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Mean Girls Reunion 01

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Lacey Chabert is first recruit in Mean Girls 10 year reunion
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 11/10/2013
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1: Lacey


Working on the film crew for "Mean Girls" was one giant blur. So much so that I can't quite remember why I was relaxing one day in the wardrobe room. But I was sitting behind a few clothing racks during my break, trying to enjoy the solitude, until someone interrupted.

I could see the gossip queen of the Plastics, Gretchen Weiners – a.k.a. actress Lacey Chabert. Whether she could see me was unclear, but the fact she hadn't yelled at me to get out was a sign.

So was her going through sweaters, then taking hers off in my eye line.

She wasn't looking at me and couldn't see me from there – supposedly. She wasn't trying to show herself off in her blue bra and skirt, but there was a Hell of a lot to show off. It took me a while to register her taking off her skirt next – yet the sight of Lacey's incredible cleavage and toned, sleek curves kept her ass and legs off my radar.

I only had a few seconds to take in the whole package before she found a sweater. Once she put it over her face and chest, I remembered what trouble I'd be in if she knew there was an audience. Impulsively, I turned my head away and pretended to sleep – barely stopping myself from pretending to snore.

I heard some small rustlings and prayed they wouldn't be followed by loud footsteps. Yet when I heard them, they got softer as Lacey left the room. My movie crew career was still alive – though I needed more physical parts of me to die down before I left. As if she'd made that easy.

Like this entire production would make things easy for me.

January 2014

A Mean Girls reunion cover story and photo shoot.

If I could make that happen, it'd make this job so much easier for me.

While I didn't do much more work in movie crews since 2003, it got my foot in the door for other opportunities. Eventually, it led me to an assistant's job at a magazine that....well, many of you read every week. If not as much as Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide or Vanity Fair.

This meant that other publications probably had the inside track on a 10-year "Mean Girls" reunion piece, if they were so inclined. But I made the pitch that with my time on their set, I could get the stars to do our magazine. Plus it was the start of a new year, and the best time to publish a Mean Girls story would be in April, so I could get a jump start now.

Of course, my slight connection to the movie didn't mean I could land all the stars. What's more, they'd really need me to book one above all – and she was the wild card to end all wild cards. She might have burned too many bridges with her old co-stars, for all anyone knew.

But after I convinced my bosses I could book Lindsay Lohan, I still wasn't brave enough to go after her first. That was something you had to build towards. Hell, if I got all the others first – the ones who actually had their careers take off since 2004 – it might make Lindsay's absence okay.

Unfortunately, I aimed too high to start proving it.

I thought since Rachel McAdams had the best career and biggest name in the group besides Lindsay – at least in movies – she'd be enough of a headliner. But because of that big career, she wasn't available in the time we'd need to do the story and cover. So that seemed to be that.

If I couldn't land both Rachel and Lindsay, I was finished. Maybe that's why I still wasn't brave enough to contact Lindsay. One of the top five reasons, anyway.

Instead of warming up with a more legitimate star, perhaps I would have to start smaller.

I had to call Rachel because she was busy on a set. However, Lacey Chabert had more free time on her hands. When I gathered that after calling her, I offered to make my pitch in person.

That's how I found myself going to her penthouse in West Hollywood two days later. She'd bought it months ago, not long before her cover spread for Maxim magazine last fall. My memories really didn't need to go there – or to the last time I saw her in her bra – so I cleared my head before knocking the door.

Lacey answered in a blue top and matching jeans, so it kept my head clear. At least clearer than it could have been. "Hello, Ms. Chabert," I cleared my throat enough to say.

"You don't have to be that formal," Lacey said in her high but sweet voice. "This is the first of many Mean Girls reunions, after all. Right?"

"Well, if you want to see it that way. And believe I told the truth about being a crew member. Which I did, but how would you know?" I let get away from me.

"I used my two days of prep time well. But I didn't need to do that much research," Lacey assured. "I remembered myself that you were there. So I'm glad you're here now," she said, topping it off with a little hug. Which was both fortunately and unfortunately brief.

I shrugged it off and followed Lacey inside, letting her give me a tour of the condo. It was pretty extravagant by my standards, if not West Hollywood's. That speaks to how quaint three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a gym and wide views of the city are by comparison.

Despite having the least splashy career of the Mean Girls stars, Lacey still kept busy enough to do well for herself. As if the Maxim shoot didn't rub it in already. Luckily, I kept myself from saying both those things out loud.

At that moment, Lacey wanted to know about my post-Mean Girls career. This made me just a little bit more comfortable.

"Clearly, I went on a different path," I jested for starters. "I mean, I didn't flop out of crew work. I didn't hate it, and you guys didn't make me hate it. I just....realized I wanted a more creative direction. But I realized I wanted it in Hollywood, in some way."

"And a magazine about Hollywood was the answer," Lacey filled in.

"Not at first. I wrote some stuff myself at other places. I'm not doing that at my new place, but I can use it to open bigger doors. If I prove I have some value over there," I started to segway towards.

"And me and one of my old movies can give you that value," Lacey said.

"For the next few months, yeah," I agreed, perhaps less tactfully than I should have. "I know other magazines can make a bigger deal out of it. But they're just so....cliquey. I think you can understand that," I started joking. "I figure there's no need to give the magazine Plastics another win. It'd go against everything the movie stood for."

"Did you sell that to Rachel?" Lacey wondered.

"Maybe I should have. If she had a clear schedule, who knows?" I went along. But the memory of her being unavailable, and the long route I still had to go, made me more truthful.

"I'm not trying to put pressure on you, Lacey. I don't know how free you are, and there's no guarantee this'll even happen. I've got a long way to go before I can answer that," I admitted.

"Well, what's part of that long way? Who else are you asking?" Lacey asked.

"Tina Fey, Lizzy Caplan, Amanda Seyfried, you....and Lindsay," I finished off.

Sensing my hesitation at the end, Lacey offered, "Hasn't Lindsay been pretty good lately? Or did you guys....bury bad press on her?"

"I can't speak for other publications, but we heard good stuff," I answered. "Still....did she burn too many bridges with you guys when she....wasn't on good behavior? And could they be rebuilt in time?"

"I don't think that's necessary. I haven't seen Lindsay in a while, so my bridges are still standing," Lacey commented. "But I haven't seen much of the others, either. That really would make this a reunion for me. And for what it's worth....it'd be nice to see all of them again."

"So if I could make that happen, you wouldn't mind?" I double checked.

"Of course not," Lacey promised. "Working with them wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't before." After a pause, she started, "They even....even kept their distance when we were in wardrobe."

My face didn't move a muscle, so I figured I was safe. I felt myself blinking more than usual, but there could be worse tells. In the back of my mind, I wondered if it was more telling that she paused before finishing. "I see," was the only thought I said out loud.

I deflected by saying, "So, we want to make this a cover story for April. To do that, we need you to be available at the end of February. Can you clear a day or two for that?"

"Shouldn't be a problem," Lacey said. "Gives me plenty of time to get dressed up."

"Well, we'll have that covered for you," I said as steadily as possible.

"I know, but you're already going to enough trouble," Lacey stated. "I've got a lot of stuff in my closet. Maybe I could pick something and get it out of the way."

"If, um, if you want to take a shot," I conceded. I was relieved to see Lacey get up and leave, which gave me time to get back in order. But those dreams died fast.

"Your bosses would probably need to see my picks," Lacey called out. "You can either call them to come over, or just take pictures for them with your phone. The second one sounds easier." It did, in only one way. But it was the only way available now.

So I followed Lacey to her big closet, as she showed off the clothes that were hung up. I went along with the pretense of taking pictures, in case she was being serious. I had further doubts when she said, "I don't know. They'd probably pop more if they were on me."

"So you're saying you need to change?" I sighed in resignation.

"I might need time for that," Lacey replied. With that, I figured there was nothing to do but rip the band aid off.

"For the record, I stayed where I was when you changed back then. And I closed my eyes too. Eventually," I jumped ahead. "That should have made it impossible for you to remember me! I didn't do a thing, other than see you in far more clothing than you had in Maxim!" I let out, to which Lacey merely paused.

Before she could un-pause, I attempted damage control by adding, "Don't punish the magazine because I was a perv 11 years ago. I'll get someone else to give you privacy in here. If that's what you want."

"I almost wanted you to stop 'sleeping'," Lacey interrupted, adding quotation marks at the end. That was hardly the weirdest thing right now.

"I was pretty frustrated that day. Enough to still remember it 11 years later. Enough to remember I was changing to go out for a walk, saw you when you were fake sleeping....and almost wished you'd wake up. Just to help me get some of my emotions out....in some way," Lacey startled me.

"Some way....eh?" I ended less than smoothly.

"Yeah, there were a few ways. I calmed down and left, but when I saw you work after that....I still had to wonder," Lacey shared. "I didn't wonder that much for the next 10 years. But when you called me and I looked you up....it didn't take much to wonder again."

"You're kidding me," was all I could say. "So that was another near miss....or maybe...." I trailed off, having revealed way too much.

"Another near miss?" Lacey repeated, making me nervous with her peaked interest. But instead of asking further, she asked, "Is that what it would have been if I woke you up? Just a near miss?"

"If you wanted it to be," I recovered to change the subject – for more than one reason.

"And if you had a chance to get closer?" Lacey pressed on, her hands drifting to her hips.

"Well, then someone would probably come in and ruin my luck," I attempted to gest.

"And until they did? Would fucking me on my wardrobe be worth it till then?" Lacey got to the point.

"I...." I waited to find a good answer, but only one was accurate enough. "I don't see how I can say no."

Lacey didn't say anything or change her expression. Even when she lifted up her shirt and threw it off, revealing a blue bra barely containing her cleavage, she stayed nonchalant. While I dropped my jaw and made mental comparisons to 11 years ago and Maxim magazine, she just turned and looked through her closet. In fact, she seemed to be picking out a new shirt.

When Lacey took one and put it over her chest, I got her game. And I took the bait.

Like I imagined myself doing off and on for 11 years, I went up to Lacey and kissed her against a rack of clothes. She dropped her shirt and began to unbutton mine, while I got ahead of her in unbuckling my belt. I took a break once she undid my buttons, throwing my shirt off and inviting her to press her body against mine.

The feel of her large, contained breasts and the rest of her tanned, toned, tremendous body against me threw me off, so Lacey lowered my pants down for me. I snapped out of it to put my hands on her jeans, lowering them just as mine dropped. Soon we both had our underwear exposed, but I wasn't ready to remove hers yet.

In a flash, I lowered my underwear and pulled out my erect cock, then had Lacey lean back against her closet drawer. My hand moved the front of her panties aside, leaving them on as my cock head pressed against her pussy. After seeing Lacey in a lacey bra and panties in person, and in print, I had to fuck her while she had them on.

"Do it. Fuck me," Lacey agreed in a breathy voice. She squeaked and almost cooed as my head entered her, then groaned deeper when I added a few more inches. Once I adjusted and knew I could last, my adrenaline went back up as I started pumping her.

Lacey wrapped her arms around my neck and began pushing her groin back against me. I pushed mine forward as our hips got as loud as our voices. I tried muffling mine against Lacey's lips, her neck, and finally her bouncing chest.

I still let her keep her bra on, as I was too busy nuzzling her cleavage and pressing my face against her cups to take it off. She gyrated her hips faster the more I did it, so I wasn't the only one who liked this. But I was feeling the effect harder – perhaps too hard, too fast.

"Fuck, fuck," I muttered, which made Lacey moan her encouragement. But it was a frustrated fuck because I was boiling over too soon. I put my fingers on Lacey's panties to try and get her off before I did, yet she tightened around me and made it impossible.

"Fuck, shit, I'm gonna cum!" I yelled, quickly pulling myself out before Lacey could comment. I left my cock bare and wet, not daring to touch it or even looking at her. After a few seconds, I dared to look up as Lacey caught her breath – then started to smile.

She finally lowered her panties to the floor, bending down way too low for my sanity. When I looked at the ceiling, she cleared her throat and got me to see her unhooking her bra. "Aim it here," she gestured to her chest, then grabbed it and slowly lowered her bra.

I had made sure my hands were frozen – but when Lacey dropped her bra, they went on my cock like a magnet. I was barely aware I was jacking off, since I had to savor those big, bare double D's while I had the time. Unfortunately, I was aware 15 seconds later that my time was about up.

I used the last of my brain power to remember Lacey's instructions, then I pointed my cock up and followed them. The first few spurts landed on her left breast and right above it, but I got myself to cover her right breast in time. The last few spurts landed below her chest, although some strands of cum were oozing down there anyway.

At least until Lacey grabbed her cum drenched tits.

"Eat me. Now," Lacey demanded. On impulse, I got on my knees and put my face between her legs. But when Lacey started rubbing her tits – and rubbing my own cum on those giant, gorgeous mounds – I lost all reason. Which was probably the point.

I wasted no time in suckling and nibbling her sweet spots, or on sliding two fingers inside to speed things up. As Lacey moaned, arched her back and kept rubbing her boobs, I wiggled my tongue and fingers inside her and sucked everything in range. By the time her chest fully absorbed my cum, I didn't make her cum herself -- but I didn't want to lose the race by much.

Once I added a third finger and swiped my thumb and tongue on her, I got that wish.

Lacey grabbed the back of my head and arched her hips forward, exploding directly on me. It faintly registered that her hand had touched my cum and was now in my hair. Yet her cum was dripping on my lips, so we were even.

I didn't break away for much oxygen as I licked and cleaned Lacey up. When she removed her hand and backed up a few inches, I stayed on my knees as it all started sinking in. It didn't sink in fast enough for me to move an inch, although my cock was shrinking by a few.

"Go lay down on the bed. Take as long as you need," I heard Lacey say. As soon as I could do something about it, I made myself stand on my feet. I had enough common courtesy to put my pants and underwear on before I went to the nearest bed, but not enough to put my shirt on.

I laid on one of Lacey's beds, closing my eyes and seeing the images of the last several minutes fly by. At the least, I was too enraptured to go to sleep. Eventually, I'd have to get up, actually face Lacey and hope this didn't affect our deal – if we had really made one. For that and other reasons, I wasn't eager to open my eyes yet.

"For the record, I didn't think of those last parts 10 years ago. It just came to me now," I heard Lacey say. It would have been too easy to make a pun from that last part, so I stayed quiet – but thinking about it made me let out an accidental snort.

"Yeah, that just came on me – to me, too," Lacey pretended to accidentally say. I didn't try to hold back laughter that time, and neither did she.

I kept my eyes closed, but I felt a little looser. Loose enough to ask, "Why were you frustrated back then? Did something happen? Something with the other girls?"

"Trying to interview me early?" Lacey sidestepped.

"I still need to be sure there is one," I said seriously. "If there's really any lingering problems with the others....or ones that might come up with....other people....I should know before I put my career on the line for this. Not that I was that professional before...."

"Even after that, that's what you're really thinking about?" Lacey inquired.

"Well....if I was more established, I could afford not to care about work. I'm clearly a beginner here," I tried to jest.

I opened my eyes now, but I looked up at the ceiling instead of Lacey. I still heard her ask, "If I tell you, will you tell me about that other near miss? If there's any lingering problems you have with them, this might not come together anyway. Right?"

I acknowledged her twisting my own words against me, then answered, "I had some....moments with them. Not moments like....back there. Nothing they'd probably remember like you did. But....I did wonder what could have been a few times. Like I did with you."

"And look how that turned out," Lacey pointed out. "For what it's worth....they missed out. And they'd miss out if they didn't do your cover too. But I didn't do anything then that would make it a problem. And I won't do it when you get us back together."

Regardless of who she meant by 'us', it was what I needed to hear. "Thank you," I said, regardless of what I was really thanking her for.

"No problem," Lacey chimed. Now it was really getting ridiculous not to look at her.

I turned my head and saw Lacey lying next to me, her face a few feet from mine. A brief glance below told me she hadn't put her bra back on. Yet I looked back up in a flash anyway, which made Lacey giggle.

If she didn't want me to stare, she'd have put the bra on – as if that would tempt me less. Regardless, I clung to being a gentleman by watching her face. A face covered with gorgeous green eyes, full tempting lips, and a complexion both innocent and sultry. If I was trying not to look aroused, I was failing miserably either way.

If this could be called failure. Lacey pressing her lips to mine sure didn't feel like failure.

This time we were composed enough to kiss briefly, and almost sweetly. We gave each other several pecks until I gently suckled her lower lips, then slid my tongue past it. Lacey pressed herself against my body, although our bare chests did most of the touching.


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