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Meeting My Parents

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I introduce my bf to parents, but he has other ideas.
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At the end of the summer after my freshman year at Oceanview U., I went back to Japan to see my parents. My American friend Debbie came with me, as did my boyfriend Ryosuke. Debbie has long dirty blonde hair, wears blue eye shadow, and is always saying weird things, looking at you to check your reaction. I get her, think she's funny, but not everyone does. My dad thought she was great. He went to school, and worked in the States, so maybe that's why. Then again, Dad always likes my female friends.

I was glad to have both Ryosuke and Debbie with me for the flight over, but they were both strangely quiet. I guess Debbie was thinking about her own Japanese boyfriend in Tokyo, while Ryosuke was trying to be better behaved after teasing me the last time the two of them met. Maybe I'd told Debbie a little too much about the mischief Ryosuke and I get up to, so court was in session, with Debbie the judge. Ryosuke was going to have to get used to that, because he was supposed to meet my parents in a few days, but he doesn't really worry much about that kind of thing.

Ryosuke was dressed in breezey fashion, tanned, wearing his Top Gun sunglasses, a loose fitting steely grey sweatshirt, khaki jeans. He's a handsome guy, funny, confident, fashionable with his frosted tips, but I don't know if that will help him with my parents. My mom wants me to marry someone who went to a good school, someone boring basically. 'Boring' is one thing that Ryosuke is not.

After we landed, we got on the train together, but Ryosuke headed off to his parents' place in Tokyo, while I brought Debbie home to Kamakura to stay with us. Dad seemed pretty pumped to meet her, relishing the chance to practice his English. Mom tried to make her feel at home.

When Dad was off at work, I took Debbie to Tokyo, so she could see her boyfriend, while I snuck off to see Ryosuke, and meet his parents and friends. I'll tell you more about that some other time.

Debbie flew back to Oceanview early, so after that, things settled down at my house. My dad suggested that I invite Ryosuke down, and he would take the two of us and my mom out sightseeing. The Shonan area around Kamakura has tons of beaches, parks and temples, so almost every weekend, my parents head out on these little day trips to explore.

That morning, I got up, and tried to decide what to wear. It was September by then, but it was still pretty warm. I found a sleeveless yellow sundress, fairly mini, but still decent, and decided to go with that. I brought it downstairs to the bath. I checked myself in the mirror. My hair was black and long, my skin fairly pale even though I'd been to the beach a fair bit. I wore lots of sunblock. I'd let my bangs grow in, giving myself a mysterious look(?). Seeing Debbie with her eye shadow made me wonder if I should tweeze my eyebrows, put on some raspberry lip gloss or something. I like to keep my look natural. Ryosuke seems to like me this way, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I had a shower, and then pulled on some undies and this yellow dress. Before we left, I pulled on some socks and black leather lace-up boots for hiking. Didn't really match my dress, but they look cute too, on me at least.

Ryosuke gave me a call when he arrived at Kamakura station, and we headed out to pick him up. My dad drove us down to Zushi, a neighboring town to the south. Zushi is kind of famous for its marina, but we headed through town to Mount Hirou Park on the far side. Hirou means something like 'show off' or 'open your heart.' I guess I must have been there before, but I didn't remember it.

We drove up to the top of the mountain (more like a hill but it's called Mount Hirou), and parked the car. There was a drink machine, so we bought some drinks, and went over, and took a look at the zoo. My mom came over, and chatted with me, but my dad was pretty quiet. Ryosuke was trying to act friendly, but you could tell he didn't really know what to say to my dad. It was going well though I thought. No big problems yet.

Next, my dad wanted to show us the observation platform. On clear days, you are supposed to be able to see Mount Fuji, but it was a bit cloudy that day. We came back, and found the path that leads down to the platform that overlooks the sea. My dad said it was a long walk. Ryosuke wanted to walk down, but my dad wanted to drive, so we split up. My parents promised to meet us at the bottom of the hill.

The path down is quite nice, gently sloping with a soft lawn of grass and woods on both sides. The park is right in the town of Zushi, but you can't really see the town from inside the park. I really enjoy all the greenery in Shonan. It's so peaceful and soothing.

Ryosuke looked pretty happy too. He had a big smile on his face, and held my hand, swinging it cheerfully as we walked down.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked.

"No, it's just you look so cute today."

I laughed, a bit surprised he was so sweet all of a sudden. He really doesn't say things like that so often. We walked down a little ways further, and then he pulled me off to the side to the edge of the trees. He looked deep into my eyes, and then gave me the softest kiss. I was a bit surprised.

"Someone's feeling frisky," I blushed as he tried to kiss me again. I was feeling a bit self-conscious about smooching in this public park with my parents nearby.

"Do you want to...?" he asked leaving the question unfinished.


"You know. Fool around a little." He tried to pull me down onto the grass, but I resisted. I guess I was worried about keeping my parents waiting.

"No, no. Let's just walk, OK?"

He looked kind of disappointed, but he settled down to humor me. We continued down the hillside. The further down we went, the narrower the path became. The woods were kind of closing in on either side of us. I stopped on the stairs, and looked at him, wondering perhaps if this might be a private enough place to make out a little. We hadn't seen anyone at all, since we left my parents. I guess most people don't hike down this far.

"What?" he asked.

"If you have to ask, I'm not going to answer," I giggled. I started running on ahead, teasing him, and he came chasing.

"What are you up to? You little rapscallion," he called after me. The ground was a bit wet. I almost slipped, and fell in the mud. Ryosuke raced down, and caught me. I looked up at him with wide eyes, impressed that he'd come to my rescue.

"I almost fell in the mud there, and ruined my dress," I giggled. I wondered if he might kiss me, but instead he helped me stand back up.

"Yeah, you'd better be careful. It would be a shame to ruin it," he said more seriously.

"It is kind of slippery," I said running the toe of my boot through the mud. I stood with my back to him, looking down shyly at the ground. I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do, but I was starting to feel a bit frisky myself. He must have sensed this because he came closer hovering behind me.

"It is a nice dress," he purred into my ear. I glanced back at him. He was looking at me with this big grin on his face. "Is this how you undo it?" he asked grasping the zipper at the back of my neck.

"Ryosuke, don't," I said softly. He didn't listen though. He pulled the zipper down. "Ryosuke!" I protested more forcefully.

"Just relax. There's no one here," he reassured me. I looked up and down the path. I was true that we hadn't met anyone, but it was broad daylight. Mount Hirou is considered the countryside in Japan, but like Kamakura, they've built retaining walls on the slopes. There are houses wherever it's safe to build, right up to the edge of the park. The people who live here were probably around somewhere.

I kept looking around, but Ryosuke bent over, and started lifting up my dress. I had a bad feeling about this. My parents were probably half way down the hill by now, but I felt a bit anxious about doing anything knowing they were so close by. Ryosuke had pulled my dress all the way up to my bra before I stopped him.

"I don't know...," I objected.

"Yeah, don't worry. We can hide in the woods if anyone comes."

I still wasn't sure this was such a good idea, but he seemed to have his heart set on it, so I raised my arms, and let him take the dress off me. I felt absolutely silly standing here in my underwear. Ryosuke gave me a big grin.

"You look great!" He pulled his camera out of his bag, and then folded my dress, and put it in.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing with my dress?"

"You said you didn't want to get it dirty!" he teased.

I was feeling more and more anxious about the whole situation. I stared back up the path, but it still seemed pretty quiet. I really didn't want to stay out in the open like this though. Ryosuke raised his camera, and took a few quick shots, and then started down the hill.

"Where are you going?"

"It's too dark in the woods here. I just want to go a bit further down where the light is better."

I peered through the trees down the path. There didn't seem to be anyone down there, but I felt silly walking around in my undies. We had done things like this before, but not with my parents so close by. I licked my lips, and pressed my hand against my beating heart.

Ryosuke led me into a small clearing where the sun was beaming down through a space in the trees. I felt so nervous, but Ryosuke started undoing my bra.

"What are you doing?" I squealed.

"Shh. Shh. Relax," he whispered a bit hoarsely. He must have been pretty excited by then. He pulled my bra off as I continued to look around. My breasts were a bit lighter than the rest of my skin, kind of making it obvious I was naked even from a distance. I didn't have that much of a tan, but my tummy was perhaps a bit darker from swimming at the beach. My pink nipples were already standing at attention from the excitement of being naked out here in the middle of this quite public park.

Ryosuke started pulling my panties down. It felt so weird getting stripped naked under the bright mid-day sun. I trimmed my black pubic hair a while back, and it hadn't fully grown back in. There weren't any real tan lines on my naked hips. I felt so self-conscious. I must look quite the sight, so obviously naked in a place I shouldn't be.

"It's National Naked Day, anyway," he grinned.


"Didn't you see the news?"

I just laughed. That would be pretty crazy.

Ryosuke nodded for me to lift my feet, so he could take my panties right off. I was starting to get all excited. He stuffed my undies in his bag, and stood up to give me a kiss. I was getting more and more excited. He slid his fingers between my legs, but I held his hand back, not wanting to start something so out in the open. Ryosuke finally backed off to take some pictures.

I looked down at my naked body. My nipples were pink and sticking way out. The sun was shining on my breasts lighting them up. I batted down my silky black pubic hair, wondering if I should have trimmed it more before coming. I placed one hand on my butt cheek, getting even more excited. I'd better calm down. I had this tingly feeling in my tummy or perhaps a little further down in my nether region, making me feel like I might come.

"Oh god, if my mom saw me, she would freak." For some reason, this thought just got me even more excited. Ryosuke took a few pictures, but he'd kind of lost his head too. He started to undo his own trousers, obviously intending to make love right here in the clearing.

"Oh no. Ryosuke, don't. Not here anyway."

"Where then?"

"Just calm down, OK?" I walked over to him looking into the trees. "Are you sure there isn't someone watching us already?" I asked, worried. He put his arm around me, and narrowed his eyes scanning the bushes with me.

"It's OK. Relax."

I didn't feel relaxed at all. I felt nervous, confused, excited. Ryosuke took my hand again, and led me further down the path.

"Where are we going now?"

"I just want to see what's down this way."

I was shaking so much it was hard to walk. I felt so exposed, so vulnerable.

We kept walking down the path, closer and closer to where my parents must be waiting. Ryosuke squeezed my hand trying to encourage me, but I felt afraid. I felt like someone was watching us. I grasped the good-luck locket around my neck praying for it to keep me safe. Almost in answer to my prayers, the trees closed in over us shielding my naked body from the sun. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about how crazy this all was. I kept covering my mouth, so embarrassed to be walking around naked.

We walked further and further down the path on the hillside. Amazingly we didn't see anyone for the longest time. Could we really be the only ones here? I tried to relax. God, this is the craziest thing. I really shouldn't be doing this, hiking around naked in the park in broad daylight. What have I become? A nature girl? Or one of those wolf girls living in the woods?

Then further down, through the trees, we saw this road up ahead. It seemed to be some sort of highway cutting right through the park. I got Ryosuke to stop, and begged,

"Here. Give me my clothes."

"Let's just make a dash for it."

I hesitated, but Ryosuke started pulling me towards the road. As we neared the edge of the forest, I pulled back hard stopping him again. We peered through the trees looking for cars.

"My parents might be coming down this road!" I squealed genuinely worried.

"Don't worry. They're already at the bottom by now. Come on. Just quick. Let's dash across."

I finally gave in, and we sprinted across as quickly as we could. A car appeared out of nowhere. I don't think it was my parents, but anyway, I dashed into the woods, and ran on down the hill. Slowly, the trees began to thin out, and then almost before I knew it I was out in the open again in this clearing on the edge of what appeared to be a parking lot. I looked around, and realized that we were getting close to the observation platform my dad mentioned. I couldn't see my parents, but I was so worried.

"Oh god, Ryosuke. This is it," I cried out, motioning for him to follow me back into the woods. He took his sweet time coming over. "Hurry up, for heaven's sake. They are probably right there," I hissed pointing towards the lot.

"Maybe I should go check," he joked. "They are probably wondering what's keeping us."

"Give me my clothes back."

"Your parents have seen you naked before," he continued to tease.

"But what about those people back there on the road? They probably saw me, and who knows who else," I cried. This was a major tourist zone in Zushi. "Ryosuke!"

"OK. Alright already. You know you're really cute when you get all worked up like this."

I looked at him peeved, and then finally laughed.

"I can't believe you sometimes."

"No, but seriously, where do you think your parents are? Is that your car?"

I looked out. There were an awful lot of cars in the parking lot. They could be tourists here to check out the observation deck, or they could even be locals. There seemed to be a house or a restaurant or something just to the right of us after the trees stop.

"Is there anyone in those cars?" I asked, worried that people might have seen me already.

"I don't think so. Let me go check."

He left me standing here still naked, while he walked up and down the rows of cars looking for people. I watched as he circled round, and came back.

"Yeah, no people in the cars. The entrance to the hiking course is on the other side there. I think you have to hike a bit to reach this observation deck your dad was talking about. Do you think they headed down that way already?"

"Did you see our car?" I asked.

"Which one is yours?"

I hesitated to step out from the relative safety of the trees.

"Come on out," Ryosuke insisted. "It's fine. There is no one here. I swear."

"What about that house?"

"It's a cafe and bar, but it's closed. There is no one there."

I guess September is the start of the off-season, but I was still worried, especially about my mom catching me naked like this. She'd probably have a fit, and blame Ryosuke. She wouldn't be wrong either. This was his idea.

I moved forward a little, but got afraid when I spotted a big antennae-like tower to our right.

"What's that?" I asked pointing.

"An antennae?"

"You know what it is? It's for Zushi TV."

"They don't have cameras there," he assured me. "Here, let's just nip across to the hiking course. It'll be fine I swear."

I rubbed my eyes. I wanted to be brave, show Ryosuke I could be brave. I'd fooled around before in Kamakura, not usually in such a wide open space though. I cautiously stepped out, terrified actually that someone would come. My head was kind of spiraling. I felt hot, embarrassed, horny I guess. We walked all the way over to the entrance to the course, but I was starting to lose my nerve. My mom and dad were probably right there just ahead of us.

"I think we'd better stop," I finally said. "This is too dangerous."

Ryosuke looked disappointed, but he pulled out my yellow mini-dress, and gave it to me. I quickly pulled it on over my head.

"What about my underthings?"

"You look fine like that," he quipped.

"Oh come on Ryosuke. I'm serious."

"So am I."

I looked down at my dress. Maybe it was long enough to cover my pussy but just barely. Another problem is the thin cotton was so light it tended to billow up in the breeze.

"Ryosuke, I can't meet my parents like this."

"Sure, you can. You look fine."

He set out down the path, and beckoned for me to follow. How I look was one thing, but all this fooling around had set my hello kitty abuzz.

"Ryosuke, I'm... uh..." I couldn't bring myself to say it though. It was just too embarrassing.

"Come on. Your parents are waiting."

Slowly, cautiously, I followed him down the path, my kitty tingling away. My parents weren't at the washrooms nor at this mini-zoo we found. We met some other tourists, and they told us the observation deck was further down. One tourist guy looked down at my thighs as we walked away, making me all nervous that he could see my bare behind.

We finally found the observation deck and my parents. I gently tugged on the hem of my dress trying to make sure I was decent.

"It's nice, eh? The view I mean," my dad said. There were hills of trees to the left and right, and through the gap we could see the Pacific Ocean.

"Yeah, it is nice," Ryosuke agreed. I just stood there trying to hold down my dress while they took pictures. My mom was eyeing Ryosuke, not saying much.

"Are you guys ready for some lunch?" my dad finally said. I was hungry, but I was more worried about my dress. I let mom and dad go first, as we climbed back up the hill. Ryosuke walked behind me, and winked at me when I turned to check his reaction. He apparently likes this dress.

When we reached the top, we all bundled into the car, Ryosuke and I in the back. I kept my legs firmly glued together hoping that my dad wouldn't catch a glimpse of my muff in the rear-view mirror.

We made it to the restaurant alright. It was all white, maybe Italian, right on the bay with these huge picture windows looking out over the yachts and sea. The Maitre d' asked where we'd like to sit. I pointed to a place as far away from the other customers as possible. Unfortunately, it was right by the window. We could see the wooden pier down below running right alongside the restaurant. At a table not far behind us, there was another Japanese family. I pulled my seat in as far as I could, trying to hide my bare legs under the tablecloth. The waiter brought our menus. He was quite polite really. As soon as we were ready, we gave him our orders, and he disappeared off into the back.

"So did you two have a good walk?" my mom asked. I took a bite of bread, and looked over at Ryosuke, not sure how to answer. He spoke up.

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