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Mica Meets Death

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Mica meets death and defies his demands.
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Thank you for reading my story. I love to receive comments, but please don't use a fake email, that is just bullying. Please enjoy, love Mica xx


"What are you two doing up there?" Our mum yelled up the stairs.

"Nothing mum," Now of course that wasn't strictly true, my brother Leo had his hand inside my panties. It is odd that mum was quite happy to let me shag our dad, and for her to shag my brother, but for us to shag each other was strictly taboo. I never understood that.

When I say inside my panties, what I really mean is that his fingers were inside me, inside my panties. He pulled his fingers back, leaving a feeling of emptiness as he left my vagina. I tidied my panties and brushed my skirt down, we had just got into innocent looking positions when mum opened my door and walked in.

"Oh Mica, open your windows, it smells musty in here," she said, wrinkling her nose. As she left Leo licked and sucked his fingers and winked.

"We are just going to have to get out of here bro," I said quietly after mum left. I was fed up of the almost interruptions when I wanted some time with my bro.

I grabbed my phone and headed out the front door, Leo followed, I don't think either of us told mum what we were doing or where we were going. She only seemed concerned about us shagging each other. Bizarre.

Leo and I headed off to the local woods, about a fifteen minute walk away, right on the edge of town. There was a carpark at the entrance and several paths headed off in different directions. We knew our preferred route; it was the path that started alongside a farmers field. The field had a heard of alpacas, they were inquisitive and often came to nose at walkers, and I think that is why that path was little used. We set off and after a while we headed off the path. After about ten minutes we had found our way through undergrowth and were by now well off the beaten path, in the centre of the woods, somewhere there appeared to be no signs that anyone ever visited, apart from us and we never took anyone else there. It was ours. We had gone to our secret place. There was a large tree, its branches spreading its canopy to leave a dappled clearing of just grass beneath it. We liked to come here, and lie in each other's arms, drink a soda, each a sandwich, make love and just generally ignore the world.

We would even come here on rainy summers days, naked, the rain would spit and splut on our backs, warm, not cool, a secret sensation that no one knew we shared. Today was not a rainy day and we kissed as we sat under the shade of the tree, hands gently roaming and exploring each other, his hand up my skirt, teasing at the hem of my panties, mine up his shirt, playing with his man nipples before undoing the belt at his waist. No mum to yell at us here.

His finger found its way inside my panties, sliding along that little area of sensitive skin between my thigh and my labia, my breath catching as he occasionally strayed too far from my thigh and touched my sex, oh so delicious a naughtiness. I pulled his belt apart and undid the clip in his waist, then the button, and then I slowly lowered his zipper. His bulging arousal pressing up as if to reach for the sky.

Another finger found its way into my panties, to my other thigh, and worked beneath my hem, joining its sibling running along my inner thigh, close, perilously close to my sex. I raised my bottom up off the ground, My brother eased my panties down off my hips and as far as just below my knees. His own hips raised, I pulled his trousers and pants down, exposing his hard penis to daylight.

He flicked my skirt up so that I too was exposed, my sex glistening with my arousal, my desire high, my needs higher. We took the rest of our clothes off, here we could be naked. I leant forward and took his penis into my mouth, pushing back his foreskin with my pursed lips, running my tongue over his now revealed sensitive head, sucking at the tiny hole at the end of his skin fold.

He was not being idle, a finger circled my entrance, gently probing my opening. We loved the naughtiness, the taboo of sibling sex, but more than that, we loved each other. Coming here, to an isolated glade in remote woods, gave us the isolation to be together, to be with each other, to not be judged.

He pushed a little deeper inside me, his finger rocking back and forth, widening my opening, readying me for his love making. A second finger joined the first, uncurling as it entered me, widening me even more, my vagina slick and slippery with my secretions, ready for him.

He moved from me, my mouth releasing him, leant over me, his penis pressing at my entrance.

"Yes brother," I whispered, and he plunged forward, his penis entered and without hesitation, was at my depth, filling me, stretching me.

"oh Leo," I gasped as he began to move, his penis leaving me, hovering at my entrance, and then plunging straight back, his movement too fast for me to feel the slow movement of his foreskin within me, it was just a blur of sensations.

His pubis slapped against my mons, the sound lost in the rustle of the leaves on the branches, a crow screeching in the tree above, unamused at our invasion of his space, I cared not, my pressures grew, they increased in my clitoris, increased in my nipples, my fingers clawed at the ground, my toes dug in for purchase as Leo shagged me in our special place.

My pressures built, the electrics began creeping from my clitoris to my nipples, to my toes and to my finger tips. I new I was grunting as he thrust in, gasping with loss as he pulled back, and as I felt his first spurts my orgasm erupted. I screamed, such a loud expression of our love, and my body stiffened, my vagina clamped around his penis, squeezing every last drop from him.

He had shouted too when he climaxed and we lay naked, our love making had been gentle, pleasing, a moment of intense pleasure, then the warmth of the sun making its way through the gaps left us sated, not wanting for anything, just each other.

A figure walked in front of us, how had we not heard him approach? He was wearing a cowled cloak and carrying one of those old-fashioned scythes.

"Go away mister," I said, covering my breasts and groin with my hand.

"WHAT?" The figure said, turning to me, his hood dark, obscuring his face. "YOU CAN SEE ME?"

"Yes, of course I can see you, you are right in front of me, why shouldn't I see you?"


"Well, of course I am mortal," I was getting a little annoyed, "and stop using that stupid tone of voice. Just go away and let us get dressed."

"WHAT, sorry, what tone of voice, and you should still not see me, only him."

"Oh no I am not having that. Why should he see you and not me?"

"Because I am here for him, not for you."

"What do you mean you are here for him? Silly thing to say."

"It is his time, I am here to take him."

It dawned on me. Oh. Was this death? Death himself, come to collect and transport someone, my someone?

"Oh no you don't, he, my brother, is not going anywhere I am telling you that. It is not his time at all."

"You do not have a say in this matter."

"Well, obviously I do as I can see you and obviously I do as I can discuss it with you."

"There is no discussion, I am taking him."

"No you are not. Right. I want Lucy and Peter here now, this is ridiculous. Summon them."


"Yes, Morningstar, stupid name that he has. The Morning Star is Venus, representing the Goddess of Love, not the master of hell, and Peter, get him down here too."


"Do it."

There was the tolling of a bell sounding both distant and near. First Peter appeared, his curly hair looking more like a perm than a natural. A moment later Lucifer showed up, his black goatee contrasting with the naked chinned Angel.

"Oh, you again," said Lucifer.

"Hi Lucy," I said, "hello again."

"What is the problem my child?" Asked Peter. That irritated me.

"I am not your child, and the problem is that he," I pointed to the cloaked figure, "he is coming here to take away my Leo, my Leo who is not ill and has no reason to die."

"You are aware," said Lucifer, "of SUDS, Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome?"

"Of course I am, it doesn't mean I have to accept it. I mean we are all going to die and come to one or the other of you, so why do it suddenly, unexpectedly? I am not taking about accidents, they happen, people die, I am talking when a perfectly healthy person just suddenly dies? Why? Why can't you wait and get them after a reasonable amount of time?"

"Well," said Peter, "then everyone in the Kingdom of Heaven would be old people, and not a good mix of ages."

"Don't be silly," I said, "No one ages, gets older, so it doesn't matter if everyone from now on is, say over sixty. And why do you call it the Kingdom of Heaven, who is the King, why have I never heard of a King of Heaven?"

I heard Lucifer chortle. "Don't you start," I turned and said to him.

"You call yourself the Prince of Darkness, you say that you are in charge of Hell. As far as I knew you were just chucked out of heaven for hating humans, and no one put you in charge. Who elected you? You are all as bad as each other, so who is making up the rules? What happens when you don't follow them? Well?"

"Well now," said Peter. "We appear to have a Guardian amongst us."

"I think you are right," said Lucifer.

"And what is a Guardian?" I asked.

"You," said Lucifer.

"I asked what, not who," I said, 'you really are not so bright' I thought.

"A Guardian," said Peter, "is an Ancient, one that can see us celestial beings."

"Okay, so I can see you, what does that mean and what does the term Guardian mean?"

"You are an arbiter, you decide when there is conflict, you only appear when needed. Your word is final and must be obeyed."

"So, you have a conflict. No, actually, I have the conflict, I am conflicted with what you are doing."

"You decide. You perceive the conflict, summon the parties involved, and then give a decision based on your perception; we abide by it."

This really was getting silly. Was I dreaming? Was I drugged and being taken advantage of? I decided to go with a hunch.

"Okay. There shall be no more Sudden Explained Death Syndromes. Only deaths ascribable to a plausible event, such as cancer, vehicle crash etc, shall be acceptable. As a sub note there shall not be an increase in deaths by accident or illness above the past ten year average."

Was I expecting dissent? I don't know. Had I picked the right confliction? I didn't know that either. None of them argued.

"Is that clear?" I asked.

"YES," I hate that tone of voice.

"Yes" said Lucifer and Peter.

"And my Leo better be okay when you lot go, and he is not going with you."

I must have dozed, awakened by a noisy screeching bird in the tree above. Another crazy dream fleeting in my subconscious. Leo lay next to me, snoring softly, his penis flaccid yet glistening with the sheen of our juices. I looked down, my labia were pink, reddened by the physicality of our lovemaking, I slipped a finger between my lips, a gloopy dribble fell from me onto my finger, evidence of our tryst, if any were needed.

There was a distant bell, tolling, an odd toll, almost a beckoning. The glade seemed to get dark and then a brightness just before me. Oh.

His wings were large and were spread out either side of him. I wondered how he could get his toga on over those wings.

"I am Michael," he said, his voice smooth and instantly comforting.

"Of course you are," I said. I mean, how else do you great an angel?

"You are Mica."

"Yes I am."

"Our names are similar."

"Well, the thing is, mine is actually my name, yours? Is it really Michael?"

"Yes, it is, that is the name I was given."

"Oh, okay then, my apologies. May I ask, why you are here?"

"You have met on more than one occasion with my sworn enemy."

I was tempted to joke and say 'Peter' but probably not wise messing with these supernaturals.

"Lucifer," I said.

"He. Yes."

"He does your bidding."

"It seems so."

"Do you remember before?"

"When do you mean before?"

"Before you were you?"

"Well no. I think my earliest memories are about age 3."

"Not your previous lives?"

"Well, no, I am not aware I had previous lives."

"Some Guardians recall."

"Well, I didn't know I was a Guardian until today."

"Morningstar didn't mention it on your previous meetings?"

"Not that I recall."

"Perhaps my grace could help you recall." His wings seemed to fold up and melt into his body somehow. His toga fell from his shoulders, and he stood naked before me. Oh my. He was a big angel and his penis sort of glowed with a white light as it stood hard and pointing upwards.

"We shall lie together and I shall fill you with my grace."

Well, that was a new way to put it.

"Honestly," seemed an appropriate word, "not really in the mood for more laying, and especially not with someone I have just met."

"I think you misunderstand, I am Archangel Michael, there is no one greater than me to lie with."

"Well, yes, that may be true, but, you know what, I am just going to walk home with my brother. I am done with laying today, and grace? I am already dripping the stuff, you don't want to go there, not before I have showered."

He waved his hand and I felt a brush in my groin. "You are clean."

Crumbs I could do with keeping him around, way to douche!

"Look, Mike, I am flattered and all that, but, no, if you don't mind. Laying with Angels and all that? Not really my thing, especially when I have just had some loving with my brother and stopped DEATH from taking him away. So, no."

He stepped to me and my hand rose to him. He pulled me to my feet and his mouth pressed against mine, our lips opened and he seemed to pour pure joy inside me. I could feel his penis, hard, jutting forward, wanting.

I realised that I felt empty, voided. I realised that I wanted him inside me, filling me, fulfilling my need.

I shook my head and released his hand stepping away, my senses reeling.

"No Mike, no means no." I don't know how I had the mental strength to say that.

"No one says no to an archangel." He said.

"Are you threatening me?" I was actually getting quite cross. "Who do I report you to? You must have a boss that I can make a complaint to."

He stepped backwards and into his toga and it shimmied up his body and retied itself across his shoulders. His wings unfurled with a slight flapping sound.

"There is no need for that," he said, his voice still like comforting velvet. "I accept your rejection."

"Okay, so, we need say no more. Now, what exactly did you want with me, I assume it wasn't to simply have sex with me, you can probably get any girl you want."

"Not any, it seems, no, I wanted to know if you could recall your earlier lives. They might come in useful in the upcoming battle with Lucifer."

"Oh, and when will that be, just so I can prepare?"

"It is at the End of Days, and you do not need to prepare, you will be there."

"Oh, so Decision Day then?"

"Goodness child, no, before then."

Oh such a patronising angel. "I think that you should leave now before I get angry."

There was a brightening of light, a sort of whoosh sound, and he was gone.

Leo rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Oh Mica, I think I have been sleeping and such odd dreams."

I cuddled him, "and what would they be brother?"

"Oh Death, Pearly gates, Devils, Angels, all sorts really odd. I mean, where do all these fantasies come from?"

"I have no idea my love. Let's get dressed and go and have some lunch. If mum and dad are both out I may just have to jump you all over again."

"Who needs lunch?"

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