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Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 21

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Red does the unthinkable...
19.7k words

Part 22 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2013
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Note: All characters in this story are of legal age. All of the characters are well over eighteen years of age.

I neither judge nor condone any of the heinous actions detailed in this chapter of MEAN GIRLS of MAPLEWOOD. That being said, I appreciate all comments on this story good and bad. Feedback feeds this tale of GIRLS GONE WILD and I would love to continue hearing from my audience.

**All characters appearing in this story are of legal age**

There was no denying it by a country mile. There it was right in front of his face, perfection personified in the form of two symmetrical ovals joined together with just the right negative space between them in diamond shape. The long, shapely gams supporting them were a testament to natural design inherently athletic with a bit extra on the thighs. The thin material was black stretched skintight, but he could swear that it was translucent enough to afford him a view of her pale butt.

The workout pants stopped at her calves attesting to her pallor with some white Reeboks covering feet and toes that he would've loved to stick in his mouth. A black, skater type jacket hid her waist from view, but he was sure that it was cinched in from the outline of her awesome lower half. He considered fishing out his phone to capture a pic for prosperity.

"Fuck are you doing, Kyle?" He flinched at the sound of his girlfriend's voice turning to face the angry woman he'd been living with for two months.

"Uhm shit; uh nothing Donna Lee." The bespectacled college student glared over his shoulder ignoring his sudden posture change, designed to hide his actions. Her eyes settled right on the object of his affection as she bit into her lower lip.

"Well, too bad she isn't wearing a dress; bet you'd love to get an upskirt, huh you perv?"

"It's not what you think; I was just getting some snacks for our camping trip, baby." The plain looking guy was not convincing in the least.

"Maybe you should ask her to go out in the woods with you; I can hitch back home."

Donna Lee was wholly intimidated by the girl with her back to them peering into the beer cooler in the convenience store. She herself wasn't unattractive but considered herself a solid five on a good day. The planned excursion into the woods for a night of camping had been a stopgap for a flagging relationship since both college students met at orientation.

"Don't be that way, Donna Lee; I'm here with you and nobody else." She rolled her eyes at his desperate charm.

"Well-NOBODY'S GOT A NICE ASS, KYLE!!" She yelled back ruefully drawing attention from other sporadic customers in the combination gas station and convenience store.

"DONNA!!" He was honestly tired of her flair for public embarrassment, looking about at some other patrons with a meek shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh." The expression on her face changed prompting him to follow the trajectory of her gaze.

Red stared back at the couple at once curious and silently brooding. The makeup on her face was caked on but still failed at disguising the lingering effects of Chelsea's fists. She took stock of both of them turning in their direction with a six pack of bottled beer in her right hand. There was further bruising visible just above the neckline of her Slayer t-shirt. The couple didn't know what to make of the teen standing there looking both of them in the face. Her green eyes possessed a piercing quality that seemed to stare right through their bodies in piercing fashion.

"Fuck outta my way." Red pushed past them opting to split them apart up the middle as she trudged up to the counter. Kyle and Donna Lee followed her to the line waiting for service at the counter. His eyes still on the perfect butt.

"That's her." Donna Lee whispered.


"That girl; that crazy girl from Maplewood High? The one's been on the news lately, the psycho cheerleader?" He instantly placed the battered face matching it mentally with the high school yearbook photo used by local news.

"Shit, I think you're right." He commented both staring at Red's profile as she scratched the side of her head.

Red gradually glanced out the corner of her eye noticing the staring couple, raising a middle finger. Kyle and Donna lee turned away from the counter continuing their gossip in hushed whispers before noticing a gawky looking townie standing in an adjacent aisle trying not to be obvious about his eavesdropping.

Red tugged on a few strands of her hair wanting to hide her face from the nosey onlookers. She had a simple goal in mind after being rejected by Humbert Jenkins. She needed some beers to steel her resolve as her mind replayed his hand slapping her across the face repeatedly. It was her desire to sleep with him to return the favor to her defrocked best friend for sleeping with her father. Deep down Red could barely admit that her own actions had been the catalyst for the mental and sexual tyranny visited upon the Sheriff.

Her eyes narrowed recalling her own father begging his daughter to spare the life of a bitch that gave no fucks about him whatsoever. The sight of her father wallowing at her feet crying openly lent agency to her actions. She was determined to fuck Humbert senseless using her charms in similar fashion. In hindsight it was crazy and stupid. The truth of their disgusting connection was fast dawning on the embittered cheerleader. Now, she wanted to get drunk.

"What's this?" The store clerk was this tall, lanky guy with a top knot and braided beard. There were two other people behind the cluttered counter, a pimpled blonde with stringy hair and another long-haired guy sort of androgynous.

"Fucking beer; can't you see?" Red replied fishing some bills from her jacket pocket. She slammed the money on the counter looking around at some of the other customers present. She stuffed her hands into her pockets looking at her feet.

"No can do."


"Can't take that money." The clerk reiterated as his cohorts snickered. Red shot them a look noticing they were already pretty tickled.

"Why not? It's real, you nimrod." Red shoved the money forward on the countertop, but her shoved it back with an ink pen, while the counter girl quickly hid her face in the guy's t-shirt.

"No underage drinking, bitch." His cohorts burst into muffled laughter as Red noticed.

"Excuse me; I don't think I heard you correctly, ass wipe." Red glanced at the girl hiding partially behind the store clerk obviously laughing at her. She looked over at the other member of the trio finding the bull skullcap with embroidered skull and crossbones, stupid. Ironically, he was wearing a Misfits t-shirt.

"Maybe that's your problem, but this fine establishment does not condone underage drinking and unless, I'm wrong, your name is-RED!" He put emphasis on her name as his friends burst into laughter. Red took it all in waiting until his cohorts composed themselves.

"I think-you should ring up my purchase and then get some proactive for your mutt here; and some lube for your boyfriend." Her heart was starting to thump in her chest, nostrils flaring hard.

"Fucking ginger; I know who the fuck you are; you use to bully my little cousin. She had to transfer to another school after you yanked her up off the toilet and tossed her outside the bathroom in a piss-soaked dress, bitch." The clerk's rubbery features became stark and serious matching her own.

"Oh, how is Ginny doing these days?" Red deadpanned.

"YOU JUST GET ON UP OUTTA HERE, YOU WHORE!!" The pimpled girl took exception at her response while the other guy continued giggling.

"What, nobody buying down at the nickel gallery, loser? I heard you charge beef jerky for your retarded cooch." Red shot back never taking her eyes off the clerk.

"Like I said, no underage drinking allowed, Red."

"Alright how's about a pack of gum?"

"All outta gum, sorry." The counter was fully stocked with several brands of chewing gum as Red picked up a thick candy bar.

"Ring this up, incel." The clerk begrudgingly rang up the candy bar, but the girl suddenly ripped it open taking a big bite out of the rectangular bar. She dropped the opened snack on the counter in front of Red whose eyes started fluttering.

"OH SHIT, SHE'S GONNA GO HAM, BRODY MAN!!" The androgynous teen exclaimed, visually excited at the possibilities. Brody the store clerk shot him a disparaging look before glancing back towards Red.

"Ain't nobody scared of you." He growled looking ready to fight Red, himself.

"Ain't nobody SMART, not scared of me, bitch boy." Red covertly reached behind herself folding an arm for the weapon hidden in the small of her back. She was prepared to unload it in everyone's face at the drop of a dime.

The double doors of the convenience store burst open with the sudden appearance of several underclassmen Red recognized from school. There were at least five guys and one freshman girl with one of the pink skullcaps with faux animal ears attached. The leader of this small group of decidedly feral students wore a large red baller cap with his scruffy blonde hair sticking out the back, leaving half of his face covered by one of those patriotic skull face bandanas part American flag.

He glided to the edge of the counter on a skateboard. All in all they were a feral crew not unknown to the Alpha-Predator of Maplewood High. Just outside the double doors of the store, a pudgy high school senior was a lot new GMC Truck fueling their mode of transportation. Loud, offensive trap music was blasting from the truck.

"BRODY MY MAN, WE GOTS TO GET ROAD BREWS, MAN!!" The atmosphere became more jovial and raucous with the arrival of this feral group. Three of his number were already running up adjacent aisles snagging things like bags of chips and other snacks from the shelves as Red continued her slow burn.

"Excuse me young la-DEEEEEEE!! OH SHIT, LOOK WHO IT IS; IT'S FUCKING RED!!" His intended flirting was immediately abandoned once he realized her identity.

"LOOKIT HER FACE!!" Pink skullcap girl commented earning a side eye from the dominant cheerleader as their leader backpedaled on his skateboard aware of her infamy. The other guys returned to the front placing two 16 packs of beer on the counter, cutting in front of Red.

"Five dollars." Brody rang up the underage kids while his girl smirked at Red, in faux unctuous fashion. Some camera phones were already trained on Red who stood her ground unsure of what she'd do next. This disrespect by people she considered beneath her, was grating.

"SO RED, IT'S TRUE WHAT EVER ONE BEEN SAYING ABOUT YOU CHEERLEADERS BEING HOES, AND ALL?!!" Bandanna kid asked earning some raucous laughter and jeers from his clique.

"Fuck off, pussy." She snarled without looking him in the face, still focused on the cashier, Brody.


Red's palm literally sliced air in a wide arc across the countertop striking the kid in the face with enough force to relieve him of the bandana covering his childish face. He toppled over taking pink skullcap girl and another student to the floor with him.

"I TOLD YOU MAN, I TOLD THAT YOU BITCH WAS GOING NUCLEAR!! GOING HAM, HARD AS A MOTHERFUCKER, MAAAN!!" The androgynous kid behind the counter giggled uncontrollably.

Red's opposite hand returned swiping half of the product off the counter onto the floor. Despite his tough, earlier stance, Brody and his girl flinched hopping back into the adjacent shelving there rattling an assortment of cigarette boxes. Time seemed to stop on a dime. Red tucked her chin staring at her own feet, breathing hard as she struggled with herself to refrain from lighting up everyone present with the weapon hidden in the small of her back.

The group of kids surrounding her back off a few steps cautiously with bandana kid seemed afraid to get up off the floor, his nose bloodied. Some were still filming the situation with their phones able to catch the auburn beauty's heavy breathing audibly. In seconds, her compromised emotional state was apparent as tears streamed down her freckled cheeks. At the back of the aisle, Donna Lee and Kyle took everything in along with the other gathered people.

"OOHH SHIT, WATCH OUT!!" The wiry group of underclassmen scattered as Red literally stomped out purposely stomping on bandanna kids crotch in the process.

All eyes followed her outside as she stopped short resting a hand on the bed of their truck, steadying herself.

"Hey, don't touch my fucking truck." The pudgy guy sniped before quickly realizing who he was speaking with.

"Oh uhm, hey Red." She stared back still grasping the bed of his truck, her pale features illuminated in the early evening darkness. He quickly hopped behind the driver seat of his truck as she rounded the side of his vehicle. Red realized the guy was already on his phone while his friends gathered on the other side of the double doors.

She walked away folding her arms across her chest as heartened jeers and insults followed her across the street to the adjacent side of the road bordered by foot deep ditches in this section of Maplewood. Her Camaro was waiting but offered no comfort to the crying girl.

"HEY, WAIT MELISSA!!" Red turned ready for a fight to the death if need be. She found a familiar face in Casey, the custodian from her short hospital stay after fighting with Chelsea.

"I got the beers for you." He was shakily holding a stacked paper bag filled with the bottled six pack she wanted. She recognized him on sight, dropping her guard as he stopped short obviously apprehensive.

"Casey." Her tone told the slightly addled townie that it was okay to approach.

"I bought you some new candy bars too, ma'am." She noticed a stack of candy bars peeking out of the top of the damp paper bag, heartened. Red's thumping heart began to return to normal levels as she helped him with the bag, placing it on her hood.

"What do I owe you?"

"Aw shucks, nothing ma'am." His respectful tone and timid demeanor calmed her nerves as she removed a bottle from the bag twisting the top off with her keychain.

"Drink with me?" She offered Casey the open bottle before opening another leaning on her car.

"Thanks." He waited for her to take a drink, before taking a swig. His body language told the beautiful redhead that he was intimidated by her physicality.

"Thanks for scoring for me, Casey; I really needed a drink."

"I kinda figured after them knucklehead kids gave you such a hard time. You just gotta let water run off your back sometimes ma'am."

"WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT IT?!!" The words just exploded out of her surprising them both. Casey was long, lean and lanky with a noticeable Adam's apple prominent on his turkey neck. Red stared at his face recognizing the expression that greeted her too much as of late.

"Well, you just enjoy them drinks there and have yourself a good ole; night ma'am." He backed away with his own bag of snacks intent on returning to his home, crestfallen.

"WAIT CASEY, I'M SORRY!!" Red called after him, panicked.

"Ah you ain't got nothing to be sorry about; I done spoke out of turn." He managed a weak smile as she ran after him, capturing his thin wrist.

"Won't you please have another drink with me, Casey?"


Red's hand slid from his wrist formally taking his hand leading him back to her car. Just touching her sent a charge through his body as he found it hard not to look at her perfect butt swaying invitingly in yoga pants. Red flashed him during her incarcerated stay at the hospital in order to get his phone, but now she was desperately happy for his company. She was emotionally exhausted and out on a limb after being rejected by Humbert. Many days earlier Red was compelled to visit her estranged "boyfriend" Brad Tucker looking for sex. She was in a dark place mentally and his inability to perform started her even further down a path of no return.

"Melissa?" They downed two more bottles. He could never know how grateful she was for any human contact and interaction at this point.

"Yeah, what is it Casey?"

"Are you gonna be okay; uhm, you seem really sad ma'am?" She didn't answer right away staring off into the wooded area on the passenger side of her car.

It had been a long time since someone cared enough to ask about her feelings and it definitely wasn't her father. Brad Tucker was deathly afraid of her along with a third of the high school after she'd been found pummeling Chelsea's face to mush with blood-soaked knuckles. Her experience at the convenience store seemed to signal a new phase in her life as a town pariah. Nobody would ever guess that she didn't blame them one bit after all that happened as she remembered the sage wisdom of her former protégé.


"Yeah, I was just, uhm concerned is all, Melissa." Red knew blind honesty when she heard it and appreciated the clueless social outcast.

"I just-wanna die." She gasped, breathlessly, finally admitting what was hidden behind her freckled face.


"Can you, uhm hold me, Casey?" He perked up wholly shocked by the request of the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and had the luck to even speak with. Casey was shaky, trembling all over as Red snuggled into his arms wrapping her free hand around his back. She could feel how nervous he was grateful that he wasn't simply scared of her temper.



"Would you like to kiss me?" He awkwardly swallowed so hard that it sounded like a hiccup. There was no denying the anxiety on his face.

Red took the initiative softly cupping his cheek leaning in pressing her lips against his resulting in a series of nervous tremors across his body. She held the chaste kiss long enough for him to calm himself. His brow was a little sweaty, mind addled from the sudden wealth of social riches. He nervously looked around avoiding her face before steeling himself enough to look deep into her green eyes.

"You're awful pretty, Melissa." She smiled genuinely happy for the compliment, pressing her head against his bird chest.

Her hand caressed his back running a single finger down the defined groove in his back. They were partially lit by primitive street lighting in the form of what amounted to vertical logs Geri rigged basic city fixtures accompanied by the illumination provided by the gas station / convenience store on the opposite side of the road. Red buried her face in Casey's chest rubbing it horizontally for skinship, but that wasn't going to be enough.

"Casey, I want you to make love to me, okay?" His audible gasp was not unexpected. This woman facial bruising or not, was so far out of his league that he couldn't measure it if he tried.

"Are you sure; uhm, you can have a better-looking fella than me, ma'am."

"I'm sure I want you to fuck me." An electric jolt shot through his pelvis at the sound of her voice and what was asked of him. He was instantly as hard as he'd ever been thankful that his jeans were baggy enough to hide his barely adequate tumescence.

"I want to be fucked, Casey." Red reiterated, needlessly.

"Uhm, yeah okay Melissa." His throat was dry, brow glistened with nervous perspiration under her piercing gaze.

Red managed to let him go walking over opening her car door for the gawky looking man she once considered a means to an end. She'd used her feminine wiles on someone sure to be overwhelmed by her appearance and she was ashamed of herself at this very moment. The tortured cheerleader intended to make it up to him in spades doing whatever he wanted sexually and even more after that. It was very small recompense in exchange for the company of a warm body to share a bed with.

Casey found himself sitting in her passenger seat staring at the cheap sneakers on his feet. He snuck a peek at beautiful redhead gathering up the bag from her hood walking to the passenger seat. It seemed like the man upstairs was finally doing him a solid and he was cared at any moment he'd wake up in his bed staring up at the shack he rented down the road near the campground entrance. He flinched when Red got behind the wheel beside him. She smiled running an errant strand of auburn hair behind her ear before taking his hand. She started the engine as her radio blared to life with "Colorblind" by Counting Crows.

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