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Midnight Ch. 05

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Manni makes a discovery.
6.9k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/03/2015
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I must admit, I was a lot happier over the next few weeks to have Nathan around. We both visited Alan and Erica at the flat instead of meeting up at the Green Ginger Man as well. She was soon up and about, although she remained in her nightgown. But I was pleased to see her steadily improve.

When I popped over on my own a few weeks later, Alan was at work and Nathan was in Cheddar Gorge for a short visit, Erica answered the door. She was wearing a nice dress and a fucking huge smile.

"What's flicked your switch?" I asked.

She dragged me inside and said, "The wine's chilled and we have to talk."

As I flopped down on the sofa, it hit me. This was week four. Erica came in from the kitchen carrying a bottle of white and two glasses. My smile was as broad as hers, "Okay," I said, "Spill it! Was it as good as you hoped?"

Erica giggled, "Oh Boy!"

We got absolutely wankered. Alan had to stay at his own flat that night as I, clearly in no fit state to drive, shared the bed with Erica again. This time, we actually did watch Titanic.

Anyway, life went on.

Work continued apace, Nathan was involved with a symposium that was planned for this month, where delegates from all over the country were going to descend on Hull University. According to Nathan it was really just an opportunity for a bit of networking and a piss up with fellow palaeontologists, but it needed a few talks and lectures to lend an air of legitimacy to the proceedings. Obviously as Nathan was heavily involved, then I was too.

Also, Nathan informed me that Diana would be attending and he'd invited her round for an evening whilst she was in town. My only duty with regard to that was to make sure we had plenty of Laphroaig whisky in the house. I bought two bottles, which is just as well. Fuck me! For such a little woman, she can't half knock it back.

Anyway, the Symposium happened, it was a success and I was popular apparently. I'm guessing more for the cleavage than my palaeontological knowledge.

Funnily enough, it was the symposium that put the idea into my head. I spent three days with the world's supply of palaeontologists, and although most of what they said went straight over my head, I understood enough to know that I didn't understand enough, and that I wanted to understand more. I mean I really wanted to understand more.

After all, the brief glimpse I had seen of it all, helping Nathan, reading the text books and the articles. It was a fascinating subject.

We were sat at home working at our desks. I said, "Nathan, what do you think about me going for higher education?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean going for a degree."

He turned to face me, "To be honest, I'm all for it. A good education is a wonderful thing. But it'll be a lot of extra work. Would you be able to handle your job and all the studying?"

"Yes, I think so. I can fit my job around the courses. Long hours I know, but I've never been afraid of hard work."

"What would you study?"

"Easy," I smiled, "Palaeontology. I'm fascinated with it. Also I'd love to be able to understand what you are talking about for more than 10% of the time."


I frowned, "Ah? What do you mean, ah?"

"Midnight, you can't just go into palaeontology. It's a PhD level subject. You need to earn a degree in something else first."

"Like what?"

"Well, general earth science, geology or archaeology, and each one of those takes three years, followed by another year earning your Masters. Then you'd have to spend another three years earning your PhD... And that's if you get accepted. I don't think you understand just how much work is involved, or how expensive it can get."

I was crestfallen, "Oh. I didn't know that."

"I never said it was impossible. I just want you to understand that with a schedule of full time study and working for me, it would be a punishing schedule for at least seven years."

"Ah well. Forget it then."

Nathan gave me a searching stare and then said, "You really wanted to try, didn't you?"

I stared at my computer screen dejectedly, "Yes. I really did."

He grinned, "Then let's at least investigate it properly. Tell you what, you find out exactly what workload you'd have for whichever degree you want to earn and we'll see if we can work something out for you. Okay?"


"Yes. Really... Although there is one thing."

"What's that?"

"It won't be this year, because you'll need to pass your A levels first. You can do that at night school. Get that out of the way, three good passes and then talk to me again about a degree. Deal?"

I beamed, "Deal!"

That put me in a proper good mood, let me tell you!

An investigation of the degrees led me to plump for Archaeology. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to go on digs, so it wouldn't mean extra time away from work, but also it was the one that interested me most.

However, Nathan was entirely correct, I had to complete my A levels before I could even contemplate a university course.

So, that was me signed up for English, Mathematics and History A levels at the night school. It was easy enough really, after all, the only change for me was that I simply had less time to read the unintelligible articles. But I knew that if I did pass my A levels and managed to study for a degree in Archaeology, it would be an entirely different matter.

Busy, busy, but life went on.

One day soon after that, I got a call from Alan asking if we could meet up with him and Erica at the pub that night. Apparently they had some big news for us. I realised that it had been nearly three months since we had a get together and I was embarrassed that I'd allowed things to slide, so I was quick to say yes.

I let Nathan know in no uncertain terms that his presence was expected as well. We had both been all work and no play and both of us needed some down time.

We turned up at the Green Ginger Man to see Alan and Erica already at our table. They waved us over and I could see that they were looking very pleased with themselves. We grabbed our drinks and then joined them. I noticed that Erica had a bottle of sparkling orange juice next to her glass.

The chat flowed as though we hadn't been apart, but there was definitely an excited undercurrent. Finally I couldn't take it any more, "Okay! Something's up and I want to know what it is."

Alan and Erica shared a smile and then Alan coughed and said, "We would like to know if you have any plans for the 10th of next month."

I pulled out my iPhone and checked the calendar, "Nothing that can't be rearranged. Why?"

Erica grinned, "Because I'll need a Maid of Honour and Alan will need a Best Man."

Two jaws hit the table and then it was squeals, hugs, kisses and handshakes all round. Nathan exclaimed, "This calls for a celebration. Who wants a drink?"

Erica quickly said, "Just a sparkling orange for me please."

Surprised, I grunted intelligently,"Eh?"

Impossible as it may sound, her smile became even wider, "I shouldn't drink in my condition."

It took a few moments before her words registered and then my eyes widened and yet again my chin hit the table, "Oh my fucking God! Really? How far along are you?"

"Yes really... About two months."

Then the screaming started.

I'll be honest. Neither Nathan, Alan or I were good for much the following day. Erica of course had no sympathy for us, but I suspect she was just jealous.

As it turned out, the wedding was a very small affair. It took place in a small church on Beverley Road, just along from the Parade. On the Bride's side were me, her mum and her second husband, now Erica's step­father, who I found out later at the wedding breakfast was a butcher from Grimsby, which is where Erica was originally from.

Who knew? I decided not to hold it against her.

Erica's Mum was a lovely woman, but I made it my business to keep on her good side and make sure there were never any blunt instruments within her reach.

On Alan's side were his parents, and a few of his mates who worked security with him. Him and Nathan looked very handsome in old fashioned morning suits with cravats and tail coats, and each of them wore a lilac rose in their buttonhole.

I was dressed in a lovely ivory and lilac dress with a floor length skirt and a rather daring neckline... Okay, I was spilling out of it. Satisfied?

The organist played the introduction to Here Comes The Bride and at the back of the Church Erica appeared on the arm of her step father. I've never seen a man look so proud.

But Erica!

What can I say?

She was a vision in white silk, holding a bouquet of white and lilac roses. Her dress was quite simple, cleanly elegant with a skirt that reached the floor. The bodice hugged her figure and it was long­sleeved with a high neckline. I could see she had a gold locket on a thin gold chain around her neck and her make up and hair were simply exquisite. The whole ensemble was topped with a gauzy veil that draped over her face.

She was achingly beautiful.

Even the jaded hardmen on the other side of the central passage were enthralled as she made her way up the aisle to stand next to Alan in front of the Vicar.

The service was quite short and then we retired to the Swan Hotel for the wedding breakfast.

Nathan made quite a hit with his speech and with the aid of some embarrassing stories supplied by a few of Alan's colleagues, completely destroyed the reputation and character of the groom.

Then everybody (except Erica) got absolutely wankered! My word, but those doormen can put it away!

A few days later, Alan and Erica went away on a two week Honeymoon to Gran Canaria. I have to say, Erica came back with a lovely tan but I couldn't help pointing out that she had a way to go to catch up with mine... Well I laughed anyway.

For Nathan and I, life went on. Oh and I started my A level courses at night school. To be honest I didn't find the extra workload to be too onerous, seeing as I had already done a year's worth of work for them in my youth, and after a few evenings, it all started to come back to me.

I was quietly confident that I'd pass them quite easily. But having investigated the workload for the Archaeology degree, I must admit that I was having second thoughts about it.

It was a normal day in the office, I'd just finished typing up the minutes to the monthly staff meeting and Nathan was reading through a paper that Allison had written, when the phone rang.

I could hear one half of the conversation but wasn't paying much attention. Nathan said, "Hello..? Hi Diana, what are you after..? Really..? Of course I will... When..? I can get there this evening, there should be a pub with rooms nearby... Really? Okay, I'll get there for tonight and be ready to work tomorrow... Yes... Okay, see you later... Bye."

"What was that about?" I asked

"That was Diana, she's asked if I want to help her with something."

"Oh. Okay."

I felt the familiar sensation of a diamond stare burning its way through me, so I turned to face him and asked, "What?"

"Do you fancy coming out on an overnighter?"

"What for?"

"Well, I just thought you might like to see what I do in the field."

I smiled, "Cool! Where are we going?"

"It's at a village about an hour and a half, north of York, called Drydenthorpe."

"That'll be nice. What is it we'll be looking at?"

"Tell you what, let's get home and pack a bag. I don't have all the details, but Diana's going to meet us at the pub where we'll be staying and she can fill us in."

So that's what we did. After we'd packed overnight bags, Nathan told me, "Okay. Dress is walking boots, cords and a warm top. Bring a jumper and a waterproof coat."

"Cords? Do I have to? Can't I wear jeans?"

"No. We always wear cords in the field."

"But I don't want to. Cords don't suit me."

"We don't wear them to make a fashion statement. Besides, I'm sure you'll look lovely."

"They make my bum look big."

"Oh, stop it! You have a lovely bum and they'll set it off nicely."

"Cords smell like warm sick."

He laughed, "They do not, you liar!"

He paused a moment and then said, "Midnight. You wear the cords, or you don't go... Don't you want to see your first real human skeleton?"

That stopped me in my tracks, "Really?"

"Yep. That's what we're going to examine."

"Yeah! But, why cords? Horrible bloody things!"

"Cords are more weatherproof than jeans, if they get wet they aren't as uncomfortable and also, jeans can waterlog and get very heavy. So, cords! Now!"


I wore the cords. When I got back downstairs, I gave him a twirl. Feeling brave I twinkled, "So... Do you really think I have a lovely bum?"

He didn't answer me, but he did blush furiously.

And I was right, new corduroy actually does smell like warm sick.

Anyway, we hit the road a few minutes later, Nathan set the SatNav and after about an hour and a half, we were pulling into the carpark of the Drydenthorpe village pub. I'll be honest, it was a lot bigger than I was expecting and very old. Clearly it was an old coaching house and had one or two outbuildings that I took to be barns and another set on the other side of the main building that was clearly a stable. The sign hanging from a pole by the entrance to the carpark said 'The Hanged Man'... Which was nice.

I was surprised to see such a large set up for what was merely a village pub, but I later found out that it had fifteen rooms, as the area had several tourist attractions, as well as many tracks and trails that were very popular with hikers and mountain bikers. In fact business was so good, the landlord was thinking of converting the barns into more accommodation. The stable was a listed building, as was the main public house, so no changes could be made to it.

Diana met us at the front door and led us into the public bar. After we'd booked a couple of rooms, we settled down at one of the tables. It was distressed, as was every other stick of furniture in the place.

The walls were bare stone and there was a huge fireplace with a cast iron frame for holding the coal as it burned. The walls were decorated with the world's supply of horse brasses and the bar had several pewter mugs hanging from hooks above it. I didn't know if they were purely decorative or if they belonged to regulars.

Diana said, "Right. There's a huge spur called Offa's Finger that runs east to west just north of the village. It's a lot bigger than the others, most of which are about five or six miles long and maybe half a mile wide. Offa's Finger is nearly fourteen miles long and over two miles across at it's widest. Anyway, a local farmer owns some land that reaches across it and he let a mining company blast their way in."

"Why?" I asked.

"Apparently, their surveyors thought that there could be some minerals or possibly even coal in it. So they blew a huge lump out of the side, about 400 metres long and about 100 metres in. Then they dug it out. Turns out the surveyors were wrong and they found bugger all."

Nathan said, "The farmer let them destroy his field?"

Diana replied, "He wasn't using it. Apparently no good for crops and the side of the finger is too steep anyway, even if it was. The only grass that'll grow there is useless for grazing. So he just left it fallow and collects the EEC subsidies. Anyway, after the miners all buggered off, he went to have a look at it all, and found a human skull embedded in the side of the scar about two metres down from the upper edge. The police have already been informed and they've posted a guard up there. They've also marked out a path with mine tape. Then they called me."

I was surprised, "Why did they call you? Why not CSI or Quincy or whoever."

Nathan grinned, "Midnight, it works like this. If human remains are found in these circumstances, the police cordon the area and then call in the experts at retrieving them... The palaeontologists. We examine the remains and determine the age. If it's more than a hundred years old, we get it. If it's less than a hundred years old, its treated as a suspicious and Forensics get the job. But either way, it'll be down to us to dig it out... It's what we do."

"Oh I see."

Diana nodded and then reached into her coat pocket for a small plastic bag. I saw that it contained a rusty and discoloured brooch of some kind.

She said, "I've already been up and had a quick look and I found this. It's a cloak pin and I estimate 9th century, probably Jute, but definitely Saxon."

Nathan took the bag and examined it closely, "Not really my area, so I'll take your word for it."

Then he passed it to me so I could have a look as well. To be honest, it didn't look like much to me, so I just passed it back to Diana.

Nathan asked, "What about permission?"

Diana replied, "I've had a chat with the farmer and he's agreed to let us dig up whatever we want, as long as we don't go south of the wooden fence that separates the Finger from his grazing fields."

She grabbed a menu from a wooden stand on the next table and smiled, "Anyway there's nothing to do tonight, so we may as well grab a meal and possibly a drink or two."

The next morning, bright and early found us pulling into a huge field with a wooden fence running from the road to the distance in the west. Most of the ground on the north side of the fence was churned up, clearly the result of heavy tracked machinery and huge dump trucks being driven over it. The ground where we were was fairly flat, but to the north I could see the steep slope up the side of Offa's Finger as it disappeared off in both directions, east and west, as well as the huge, gaping scar that had been blasted out of it.

There was a police transit van parked up, containing two very bored­looking policemen. Diana wandered over to them and provided her credentials as well as, I assume, vouching for Nathan and I. She was carrying a large backpack and Nathan had his leather roll pack that contained his trowels and brushes.

We made our way to the eastern edge of the scar, following a path that had been marked with white mine tape strung between metal poles that had been jammed into the ground. As we reached the blast area, I could see that it had been dug out almost flat, but the edges followed a sharp curve leading up to the top of the spur, and there was a trail marked out from the corner where we stood that followed as shallow a path as possible up to the top.

When we got there I saw my first ever real, live human skull... Well not live, but you know what I mean.

I'll be honest, it freaked me out just a bit. It's a strange thing to look at a wall of earth and stones and see a the face of a skull peering back at you.

Nathan started examining it closely as he unrolled his tool pack, whilst Diana shrugged off her back pack and then squatted down to dig out what equipment she needed.

"So," I asked, unable to draw my eyes away from the eerie sight before me, "What happens now?"

Nathan selected a trowel and answered, "We'll carefully dig around the skull and remove it from the soil, then we'll test the age before we do anything else."

"How do you do that?"

Diana answered, "Well, I've brought my sonic screwdriver and I'll use it to send a graviton pulse through the warp engines, so the Cylons can check that the photon torpedoes are in sync with the Bat Utility Belt."

Okay so she didn't say that... But she may as well have, for all the fucking sense she made to me!

Nathan patted his pockets briefly and then glanced at me, "Midnight, could you do me a favour? Nip back to the car and get my notebook, please. I left it in the glove­box."

I nodded, "No problem."

His attention returned to the partially uncovered remains, "Thanks."

I made my way back down the path and along the track towards the car. I glanced down as I was walking and something caught my attention. I stopped and took a closer look at a small round protrusion in the hard packed earth. As I examined it, I noticed another similar rounded lump nearby, and then another, and another. They were all the same and were equally spaced. I scuffed away the soil between two of them with my foot, and saw that they were connected by what looked like a narrow, curved plate of... something.


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