with morbid glee as the formerly unobtainable cheerleader was ravished by guys from all walks of high school life. In the middle of the sexual chaos, Leslie had snapped calling out to Humbert inexplicably and piquing April's curiosity. She knew there was more to the story and was determined to find out what the missing pieces were.

"It's not me."

He didn't answer confirming her suspicions that her hated rival clouded his thoughts. She ate in silence as he peered out at the various travelers coming and going from the gas pumps. April devoured the two breakfast plates with gluttonous focus as Humbert watched feeling helpless. He didn't want to lie and that meant not answering her. To him, April seemed like one of those people that dealt with adversity by eating and he couldn't blame her. He'd retreated into a shell to deal with Red and Leslie's assault of him only finally breaking free when the gorgeous brunette refused to allow the incident to fade into obscurity. He'd worked hard to put things behind him against the advice of his parents but happening across a makeshift DVD of Leslie's fall from grace haunted him in the day following his viewing of it.

"Changing your mind?"

"Not even; you won't get rid of me that easily, boy." April gave Humbert a reassuring kiss on the cheek while she bristled red hot on the inside. In her warped mind, his actions constituted a basic and distinct lack of respect and to April, that was a capitol offense. She gave Humbert a phony smile squeezing his forearm for reassurance. He was thin, moderately passable in the looks department and physically weak if Leslie was able to subdue and rape him with a strap on two separate occasions. April wished she could've watched Leslie fuck him for a laugh as her thoughts went darker in regard to the clueless mark in front of her.

"The bus is here."

Humbert grabbed her tote being the perfect gentleman as they boarded the bus on the first part of their journey. He glanced backward as he walked noticing the chubby, blonde hung back and could've swore that she was staring at his butt. She made no effort to dissuade him licking her lips and winking at the clueless nerd. Her eyes were afloat in twin pools of darkness that was her heavy use of mascara.


"Oh, good lord, I have sinned for a fortnight and you have seen fit to punish me for forsaking my religious chastity and natural pious nature with the plague of alcohol sickness. Please stay your righteous hand and I swear I'll never imbibe again." The man upstairs imagined or not did not reciprocate as the homely cheerleader faceplanted on the open toilet viciously regurgitating up a night's worth of vodka, cheap beer, and pizza. Her teammates seemed to care little for her predicament other than angrily helping her into the hall bathroom when the dry heaves hit earlier in the morning while they were lying in their sleeping bags in Red's living room.

"Betty Joe, you've got to get it together." She routinely addressed herself when she was alone. Betty knew she didn't belong amongst the otherwise, attractive girls of the cheerleading squad. The homely, slightly bucktoothed girl was self-conscious and anxious around the other teens but considered what she thought was a budding relationship with Leslie Kennedy, a saving grace. The co-captain of the squad clung to Betty appearing intent on taking the homely cheerleader under her wing.

Betty was unaware that she was being used as a "cock block" by the stunning brunette to frustrate her best friend's dad, the sheriff of Maplewood. Leslie made sure Betty was always within reach as she taunted and flaunted her body before the leering, sheriff. Leslie had purchased her clothing one size too small for the evening with the intent to drive him to distraction during Red's absence.

"Urgh, uh it's coming out again!!" She barely looked up from the toilet before another round of vomit exploded from her lips coating the toilet seat. The slightly homely girl wished someone cared enough to at least hold her hair. She took stock of her soiled cotton jersey that had been used as a night dress and frilly bloomers equally soiled with her thin, legs also sporting some residual splotches of vomit worrying that she'd be heckled by the other cheerleaders. Trying to fit in with the other girls had ended with the girl embarrassing herself. She pulled herself to a kneeling position to splash some water on her face at the sink. By her estimate, the girl had been inside the bathroom for at least ninety minutes. Shame washed over her as she wiped her face with a large bath towel, tucking it under her arm for support should the dry heaves return. It was hard to stand, let alone walk as the nauseous cheerleader used the wall for support on her way back to the living room.

"Come on, do it right, daddy." The other girls weren't there as she half staggered towards the living room, hearing voices.

"Yeah, I like it there; make me juice daddy; be good and maybe I'll let you-cum." The cheerleader flushed red, quickly stopping to cover her mouth with the towel as Leslie's head came into view from her vantage point. The corridor, kitchen and living room flowed in order with the kitchen best described as sort of a large kitchenette type design. The student could see Leslie's head above the countertop as she approached. She appeared to be sitting in the middle of the living room, facing the wall hunched over. The gorgeous brunette's eyes were tightly shut and her mouth agape as she shuddered and moaned. For all intents and purposes, the homely cheerleader was invisible as she shakily rounded the corner at the edge of the living room.

"You like that, don't you daddy?"

The nauseas teen was unprepared for the sight before her eyes as she found Leslie straddling an ottoman atop Sheriff Reed. Leslie was bottomless from the waist down, her ample cheeks cradling his face. The surprised cheerleader covered her mouth with the towel. She ducked down peering into the living room realizing the sheriff was bottomless as well. Leslie's fist was locked around his erection, roughly jerking away as the middle aged man cries were muffled by her voluptuous butt. Things took a surreal turn as the shocked cheerleader watched Leslie grind and twerk on the father's face. This was Sheriff Reed, known for being rough and badass-take-no-prisoners; father to Melissa Reed a.k.a Red, their leader and undisputed queen of Maplewood High.

"You like getting jerked off with a mouth full of pussy, huh daddy?!!" Both of Leslie's hands were savagely working the burly, middle aged man over as his muffled cries filled the living room.

"I can't hear you!!" Leslie was pinching one of his balls in a painful display making the man flop around under her body.

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