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Meeting an Old Friend

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Tomboy turned goddess makes me glad I met her again.
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Not my usual kind of story, apologies if you're disappointed

Based on a story of two friends who were at their first school together, then met at college years later and have been together ever since. The middle part is the story of them but enhanced.

To set the scene I'd have to tell you about Nikki.

She and I were best friends at Primary school. I got teased by the other boys for sitting next to a girl at first, but we were only five years old so that's what boys thought. I just thought they were jealous of our friendship.

Nikki was more like a tomboy than a girl. She had short red hair, cut into a sort of bob but always looked messy, she hated her hair being combed. I thought the other boys were jealous because she always played football with us, and was better than most of them. She was better at fighting, as some of them found out if they teased either of us too much. She loved climbing trees and getting dirty, but the main thing the others were jealous of were the presents.

Nikki's parents ran the largest pub in the area, it had a large children's play area so it was a bit of a local icon, the parents could enjoy drinking while knowing the kids were playing and had no way of getting out without coming back through the pub. The presents were freebies and promotions given to her dad now and again.

T-Shirts, Caps, sample boxes of crisps for example. Every now and again she'd bring something to school with her, each time they for me and nobody else. I was her best friend she said, so they were for me only. We were inseparable until we were almost eleven years old, nearly ready to go to Secondary school when my world was turned upside down.

Nikki's dad had a very good offer to sell the pub to a brewery chain. It meant he could retire early, and with the money, they bought a holiday home in Cyprus and a big house out of town. It was only about five miles away, but at that age, it seemed like she was moving to another country. It also meant she'd be going to a different school closer to her new home.

The first twelve months were horrible without her. She'd been by my side for years, and it took a lot of getting used to her not being around, and I didn't understand why my heart hurt so much. I never forgot her, but the feelings eased over time.

Nineteen years old now, one of my old school friends said they were thinking of starting a football team, and did I want to come down and practise with them. I said yes, I'd just left a team that had split up so it would be ideal if they seemed good enough.

We'd been playing for a while, and I raced through towards goal shouting for the ball to be passed to me. Suddenly walking along the road I saw this vision of beauty and stopped dead. She was beautiful even from here. Long red hair cascaded down her back and across her shoulders, she wore a tight-fitting t-shirt that showed off her generously sized tits to perfection, and jeans so tight they looked they'd been sprayed on. Her legs were long and slim, her arse a vision of beauty in itself.

I was bought back to earth by the ball hitting me on the back of the head, and knocking me over. The other players, despite laughing loudly, all came to see if I was okay. I got up, rubbing my head.

"Did you lot see her, oh boy she was like heaven on legs?" I asked.

"It's not a surprise you recognised Nikki," one of them laughed.

"Nikki?" I asked, then it dawned on me, "Nikki from primary school?"

"Haha, Josh still loves her," one said in a teasing voice.

"Pity she's got a boyfriend," one said, "and engaged too."

As pleased as I'd been to see her again, that shook me. None of us had seen which way she'd turned anyway, so I couldn't chase after her. After finishing playing, they told me they had a game against another team that weekend, and asked me to play, to which I agreed.

We'd started playing in the game, and there was a guy on the other team who was trying to show off. Fancy flicks, Hollywood passes and shots from everywhere, most of them not successful though and he hadn't scored yet either. His teammates were getting a little fed up with him, they could have scored if he'd been making better decisions. Ten minutes left in the game, I noticed a familiar redhead on the sidelines watching the game. With not long left, I scored the winning goal for our side.

The game finished, I went over to say hello, and to see if she recognised me. Judging by her huge smile and her squeezing me half to death when she hugged me she hadn't forgotten me. We both turned as a voice asked who this was. It was the guy who'd been showing off, and Nikki threw her arms around him and kissed him.

"This is Josh, we were best friends when we started school, I've not seen him for years," she answered.

He said hi and sneered at me, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Don't get jealous John, we haven't seen each other since we were nearly eleven," she told him.

He told her they had to leave, and as they went to walk away she quickly turned back.

"Give me your phone, I'll put my number in so we can keep in touch," she told me.

She did so, and as they walked off up the street I saw her look at her phone, turn around and stick her thumb to say she'd seen my message with my number on. She messaged me that night, saying that she really hoped we could keep in touch and not worry about John, he just didn't really like her talking to other men.

I lay on my bed and read the message several times, getting an image of her in my head. She certainly wasn't a tomboy anymore, quite the opposite, in fact she'd grown up to be extremely pretty.

A couple of nights later I sent her a message asking what she was doing. She replied saying she was just lying in bed, watching TV in the quiet. I asked why she was in bed, and she replied saying John had some friends around drinking and watching a football game, and he didn't like her downstairs with them all so she'd started going upstairs out of the way. I was puzzled, so asked what he didn't like about her being downstairs with them, and the reply was he didn't like them looking at her.

Strange. He sounded jealous, yet distancing himself from her somehow. I asked why some of their partners didn't come around to sit with her, or why she didn't go out to them, and she said John preferred it to be guys only in the house and if she went out and he'd been drinking he wouldn't be able to drive to fetch her. Then my phone pinged again.

"What did you think when you saw me again today?"

"I saw you the other day, walking up the road. You made me stop dead in my tracks, and a football knocked me over!" I responded.

She sent over a laughing with tears emoji, then asked what made me stop dead. I told her I hadn't realised it was her at first, but she was that stunning I stopped to stare.

"Josh, you're making me blush, but I'll take your compliment," she sent back, "be honest, what exactly about me do you think is stunning?"

Was she teasing me now? Was she testing me? Was it John sending the messages trying to catch me out?

"Where was our favourite tree?" I sent.

The reply came through very quickly and was correct. It was definitely Nikki.

"I love your hair, the colour and how the sun catches it. I love how confident you are to wear that tight t-shirt and jeans off to show off your curves too," I told her.

"More compliments, you're spoiling me," she replied.

She sent another message saying she had an early start so was going to sleep, but she'd try to message me the next night. I slept very well myself that night, very contented that I was.

The next day at work was a blur, I was on autopilot. I almost wanted to go home but knew it wouldn't make her message any earlier.

"I've been talking about you to someone at work today," she finally messaged.

"Talking about what?" I asked.

"I told her seeing you again has stirred up some old feelings and told her how much I missed you when I moved away. She told me laughing that it sounded like we were in love, even at that age," she responded.

"I missed you too, a lot. My first year at the new school was horrible, I had no interest in making any new friends after you," I answered.

"Maybe we were in love then, would that have been a bad thing?" she asked.

"Seeing what you look like now, no it wouldn't," I answered, putting a smiley emoji at the end.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked straight away.

"Home alone, John has gone to the pub with his mates," she replied.

John seemed like a right prick I thought. Maybe I was jealous that he was with this very pretty girl and seemed to not like being in her company, or her being in the company of his mates.

"Can I send you pictures of some outfits I've bought for my holiday, and get your opinion please?" she asked.

"Sure, send some over now," I replied.

The first message came through, and I stared at the screen. It certainly wasn't the kind of outfit I was expecting. I could only describe it as a Baywatch promo shot. Nikki was wearing a red swimsuit, the legs cut high up above the hips, with a v-neck at the front which plunged beneath her cleavage. If she hadn't shaved her pubic hair, she trimmed it very short to avoid it showing. It was obvious she didn't have a bra on either, but her perfect tits were firm under the flimsy fabric.

"You look like a redheaded Pammy Anderson," I sent back, "What does the back look like?"

I thought I might be pushing my luck asking, but a new picture came through. Oh boy. Because of the high cut legs, the swimsuit disappeared mesmerisingly between her legs. I could feel my cock stirring.

"You like it then?" she asked.

"Very much, you're going to turn heads wearing that. The colour combines nicely with your hair colour too."

Another picture came through. This one was a pale blue and white polka dot bikini, with a pink love heart on the bottoms right in the centre, and a pink bow right in the centre of the top.

"Yeah, that's great too, the colour matches your eyes perfectly," I sent back.

"You're such a smooth talker, how are you single?" she asked, three laughing emojis ending the text. "One more outfit," she continued.

She'd saved the best until last. This one was a black bikini, the briefs consisting of not much fabric to cover anything up, a lace band around the top and sides and again it was high cut onto the hips. The top was also lace but not see-through.

"Wow, beautiful. Because it's black, it makes your hair look gold. You look stunning in it, in all of them," I sent back, "What did John say?"

There was a pause before she replied. She said John had asked why she'd bothered, with her skin and hair colour she didn't tan anyway so would be easier wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He'd also said the red swimsuit clashed with her hair colour. I was right, he was a prick.

"Are you sure he actually fancies you? If he can't see how beautiful you look he's not looking properly," I sent back.

"Oh he definitely fancies me, he can't keep his hands off me most of the time," she replied.

"Only when it's you two though and when nobody else is around?" I asked.

It was about five minutes before she replied. She said it was because she had been getting changed back, but she was going to get John's meal ready for when he got home. I couldn't tell if she was upset with me, so I just sent her back a goodnight message and left it there.

I went on my dinner break the next day and opened my phone, we're not allowed to have them on us while we're working. I'd got a text message from Nikki. Strange, she hadn't messaged during the day before. I opened it and read.

"I've been talking to my friend again today, the one who joked we'd been in love as young kids. We spoke about John. She asked if John always made me go upstairs when his friends were there if he ever took me out when his friends were going to be there. I answered no both times. She asked if he took me out much anyway, even if it was just us two, I said not really, I was at home a lot waiting for him to get back. She told me she was sorry, but she thought he was just using me for sex, it didn't sound like he loved me at all. I cried and ran to the toilets."

I read the message a couple of times, I felt sad inside for her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stir up any trouble between you," I sent back.

"That's the thing, I didn't tell her what you'd said at all, so she said the same thing as you. Maybe you're both right after all. Maybe I thought he loved me as much as I loved him," she sent back.

I didn't hear anything from her all day, then that evening I got another message, around 8 pm.

"Josh, I've done something stupid, I feel really silly now," the message read.

All sorts of scenarios ran through my head.

"What have you done?"

There was a short pause, then another message came through.

"I waited for John to come home, I'd bought some sexy lingerie and had put it on for him to see when he got back and lay along the sofa. He came in with three of his friends, saw me practically undressed in front of them and shouted loudly at me. His friends were laughing then wolf-whistling as I ran past them upstairs."

"You didn't know that his friends were coming back? Then why could he shout at what you'd done?" I asked.

"No, I was surprised as them, John said they'd come with him as they were going to the pub, he said he wouldn't be back until late."

"Sorry Nikki, but he's not right for you, and that's not just my opinion is it? I know that's not what you'd want to hear. I'm here if you need to talk okay?" I sent her.

I didn't hear anything back but assumed she was a mixture of anger and sadness. I settled down to watch TV, and around thirty minutes later a message came through.

"Bored on my own, are you sure you don't mind talking?" she'd sent.

"Yeah sure, I'm not doing much, TV was on but not really watching it," I replied.

"And some people say you single men spend all your spare time watching porn, disappointed in you Josh," she replied, a laughing emoji at the end.

"Plenty of time for that later haha," I responded.

"I might watch some myself, I was up for some fun and John has spoilt that. I have an itch that needs scratching," she sent, a winking emoji ended the message.

I read it again, my eyes lighting up at the thought. Another message quickly followed.

"Can I send you another outfit picture?" she asked.

After seeing the previous ones, I probably wasn't going to need to watch any porn.

"Yeah okay," I replied.

If the previous pictures had been sexy, this one flew off the scale. She was sitting on her bed wearing a black completely lacy babydoll, with a silk ribbon bow fastening behind the neck and at the front by her tits, the rest open and exposing a matching black lace thong. Her nipples were erect and poking out of the flimsy fabric.

"Oh my word, you look amazing!" I repied, with an aubergine emoji.

"So, you wouldn't have abandoned me to go to the pub then?" she replied.

"Fuck no, I have made them go alone while I stayed with you, or made them watch with jealousy while I fucked you all night," I sent back.

"Let them watch, erm that's kinky. You'd do that really?" she asked.

"Purely to make them jealous, not just to let them watch you, that's different," I replied.

"So you'd have no problem showing me off then?" she asked.

"None at all, you're stunning. People would be looking at your beauty and congratulating me on punching well above my weight," I sent back.

"You're pretty good looking yourself, Josh, I think we've both grown up pretty well."

"Why, thank you for the compliment!" I sent.

She sent another picture, this time lying across her bed on her side, one leg bent upwards. She had an open hand by her mouth and was pretending to look shocked. My cock stirred in my boxer shorts. Another quickly followed, the front bow opened so the babydoll cascaded open and her beautiful firm tits were exposed for my viewing pleasure. Her skin was a milky white colour, her nipples erect, rose pink in colour, and long. Very long.

"What are these doing for you?" she asked.

"You'd be shocked if I told you," I replied, my cock in my hand.

"You don't need to tell me, you could show me instead. Send me a picture?" she asked.

It would only be fair I decided. She'd already sent me several pictures of potential wank material, so sending her one would be fine. I took a picture of my semi-erect cock, and waited for the reply.

"I'm a little disappointed Josh, am I not enough to make you hard? What about now?"

There was a further image. The same pose, but the thong was now gone. Her swollen labia smiled at me, a hint of wetness on them. They were almost the same rose pink colour as her nipples. Jesus, she was almost godlike.

I sent her another picture, hopefully, this would be better.

"Oh my, little Josh is standing to attention, just for me. I say little Josh, it's bigger than Johns," she sent back.

A smug grin came over my face. John was a massive prick with a small prick, I laughed to myself.

"What are you doing now Josh, are you looking at my pictures?" she asked.

"Damn right I am, oh boy you're hot," I replied.

"Do you still want to watch some porn?" Nikki sent.

"I don't think I need to now," I answered.

"Do you have Skype or Zoom?" she asked.

"I have Zoom on my laptop, yes," I said, wondering where this was leading.

"Fetch it and get ready then," she said.

I wandered off to get my laptop and then logged it in ready, still not sure what was happening. A couple of minutes later I was looking at Nikki, who'd invited me to a meeting. She told me to put the laptop somewhere it pointed towards my bed, and by the time I'd placed it on my bedside table, she had draped herself across her bed.

"Right, porn time," she said, as her hand strayed between her legs and she groaned loudly.

I watched intently, my cock instantly hardening again. His hand worked between her legs, her back arching, a finger being worked across her clit. She had her eyes closed, then opened them as she stopped touching herself.

"Come on Josh, you too. Nikki needs to watch some porn too or this won't work."

I started stroking my cock, and she bit her lip as she watched. She sat more upright, her hand snaking between her legs again. She groaned again as she watched me via her laptop.

"Mmm, I wish I was there Josh, so I could slide my mouth over it," she said.

My cock jerked in my hand at the thought.

"Oooh, you'd like that wouldn't you Josh. Fuck, this is so naughty," she told me, "what would you be doing?"

"I'd have turned you around so I could be licking those sweet looking pussy lips of yours while you sucked my cock," I told her.

"With fingers inside me too?" she asked, as she thrust two inside herself.

Her head rolled back and forth at the pleasure she was giving herself. I stroked steadily, not wanting to rush a good thing. She opened her eyes, stared at the screen, and shot out.

"Oh god, I'm nearly cumming, oh god oh god oh goddddddd," the last one coinciding with her orgasm shooting through her.

Relaxed after a while, she looked at the screen and told me she needed that. She sat on the edge of her bed, tweaking and twisting her large nipples.

"Back in a second," she said.

I watched as her perfect arse faced me as she walked away from the bed, and bent over by her wardrobe. I could hear drawers opening and closing, then she returned with a lifelike dildo.

"It's only six inches so looks shorter than yours, but it will have to do," she said.

She saw me staring, and looked down at it.

"Do you mind me using it? John doesn't, so I have to keep it under my bottom drawer in case he's goes snooping,"

"If you're going to use it while I watch, then be my guest," I replied.


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